Stereoscopic Movie Editing: 3D Signal Editing Techniques and Editing Software

Stereoscopic movie editing is more difficult in comparison with 2-D movies, as the editor should work with two video rows and mind that the edges of the cuts coincided perfectly to avoid non-coincidence of the scenes, as well as violations of the human perception rules. The latter is based on...

Movie Narration & Historical Accuracy: Troy

Introduction Troy is one of the few movies that have chosen to bring the most fascinating of historical events to the modern generation. Released in 2004, this Oscar-winning movie was directed by Wolfgang Peterson and is based upon a combination of real-world events, Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid amongst others...

“The Medicated Child”: Film Review

First of all, it should be explained why the application of sociological imagination is necessary in this particular case that concerns the film under analysis. By means of “sociological imagination people …hope to grasp what is going on in the world, and to understand what is happening in themselves …”,...

Satire Usage in Film as a Tool for Social Change

Satire is a corrective form of humor but it can take different forms; in fact, the five films analyzed in this essay are all satires but belong in various sub-categories. The first one, Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times, creates a lasting image of the industrialized world’s dehumanization, while Stanley Kubrick’s Dr....

“Dragonheart” by Rob Cohen Review Movie

The story about courageous knight and a dragon is a particular representation of how dreams come true. In this respect the vivid details of the story which leads everyone to the field of fairy tale are depicted with the purpose to show the reality of things. The paper is devoted...

The Pursuit of Happyness by Gabriele Muccino Review

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film directed by Gabriele Muccino. It is a classic rags-to-riches story that is based on the true life story of Christopher Gardner, a self-made millionaire who rose from poverty and homelessness to achieve great success in life. Gardner catapulted himself from...

Shakespeare’s & Zeffirelli’s “Taming” and “Romeo & Juliet”

Comparing and analyzing the two films directed by Franco Zeffirelli: “The Taming of the Shrew” (1967) and “Romeo and Juliet” (1968), one may point that both of them are based on William Shakespeare’s same name works and are devoted to the motives of the history. Both films were released successfully...

“The Last of the Mohicans” the Movie by Michael Mann

Introduction The Last of the Mohicans is a movie based on the book by James Fennimore Cooper and directed by Michael Mann. Russell Means plays the lead character. This film is set in the 1757 and the story revolves around Hawkeye, a white man raised as a Mohawk who falls...

Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola Review

The movie Marie Antoinette was screened and directed by Sofia Coppola. The uniqueness of the movie is that it depicts the early years of Marie Antoinette and her relations with her husband, Louis XVI. The movie portrays that it was a chance that bound Louis, whilst still only half a...

“Letter From an Unknown Woman” the Movie by Max Ophüls

Introduction Modern movies are characterized by a number of techniques and features like unpredictable camera movements or lighting that attract attention and fascinate a viewer. Several decades ago, filmmakers did not have access to such a variety of options and followed the standards, including effective camera shots and definite camera...

Aliens, Motherhood, and the Nuclear Family

Introduction James Cameron’s 1986 film Aliens is the subject of much critical praise and a prominent part of modern popular culture. Its protagonist Ellen Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver, is often seen as one of the best examples of a capable action heroine in cinematography. She challenges the tradition of...

Max Ophuls’ ‘Letter From an Unknown Woman’: Film Narration Analysis

Introduction The notion of narration has always been a subject of controversy within the community of filmmakers and philosophers. Who narrates the movie, whether the outlook is entirely based on a character’s perception, or whether the narrator is placed outside the world where events are happening are some of the...

“The Miracle of Bern” Sports Film

The title of the movie, directed by Sönke Wortmann, refers to the final match at the 1954 World Cup, which went down in history under the name “Bern miracle.” It is a legendary historical event that became the first stone in the foundation of the new German national identity. Moreover,...

History of World Cinema. “A Tale of Two Cities” Film

Abstract Whereas Hollywood is now recognized as the biggest film industry in the world, initially, other countries had equally large and influential cinemas. Films from France, Japan and even Germany have secured a spot in some of the very first and most influential movies of all time. During World War...

Inherit the Wind: Bridging Religion and Science in Cinema

Introduction Spirituality and scholarship, seemingly two irreconcilable sides when discussing the origins of humankind, have come surprisingly close over the last century and merged to produce a fascinating combination of ideas inside people’s minds. Christianity, as one of the major religions in the world and the USA, thus plays a...

Accidental Horror in Smith’s “The Black Tower” Film

John Smith’s The Black Tower (1987) is a confusing and haunting short film that combines qualities of structuralism and simplistic illusionism. Smith is renowned for his films and video installations, for which he was awarded numerous prizes at festivals: Hamlyn Foundation Award for Artists (2011) and Film London’s Jarman Award...

“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” the Film by Joel Coen

Introduction Following its release to theaters in 2000, it did not take long for the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? (directed by Joel Coen) to attain a critically acclaimed status. As of today, it is often referred to in terms of a “cult movie”. This implies that there is...

Scott Pilgim vs. The World: Is It a Good Movie?

Introduction Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is a 2010 action-comedy movie directed by Edgar Wright, based on a graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O’Malley. It stars Michael Cera as the eponymous Scott Pilgrim, a 22-year old slacker from Toronto, who falls in love with Ramona Flowers and must battle...

“Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice” Films

Watching movies based on Jane Austen’s novels is always exciting for many people. In addition to a properly developed plot with interesting characters and lines, the director and the rest of the film crew make their contributions and choose beautiful landscapes and views. The role of the cast cannot be...

“How Big Is the Dark Web?” Documentary Analysis

Film Summary The documentary focuses on exploring the foundations and concepts of the construct known as the Dark Web, a large portion of the internet that is hidden and requires special tools to access. The director attempts to uncover many mysteries, disprove strong opinions, and examine the potential utility of...

Morrie Schwartz: Lessons on Living with ALS

The documentary discussed in this paper is dedicated to Morrie Schwartz, a former Sociology professor, who suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Morrie was dying and wanted to share his experience to tell people what death is about in a series of television interviews. Although the program was focused on...

Racism in the “Devil in a Blue Dress” Film

Racial segregation and inequality issues have remained urgent in American society for decades. The film Devil in a Blue Dress is based on the eponymous novel written by Walter Mosley. The characteristic features of the neo-noir genre tincture the film with the elements of mystery, which creates both semantic load...

South Africa Spotlight in Neill Blomkamp’s Movies

Introduction Although Neil Blomkamp’s movies were relatively successful with regard to their box offices, the critics’ attention was also drawn to the depiction of Africans and Bantu Immigrants. The director himself pointed out that he did not aim to depict the population of South Africa in derogatory terms, but it...

“Prince Among Slaves” Historical Documentary

Prince Among Slaves is an award-winning documentary that was broadcasted on PBS. It is based on a biography book by professor Terry Alford. It tells the unique story of an African Muslim prince Abdul Rahman Ibrahima, as he experienced the horrors of slavery in the late 1700s. The documentary and...

“Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope” by George Lucas

Lead Actors Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Peter Cushing. Plot “It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire” (Lucas, 1977). Imperial forces, commanded by Darth Vader, capture on the rebel ships with...

“The Queen of Sheba: Behind the Myth” Documentary

The Queen of Sheba is a mysterious and powerful female in numerous stories and myths. She is depicted in the sacred texts of ancient world cultures and religions. The Queen has had a profound but mystical presence in the regional folklore. However, the origin and sources of evidence to support...

The Influence of Film Festivals and Awards on Modern Cinematography

The early era of cinematography was shaped by striving to achieve success in terms of creating masterpieces that are unique and precious. However, gradually, the primary priorities of creators involved in the film industry have shifted in favor of material profit. The contemporary cinematography is most known not for its...

The Film “We Bought a Zoo” and Single Parenting Issues

We Bought a Zoo is a 2011 comedy-drama film that follows the life of a single-parent family aiming to start a new life after the passing of the mother. The father, Benjamin Mee, faces many sociological issues throughout the film, including dealing with his loss and the pressure from the...

Soap Operas’ History, Features, and Effects

Summary of Argument Stern, Russell, and Russell (2007) explore the negative effects of character images in soap operas on audiences, which are mostly comprised of women. To support their perspective, the authors refer to the history of soap operas as a genre by analyzing its specific characteristics inherited from its...

The Godfather Movie: Scoring and Visual Style

Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather always gets included in many critics’ top 100 best films list. It is hard to argue against its inclusion in a list that talks about the greatest achievements in cinematic history. It is not a good idea to ignore this film, because writers, journalists, and...

The Book “A History of Narrative Film”

The book, A history of narrative film, by David Cook offers a comprehensive and modern content that is analytical in nature because it highlights important issues related to film and the process of film making. The book is essential in cinematology because it analyses the old process of film making,...

The Spirited Away Animated Film

Film Summary The animated film, Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi), by Hayao Miyazaki is of Japanese origin and was released in the year 2001. The animated film is based on the story of a girl called Chihiro Ogino who is ten years old. As Chihiro and her parents...

Evaluation of Pitches in “Shark Tank”

Abstract The paper provides the analysis of two pitches from Episode 11 in Season 6. The paper also presents a summary of the ideas discussed in the selected pitches. The comparison of the pitches’ features is supported by analyzing the business idea that is worth investing. Evaluation of Pitches Shark...

Poverty in America Documentary 2017: Affordable Housing Analysis

Introduction The documentary that was chosen for the reaction paper is called “Poverty in America”; the movie was filmed in 2017, and it aims to analyze the real situation with affordable housing programs in the United States (“Poverty in America Documentary 2017”). As for the main points of the documentary,...

“In Pot We Trust” by Star Price: A Critical Film Study on Cannabis Culture

Legalization of cannabis remains one of the most disputable issues in contemporary American society. Some people claim that the use of cannabis in medicine can help thousands of people, suffering from terminal diseases, endure their pain. At the same time, others argue that legalization of cannabis can lead to corruption...

V for Vendetta: A Symbol of Liberty and Resistance

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” (Chocano, “V for Vendetta”) That is one of the arguments that has been presented in the movie V for Vendetta. The movie is engaging and although it might seem unappealing to all those who do...

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street – Film Study

Introduction In the episode, The Monsters are due on Maple Street, Rob Sterling highlights some of the pertinent issues in the United States during the 1960s. In the film, the Maple Street is engulfed in darkness following the falling of a meteor. In the ensuing confusion, individuals turn on each...

Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog Documentary

Introduction Werner Herzog’s movie Grizzly Man (2005) was one of the best films during its period. In fact, it got much acclamation in the way it presented the life and subsequent death of Timothy Treadwell. As clearly demonstrated in the film, he was assumed to have lived among Grizzlies before...

Music Marketing in a Digital World

Introduction Television’s ability to present a video, audio, and motion is proving to be one of the most common and modern powerful means of delivering information to a larger audience or mass audience today (Ofcom, 2008). Davis (2007) describes it as a “Trojan Horse that surprises many audiences.” On the...

The ‘Right to Fail’ Documentary and Mental Health Transition Policies in New York

Overview of the Documentary I watched “Right to Fail,” a documentary that discusses the outcomes of the transition of severe mental illness in New Yorkers from a tightly controlled setting to independent homes following a federal court order in 2014. According to the documentary, thousands of individuals with severe mental...

“Putney Swope” by Robert Downey Sr.

Putney Swope is a 1969 American satirical film directed and written by Robert Downey Sr. The film follows the story of Putney Swope, an African American man who unexpectedly becomes the chairman of an advertising agency following the death of the previous chairman. The agency is run by a group...

Helen Pearson’s Research: Topical Approach to Lifespan Development

The approach to Helen Pearson’s research was to take a group of children, for example, those born in a particular year and trace the life of a generation in detail. From the information received, Helen Pearson concluded that families who are planning the birth of a child should have financial...

The Politics of the “Get Out” Film by Jordan Peele

Introduction Few topics confronting society today generate as much discussion and debate as racism. Often, the definition of racism is a crucial component of the argument. To know how to operate morally in a society, a precise understanding of racism is necessary. Jordan Peele’s 2017 psychological thriller Get Out analyzes...

John Hughes: The Life and Legacy of a Teen Film Icon

Physical Development 1950 saw the birth of John in a little Midwest village. He had three sisters and was the sole male. For his first 12 years in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, he was a Gordie Howe supporter of the Detroit Red Wings. When he was younger, John remembered being “sort...

Bill Maher’s Religulous Film Analysis

Religion certainly plays a vital role in the life of the world community. It is not only a mechanism for connecting each person with spirituality but also carries a whole background of beliefs and values that integrate the individual into the community and differentiate 894o5-0pfrom others. However, the influence of...

Master of Deceit in “Othello”: Iago in the Film Adaptation

Introduction Shakespeare’s drama Othello revolves around love, deception, jealousy, and eventually tragedy, which is a story of star-crossed lovers. In the play, Iago forces Othello, Desdemona, and Emilia to indulge in obscene acts to further his cunning scheme, crippling their emotional awareness as they fail to recognize the consequences of...

“A Passage to India” Movie Review

Introduction The problem of cultural bias and unwillingness to accept other nationalities and traditions is relevant to this day. Thus, the study of various filmographic works is valuable because it can provide an understanding of the reasons why these mechanisms arise. The painting “A Passage to India” in 1984 is...

Analysis of the Film: “The Invisible Man”

Introduction The film has been made into two different versions: the original from 1993 and a remake set for 2020. The original picture was a famous horror film from the Golden Age of Hollywood, based on HG Wells’ 1897 novel of the same name, and is a genuine horror picture...

The Hadza: Last of the First Film by Bill Benenson

The documentary, The Hadza: Last of the First, highlights the hunting and gathering practices and way of life of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania. I like how the film reflects the natural lifestyle of the Hadza, such as construction, social life, and hunting techniques. The historical prologue of the tribe...

“The Truman Show” Film by Peter Weir

Thinking about how philosophy started, there are parallels in The Truman Show between myth and reason. The rationale for the similarities in the film is evident in how Christof has allowed Truman to have a “normal life.” Truman’s reality, the myth in the film, is created, and Christof makes him...

”Comfort” Movies and Films With Greatest Impact

Introduction Following the advancement in technology, humans have taken the aspect of entertainment to another level. Currently, there are a large number of film producers that release many movies that suits the perspective of audience across the globe. Based on the variety of cinemas, I have developed a deep interest...

The “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality” Documentary

The documentary True Justice tells about the inferiority of the judicial system in the United States. The US criminal justice system is far from perfect and is often seen as unfair to poor people and people of color. Justice should be concerned with the protection of citizens and not lawlessness,...

Hidden Figures by Theodore Melfi: Movie Analysis

Introduction The movie “Hidden Figures,” explains the story of three bright African-American ladies working at the segregated West Area computer division of NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. The three experienced a lot of discrimination at work and in their daily lives. The story revolves around empowerment and breaking...

“If Beale Street Could Talk” and “Moonlight”: Directors and Auteur Theory

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the role of a director in filmmaking is of extreme importance and probably even the most significant one. Numerous talented directors have their styles and techniques, and the audience can see common traits in all their movies, which allows distinguishing the work of...

The Thesis of The Corporation Film

Topic and Issue The Corporation is a documentary that aims to show the audience several sides of this organization. The viewpoints expressed in the mass media diverge significantly from the facts connected to corporate enterprises. Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott collaborated and produced the film based on Joel Bakan’s book...

The Documentary “The Life of the Buddha”

Introduction At midnight, Siddhartha left the palace and was never heard from again. His young wife, son, and father all survived him. Giving up his cushy and comfortable life was Siddhartha’s first move toward enlightenment. Siddhartha gave up his material possessions and transformed into an ascetic (“The Life of the...

The Role of Semiotics in Shaping the Feminist Discourse in Palestinian Cinema

Film studies became an essential way of rethinking feminist theory in the late 1960s. Earlier film studies developed within the framework of cultural studies. The latter made its intellectual debut in the early 1960s with the founding of the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham. Feminism is the most...

The “Shameless” TV Series by John Wells

The topic of poverty and the portrayal of people living in low social and economic conditions are not so popular among TV series creators and producers. Although the number of people who lives beyond the level of poverty and suffers from social inequalities is rising annually, they are either underrepresented...

Themes and Characters of the “Annie Hall” Movie

Introduction The movie “Annie Hall” references thematic elements like pop culture and intellectual wit more than any other film that has won Best Picture, Oscar. The character of Allen, stand-up comedian, and joke writer Alvy Singer in the film, serves as a model for several other performances. Allen plays this...

Analysis of a Scene in the Film “Vertigo”

Released in 1958, the film Vertigo by director Alfred Hitchcock never fails to captivate its audience with its haunting motives and intriguing, tragic story of the main protagonist. It tells the story of the former detective John Ferguson, nicknamed Scottie, who retires from his duty due to his struggles with...

Psychoanalytic Criticism of “The Wall” Film by Alan Parker

Among the theories of literary criticism, psychoanalytic criticism is one of the most interesting and complicated methods. It can be used for analysing the artwork to both decipher the message of the author and investigate the way the audience perceives this message. In this paper, the film The Wall (1982)...

Criteria for Referring a Film to the “Great Works of Cinema”

Cinema canon is understood as a place untouched by human critique, malice, and displeasure where some films belong. Indeed, there are some acknowledged masterpieces of the film industry with thousands of fans ready to silence anyone speaking against their favorite movies. However, the criteria to include a film in the...

Equality and Diversity in Visual Culture

Introduction The themes of equality and diversity in visual culture were selected due to several reasons. In particular, the development and production of visual art can be considered essential human practices that benefit society by educating the audience, improving one’s creativity, and stimulating the global economy in general. Visual culture...

Frank Herbert’s “Dune” and Its Film Adaptations

Introduction Dune by Frank Herbert was one of the most expected film adaptations for decades. It is an epic science fiction franchise that consists of six novels and a short story written over twenty-two years starting in 1963. The fandom that Dune earned over the years is huge, even though...

“The Karate Kid” Film by John Avildsen

In the history of world cinema, the 1980s were the heyday of mass culture, not just in the United States but all over the Western world. Movie theaters made record profits, and the movie business market became a real Klondike for many dreamers and glory-seekers. Martial arts films were very...

Bong Joon-Ho’s Auteurism Analysis

Introduction The transition of Hollywood from the traditional studio system to the modern age has seen directors have more control over the production and style of films. The directors have the freedom to have their style and are viewed as the main drivers behind motion picture production. The movie directors...

“When Worlds Collide” Directed by Rudolph Mate

“When Worlds Collide” takes the audience on a dramatic journey through the first couple of centuries after the Old World collided with the New World. The voyage opens in the city of Los Angeles and proceeds to Spain and Latin America, in which Spanish conquistadors first made contact with local...

The Film “A Welcome Guest in the House” by Jones

Introduction A Welcome Guest in the House is the 1957 Cold War propaganda film directed by Cal Jones and sponsored by the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB). It is a 24 minutes long, black-and-white movie dedicated to the Cold War and the role of television and journalism. The film simultaneously...

The Rubber Film by Quentin Dupieux

Introduction Rubber was filmed in 2010 and directed by Quentin Dupieux, and it is a quasi-horror movie about a tire. The latter is presented as the film’s main ‘monster’ or villain, and it is named Robert (Dupieux). The narrative is unique because it introduces two storylines, which eventually merge at...

The Chinatown Film Directed by Roman Polanski

Introduction The movie, Chinatown, tells the story of unacceptable levels of betrayals and corruption that leave a trail of destruction in their wake. The degree of betrayal is extensive that even relatives do not respect the blood relationships enough to avoid treachery toward their kin. A father rapes his daughter,...

The Film “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Rob Marshall

Introduction The movie Memoirs of a Geisha (2005), directed by Rob Marshall, is based on the book of the same name, written by Arthur Golden in 1997. The film represents the life of a young Japanese girl, Chiyo Sakamoto, whose parents sold her and her sister, Satsu, into prostitution because...

The Film “Mumford” by Lawrence Kasdan

Mumford is an American comedy movie composed and directed by Lawrence Kasdan. The film is set in a small but vibrant Oregon town that has received a new resident and psychologist (Loren Dean), who offers offbeat pieces of advice to other residents. The newcomer to the small Oregon town carries...

Jake Brigance’s Personal Traits

Jake Brigance is a thirty-two-year-old Mississippi white male; he is the protagonist who is typically self-assured. He is a brilliant, arrogant, ambitious, and courageous lawyer. He is the main character in the movie by Joel Schumacher, “A time to kill,” where he is a justice and an empathic man who...

The Art of Narrative in WALL-E

WALL-E is Pixar’s longest-running and arguably most successful experiment in using new storytelling that is radically simple. During the first twenty minutes of the cartoon, the viewer sees only an abandoned, in a sense devastated, but full of garbage Earth. There are no conversations on the screen, only background noise...

“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”: Book and Movie Comparison

Introduction It is almost universally agreed that Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is Joanne Rowling’s best story. It introduces more new characters than its predecessors and dramatically changes the tone, making it much darker. That said, there is a big difference between the film version and its source...

Quentin Tarantino’s Film Once Upon a Time Review

Quentin Tarantino’s film Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019) is a comedy-drama that represents the alternate history of one famous event. An alternate history narration is a subgenre of science fiction that tries to answer the question “what if,” providing an alternative view on the same historical event (Schneider-Mayerson,...

Popular Culture in “Inglourious Basterds” Film

World War II movies are not usually associated with popular culture. Screenwriters use themes of Nazi oppression, the brutality of war, and the bravery of the allied forces, which have been cultivated for over seventy years. Yet, one of the most well-known and controversial movies about World War II, Inglourious...

The Body Film by Brian Evenson

Introduction The horror genre, which appears in film or literature form, is a form of art that aims to create a shock or startle to its readers or viewers. The main aim of the horror genre is to provoke a sense of dread experience to the audiences via scary images,...

Aspects of the Film “Fruitvale Station”

Introduction Movies about discrimination against black people have always had an increased interest from the audience. The film Fruitvale Station is a 2013 autobiographical drama about Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old African American man who was shot by the Bart police in Oakland in 2009 (El-Mahmoud, 2020). Oskar has a...

Movie Review: Life as We Know It

“Life As We Know It” is a 2010 American comedy movie starring Holly and Eric. Their best friend couple, Peter and Alison, were crushed and died in a road accident leaving behind a small child called Sophie. Shortly after the crash, Eric and Holly learned that their friends had appointed...

A Conversation with Koko Directed by Barbet Schroeder

A documentary film A Conversation with Koko, which was shot in 1999, tells a story of a gorilla named Koko, who demonstrates profound intellectual ability and a sensitive emotional character. The film evokes mixed feelings, as it explores the areas which humankind is not yet at ease with, such as...

Values in Noriko’s Decision to Marry In Ozu’s “Late Spring”

Before the start of westernization in the XIX century, Japan remained an exceptionally closed country for two hundred and fifty years. A rapid influx of foreigners and the new customs that they beheld caused the Japanese people to experience a certain state of chaos when they had to adjust to...

Data Visualization of Most Profitable Movie Genres

Summary As learned in week two that the most widely recognized type of film appearing in the Top 50 after 1980 is PG-13 rated science fiction/fantasy. Only one G-rated vivified movie was released in the dataset after 1980. According to Variety, the film industry’s top revenue-generating motion pictures have shifted...

The “Real Value” Documentary Directed by Borkowski

The “Real Value” documentary is a film that depicts businesses and the alternative approaches to generating financial gain. The first relevant idea from this movie is that businesses can create value that is beyond the profit they generate. The second idea is that the majority of American businesses are built...

“The UN Sex Abuse Scandal”: The UN Sexual Violence in War-Torn Countries

Ramita Navai’s documentary “The UN Sex Abuse Scandal” traces specific allegations of predatory behaviors of some UN peacekeepers in conflict countries worldwide, with detailed interviews from survivors of sex abuse. More than 2000 allegations of UN sexual abuse have been reported and recorded in Congo, Cambodia, Bosnia, and Haiti in...

“Meet John Doe”: United States Power and Politics

Introduction Currently, democracy in the United States is endangered just like it was at the filming of “Meet John Doe.” The Americans do not clearly agree in a marginal way what actuality really looks like (Brackney, 2017). Essentially, humans are not inclined in having similar thoughts or beliefs. In discussing...

“Bill Moyers Journal – Rosedale: The Way It Is” Video

Spencer’s family moves into Rosedale, an all-white community. The residents living there look at them as a threat and fight to drive them away from their neighborhood. In one incident, their house is destroyed as other residents watch, and later, a bomb blast outside their place as a warning. The...

2008 Economic Crisis in Inside Job Documentary

The Inside Job film elaborates on the economic crises witnessed globally in 2008 because of the unsteady systems. The economic instability affected the atmosphere adversely, triggering the loss of jobs and properties. All the institutions that triggered the crises and the people involved, as well as their deeds, are explicitly...

“Metropolis” and “Battleship Potemkin”: The Idea of the Film

One of the main tasks of any work of cinematography is to convey feelings and bring the audience closer to the idea of the film. The two main paintings closer to me are Metropolis, directed by Fritz Lang, and Battleship Potemkin by Sergei Eisenstein. Moreover, it is worth noting the...

The Film “Gran Torino” by Clinton Eastwood

Introduction “Gran Torino” is a unique picture in its genre, giving a certain “food for the mind”. This is a story about a cruel fate, turning points within the country, losses, gains, friendship, hatred, freedom, and independence. In addition, the film serves as an excellent source for studying forensic and...

Analysis of the Documentary Movie Cowspiracy

Introduction The documentary movie Cowspiracy, directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, demonstrates how animal husbandry negatively influences the planet’s environment. The movie creators use the results of various research to provide evidence that cattle breeding can have a disastrous effect on the ecology. Moreover, the film suggests that animal...

“Carrie” by Stephen king in 1976

Summary The film Carrie is an American horror movie that premiered in 1976 by Stephen King. The movie revolves around a young girl called Carrie White; she is a teenager with no friends; in the beginning, she is shy and rarely interacts with others. Her domineering and religious mother shelters...

The Movie “Alien” Overview and Analysis

The movie Alien, a science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O’Bannon, revolves around the concept of putting humanity first and views everything from a human viewpoint, which is, in retrospect, a wrong mindset. However, the issue of alien life should be reviewed from a...

“Inception”: An Orchestrated Philosophical Spin Beyond Freud and the Spinning Top

Introduction The spinning top ending of the movie has started countless debates about whether the happy reunion is real or Cobb is still dreaming. There have also been essays and reviews commenting on Nolan’s psychological theories on dreams and subconsciousness. In my opinion, Susan Sontag had it all figured out...

Why the People Crave Horror Movies

Introduction According to Stephen King, everyone is insane to some degree though the level of insanity differs from one individual to another. Stephen King’s ethos in horror films is the key reason why many people like movies. “Why we crave horror movies” forms an outstanding argument written in his essay...

Value of Film in Explaining History

Introduction Cinematograph has become a powerful medium at storytelling in modern times. Film is a way that allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the context of the setting and story. Since the inception of film as a popular medium, it has used the stories of the past as the...

“Why We Need to Talk About Suicide”: Lessons Learnt

Introduction Suicidal contemplations and actions remain taboo topics, which might hinder suicide prevention efforts. In his speech titled “Why We Need to Talk about Suicide,” Mark Henick exposes, criticizes, and explains the ongoing avoidance of this issue. This response paper’s purpose involves summarizing new learning from the video and remaining...

Martin Scorsese: Biography, Works, and Criticism

Introduction The legendary director Martin Scorsese has become the embodiment of cinematic classics. Despite his impressive age, he never ceases to delight audiences with new films that, once released, become some of the most famous and highest-grossing films in the world. This unique man is a genius and talented in...

Comparison Paper on the Character Malvolio

Many would not dispute the fact that people nowadays tend to recreate literary classics. The movie “She’s the Man,” a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night,” exemplifies this the best. At first glance, the film and the play appear to have apparent congruities. However, the differences and alterations that...

Gender and Family in “Gone With the Wind” Film

Introduction “Gone with the Wind” is a cult film based on the novel by Margarett Mitchell, an absolute ageless classic for all times and epochs. Love is depicted here against the background of a big story. It is not only a narrative about romantic, as many people usually perceive, but...

The Cider House Rules Directed by Lasse Hallström

The Cider House Rules is a novel by John Irving published in 1985 with a consequent movie adaptation that saw the light in 1999. While the two artistic works differ slightly in the plot development and motivation of the characters, the primary themes concerning human relationships and abortions persist. The...

Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas and Gangs of New York: A Comparison

In the era of the Great Depression and Prohibition in the United States, gangsters became the new heroes. Perfectly dressed guys like Al Capone and John Dillinger have regularly appeared on the pages of the crime chronicle, becoming celebrities and trendsetters. They were imitated in life and on the movie...

“Hotel Rwanda” Directed by Terry George: An Analysis of the Film

The British film “Hotel Rwanda” is one of the most emotional historical dramas of this millennium, which is not a big box office movie but still conveys deep authorial meaning. Released in 2004 by Terry George, Hotel Rwanda raises many of the most pressing topics for today’s social agenda, from...

Anti-Capitalist Satire in “American Psycho” and “A Modest Proposal”

Satire is an ingenious method of ridiculing the most resentful traits of human beings through any artistic expression available. As such, with enough cunning introduced, Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” presents an example of satirical text in the English language. Fortunately, more recent authors of more innovative artistic solutions can produce...

“A Beautiful Mind” and “Erin Brockovich” Films

“Erin Brockovich” is a beautifully filmed narrative of a chronicler by Soderbergh, the center of attraction is human grit and perseverance, working flawlessly for the public good. More importantly, it is a monumental monument to a brave woman, skillfully constructed by the talent of one of the best actresses in...

The Last Night in Soho Film’s Critical Analysis

Introduction Edgar Wright is an English director who shot to mainstream fame with his apocalyptic zombie comedy, The Cornetto Trilogy. It was praised for its slick and kinetic style that ingeniously blended multiple genres to deliver an electrifying satire. However, Wright’s latest attempts to make movies with more international appeal...

Iraq For Sale by Robert Greenwald Review

The acts of US business contractors in the Iraq war are depicted in this documentary. According to interviews with current and former workers of Halliburton, CACI, and KBR, apparent arrangements that provide such contractors tremendous flexibility to profit from delivering support and supplies to American troops while offering minimal supervision...

The “Race, the Power of an Illusion” Film Review

Introduction The film called Race, The Power of an Illusion is devoted to comparing the different racial groups’ peculiarities through the closer scrutiny of their DNA. The video claims that the skin color, eye shape, and other factors determining which ethnicity a person belongs to do not estimate their physical...

Movie Review: “Rebel Without a Cause”

“Rebel Without a Cause” is one of the most thrilling movies that I have watched so far, and I want to provide a review. The American drama film focuses on middle-class teenagers and the emotional challenges that they face. The film title implies a person who has no clear goal...

“Inextinguishable Fire” and “Cut Piece”

Close Analysis Produced early in the Farocki’s roughly fifty-year profession, Inextinguishable Fire is a critique of the war in Vietnam and the industry’s role in producing deadly chemical weapons. In the movie, the young artist is pictured at his desk, reading a document on both the impacts of napalm and...

“The Great Gatsby”: The American Dream Is Not Feasible for All

Introduction The American Dream is the idea that any person can become rich in the United States. Through hard work, an optimistic outlook for the future, and virtuous character, a person can become successful. However, in practice, not all people can achieve this dream by showing dedication and acting ethically,...

“Rear Window” Movie Analysis

Introduction People were always interested in interpreting written stories for the big screen. Books of all genres: comedies, detective stories, romance novels, and thrillers often appear before the public as movies. The film Rear Window, produced by Alfred Hitchcock in 1954, is not an exception. The original short story It...

The Whale Rider Film Directed by Niki Caro

The Whale Rider is a dramatic movie based on the Witi Ihimaera’s 1987 book with the same title, which describes the adventurous events of a girl’s life in a New Zealand tribe. The film includes various settings of the ancient lands of the continent and represents the lives, culture, and...

Non-verbal Communication in “The Client”

The body is an instrument that humans use for communication with each other. Over the past few decades, different studies have suggested that between 70 and 93% of all communication is non-verbal, which means the messages are not expressed through words. Instead, people show their emotions, convey their points, and...

Film “Ex Machina”: An Artificial Intelligence

As described in the movie Ex Machina, the Turing test examines an artificially intelligent computer by use of human interaction. It is based on the human being’s capability to discover that they are interacting with a computer. If the human being does not discern this, then the test is passed....

A Good Scary Movie and Key Requirements

Sometimes it seems odd that a movie that was shot over half a century ago remains scary for contemporary viewers. In contrast, modern scary films are simply irritating and do not possess the former quality. Indeed, filmmaking is one of the most popular mediums that thrive today, with horror movies...

Being a Trans Woman in the Call Her Ganda Film

Being a transwoman has unimaginable consequences that society tends to subject the transwomen to. PJ Raval’s documentary speaks volumes on the challenges that these unique gender faces as if it were their own choice to be the way they are. Jennifer’s case represents many other similar cases that transgender women...

“Saving Face” by James Walters

The film Saving Face ideally addresses the theme of “coming out” in one’s community through Ma and Wil sexual liberation that challenges the Chinese traditions ethnic. In the movie, Wil is reluctant to reveal her relationship with Vivian to her mother and society due to the fear of being different...

Discussion of Gender and Society Themes in Films

“The Power of Categories”: the episode on Paige’s story Summary Gender is a socially constructed concept that guides interactions within society. The “Power of Categories” describes several instances of categorization and links them to gender. From the choosing of either puppies or kittens to describing a child as either male...

“Casablanca” and “Being John Malkovich” Films Analysis

Being John Malkovich The first film that is going to be analyzed in this paper is Being John Malkovich. This is a fantasy comedy directed in 1999 by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman. The plot of the film is totally absurd and surrealistic. The main character of the...

The Movie ”Trainspotting” by Danny Boyle: Presenting Issues and Interventions

Introduction The problem of drug addiction has been a common subject in cinema for many years. First, it allows attracting the attention of the general public to this topic. Second, different techniques of cinema enable filmmakers to depict in detail all the negative sides of the issue, leaving the public...

“The Extraordinary Art of the Dark Ages” Documentary by Waldemar Januszczak

The art of the Dark Ages has been misconstrued as being often irrelevant or not valuable due to the historical events associated with the period. However, it was never the age of darkness, as suggested by Waldemar Januszczak in the documentary series The Extraordinary Art of the Dark Ages, it...

The History and Implementation of Rotoscoping

The period from the 1870s and the late 1890s is regarded as the time when contemporary animation and film technologies started to develop. It originated when photographer Eadweard Muybridge discovered a method to capture the movement of a horse. Muybridge’s creative approach was tightly connected to Phenakistoscope technology. His innovation...

Billy Wilder’s Movies Overview

Billy Wilder is a prominent director and producer who made a great contribution to the development of American cinematography. He is the outstanding filmmaker who managed to give more than 50 years to the film industry. It should be stressed that Billy Wilder won six Academy Awards recognized as one...

Themes in the Movie “The Physician”

Speaking about the movie The Physician, it is essential to note that its plot is more educational than entertaining. It tells the story of a young man, Robert Cole, who wants to study medicine after his mother dies of appendicitis. The audience can see a similar plot in the movie...

Max Max: Fury Road. Scene Analysis

The scene that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current paper is the “I am the scales of justice” that starts approximately around 01:09:15. The scene is mostly focused on background music and plenty of footsteps and gunshots that vary in order to create a more...

Interpersonal Relationships in the Movie Crash

The movie Crash (2004) raises multiple essential topics, and some of the described issues are still acute in society. All of them are connected with interpersonal relations, which form the basis of human existence. These include political correctness, ethics, the ability to forgive, trust, and other aspects of human relationships....

Romantic Comedies: Friends with Benefits, No Strings Attached

Frankly speaking, I am not a real fan of romantic comedies, but I have seen a few at the movie theatre with my friends. Friends with Benefits appealed to me as it seems to differ from the other films of this genre. However, soon No Strings Attached appeared on the...

“An Introduction to Film Studies” by Jill Nelmes

In her article about the cinematic codes, Jill Nelmes (2003) describes eight main elements through which the film director may communicate with the viewers; these elements include props, costumes, sound, editing, performance of the actors, settings, lighting, and the scene in general. The exploration of the communication via editing was...

Gender Representation in American Pop Culture

The selected excerpt of the book called “The Pop Culture Freaks” focuses on the representation of gender in American pop culture that is a powerful tool capable of impacting social tendencies and relations or creating particular attitudes. The objectification of women (or female bodies, to be more precise, since their...

Beauty and the Beast’: Movie Review

The beautiful, but swaggering Prince Adam was punished for arrogance and exorbitant pride. The sorceress cast a spell on Adam and his entire castle. The handsome Prince turned into a terrible furry monster, and his faithful servants became household items: utensils, candlesticks, watches, and other trinkets. This sorceress left Adam...

The Urban Space Depiction in the Cinema

Introduction The city and cinema have been inextricably connected to each other since the emergence of films. Gradually, the urban space begins to influence the movies so much that it is impossible to imagine one without the other. “The street in the extended sense of the word is not only...

The “Fed Up” Documentary’s Main Idea and Issues

Summary The documentary “Fed Up” focused on the amount of sugar that is in many food products that are available on the market today. In some cases, cereals, juice drinks, and even supposedly healthy granola bars are filled with large amounts of sugar which improve the overall taste but make...

Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood

Each movie has its message to deliver to the audience, and there are many filmmaking approaches to doing it, such as the choice of genre, characters, design, and locations. The documentary Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood is directed by John J. Flynn, and reflects the main concepts...

“Good Hair” and “Americas: Mirrors of the Heart”: Documentaries Comparison

Introduction Racial identity may be defined as a specific sense of belonging to a particular racial group. It is based on the person’s perception that he or she shares the same heritage with this group. The examination of racial identity is highly essential for the evaluation of historical and social...

The Film Quiet Rage Analysis

As a psychological experiment, The Quiet Rage showed us how mental conditioning plays a vital role in how we view our lives and how people treat one another. It shows how us how we can lose sight of ethics and legalities once given the power to exercise over our fellowmen....

The Use of Costume as a Style in the Movie ”The Matrix”

The Matrix is a premier American science fiction action film directed by Wachowski sisters and later released on March 31st, 1999. Since its onset, the movie has won four Oscar awards. One of the main reasons why the film has managed to achieve a high standard is due to the...

Sargent’s “Miss Evers’ Boys” in the Context of the Duty-Based Ethics

Abstract One of the most powerful movies of the 20th century, Miss Evers’ Boys can be viewed from both the artistic perspective and the nursing one. More to the point, the movie can be interpreted from the viewpoint of several theories of ethics. Viewing the film through the lens of...

“The Bucket List” by Rob Reiner: Rehabilitation Course

The current essay reflects the rehabilitation course through the movie “The Bucket List” by Rob Reiner. In the paper, I answer the question: did the patient portray any spiritual beliefs or distress throughout the movie? Moreover, I recall emotions felt during the semester after watching it and providing patient care....

Martha Rogers’s Theory and the Movie “The Sixth Sense” by Shyamalan

The theory of unitary human beings formulated by Martha Rodgers has played a very significant role in the discipline of nursing as well as many other disciplines. The introduction of the theory has transformed the field of nursing and the initial perception of healthcare. In today’s world, nursing is not...

The Film Zodiac and Ethical Concerns

David Fincher appears to be one of the most prominent contemporary film directors, and Zodiac is among his works too. It is a detective produced following the namesake non-fiction book of Robert Graysmith, published in 1986, and released in 2007. The film is based on a true story, narrating the...

Youth Violence in the Film “The Interrupters”

Several factors have to be considered when discussing the different issues brought on by youth violence. Over the years, much has been blamed on economic, social, and cultural elements. Thus, it can be argued that the given quote “community members, youth advocates and youth themselves consistently say that it is...

“The Eagle Huntress” by Otto Bell

The film is primarily a documentary as it depicts the real story of a young eagle huntress from Mongolia. Moreover, the director showed many details from modern Mongolian nomadic inhabitants’ lives and their traditional occupations. Watching the documentary, the viewer can learn about the living of Altai’s people and the...

“The Journey Through and Into Darkness”

The Journey into Darkness – Who is in charge? The Do Lung Bridge scene is particularly archetypal in the context of the movie Apocalypse Now and cinematography in general. The scene begins with the boat approaching the bridge, as it is the last military post on the Nung River. Meanwhile,...

“The Notebook” Film by Nick Cassavetes

The Notebook is a 2004 American romantic movie directed by Nick Cassavetes. The film is based on the biographical novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks, which was published in 1996 and became a bestseller in the first week of its release. The actors performing the roles of the...

The Mask You Live In (2015) Movie Review

The Mask You Live In exposed the strict gender roles which remain perverse in American society. A fascinating aspect in this thought-provoking documentary is the powerful articulation of the impact of the rigidly enforced expectations that gender roles place on young boys and girls in contemporary society and how these...

Split Personality in the Frankie and Alice Film

The film Frankie and Alice follow the life of a dancer (Frankie) who suffers from an identity disorder. The story reveals that she had experienced several traumas that led to a split personality. Her mind harbored three personalities: Frankie, the real her, Alice, a racist white woman, and Genius, who...

Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound

Today, the soundtrack is an integral part of the movie industry. It is difficult to imagine watching a film without listening to the dialogues between characters. Even in movies where conversations are kept to a minimum, various sounds are used to set the atmosphere of the scene. This report will...

“Meeting With a Killer” by Linda and Amy White

Meeting with a Killer is a documentary showing the severe tensions and emotions that Linda and Amy White experience when preparing to meet a murderer of their daughter and mother, Gary Brown. In religious tradition, the advice on responses to respond to evil and suffering vary. In the Christian framework,...

“Amélie” Film by Jean-Pierre Jeunet Review

After watching a good film, it is sometimes hard for the viewers to explain what it is about because they are too impressed with it. However, it should be added that these people must necessarily have shining eyes, a smile from ear to ear, and some “inner glow”. After watching...