Meditech System: Patient Confidentiality and Security

Description Meditech is an electronic health record system with a wide range of options that facilitate the provision of high-quality healthcare services, ensure patient safety and confidentiality (McMurtrey, 2013). This is an efficient platform for storing and sharing data concerning lab test results, patient vital signs, images, and graphs, medication...

Status and Authority in Healthcare

Does equating status with authority cause confusion? Why or why not? Status and authority are often viewed as similar concepts. However, in healthcare, as in many other practice areas, status and authority are entirely different. Status is usually understood as the position occupied by a person within an organization or...

Evidence-Based Practice and Types of Research

Types of research Quantitative Research is based on numeric figures or numbers. Quantitative research aims to measure the quantity or amount and compares it with past records and tries to project for a future period. In social sciences, “quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and...

Technologies Importance in Nursing Documentation

Introduction Prior to technology adoption, nurses would pass down information to each other verbally. Most documentation was defensive; it focused on protected the nurse or care institution from litigation, slow and difficult to access. However, with the use of computerized systems to record nursing information, it is now possible for...

Transformational Leadership and Theory Y in Nursing

The nursing profession necessitates the development of strong leadership and management skills inasmuch as they are of paramount importance for ensuring that care is delivered in a safe and efficient manner. The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of management and leadership theories in practice. Assessment of...

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Nurse training and specialization are vital in addressing various health care issues. Apparently, there are numerous issues associated with health care, including global nurse shortages, the need to provide quality care, and the necessity to reduce the cost of care while augmenting patients’ outcomes. Advanced training of nurses is...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment

Research Synthesis Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is understood as a progressive life-threatening illness characterized by an inflammatory component, a violation of bronchial patency at the level of the distal bronchi, and some structural changes in lung tissue and vessels. Modern scientists define COPD as an independent disease of lungs...

Congestive Heart Failure

Background and Significance Congestive heart failure remains one of the important health issues that result in the death of thousands of people all over the world. As for the nature of the given problem, congestive heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to perform its functions properly and, therefore,...

Diabetes Patient and Holistic Nursing Intervention

The patient who referred to Sabatia Health Center for medical treatment was diagnosed with diabetes. The clinical assessment of the patient revealed a low insulin level and poor response to the insulin injections which resulted in the constant thirst, feeling of hunger, and urinary incontinence. Along with the physiological problems,...

Role of Ethics in Healthcare Leadership

Ethics and leadership are indivisible. For an individual to be an active leader, they must be ethical. Ralston and Schroeder (2015) define ethics as the values that dictate individual’s behaviors or way of doing things. Ethics influences the decisions that a leader makes, particularly when in a dilemma. An ethical...

Dorothea Orem: Self Care Theory

Dorothea Orem Self Care Theory: Meaning Orem’s self-care deficit theory is grounded in the idea of a person’s propensity towards self-care needs, which can be universal, developmental, or health deviation requisites (Black, 2014). It is a composite theory that brings together three models: self-care, self-care deficit, and nursing systems. Self-care...

Pain Management in Patients With Dementia

The article Pain management in patients with dementia by Achterberg et al. (2013) is a literature review that explored four main perspectives concerning pain management among patients with dementia in order to make recommendations for further research and practice. Researchers explored the biological, assessment, organizational and educational, and practice perspectives....

Living Legends Program for Older Adults

Background The prevailing majority of seniors prefer their own home to elderly care centers or other facilities. Due to this, it is highly important for them to maintain not only physical and mental health, which is defined by three factors: 1) evaluative wellness; 2) hedonic wellness (happiness); 3) eudemonic wellness...

Patient Education Process and Its Failure Factors

Patient education is a major factor in the care delivery process. The lack of integrity in the field may severely compromise patient outcomes and introduce health risks. The following paper provides an example of a failure of the patient education process, recognizes the ethical, economic, and legal factors related to...

Nurse Educator’s Legal and Ethical Implications

Introduction Teaching is an essential factor in nursing, thus training a nurse educator is a tremendous achievement for nurses. A nurse educator is a professional health caregiver who has a professional qualification and meets the nursing standards. The nurse educator skills are vital because the potential or lack of potential...

The Role of Nurse Practitioner

Nurses constitute the largest category of health practitioners in the US healthcare system, and they are usually the first ones who contact patients in hospitals. The number of the registered nurse practitioners (NPs) continues to grow and the demand for high-quality care and well-developed skills and competencies in medicine increases...

Nursing Shortage and Turnover Management

Introduction A nursing shortage and turnover remain to be a serious problem for many American hospitals. Thousands of nurses are eager to leave their jobs in the next year after their graduation due to poor or unstable working conditions, long working hours, and the amount of work that has to...

Nursing Professional Values and Characteristics

Introduction My interest and nursing and a decision to become a professional in this sphere were initially tightly connected with the desire to help others and to ensure that some health problems do not prevent them from living normal lives. Being a nurse, I consider myself to be a person...

Healthcare Resources Use: Project Implementation

The Process of Communicating the Plan The current project presupposes the implementation of a plan aimed at the improvement of health care quality. This plan will be communicated during special meetings organized by the Chief Quality Officer. The key objective of the plan is to optimize the use of the...

Direct vs. Indirect Nursing and Core Competences

Introduction It should be noted that both the direct and indirect care should be based on the obtained baccalaureate degree in nursing. It would ensure that the care specialists are prepared to perform in a multiplicity of roles in the varied healthcare setting and furnish the best of service. The...

Concepts of Biology: HIV and AIDS

As a matter of fact, HIV and AIDS can be considered as a major threat to human life. The primary purpose of the paper is to examine the symptoms and the effects that HIV and AIDS have on a human being. HIV is a type of virus that can transform...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Meditech System

Technology has revolutionized many sectors by introducing new ways of doing things that enhance efficiency. One such technology is electronic health records (EHR), which is used in the health care system to store patient information (Clinical advantages of Electronic Health Records (EHR), n.d.). Since its introduction, the system has benefited...

Nursing Change Initiative Implementation and Sustaining

Evaluation of the change plan To determine whether the change plan is effective or not, both intermediate and outcome assessments are required. In the course of the project realization, it is necessary to specify how well the initiative is implemented. It can be done through an assessment of stakeholder engagement...

The Problem with the Ventricular Rate

Is the Problem with the Ventricle Rate? The irregular ventricular rate can be used in the medical examination as a major indicator allowing diagnosing a patient with atrial fibrillation (January et al., 2014). A way to detect the ventricular rate is to administer ECG. Mr. Martinez’s ECG showed such irregularity,...

Models of Nursing Care

Introduction The content of nursing has changed over the centuries as the demands of society, and the conditions of life have varied. Nowadays, nursing care models define the essence of relationships between a nurse and a patient. Any model focuses on a patient and his or her health problems. The...

Biomedical Ethics in Christian Narrative

Introduction The case study of ‘Healing and Autonomy’ demonstrates how Christians can make inappropriate decisions regarding the treatment of their children. In the case study, Mike and Joanne are parents who have an ailing son, James. The parents contemplate providing the best care for their son, according to their Christian...

Art and Science Relationship in Nursing

The most important part of every health system is the workforce. Many health care providers, who have quite a mixed variety of specific responsibilities, are involved in the health care process. Nurses are the largest and one of the most important groups of these specialists. Some people consider the nursing...

Homeopathic Treatment: Ignatia Amara

The presented paper is devoted to Ignatia amara, a homeopathic remedy that was found with the help of The medication is described from the point of view of historical and personal experience and scientific research. Ignatia amara is a remedy for anxiety and related issues that is made...

Aging Changes, Positive and Negative Attitudes

Discussion Aging is an inevitable process that happens to all beings. It has enormous influences on an organism and its ability to operate appropriately. The majority of the representatives of general public consider that their quality of life will worsen with the course of time and develop negative attitudes towards...

Maternal Role Attainment Theory in Practice

The sphere of nursing care connected with the relationships between parents and children remains quite complex due to the enormous role that such type of communication plays in the life of every single person. According to the assignment, we are supposed to analyze the case of Ms. Montayer, who has...

Preventing Medical Errors

Introduction Medication is an essential practice in every healthcare setting. Nurses and healthcare providers should administer the right drugs to their patients. However, this clinical practice is usually associated with numerous errors. Forni, Chu, and Fanikos (2010) argue that “medical errors are either systemic or individual” (p. 14). Healthcare institutions...

Nursing: Research Questions and Hypotheses

The research question may be formulated as follows: What effects does training aimed at improving new nurses’ cultural competence have on patient satisfaction? The independent variable, in this case, is the training provided to nurses as it will remain unaffected. The focus is on nurses who have little working experience....

Depression in Older Adults

Introduction Depression is one of the most widespread mental illnesses in the world. Employees have to take sick leaves or even leave their positions due to the illness, especially if it remains untreated. More than 80% of people who have symptoms of clinical depression do not receive any help (Australian...

Benner’s Model for Advanced Practice Nurse’s Development

Introduction to the Professional Development Plan Benner’s Novice to Expert model is a powerful framework that can guide advanced practice nurses (APNs) to become competent providers of evidence-based care. The theory supports the concept of continuous improvement whereby APNs embrace new skills and lifelong learning. Nurses should implement powerful professional...

Transcultural Nursing and Hispanic Patient’s Outcomes

Introduction Background The essential aspect of developing and delivering healthcare to the patients is to improve the outcomes in terms of efficiency of the process, enhancing the rate of recovery, and improving the quality of life for the patient. Cultural competence is an important aspect of the patients within a...

Privacy and Security in Health Informatics

Introduction Health informatics is the nursing discipline with the growing popularity nowadays. This discipline targets the information management issues such as the information processing effectiveness and elimination of the information leakage risks. This discipline has the direct link to the federal and state legislation regulating the patient personal data safety...

Skin Tears in a Long-Term Care Facility

This paper is a research critique on the article, Prevalence of skin tears in a long-term care facility, by LeBlanc, Christensen, Cook, Culhane, and Gutierrez. The article is a quantitative research, which was conducted to investigate the prevalence rate of skin tears amongst residents in a long-term care facility setting....

SIDS and Safe Sleep Practices

Introduction Infants are exposed to numerous environmental and physiological risks that may at time threaten their survival. As such, ensuring the safety of infants has been a priority to parents and other stakeholders. In the United States, infants’ deaths as a result of poor sleeping practices have been on the...

The Role of Cultural Competence in Nursing

Introduction Nurses and other professionals working in the contemporary health care industry have greater demands compared to the situation several years ago (Kelly, 2009). The main factor behind this phenomenon is the high rate of globalization. Studies have established that populations in various countries across the world are increasingly becoming...

Concept of Geriatric Dehydration

Abstract Dehydration is a common health care problem in geriatric patients. The complexity of socio-medical problems and the interaction of risk factors add to the problem. An understanding of the problem volume, pathophysiology, and diagnosis, should enable the geriatric nurse to design and implement an individualized intervention plan. The aim...

Alzheimer’s Disease: The Case Study

The patient described in this paper is my family member, who has experienced Alzheimer’s for the last three years. It is a 69-year-old man suffering from memory, language, comprehension, and reasoning impairment, which makes him vulnerable during interactions with the outer world. The laboratory test results include an MRI scan...

Mental Health Disparities in Society

Introduction Mental illness prevents most people from performing their daily tasks by altering their lifestyles. This issue can take several forms, affecting the person’s personality, character, and social interactions. Mental health issues can cause physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms (Henriksen et al., 2020). Biochemical imbalances can lead to mental health...

Patient Engagement in Healthcare

Patients frequently struggle to understand or recall the details their healthcare practitioners have presented to them. Practically, one of the best ways to gauge a client’s comprehension of directives is to use teach-back (Talevski et al., 2020). The patient is invited to talk about their perceptions of their medical state,...

Depression: Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Patient S. H., 32, female, Caucasian, single, was referred by the patient’s mother since the patient has been exhibiting changes in behavior. Problem The patient complains about lack of sleep, tiredness, loss of interest in leisure, irritability, and trouble concentrating. She states that these symptoms have been prominent for two...

The Coronary Heart Disease Analysis

One theme consistent in the three studies is that patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), even those in the youngest age brackets, frequently experience comorbid conditions. A second common theme is that CHD treatment can alleviate symptoms and prevent complications. The third constant theme is that CHD symptoms can be...

Business Intelligence in Healthcare Industry

Introduction Business intelligence has become a significant aspect of the modern world. It includes various techniques, tools, methods, and strategies that help business practitioners convert raw data into meaningful pieces of information, improving the performance of companies that apply business intelligence to their activities (Business Integrity Services, 2021). The concept...

Public Health: Suicide and Its Prevention

Introduction Suicide is an act where people terminate their life at will. It is considered a mental health challenge and affects both families and communities in the discourse. More than 700,000 people commit suicide globally, making it the 11th largest cause of death worldwide (Knopov et al., 2019). Analyzing by...

Student Nurses’ Experiences of Developing Professional Identity

Introduction Owing to the various aspects associated with professional identity formation, the nursing profession must comprehend how nursing students construct a professional identity and connect with universities and institutions that offer nursing education. Education has been deemed essential for nursing students to develop their professional identities. Creating a professional identity...

Healthcare Inflation in Canada and the US

The healthcare systems of Canada and the United States have long been the subject of debate and comparison. While Canada spends less on healthcare as a percentage of GDP and has a lower healthcare inflation rate, the United States has a private healthcare market with high costs and administrative inefficiencies....

Assessing School-Aged Children

Pediatric patients have different medical needs depending on their age and developmental stage. Nurses must be aware of the specific care these needs demand to conduct accurate evaluations and create effective care plans. This study will look at the needs of a school-aged child between five and twelve years, their...

Family Health Assessment: Lifestyle and Dynamics

Introduction The Lopez family is a Latino family living in the United States and was selected for this assignment. The members of the family agreed to participate in the interview and answer rather personal questions related to their family structure and health (Appendix A). This family consists of the mother,...

Nursing Profession and Its Historical Roots

Introduction Nursing, like any other science, has a millennia-long history. The origins of medicine are linked to the early phases of human evolution and civilization. It is true that, in the beginning, medicine was the realm of everybody rather than a chosen few. Following that, the woman, the leader of...

Unveiling Truths in Nursing: A Journey from Perception to Critical Thinking

Why do the prisoners believe the shadows represent the truth? People often accept what they see as truth without questioning it. The prisoners in the cave were limited, and their legs and heads were shackled, so their only way of perceiving reality was to rely on what they saw (Plato,...

Calista Roy’s Adaptation Theory in Nursing

Introduction Sister Calista Roy is a nursing theorist, writer, and professor known for her exemplary contribution to nursing. Born in 1939, Roy went to school where she studied until she received a degree in nursing from St. Mary’s College, LA, in 1963 (Callis, 2020). She is known for her revolutionary...

The Care Management of an Individual With Complex Care

It is crucial to enhance the standard of patients’ stays in healthcare facilities because diseases like cancer require extensive treatment and cause them to spend much of their lives in hospitals. The therapeutic diet plays a significant role as an essential element of complex therapy in treating diseases that are...

Banner Health: The US Non-Profit Organization

Introduction Banner Health is a non-profit organization that was started on September 1, 1999, by merging Lutheran and Samaritans Health Systems. They offer nursing care, hospital care, laboratory, surgical and rehabilitation services. Besides, the organization provides health-related educational and community-based social services programs. It owns and leases nursing homes, clinics,...

Medication Errors Impact on Human Life

Introduction During almost 50 years of its existence, pharmacovigilance has evolved from the traditional supervision of adverse reactions to medicinal products to the safety of patients. Therefore, identifying, studying, and preventing side effects and negative consequences due to irrational treatment and mistakes has become even more urgent. As emphasized by...

The Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) place a significant economic and healthcare burden. It has been determined that over 35 bacterial, viral, and parasite infections are sexually transmissible (Chesson et al. 203). Approximately 2.4 million instances of sexually transmitted diseases were reported in 2020, according to the CDC (Hopkins Tanne 1275)....

Healthcare Quality, Safety, and High-Reliability

Introduction. Definition of healthcare quality, healthcare safety, high reliability and just culture Quality of health care is the extent to whereby health care services improve the probability of anticipated health results. Healthcare safety encompasses the patient’s well-being and involves healthcare practices in response to the unpredictability of healthcare systems and...

Diagnosis of a G1PO Patient With Vomiting and Nausea Symptoms

Introduction This diagnosis is especially essential for women whom it is on their first time getting pregnant and have never delivered before (G1PO). In this population of patients, there are multiple genitourinary, gastrointestinal, metabolic, and neurologic factors to consider. When vomiting occurs, the first thing that comes into mind is...

The Rorschach Inkblot Test: Complexity and Cognitive Engagement

Introducing the Test The Rorschach inkblot test is a psychological questionnaire which was designed by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in 1921 (Choca & Rossini, 2018). This test is used to examine a person’s mental health and personality. It is also used to evaluate a person’s response to various situations. People...

PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) Practice Improvement Plan

PICO Question In hospitalized ICU patients (P), does the use of chlorhexidine caps (I) have a lower infection rate (O) compared to those that do not use chlorhexidine caps (C) on central lines ports? Plan I plan to test the efficacy of the chlorhexidine disinfectant cap in ICU patients I...

Lewis Blackman Case: Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

After discovering that Lewis Blackman had pectus excavatum, his parents decided to have him undergo surgery at a university medical center. Lewis was prescribed painkillers and ketorolac to help ease the excruciating pain he was in the following surgery. On day three, Lewis started having severe stomach discomfort, which the...

Malpractice Action Brought by Yolanda Pinellas

Introduction Hospitals and medical professionals must meet a specific standard of care. Healthcare malpractice arises when a medical practitioner fails to offer a patient the proper care, which results in injury or death. In malpractice cases, a medical mistake is usually involved in the diagnosis or aftercare. Ms. Pinellas had...

Role of Physical Activity in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Introduction Exercise helps people maintain better control over blood glucose levels and aids in weight loss, which are significant risk factors for diabetes. Physical activity alleviates typical health difficulties among elderly diabetics, such as poor balance and flexibility. Regular exercise is critically essential for effective glucose management. Understanding how type...

The Role of Social Workers to Meet Client Needs

Social workers in psychiatric facilities have several important responsibilities, including completing patient intake and evaluation procedures. The client will first have a meeting with the social worker who has been assigned to them, during which an intake process is done. This will involve gathering general identifying information regarding medical coverage,...

Children’s and Adolescents’ Use of Sugary Drinks

Introduction Children and adolescents are at grave risk for health problems due to the excessive intake of added sugars, particularly sugary drinks. Minority and low-income children are disproportionately affected. The use of added sugars by children and adolescents must be reduced in order to enhance health, which calls for public...

Antisocial Personality Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Mental illness is an issue that has a detrimental impact on an individual’s life. It includes symptoms that affect a person’s thinking, perception, mood, or behavior (Weiner & Greene, 2017). Dexter Morgan came for a therapy because he believes he has mental issues. Based on this, I carried out...

Clinically and Culturally Competent Care for Transgender and Non-Binary People

The summarized article is called “Clinically and culturally competent care for transgender and non-binary people: A challenge to providers of perinatal care” and is written by Lee Roosevelt, Sarah Pietzmeier, and Reed Robinson. The authors start their research by introducing the research context and explaining its relevance. They state that...

Factors of Decision-Making by Healthcare Managers

Healthcare managers occasionally encounter situations that require them to make critical decisions in healthcare facilities. Decision-making is considered a complicated affair that may involve clinical and non-clinical situations. Multiple factors such as financial resources, treatment options, ethics, quality, and legal aspects are some requirements that a health manager must consider...

Reducing Stress in Filipino Care Workers in Japan

Asis, E., & Carandang, R. (2020). The plight of migrant care workers in Japan: A qualitative study of their stressors on caregiving. Journal of Migration and Health, 1-2, 100001. Web. This research was published in the Journal of Migration and Health, an open-access publisher of articles and reviews concerned with...

Disabilities in O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Introduction A Good Man is Hard to Find was a short story written by Flannery O’Connor with another stories collection in 1985. The story commences with an argument between Bailey and her mother about whether the trip needs to be in Tennessee or Florida. The journey entails Bailey’s children, wife,...

The Importance of Medication Safety

Introduction The chosen topic is Medicine Safety, which is considered under the prism of the introduction of modern technologies that allow medical staff to quickly prescribe the necessary treatment and monitor the well-being of patients. The primary solution that has been investigated is the introduction of a public system for...

Holistic Health Principles in Nursing

Introduction This topic relates to Chapter 1: ‘Wellness and Fitness for Life.’ It is a health care system consisting of a multi-faceted approach that focuses on the complete person and their individualized needs and provides services that consider all bodily, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. This model allows the nurse to...

Community-Acquired Pneumonia in an Elderly Patient

A 68-year-old male patient was admitted with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), given antibiotics including ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and began to improve clinically, requiring less oxygenation, over the course of treatment. COPD, hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol all appear in the patient’s medical history (Karsanji et al., 2022). In the case study,...

The Role of the Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Nursing involves making important decisions that can affect patients’ treatment. Nurturing leadership and appropriate knowledge can lead a nurse to be able to implement new approaches and practices in everyday work. This article will discuss how to use theoretical foundations and academic literature as the knowledge that nurses can...

Diabetes: Anatomy and Physiology

Introduction A person’s health is an essential concern since it directly affects their ability to live a fulfilling life. The health of the organs is crucial for optimum functioning because the effectiveness of the body depends on each one. One of the most essential topics in healthcare training is anatomy...

SOAP (Nursing) Note on Dyspnea, Confusion, and Fatigue

Patient Initials: ____B.M__ Gender: M/F/Transgender: ___F_ Age: __38___ Race: __Black ___ Ethnicity __ African American __ Reason for Seeking Health Care: A 38-year-old African American woman was admitted because of dyspnea, confusion, and fatigue. HPI: The patient had been well until 18 months before the current admission, when the blood...

Discussion: Neglect in Nursing Homes

Introduction Ignoring residents is a common form of neglect in most nursing homes. Although it is not violent, nursing home neglect is commonly regarded as abuse. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, a federal statute that addresses patient rights and nursing facility reforms, defines nursing home neglect as abuse....

Radioactive Isotopes and Their Use in Medicine

Radioactive isotopes, or chemical elements produced through the decay of atoms, are widely used in medicine. The branch of medicine known as nuclear medicine studies the use of radioactive materials for monitoring the internal functioning of organs and directed elimination of the affected or damaged tissues of the body. Thus,...

The Importance of Homeostasis for Human Bodies

Introduction Homeostasis is essential for the human body’s health and survival. The term refers to the maintenance of the internal environment of the body and cells (Rizzo, 2015). For instance, homeostasis is associated with sufficient blood sugar levels, heart rate, and temperature (Rizzo, 2015). Discussion Homeostasis is supported by various...

Pathophysiology in Emergency Medical Care Decisions

Emergency medical care in the field is one of the most critical phases of care for patients. It largely determines whether a patient will live through the ordeal or not. Emergency medical care out in the field assists in stabilizing the patient to receive further care in the hospital setting....

Applying Lean Principles in Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare sector in the United States continues to experience numerous deficiencies that demand a comprehensive approach to their resolution. To alleviate a portion of these factors, the five principles of Lean, which require a product to be value-efficient, streamlined, customer-oriented, and of the highest possible quality (Ward, 2019)....

Benefits of Health Information Technology

Information technology is changing the way people work, learn, and interact in the world today. Artificial intelligence is at the center stage of machine and human surveillance, redefining the health systems on the ground. This change had to happen because of the existing flaws between the service providers and customers...

Risk Management and Patient Safety: Health Services Management

The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act designates a voluntary reporting system to expand the available data to evaluate and address patient safety and health care quality issues. This act authorizes the Department of Health to charge civil fines for patient information privacy violations. Furthermore, it provides federal privileges and...

Sibling Birth Order Personality Stereotypes and Structure

This study is about the connection between the position of birth and the personality traits of siblings. The study focuses on family designs to establish relationships as per the research done by other scholars. According to the existing literature, there is a significant association between birth order and structural traits...

Importance of Nurse Staffing Questions Decision

Problem Statement Current medicine is slowly but steadily becoming focused on working efficiency, minimizing patient stay at the clinics, and teaching personnel to handle multitasking. It is believed that a healthcare professional that can provide various services to the patients is most effective and needed at the working place. However,...

Healthy Aging and Its Crucial Benefits

Introduction Healthy aging is one of the most deliberated topics globally since older persons exist worldwide, and most people hope to live to old age. According to the WHO, healthy aging denotes developing and maintaining functional abilities that facilitate wellness in advanced ages. Thus, healthy aging involves the creation of...

Importance of Clinical Research Study Budget

It is critical for researchers, authors, and even consultants to know every cost linked to establishing a clinical research study coupled with the capability to document such expenses to authenticate budget requests. The group remains dedicated to the subject since there is a need to develop a clinical research budget...

Nursing Theory in Practice Examples

The profession of a nurse requires specialists to possess certain knowledge to direct their practice. Nursing knowledge has developed through several eras since the 1900s and is now characterized by the theory utilization era (Alligood, 2014). In the current period, nurses are meant to use philosophies, models, and theories for...

Increase in ADHD Diagnoses

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is among the world’s most common neurodevelopmental disorders. In this context, substantial growing trends in the frequency of ADHD diagnosis and treatment cases were registered across the globe. For its main reasons, the research includes a different approach to its diagnosis previously and nowadays,...

Importance of Medication Safety

The safety of administrating medication is influenced by nurses who have the authority to perform the job. They are expected to enhance safe care and facilitate a safe culture within a healthcare environment. When administrating medication, they must understand the order and ensure that it has all the necessary information...

Importance of Dreams Analyzing

Introduction Dreams are natural experiences whereby people can picture themselves doing various activities while asleep. According to the self-organization theory, dreams are due to the organization of incongruous and discontinuous neural signals to form a narrative while asleep (Zhang & Guo, 2018). Although dreams are independent from a person’s function,...

Role of the DSM-5 Classification in Psychiatry

The DSM-5 classification is written and used in order to help psychiatric professionals within the industry more universally understand, diagnose and describe mental disorders. The classification contains many common and rare conditions, each of which are properly separated into types and categories. The book is extremely useful to any practicing...

Evaluation of Mental Health Project Presentation

As mental health and children’s health enthusiast, I planned my project around these two junctures. Children are easily marginalized as they do not know how to express themselves fully. They also lack the financial avenues to take care of themselves and solely depend on their parents and guardians to solve...

Sunlight Hospital Managing Health Care Quality

The quality of care provided at the Sunlight Hospital in California is currently suffering. As the administrator of Sunlight, it is fairly obvious what has to be done to strengthen the organization, and those improvements are pretty straightforward. The current project aims to enhance the level of care provided to...

How the Use of Fentanyl Affects Society

Introduction Fentanyl also spelled as Fentanil, is from the opioid family and is considered the strongest form of opioid, mainly used to treat pain. With the help of other medications, Fentanyl is used for anesthesia. Fentanyl is considered to be a hundred times strong compared to any other form of...

Evidence-Based Culturally Sensitive Practice With Jehovah’s Witnesses

Abstract It may happen that a patient refuses some treatment or intervention, referring to their cultural, ethnic, or religious prohibitions. For example, the Christian denomination Jehovah’s Witnesses does not allow its followers to accept blood transfusions, making leukemia treatment and surgical interventions quite challenging. Chaer and Ballen (2020), Garoufalia et...

Registered Nurses and Physicians Comparison

Introduction Nowadays, the healthcare field is extended and involves numerous medical professionals that are required to perform specific duties. Among such healthcare professionals are registered nurses (RNs) and physicians. While the first group gathers valuable medical data, conducts tests, treats sicknesses, and cares for the needs of patients, the second...

Organizational Theory in Healthcare

The progression of the healthcare industry is inseparable from organizational development and theories – the fundamental aspects of management that help improve healthcare outcomes. The organizational system within healthcare is complex and involves changing reporting structures and relationships. Multiple types of specialists with different professional cultures work within a singular...

Scheduling Management in Healthcare

In healthcare management, scheduling is an essential procedure that optimizes the workflow, leading to increased nurse satisfaction and balanced benefits expenses. Excel Solver Setup is an efficient tool in Microsoft Excel that uses the what-if algorithm to determine the appropriate value for the objective cell (Microsoft, 2022). For instance, this...

Myocardial Infarction in the United Kingdom

Introduction Myocardial infarction is one of the best-known heart issues, yet, ironically, the levels of awareness about preventing it are drastically low in vulnerable groups. In the case under analysis, the patient, Mr. Vlog could use the support of a nurse who would not only provide the necessary treatment but...

Technology in the Healthcare System

As part of the work, it is required to assess the risks that could express problems with the integration of new technologies for obtaining health care services within a small city. Clerkenwell Vale is a British town with an aging population and relatively low life expectancy. Given the technological backwardness...

Impact of Eating Breakfast on School Performance

The principles of healthy eating are the aspects discussed not only in the narrow professional environment of nutritionists but also among ordinary people since this topic affects everyone. Particular attention is paid to the nuances of child nutrition because the problems of obesity and related chronic problems at an early...

Aspects of Palliative Care in Healthcare

Introduction The following article observes and analyzes a number of themes and topics associated with palliative care. The report recounts the key concepts and principles that guide the appropriate use of palliative care in healthcare settings. Following this, the presence of palliative care in neurological practices is outlined, issues and...

Using Mobile Health to Manage Chronic Diseases and Empower Patients

Introduction Chronic Disease Management (CDM) in the elderly has become a serious public health concern due to the fast aging of the world’s population. Older adults may be unable to receive CDM because of a lack of health resources and costs. It is possible for patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs)...

Clinical Reasoning Cycle in a Patient with Duodenal Ulcer

Patient Situation Mohamed Salah, a 48-year-old man who is a recent immigrant from the Middle East, is taken to the hospital with a history of epigastric discomfort, vomiting, as well as occasional black bowel movement for further evaluation. He is set to undergo an upper endoscopy this morning. He has...

The Development of the Nursing Profession over the 1800s

While the nursing profession is one of the fastest-growing in the medical field, there is still a need to bridge the gap between theory and practice and encourage clinical nurses to participate in research activities. Nurses are responsible for promoting health, preventing disease, and helping patients deal with sickness. They...

Intergenerational Transmission and Prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse childhood events (ACEs) are the traumatic events in childhood that increase the risk of negative consequences for physical, mental health, and social problems throughout life. Indeed, children who have been subjected to violence and abuse by parents, relatives, and other adults cause extremely negative consequences (DeNisco & Stewart, 2018)....

Nursing Assessment of Patient With Respiratory Disease

Subjective Findings The subjective data used in nursing diagnosis typically refers to the visual examination of patients and their reported symptoms. In this case, subjective data included in the diagnosis was the reported shortness of breath and difficulty breathing that the patient indicated upon admission to the emergency department. The...

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios: A PICOT Statement

Nurse staffing ratios have become a crucial concern in recent years. Numerous institutions have reported the decrease in nursing professionals’ numbers, arguing that inadequate staffing significantly reduces the quality of care for the patients (Falk & Wallin, 2016). In addition, the nursing personnel often encounter the negative consequences of unsafe...

Attention Deficit and Effective Treatment of Disorder

Effective behavioral and pharmaceutical treatments are available to help reduce the symptoms of ADHD. These treatments can assist individuals in doing better at home, school, and in social situations. Each child should undergo a full assessment before starting treatment to determine the diagnosis and treatment strategy. The American Academy of...

Reflection on Interpersonal Skills for Nursing Practice

Brief description of the encounter I had with a client In general, communication, especially the first contact with a patient, is essential; it determines the patient’s different relationship with the medical staff. In the context of the treatment process, the nurse acts as a partner, an intermediary between the patient...

Occupational Stress Management in Healthcare

Occupational stress is one of the most widespread problems related to the issues the employees face at the workplace. There are numerous causes of occupational stress such as occupational burnout, toxic workplace, psychological stress, and unsafe occupational environment, which may include workplace violence. Therefore, the scholars emphasize the importance of...

Pyromania as a Psychological Disorder

Introduction Pyromania, as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is an impulse control disorder that is characterized by an abnormal obsession with setting things on fire in order to relieve tension. People with this condition find it difficult to resist the impulse or the urge...

Coordination and Continuum of Care in Nursing Homes

Understanding continuum and coordination of care Care coordination has various meanings depending on whose scholar is describing it. However, the basic understanding is that it refers to the appropriate delivery of healthcare services through the organization of several participants, including patients, their families, nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals (Swan...

Clinics or Hospitals: Evidence-based Practice in Action

With the development of medical services, many different institutions have appeared that provide medical services to people. Hence, the two main types of such organizations are clinics and hospitals. The main conditions, in addition to the work schedule and funding sources, are conditions and methods of treatment due to differences...

Type 2 Diabetes in a 50-Year-Old Male

Introduction This paper contains a description and analysis of vulnerability and an appropriate holistic care plan for a 50-year-old male with type 2 diabetes. According to the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018), a nurse has a duty of confidentiality to those who receive care, so the patient will be...

Health Level Seven: Value Sets, Code Systems, and Data Types

Modern healthcare programs are used worldwide to facilitate the process of information storage and transmission. The majority of hospitals use such programs to ensure the fast exchange of information, especially in emergency cases. One such technology is Health Level Seven (HL7), a standard series of predefined logical formats for packaging...

Patient Identification: Risks and Safety Measures

Summary Reducing medical errors is one of the key concerns within the healthcare industry. The issue that has been reported at Vila Health is the placement of two patients with similar names and identical birthdays in two rooms in close proximity. B. Moore and B.R. Moore have been put in...

Counselor’s Professional and Ethical Responsibilities

Professional and Ethical Responsibilities are the responsibilities of the counselor to follow generally accepted ethical and behavioral standards of conduct and continuing professional development. In other words, these are guidelines and general criteria that determine the behavior of a person depending on his profession. It can also be defined as...

Mental Health and COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the biggest global challenges in the last 50 years. The virus has affected world economies, health, societal cohesion, and daily life. The mutation of the disease creates uncertainties for people, especially when knowledge about the illness is still shallow. The impacts on society,...

The US and the UK Health Systems

Introduction This research paper is aimed at a comprehensive and detailed study of two health systems – in the USA and the UK. Moreover, this work explores both the pros and cons of each of the systems. In addition, the paper provides concepts regarding the introduction of new and relevant...

International Classification of Functioning in Healthcare

Introduction Disability is an omnipresent phenomenon in healthcare that embodies an array of conditions that limits one’s functioning. Due to the need of modern health care communities and societies to conceptualize disability in order to find methods of properly meeting the needs of people with disabilities, models of disability are...

Analyzing Errors in Healthcare

I work at clinics and medical offices where we focus on diagnosing and treating outpatients. The primary goal of this facility is to offer preventative care and other essential diagnoses at the convenience of a patient. The quality metric that our clinics focus on and monitor is analyzing errors. As...

Autism: Diagnostics and Treatment

Introduction Autism is, perhaps, one of the most broadly known mental health issues. However, unsurprisingly, it is often poorly represented due to the presence of multiple myths regarding autism. Moreover, the lack of awareness concerning the phenomenon of autism may lead to a failure to notice the presence of an...

Creating a Website for a Hospital

In today’s world, the Internet is a vital source of information and interaction with society. Medicine is not considered an exception but has a specific character due to its uniqueness. It is necessary to consider this issue from the programmer who creates a site for the clinic. A specialist must...

Endometriosis: Symptoms and Possible Treatments

Diagnosis The medical terminology for the disease is centered around the term of endometriosis, but the emphasis is put on the differential symptoms. The examples include infertility, generalized pelvic pain, dyspareunia, and dysmenorrhea (Mounsey et al., 2006). In the case of the former, there are symptoms such as tubal disease...

Modern Healthcare Management: The Role of Information Technologies

Information technologies are now used in many industries, and such an important area of ​​human life as healthcare is also involved in this process. The latest digital developments have a positive effect on the development of the most promising methods of organizing the provision of medical care to the population...

Earthquakes: Effects on People’s Health

Earthquakes are one of the global environmental health issues that hugely impact people’s lives in certain geographical areas and communities. This is one of the physical hazards that basically represent the impact of natural disasters on people’s health and mental wellbeing. Due to the earthquakes’ difference in strength, their effects...

Importance of Post-implementation Metrics

Post-implementation evaluations (PIE) are critical in ensuring a project’s success. The PIE reports direct the senior managers on how to improve the outcomes of an implemented project further. Post-implementation reviews also provide an overview of a completed project’s success, challenges, outcomes, and lessons. This, in turn, provides a framework within...

Career Burnout in Nurses Serving Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Outline In this article, I use the phenomenon of Alzheimer’s neurodegenerative disease to study the syndrome of professional burnout in nurses who provide care to such patients. This is a comprehensive project that consists of two key sections, namely the study of Alzheimer’s disease and the study of nursing burnout...

The Future of Health Care: Observing New Trends

World changes with each generation due to economic factors, population fluctuations, and the rapid development of information and communications technology (ICT). That affects the healthcare market with visible trends entailing the change. Vogenberg and Santilli (2018) allocate eight themes that attribute key trends in the healthcare delivery system: A decline...

Effective Mortuary Administration and Its Principles

The efficient operation of a mortuary depends on the kind of administration that manages it. Being a facility meant to uphold human dignity even in their death, the mortuary is entitled to offer quality services that are only possible with a good administration. An adequately administered mortuary should divide its...

NDNQI Contribution to Nursing Healthcare

It is important to note that NDNQI has been operating since 1998, making it one of the biggest and reliable databases to aid and improve nursing healthcare by providing relevant, research-based data on nursing care (Northwestern Medicine, n.d.). The research needs to be continued even after the patient’s departure. The...

Infectious Disease Prevention in the Orlando, FL

Introduction The prevalence of infectious diseases is changing rapidly in the wake of environmental and societal changes. The Orlando, FL public health authorities can control the spread of infectious disease by issuing travel bans, instituting entry/exit screening of travelers, and quarantine travelers. The Orlando, FL public health officials have the...

Physical Changes in the Elderly

Introduction The aim of this study was to examine the physical changes that occur during normal aging, along with common chronic diseases and diseases that are associated with pathological changes in the elderly. According to Haldemann and Wister (2019), “for more than 30 years, the interface of aging and the...

The Neurological Effects of Cannabis

Introduction Cannabis is an illicit drug that is widely used worldwide. It has been estimated that about 181 million people use it all over the world (Archie & Cucullo, 2019). This drug is obtained from three types of the cannabis plant called Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa, and Cannabis ruderalis (Archie...

How Digital Literacy Skills Will Help Me in the Healthcare Setting

Nurses and internet health-related information: Review on access and utility by Ahmad, M. M., Musallam, R., & Allah, A. H.: Training nurses to use information technology is essential for their continuous professional development. This article serves as an overview of the literature on nurses’ use of and access to health-related...

Relation Between the COVID-19 Pandemic and Depression

The global COVID-9 pandemic disrupted normal life on the planet; nations worldwide had to close their borders while millions of citizens were forced to stay home and maintain social distancing. Today, the harshest measures are already in the past in the majority of countries, and now the main agenda is...

Professional Nursing Organizations and Opportunities

Professional nursing organizations and associations are essential for generating the energy, flow of ideas, and diligent work required to maintain a good profession in nursing. The latter organization’s primary purpose is to advocate for nursing activities and other professional and ethical considerations (Veenema et al., 2019). The purpose of this...

The Language Barrier in Nursing

Practice in rural areas with diverse patients creates an additional challenge for nurses because many individuals might not speak English or have a unique cultural background. Consequently, specific interpersonal connection-related skills must be developed by the professionals to deliver healthcare effectively. In working with non-English-speaking patients, nurses need to integrate...

Aspects of Healthcare Costs

Introduction Despite the transformations that the healthcare system is currently undergoing, the cost of healthcare remains high worldwide. The high prices have become an issue of concern even in the most developed countries. However, the United States’ budget for the health sector is higher than in other developed countries but...

How Physical Activity Affects Heart Rate

Introduction Physical activity is one of the critical components of people’s lives enabling individuals to remain healthy for a longer period. The heart rate of an exercising person is accelerating as muscles need more oxygen. Good health is associated with lower heart rate during exercise and longer endurance, which is...

Enhanced Communication Role in Protecting Residents and Patients’ Rights

Introduction Patients and residents in nursing homes and other long-term care (LTC) facilities may face challenges due to their deteriorating health conditions, mainly caused by old age. As a result, appropriate communication forms an essential part of their daily routines to ensure that they can have a better quality of...

The Ebola Virus and Disease Prevention

Causative Agent – Ebola virus Fig.1 above is a microscopic representation of the Ebola virus belonging to the filioviridae family in the order of mononegaviruses (CDC,2021a). The virus is single-stranded and exhibits a distinct heterogenous threadlike structure (CDC,2021a). Upon entering the body, the virus causes cells’ death, which weakens the...

Regulations for Nursing Practice: Staff Development Meeting

Introduction The U.S consists of the state boards and the national nursing board (NCSBN). The State Boards of Nursing (BON), develop and enforce nursing practice laws. Professional Nurse Associations (PNA) advocate for nurses during the development of these laws. The law development process allows nursing organizations to influence the outcome....

Health Information Exchange (HIE) Models

The management of the Memorial Hospital has faced the challenge of coordinating patient data between its different facilities, which has led to unnecessary tests, diagnostics issues, and poorer patient outcomes. Hence, this hospital has to implement a hybrid HIE model with a consumer-mediated exchange. This report will analyze the three...

Telehealth Medicine: The Main Benefits

The evolving technology has led to various improvements in service delivery in almost every sector. Healthcare is one such sector that benefitted from telecommunications. Telehealth medical services provider is a growing phenomenon and attracts debates on the benefits, advantages, and disadvantages. Healthcare experts, researchers, and users have their views on...

Current and Future Role of Nutrigenomics in Human Health

Introduction In the 20th century, nutrition research was mainly concentrating on devising ways and means of curbing health problems related to deficiency of food components as well as the necessary food elements vital in solving health complications. These were the commonly found nutrition-related problems. However, the situation in this field...