Third-Sector Organizations and Their Community Services


Third sector organizations are a diversity of organizations that are neither in the private sector nor public sector. These organizations unequivocally exist to benefit a diversity of individuals in a community with common interest (Hasan & Onyx 2008, p. 26). These organizations have three distinct qualities in common; independent of government support, value-driven, and reinvestment of available resources in pursuit of the set goals.

Unlike other organizations, third sector organizations exclusively prefer reinvestment of profits to the distribution between the organization members. Some of the third sector organizations include volunteer organizations, technical, trade and professional associations, academic organizations, foundations and consortiums.

Fabric reinforcement

Third sector organizations have been linked to the development of the community. This is because of their well known offering of cheap labor and reinforcement of the social fabric in the rural areas (Gunn 2004, p. 45). In advocating for observance and reconsideration of the less advantaged individuals in the society, third sector organizations create room for advancement in the rural areas leading to the creation of employment opportunities. In addition, both third sector organizations and civil society take place in the regions that are not well served by either the government or private sector (Bar & Gidron 2009, p. 221). To fulfill their purpose, third sector organizations channel resources to the civil societies, which carry the responsibility of serving the disadvantaged individuals within the community.

Volunteer organizations

In coping with urgent situations and disasters at free or minimal cost, volunteer organizations lead to the creation of the spirit of devotion among individuals in the society (Paul & Robert 1992, p. 111). Volunteer organizations meet these by creating public trust through acting effectively and responding rapidly to the critical situation in the society without requiring payment. The conduction of the disaster education alongside with education performance also significantly leads to the regeneration of the civil society that plays crucial roles in enhancing the coexistence of well being of individuals from low class families. In addition, through their inoculation of local touch, identification of the areas of interest within the societies in which to input support becomes easy, hence easy regeneration of civil society.

Voluntary and community organizations also contribute significantly towards welfare status of a given society. They achieve this through involvement in connecting individuals within the society and modernization of public sector. Third sector organizations also link the public to the government and private sector, hence leading to the solving of the economic problems encountered in the communities. In addition, the divergent approach of third sector organizations to all individuals in the community regardless of social status contributes significantly to the improvement of welfare status in the society (Anheier & Seibel 1990, p. 241).

Development and investment in disadvantaged communities

Voluntary and community organizations contribute substantially to the achievement of amicable relations between individuals in the communities. However, this role is underscored in the disadvantaged areas of the community, to solve this, the third sector organizations unite individuals through bridging of social capital via development and investment in disadvantaged communities.

Through improving communication between the private and public sector, third sector organizations manage to enhance the financing of the civil societies that leads to development of some infrastructure that brings people together enhancing promotion of amicable relationships within communities. Creation of enterprises, community organizations and partnerships play crucial roles in enhancing effective communication among individuals in the society, leading to the advancement of the disadvantaged communities (Berman & William 2001, p. 185).

On the other hand, many enterprises have been found to be resulting from interactions and negotiations made by individuals forming up the third sector organizations. Observed differentiations at the society level have also some links to the partnership experienced at the civil society, therefore; third sector organizations contribute tremendously towards inoculation of the spirit of socialization among individuals in the society leading to the regeneration of the civil society.

Working together of individuals

Current societies are prone to changes both in terms of economic standards and norms that lead to the emergence and persistence of differences between communities. However, with the recruitment of the third sector organizations people from different backgrounds may develop the spirit of working together leading to the mixing of individuals across their ethnic divisions. The third sector organizations may also manage to regenerate the conducts of the society members to the appropriate norms through holding negotiations and discussions. In addition, third sector organizations may play prominent roles in rejoining the systems or bodies that operate on separate entities by advocating for equality in individuals, and in acquaintance of services.

Social networking

Advancement of the societies depends on the relationship that coexists among individuals within the community. Lack of friendly communication between society members makes the sharing of ideas and core values become a critical problem. Many societies are also prone to indulging in persistent conflicts due to lack of sound social relations among themselves. However, third sector organizations play crucial roles in enhancing advancement of the social relation through the creation of social networking tools. For instance, apart from social networking enhancing the coexistence of the relationship between civil societies and social orders, it also plays a significant role towards management of conflicts by addressing social consequences with the goal of building and manifesting peace.

Cooperative and communication organizations

Spatial segregation among individuals in the society contributes significantly to declining cross-community integration leading to loss of trust between the members of the communities involved. However, third sector organizations contribute enormously to the regeneration of the civil society through enhancing togetherness via cooperatives and communication organizations. In addition, third sector organizations play the role of identifying the areas, with association problems, hence enhancing togetherness among individuals.

Friendly cross communication among individuals

Success of societies relies tremendously on the channels of communication between individuals in a given society. Failure of coexistence of friendly associations among individuals in a given society leads to cropping of unsolvable problems. Third sector organizations solve this by enhancing effective and friendly cross communication among individuals with a common interest, hence leading to the advancement of the civil society (Osborne 2008, p. 277).


Individuals also opt to be creative for the society. Creativeness among individuals in the society translates to self realization, which may lead to development of gratis and open source software that links diversity of individuals in a given organization. However, for the advancement of the society to take place, individuals opt to have the spirit of sharing skills freely without having quest for reciprocation. Third sector organizations enhance creativity by advocating and preaching the essence of togetherness among individuals through inoculating research methods to enhance the availability of materials to all persons regardless of their race, religion or their economic status.

Individual self organization

Third sector organizations also play crucial roles in enhancing that individuals self organize their selves without mandate. They achieve this by granting individuals the chances of sharing their interests and needs (Philips 2009, p. 164). Apart from the third sector organizations playing a crucial role in bringing a diversity of people together to solve issues, they also strap up people’s zeal and energy to a common point leading to formation of organizations that contribute to the regeneration of the civil society (Bar et al 2003, p. 141).

Implementation of social policies

Traditionally, majority of the European nations engaged in economic affairs with disregard to the social issues. Individuals involved in business tended to be concerned of material possessions at the cost of social relations. However, this concept began to change in the early 1990s under the reign of Jacques Delors. During his presidency, Jacques Delors advocated for the implementation of social policies that involved individual engagement with civil society. The ruling from Delors led to not only coming together of individuals but also enhanced effective communication among them leading to the establishment of the welfare services (Acheson 2004, P. 140).

Challenges facing third sector organizations

Alongside the vast and extraordinary contributions of the third sector organizations to the civil society and the welfare, they undergo a diversity of challenges. Among the challenges include rising of funds, struggling with small charities, demonstrating their impacts, uninformed public, location of sites to input charities for the achievement of success and identification of when infrastructure investments portray a difference.

Accumulation of funds raise

Accumulation of funds is one of the greatest challenges third sector organizations face. Despite their free offering of services to the community, third sector organizations require growth of their income to enhance their success (Billis 2010, 56). There are three ways that third sector organizations use to raise their funds. These include, voluntary donations, running social enterprises, or provided grants. However, all these methods of raising funds are not reliable because they do not assure the organizations of the income streams.

Struggling of small organizations

Small organizations experience a diversity of problems; lack of capital reserves is the main problem. Growing third sector organizations lack brand names to enable them convince people into financing them. In addition, the disagreement among the trustees financing the organizations on methods to be used to fundraise the organizations also give a mighty blow to the development of the third sector organizations (Taylor 2010, 218). Restriction of the third sector organizations income also contributes to the curtailing of their advancement.

Demonstration of impacts

Despite the roles that third sector organizations play in the society, they undergo difficulties in presenting facts about their contributions. Lack of admirable facts detailing their contributions lead to loss of support from potential persons; this is because of a majority of the sponsors believing in evident impacts (Lewis 1999, p. 272). In addition, evidence of community impact play a crucial role of reassuring individuals of the contributions of their donations to the community development (Blake et al 2006, p. 22), and lack of them results to mistrust causing failure of the organizations.

Uninformed public

Majority of the individuals in the rural areas know extremely little about the modern volunteer chores. For instance, people in the rural areas overestimate the amount spent on fundraising and administration leading to loss of trust on individuals in charge of the organizations. The individuals in the rural areas also lack enough ideas concerning the payment of individuals in charities, majority of them think that trustees are paid more than fundraisers leading to withholding of their support to the community organizations.

Location of Charity Organizations

Third sector organizations have also the role of delivering services to the disadvantaged members of the public. Therefore, the third sector organizations end up in problems of locating the strategic positions to inoculate their projects. In addition, the services offered by the third sector organizations call for reconsideration of individuals concerned with the provision of the public services, which posses also a big challenge (Til 2000, p. 98).

Identification of differences in infrastructure investments

A lot of contributions are made by the government and private entities towards the development of the social enterprises and community organizations. However, lack of adoration of the works of the third sector organizations leads to the flatting of the volunteer activities. In addition, lack of changes in the status of the societies contributes substantially to the cropping up of negative attitudes in individuals within the society concerning the third sector organizations.

Technology enlightenment

Currently technology contributes significantly to technology towards the advancement of the communities. However, the rate of technological organization at the rural areas is critical. This imposes many challenges to the volunteers who offer services to the society. The individuals involved in the third sector organizations have also the challenge of enlightening the public on the essence of technology in order to meet their goals.


In conclusion, third sector organizations have the ability of playing vital roles in developing quality services anticipated by the public through voluntary groups and social ventures. Both Voluntary factions and social enterprises have remarkable strengths, such as getting in touch with the most isolated people and discovering pioneering solutions that enable them diverse freely and rapidly in the rural communities.

Despite the known efforts inputted by the third sector organizations in enhancing the success of the disadvantaged societies, little or no support at all is provided by either government or private sector towards their management.

However, third sector organizations face a lot of challenges in their provision of services to the communities. For instance, lack of enough capital leads to the flatting of some of the third sector organizations. In addition to challenge imposed on selection of area of interests to inoculate their services, current technological changes also posses challenge to volunteer individuals, this is because a majority of the individuals that the third sector organizations serves tend to be green on technological issues. Such challenges lead to too much straining of the volunteers towards enlightening the society members.


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Anheier, H & Seibel, W 1990, The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, Walter de Gruyter, New York.

Bar, M & Gidron, B. 2009, Policy Initiatives Towards the Third Sector in International Perspective, Springer, New York.

Bar, M, Gidon, B & Hagai, K 2003, The Israeli Third Sector: Between Welfare State and Civil Society, Springer, New York.

Berman, E & William, B 2001, Third Sector Management: The Art of Managing Nonprofit Organizations, Georgetown University Press, Washington.

Billis, D 2010, Hybrid Organizations and the Third Sector: Challenges for Practice, Theory and Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Blake, G, Robinson, D & Smerdon, M 2006, Living Values: A Report Encouraging Boldness in Third Sector Organizations, Community Links, New York.

Gunn, C 2004, Third-Sector Development: Making Up for the Market, Cornell University Press, New York.

Hasan, S & Onyx, J 2008, Comparative Third Sector Governance in Asia: Structure, Process, and Political Economy, Springer, New York.

Lewis, D 1999, International perspectives on voluntary action: reshaping the third sector, Earthscan.

Osborne, S 2008, The Third Sector in Europe: Continuity and Change, Routledge, London.

Paul, C & Robert, W 1992, Strategic management of public and third sector organizations: a handbook for leaders, Jossey-Bass Publishers, New York.

Philips, S 2009, Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector: International Perspectives, Taylor & Francis, London.

Taylor, R 2010, Third Sector Research, Springer, New York.

Til, J 2000, Growing Civil Society: From Nonprofit Sector to Third Space, Indiana University Press.

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