The United States’ Cultural Profile

The USA, the second-largest country in the world, is made up of a mixture of massive urban centers and vast plains with few populations and stunning natural scenery. Likewise, the United States has a wide variety of cultures, and “Due to the large number of immigrants that make up the population, America is very much a multilingual nation” (Comesceo Global, 2021). Washington, DC, is the capital of the USA. Christian religion makes up the majority, followed by Judaism and Islam. The average lifespan is 74 years for men, and for women, it is 80 years. Other languages, including Spanish, Chinese, and French, are spoken in America due to the country’s size and 50 distinct states. To some observers, Americans can be arrogant, egotistical, and disrespectful. This is a result of the American communication style, which is inspired by the requirement to communicate in a straightforward, precise, open, and honest manner. I have noticed such patterns in my own communication style as well, and I believe American culture highly values concise communication. I have considered indirect, coded contact that depends on body language confusing and superfluous. Compared to many other cultures, Americans are significantly more forthright with their questioning and willing to talk about private matters, though it does not prevent inevitable linguistic and cultural miscommunications. Therefore, working on better ways of communication would be the right way to amend possible complications.

Cultural miscommunications and misinterpretations are caused by flaws in the education of the US. They underline how crucial it is to recognize cultural variances when traveling or seeking employment. One of the examples shows that “an American oil rig supervisor in Indonesia shouted at an employee to take a boat to shore. A mob of outraged workers chased the supervisor with axes” (Cultural Misunderstandings, 2001). The importance of coexistence is emphasized in traditional Indonesian culture. Shouting or slamming doors are considered highly offensive open demonstrations of anger.

Low cross-cultural awareness produces various adverse effects, some serious and some humorous. It is crucial for cross-cultural understanding to be viewed as a required investment in today’s global economy to avoid standard translation and localization errors.


Commisceo Global. (2021). Country culture guides. Web.

Cultural Misunderstandings (2001). Web.

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