The Sins Invalid Performance Project by Lam & Berne

The film evoked a wide range of emotions in me, and I felt both shocked and enlightened while watching it. I was surprised by how Lamm and Berne (2013) expressively revealed the topic of sexuality in the film. This approach and style are quite extraordinary and brave for modern cinematography. At the same time, this film was insightful for me because it made me look at the concept of beauty and aesthetics from a completely different point. I believe that the filmmaker was trying to elicit a feeling of empathy from the viewers.

I mostly engaged with the aspect of the film that opens the topic of the lives of people with disabilities. It is usually considered that people with disabilities, both physical and mental, cannot be a complete part of society since they are limited in their actions, opportunities, etc. However, the story behind the film demonstrated that disabled people, despite discrimination, are capable and beautiful. I think that this particular part of the work is powerful, and I will remember it.

The key themes in the film are the concepts of beauty and how people with disabilities and people with different sexuality, race, and appearance do not need to fit into those concepts. I think that the filmmaker did not aim to make them clear. By that, I mean that the film is mostly made from visual aspects, which makes the audience think and analyze what they have watched. Yet, the main idea of the film was delivered, and the key themes were disclosed.

This film will definitely have an impact on people’s perception of people with disabilities. It forces the viewer to look at what they think of beauty in a broader, completely new way. The work is thought-provoking and meaningful at the same time.

Generally, I think that this film is not for the mass audience since it may contradict the mindset of many. However, this film made me think of how fairly society treats people with disabilities. The film changed my worldview because after watching it, I think I changed my perception of beauty standards.


Lamm, N. & Berne, P. (2013). Sins Invalid [Film]. New Day Films.

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