Tolerance: Racial-Cultural Psychology

Racism is a traditional problem for the United States of America. There has been a struggle against manifestations of discrimination and inequality towards African Americans through the centuries. The relevance of this study is due to the negative consequences of the impact of racism, discrimination, and inequality on the African-American minority and, as a result, on social development. Various movements for the rights and freedoms of black people have brought American society to a new level of relationships and understanding of equality.

I think the author raises an important and relevant topic in the article because there are still racial prejudices that need to be eradicated by any means in modern society. Moreover, it is important to normalize cultural and racial pluralism in the workplace. African Americans are skeptical of the country’s progress on issues of racial equality, noting that the legacy of slavery affects their position in America today. The social significance of the practical application of tolerance is reflected in the regulatory function of human behavior and is associated with a positive or negative impact on the ‘universal.’ Like violence and oppression, it generates a conflict in a person’s mind between resistance and obedience (Derald & Gina, 2004) The idea of freedom, which must be defended, justice, which must be won, becomes the first psychological and moral support against the fear of being isolated from labor relations.

In conclusion, the social significance of tolerance manifests itself in the regulatory function of human behavior and is associated with a positive or negative impact on the ‘universal.’ Being a characteristic of ‘tolerance’ determines a person’s behavior in the most extreme situations, in terms of his ability to preserve his individuality while finding a compromise solution at crucial moments of life, primarily between an employer and an employee. Responsibility encompasses all the diversity of relationships (primarily value relationships) and is characterized by regulatory and legal criteria.


Derald W. S. & Gina C. T. (2004). Handbook of Racial-Cultural Psychology and Counseling, Training and Practice. Carter, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

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