The Truth about Mass Murders. The Study on Mass Killers

President Trump’s declaration that mass killers are mentally ill monsters is both convenient and misleading. The heinous acts of such people could be out of a psychotic disorder or uncontrolled anger. The study on mass killers indicates that only 20% of individuals had psychotic illness, and the other 80% had no such conditions and were relatively sane (Friedman, 2019). Their actions were due to anger, jealousy, and stress that trigger uncontrolled responses.

The research conducted by Dr. Michael Stone and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) showed that a larger percentage of mass killers do not suffer psychotic conditions (Friedman, 2019). Therefore, the author was able to deduce that people experiencing ordinary emotions are capable of conducting heinous acts of violence. They do not demonstrate psychotic symptoms to qualify their actions.

Thesis: Mass killers are often ordinary sane people triggered by such emotions as anger to perform heinous acts and are not always mentally ill. Stressful events can induce dreadful emotions that induce unreasonable acts. In certain circumstances, individuals act without thinking and become regretful after damage has occurred.

One of the issues demonstrated by mass killers is immigration. They claim there is a plan to separate America into racially distinct areas and that foreigners are replacing indigenous people. Trump himself echoed the same, saying that an invasion of the foreigners was rising.

It is still difficult to predetermine events of mass killers or violence acts. These individuals avoid exposing their behaviors publicly under normal circumstances. It is hard to read their minds and interpret their emotions and what they are about to do.

More effective policies in dealing with mass killers other than advocating for mental health programs encompass gun control. This includes integrating a surveillance system for security checks to monitor behaviors that pose danger to others. The move could intensify extreme risk protection orders by early detection of violent acts and informing precautions.


Friedman, R. A. (2019). The truth about mass murderers. The New York Times OPED. Web.

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