The West Milford Township School District’s Environmental Problems


The environmental scan of the West Milford Township School District in New Jersey has identified several problems or factors that need to be addressed. Some main issues include poor air quality, water quality, and school waste management, which must be addressed using appropriate methods. There are concerns regarding using hazardous materials, lack of environmental education, and insufficient green spaces in the school district. These issues affect the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff and have long-term environmental consequences. In addition, these problems may negatively impact students’ academic performance, the rate of student enrollment, the ability to attract qualified professionals, and the school district’s overall reputation.

Literature Review

Environmental sociology, sustainability education, and risk perception are key themes in the literature on school environmental issues. This literature review will examine the work of five authors to identify the factors that contribute to environmental problems in schools and the strategies that can be used to address them. Dunlap and Catton (2020) claim that environmental problems are social, cultural, and physical. They emphasize the need for a holistic approach to environmental issues that considers the social and cultural factors that contribute to environmental problems. The authors stress the importance of sustainable development, which they define as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Dunlap & Catton, 2020, p. 56). Roberts and Hodgson (2019) take a comparative perspective, arguing that education has a critical role in promoting sustainable development. They propose a framework for integrating sustainability into school curricula emphasizing experiential and inquiry-based learning, and they offer practical suggestions for incorporating sustainability into different subject areas.

The role of risk perception in environmental decision-making is crucial in appropriate resource allocation. Satterfield and Slovic (2021) argue that various factors, including social norms, media coverage, and personal experience, shape people’s perceptions of risk. The authors stress the importance of understanding these factors to develop effective strategies for addressing environmental risks. Bowers (2019) and Alsarhan et al. (2021) argue that education can be a powerful tool for promoting environmental and social justice. They state that there is a need for a critical approach to education that challenges dominant cultural norms and values and empowers communities to take action to protect the environment and promote social change. Huang and Cai (2020) focus on the design and operation of green school buildings. They argue that green buildings can provide various benefits, including improved air quality, energy savings, and enhanced student performance. The authors provide practical guidance for designing and operating green school buildings and emphasize the importance of involving students and staff in the process.

Overall, the literature suggests that school environmental problems are complicated and multifaceted and that handling them requires a holistic and interdisciplinary approach. Problem solvers must consider several factors and their impacts before making the final decision. Experts should be consulted to avoid confusion and reduce the risks of making misinformed decisions. Sustainability education, risk perception, and green building design are among the strategies that can promote environmental awareness and protect the health and well-being of students and staff.

Planning Model

To deal with the environmental problems in the West Milford Township School District, a planning model should be developed that includes several steps. First, a needs assessment should be conducted as a thorough assessment of the environmental problems in the school district, including air quality, water quality, waste management, and use of hazardous materials. This phase can help reveal the specific challenges that need to be addressed to devise the appropriate strategies to address the issues. Second, goal setting should be done to establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for improving the environmental performance of the school district.

The third step should be actively planning to develop a comprehensive action plan that includes specific strategies and activities for achieving the goals. Such action should include implementing green building design and operation, promoting environmental education, and improving waste management practices. The fourth step should be an implementation which involves the execution of the action plan, including providing training and resources to stakeholders. Finally, regular evaluations should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the action plan and make necessary adjustments. Constant monitoring and examining the process are crucial during implementation because they allow real-time adjustments to avoid resource wastage.

Changes Expected

The implementation of a comprehensive school improvement change initiative can lead to both expected and unexpected changes, as well as their consequences. Expected changes in the West Milford Township School District may include the adoption of sustainable practices for waste management, improved air, and water quality, and increased awareness of environmental issues. Furthermore, implementing green building design and operation practices can reduce energy and water consumption, promote the health and well-being of students and staff, and decrease the school’s carbon footprint (Salmenperä et al., 2021). However, the initiative may have unintended consequences, such as resistance from stakeholders who may be opposed to the changes or lack the necessary knowledge or resources to implement them. Additionally, financial and logistical challenges in implementing and sustaining the changes may require ongoing support and collaboration from all stakeholders.

Unexpected changes may arise due to the initiative’s implementation, such as alterations in student behavior, curriculum design shifts, or faculty and staff roles and responsibilities. Unexpected adjustments should be embraced by avoiding resistance and trying to find the best strategies to solve the problems. These changes can have positive or negative consequences for the school district, and it is essential to monitor and evaluate the initiative’s impact over time to ensure that it is effective and sustainable.


The West Milford Township School District faces several environmental problems that require immediate attention. These issues can critically impact the well-being of students, staff, and the community. The district can address these challenges and improve the learning environment by implementing a comprehensive school improvement initiative incorporating a planning model and evidence-based strategies. The literature review highlighted that environmental problems in schools could adversely affect students’ health and academic performance and identified strategies that have successfully addressed these issues in other school districts. The planning model proposed in this analysis provides a framework for developing and implementing a comprehensive school improvement change initiative that is tailored to the specific needs of the West Milford Township School District. Specificity is crucial in this case because the problems need actual and specific solutions. The changes expected as a result of the change plan include improvements in the physical environment of the schools, increased awareness of environmental issues among students, staff, and the community, and better academic outcomes for students. However, it is important to note that unforeseen consequences may arise due to the change plan. The problem solvers should be prepared with alternative strategies for handling unexpected changes. It is crucial to monitor the plan’s implementation and be prepared to make adjustments as needed.


Alsarhan, L. M., Alayyar, A. S., Alqahtani, N. B., & Khdary, N. H. (2021). Circular carbon economy (CCE): A way to invest CO2 and protect the environment, A review. Sustainability, 13(21), 11625. Web.

Bowers, C.A. (2019). Revitalizing the commons: Cultural and educational sites of resistance and affirmation. Lexington Books.

Dunlap, R.E., & Catton, W.R. (2020). Environmental sociology. Routledge.

Huang, Y., & Cai, J. (2020). Green school building design and operation. Elsevier.

Roberts, M., & Hodgson, A. (2019). Sustainable education: Re-visioning learning and change. Routledge.

Salmenperä, H., Pitkänen, K., Kautto, P., & Saikku, L. (2021). Critical factors for enhancing the circular economy in waste management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 124339. Web.

Satterfield, T., & Slovic, P. (2021). Risk, uncertainty, and the environment. Routledge.

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