Boosting Growth: Customer Service in Therapeutic Alliance

Problem Statement

Customer service prioritization is the pillar of growth in any organization (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt & Zablah, 2014). Statistics indicate that thirty percent of all businesses fail to succeed because they do not focus on customer service satisfaction (Beckers, Risselda & Verhoef, 2014). Consequently, there is a need for businesses to institute customer-service satisfaction methods as part of their operations. The general business problem is that managers in the Therapeutic Alliance set up an organization without adequate preparation in customer service satisfaction. The specific business problem is the lack of customer-service management skills in the Therapeutic Alliance, and this can reduce the organization’s ability to succeed.

Purpose of the Statement

This paper will explore the problem of lack of customer-service management skills in the Therapeutic Alliance and its impact on the establishment’s performance. The paper will focus on various methods of customer-service management skills that are employed in the Therapeutic Alliance, a community health center that is based in Miami, Florida. The research for the paper will focus on the health center’s management team and feedback from customers who have sought services from the establishment. The quantitative study requires the use of questionnaires and data analysis to establish customer service skills that are important to the growth of the Therapeutic Alliance. The study will employ the non-equivalent group experimental design to collect data from various departments within the Therapeutic Alliance. In addition, the report will also use the regressional-discontinuity design to focus on the departments that have the most significance to customer service. After the study is completed, it will reveal the customer service management skills that can further Therapeutic Alliance’s goals of serving the Miami community in a better manner.

Nature of Study


This study will utilize quantitative research methods. Data will be collected using questionnaires that would be filled by both employees of the Therapeutic Alliance and their customers. The data that is collected through the questionnaires will consequently be processed using a software program to eliminate instances of error (Creswell, 2013). The results of the study will then be analyzed and discussed in the report. The quantitative research method was favored over other techniques because it eliminates instances of inaccurate data and satisfies the study’s hypothesis. This method also purifies the sample’s pool because it eliminates instances of victimization within the study’s participants.


The design of this research is exploratory. Exploratory research design addresses the problems of uncertainty that are likely to arise in the course of this study. This design also deals with the fact there is limited research on this subject. In addition, the subject matter lacks structure and it is highly flexible hence, the need for exploratory research design (Kaplan & Duchon, 2008). Exploratory research will identify the limits of customer-service management skills and the variables that dictate its success in organizations.

Research Question

What customer-satisfaction skills are most valuable to Therapeutic Alliance?


Beckers, S. F. M., Risselda, H., & Verhoef, P. C. (2014). Customer Engagement: a new frontier in customer prioritization. Handbook of Service Marketing Research, 8(2), 97-120.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. New York: Sage publications.

Kaplan, B., & Duchon, D. (2008). Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in information systems research: a case study. MIS quarterly, 571-586.

Wetzel, H. A., Hammerschmidt, M., & Zablah, A. R. (2014). Gratitude versus entitlement: A dual process model of the profitability implications of customer prioritization. Journal of Marketing, 78(2), 1-19.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 12). Boosting Growth: Customer Service in Therapeutic Alliance.

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StudyCorgi. "Boosting Growth: Customer Service in Therapeutic Alliance." December 12, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Boosting Growth: Customer Service in Therapeutic Alliance." December 12, 2020.

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