Each woman tries to find her unique style in the world of fashion. Still, having completed a difficult journey in order to find the exclusive style, many women choose to follow well-known standards and images, such as ‘Femme Fatale’, ‘Ingenue’, ‘Siren’, or ‘Girl Next Door’. Moreover, they see such perfect examples to follow as the images of world-known celebrities. This article answers the question about why women select the styles of ‘Femme Fatale’, ‘Ingenue’, ‘Siren’, or ‘Girl Next Door’ and what is the fashion background.
In the vivid streets of cities, everyone can observe different fashion styles followed by women. According to Chakrabarti, these females can be divided into many groups, and the most impressive and provocative women types are ‘Femme Fatale’, ‘Ingenue’, ‘Siren’, and ‘Girl Next Door’, just because this type is opposite in relation to the previous ones (Chakrabarti 2009, p. 54). In addition, Pamela Gibson, a specialist in the celebrities’ style, states that these patterns are also followed by many stars (Gibson 2012, p. 22). In order to understand how those females, who chose these images, see the world around them and fashion standards, it is necessary to ask the vivid representatives of these groups some questions. The following questions were discussed:
- What is your style?
- Whom can you mention as the ideal is this style?
- What is your favorite element of the clothes?
- What is your favorite perfume?
- How often do you do your shopping?
- What shops and brands do you prefer?
- Is it important for you to be dressed like a star?
- How do men discuss your style?
The provided answers were not unexpected or surprising, and they allowed completing the full image of Femme Fatales, Ingénues, Sirens, and Girls Next Door. In order to understand what fashion standards and ideals are followed by Femme Fatales, Ingénues, Sirens, and Girls Next Door in the real life, a short discussion of these types based on the answers to questions should be provided to find patterns and determine trendsetters in this sphere.
Femme Fatale
A very attractive woman who is discussed by men as a ‘problem’, ‘disaster’, and ‘threat’. This female is also often referred to as a vamp because she does not leave any chance for a man to survive after their meeting. The secret is in fitting black clothes and languorous eyes. It is possible to meet femme Fatales in the streets and identify them because of fitting black suits, extremely high heels, and red lipsticks. These women do not prefer extravagant dresses, in spite of the fact that they do shopping regularly. While doing shopping, they seek the most attractive red and black clothes and impressive perfumes. Armani is their usual choice.
The example followed by asked Femme Fatales is Eva Green in Casino Royale.

A very naive young woman who is associated with innocence and flowers. Her clothes are colorful and decorated with many ruches. In the streets, ingénues attract attention because of simple, but nice dresses and blouses. These women are usually dressed like ‘angels’: light dresses and skirts moving by the wind. Much attention is paid to the white color and light perfumes to make necessary accents. Men prefer these women because of their emphasized femininity.
The example followed in the everyday life is Taylor Swift.

A seductive woman. Her beauty and charm make men helpless, and they are ready to follow her everywhere in order to receive a chance to be close to her. The secret is in very seductive clothes. These women prefer extravagant clothes and do shopping very often because of seeking Dolce & Gabbana dresses. Much attention is paid to the make-up and red lipstick. These secrets always work to attract men’s attention.
The followed example is Marilyn Monroe.

Girl Next Door
This woman is known to every man because she was living in the house next to his or she works in the same office, but they do not know the names of each other. These women do not try to attract people’s attention with provocative clothes. Their secret is in their honesty and kindness. These females prefer simple dresses and jeans. It is unnecessary to dress for a long period of time and do shopping regularly because the pair of jeans is always in the wardrobe of these girls. In addition, men like them because of their inner world, rather than because of their appearance. Much attention is paid to the hair and shirts.
The example which is actively followed by these girls in the everyday life is Gwyneth Paltrow because she is common and charming. Her smile is more important than her seductiveness. This is rule is followed by most Girls Next Door because they do not like to be different.

Chakrabarti, N 2009, My wonderful world of fashion: a book for drawing, creating and dreaming, Laurence King Publishing, London.
Eva Green 2014. Web.
Gibson, P 2012, Fashion and celebrity culture, Berg Publishing, New York.
Gwyneth Paltrow 2014. Web.
Marilyn Monroe 2014. Web.
Taylor Swift 2014. Web.