The Waterfall and the Agile Methodologies for Application Development: Differences

Creating and developing an application is a multistep and complex process that requires knowledge and a particular scheme. Different approaches and strategies are used to create efficient and operable software successfully. Methodologies help to plan out the whole software development life-cycle, and each method promotes different aspects of the work. In this essay, the agile and waterfall methodologies will be analyzed and compared. The differences between the two previously mentioned methodologies can determine which one is preferable and profitable for application and software development.

The waterfall model is one of the earliest and traditional methodologies for software development. The distinctive feature of this model is a rigid sequence of steps. It is usually used for developing programs that are very small or do not have particular requirements. The stages of the model go strictly from understanding the needs to deployment. The agile methodology is a software development scheme represented by a shorter life-cycle and prioritizing customer feedback by modifying the application in the next step. The single stage is relatively short, but there are multiple of them.

. Research and surveys showed that agile models are more efficient due to profitability (Khoza & Marnewick, 2020). The most significant difference that makes both methods different is the emphasis, which explains such results. The agile model focuses on delivering the end product to their clients to increase business value and make sure they are satisfied with the result. At the same time, the waterfall methodology puts emphasis on implementing the requirements. All necessary instructions are listed prior to designing the application, leading to clearly defined steps and predictable cost and schedule.

To conclude, agile and waterfall methodologies differ from each other to a large extent. However, the main difference is that they follow different aims and are highly scenario-based. In general, all of them are designed to organize resources, estimate the time and costs of the project, and, more importantly, manage and minimize risks that the creator might encounter on such endeavor. However, the agile methodology is more efficient and easier to manage, making it popular among highly competitive organizations. Nonetheless, the agile model is still applicable in corporations facing minimum or no rivalry from other companies to deliver their product faster and with minimum resources wasted.


Baltzan, P. & Phillips, A. (2019). Business driven information systems (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill.

Khoza, L., & Marnewick, C. (2020). Waterfall and Agile information system project success rate – A South African perspective. South African Computer Journal, 32(1), 43-73. Web.

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