Toddler Observation: Video Review

There are four little children in the video going about their play activities. The room is filled with different toys; there is a wooden slide and a wooden set of stairs that leads to a platform from which the children slide (Hatfieldmomof3 0: 02- 0:20). There are photos of children on the walls, a multicolored mat on the floor, playing blocks scattered on the floor and woven baskets that are filled with more toys.

The video starts with the boy climbing up the slide on its wooden side wall with two others children. Upon reaching the top, he gets off the wall and slides on his berry to the floor. He walks over the colored floor mat towards another child playing with toy cars (Hatfieldmomof3 0:20-0:33). He joins the child in placing the figurine cars on a wooden track from which the toys move downwards at high speed. However, the boy stops playing with the way when the teacher moves it.

He then goes to where another child is playing, kneels, and starts playing with a ladybird toy. He resumes playing with the track structure where he places a toy car on it, and the car moves down on the huddles; he taps his lap and giggles while watching the toys (Hatfieldmomof3 1:12-1:17). As he is playing, he notices the other child try to take a toy from a can through its lid. He removes the top, after which the other boy pours down the models that were in that container.

He then begins to collect toy cars, but he stops and walks over the figurines towards another child playing with a toy ball and a maze. He kneels next to the boy and begins putting the small ball in the maze, watching them roll down and finally exiting the maze (Hatfieldmomof3 3:58-4:23). However, as he does this, he keeps looking in the opposite direction where the teacher is talking to another child. He then stops playing and looks around at what other children are doing. He then crawls toward the teachers. He tries to see what the teacher is doing using the camera.

Work Cited

Hatfieldmomof3. Toddler Observation Video 3. YouTube, YouTube, Web.

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