The Relationships Between American Revolution and Cultural Diversity

American Revolution In the course of history, the status of women underwent several dramatic changes. First of all, the American Revolution gave rise to the debate about the rights of women in the community. However, at the end of the eighteenth century, the legacies of the colonialism were very strong,...

Communist Revolutions and Cold War in East Asia

Introduction Also referred to as the proletarian struggle, the communist revolution was a platform used to replace capitalism with socialism in East Asia. It is important to review the events that catalyse revolution and social composition of each ideology. This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the historical significance of...

Gravestones: Archeological Analysis and Review

Abstract Gravestones are found in every region across the world. This paper uses several headstones to explain how they can give adequate information about people’s historical, sociological, economic, and economic past. The discussion offers meaningful insights that can guide archeologists to learn more about every society’s history. Detailed Review Wearne...

American Constitution and Its Influencing Factors

Documents Magna Carta Summary The Magna Carta was drawn in 1215 between King John of England and a group of English Barons who opposed the king’s rule. The agreement concerned itself with issues relating to money and property and created no provisions for the majority and peasants in England. Consequently,...

The Paranoid Style in American Politics by Hofstadter

Introduction The widely-known essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” by Richard J. Hofstadter was a very important piece of writing in American journalism. It was first published in 1964. The essay focused upon the style of politics that the US had had historically and contemporarily to the author. Hofstadter...

Canadian Study: Course on Indigenous Studies

The process of reconciliation between First Nations and Europeans is complex and quite lasting. A lot of effort has been made to make these two groups find some common ground and truly become one nation. However, it is clear that this goal is yet to be reached. Education is seen...

Antisemitism Controversy and Holocaust Denial

Introduction Antisemitism has existed for centuries and taken different forms. This is a very dangerous phenomenon as it often resulted in cruel pogroms and even legal persecutions. The ideas of antisemitism are spread in most countries and accepted and cultivated by millions of people. This contagious concept is even supported...

Renaissance as a Rebirth in European Civilization

Renaissance was considered to be a time where there was an exercise of a lot of inventiveness in art, structural designs, science, and writing in literature. This period lasted in Europe at an approximated period of three centuries between 1300 and 1600, which led to the interventions of the printing...

Developmental Models in Postwar Japan and Korea

Introduction Economies in Japan and Korea were significantly affected by the Second World War and the Korean War. The governments had to design and implement strategies to rebuild the nations. Some scholars believe that these strategies were similar in both Japan and Korea. On the other hand, many specialists distinguish...

Sinews of Peace: Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech

Churchill believes the Soviet Union “desires the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines.” How might those expansionist desires challenge the Western principle of national political self-determination, a cause it championed during World War 2? After World War II, the Soviet Union had its vast...

History: The Gilded Age of American Society

Along the Railroad to the New American Society Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner wrote the book The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. This book depicted an “American Society that despite its appearance of promise and prosperity, is riddled with corruption and scandal.” Today in American history this is...

World War II Impact on Racial Issues in the United States

It could be stated with certainty that large military conflicts have a vast impact on nearly every sphere of the social, political, and economic life of countries involved in the conflict. This statement is especially true in the context of World War II, as it was the global confrontation of...

Political and Industrial Progress in Latin America

Progress is a constant inevitable process of any civilization and it takes its own rhythm and patterns, developing and changing according to the people who provide its existence. The language of progress is a complex of evolutionary stages and flows which provides the development not only in industries. This language...

US Constitution of 1787: Formation and Ratification

Introduction The Articles of Confederation, drafted during the independence movement in 1776-1777, became the first official regulation that increased the power of the states through the creation of a decentralized government structure (Mittal & Weingast, 2013). However, they proved to be rather weak in governing the decision-making process made by...

Republican Factionalism and Black Empowerment

Article Review The main argument in Fitzgerald’s article is concerned with the intersection of the factional conflict and black social aspirations during the Southern Reconstruction (474). The author notes that due to the divisions among white Republican leaders, African Americans received more power in the southern party. Particularly, there was...

Historical Issues of Latin America

Problem Background Discussing the reasons that some countries have not yet achieved the success their citizens feel they deserve is a complex task. A country’s success is associated with a range of different factors that have influenced countries gradually throughout its history. In the case of Latin American countries that...

“Stalin in Focus” Essay by Theodore von Laue

Introduction Attempts to analyze Russian history by non-Russian historians can give rise to the issue of being able to understand the underlying reasons behind any political and economic decisions undertaken by the country’s government, as well as the way the Russian nation was shaped by these decisions and its own...

American Revolutionary War and Its Challenges

In 1783 the American Revolutionary War that pitted Americans against Britain in their quest for freedom finally came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris that officially recognized the United States as an independent and sovereign country. This was a culmination of 8 years of war...

The Creation of the US Constitution in the 1780s

After the independence of the thirteen American colonies was declared in 1776, the need to lay the foundation for the future existence of the states together arose. In 1781, the Articles of Confederation were ratified; these served as the first Constitution of the USA. However, they were unable to allow...

Andrew Jackson: The Man Who Made a Difference

The history of the United States has a plethora of people that stood out of the crowd in one way or another, yet all of them seem to come from the same ilk – all except one. As a rule, these amazing people share combined elements of a true leader...

The Need to Draft a New Constitution

In the aftermath of the American Revolution, the leaders of the newly independent states decided to create a legal framework that prevented the emergence of an extremely powerful central government. However, these apprehensions established a loose federation of states that was ineffective when it came to the need for decisive...

African Americans and Racial Profiling in the USA

The statement that the United States of America has entered the “post-racial” era is rather common these days, yet there are still many evidences that prove the opposite. Viewing the issue rationally, one my ask themselves a question: “The United States’ society has been through two hundred and forty years...

Debates Within Early 20th-Century Marxist Parties

Introduction Socialism is classified by most modern historians as a system of economic and social policies and political beliefs that focuses on collective control over the means of production as well as democratic ownership and the decision-making process. Ideas of socialism existed well into the 18th and 19th centuries, having...

John Brown: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter

Introduction John Brown was an abolitionist who chose to liberate slaves by force. His actions were extremely controversial, and to this day, they can spark a debate about their righteousness. James McPherson describes this conflict of perception in his essay Escape and Revolt in Black and White. This paper will...

“The Fates of Human Societies” by Jared Diamond

Introduction If one is a regular visitor to the history section in a bookstore, it is hard to pass on Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond. Despite the fact that the book first came out in 1997, it still manages to maintain popularity and...

The Civil Rights Movement and Reconstruction

The Civil Rights Movement With the end of the Civil War in the United States, several groups, including the government and other non-governmental organizations, came up with many propositions to protect the rights of minorities, such as Africans and Asians, who were always under constant threats from the whites. This...

Plantations of South Carolina

Plantations were big farms and the owners of the plantations commonly used slaves as the labor force to cultivate crops. Nowadays, the majority of plantations do not function, however, remain an attractive landmark for tourists who want to experience the history of plantations and feel the spirit of the age....

United States Constitution Ratification in 1787

Friedrich A. Hayek, The US Constitution, and institutional design (2016) The history of the composition and ratification of the Constitution gives abundant material for a deep understanding of institutional and social establishments created on its basis. The author argues that a lawmaker cannot design a constitution because the final result...

Feminism, Equality and Contemporary Interpretation

Southerners and the Ideology of Domesticity Despite the fact that the issues associated with women’s rights, as well as the prerequisites for the development of a gender equality concept, were on the agenda of the social life of the 19th-century America, the ideology of domesticity slackened the path of the...

The Impact of Slavery on the Development of the USA

Introduction Slavery is an alien concept to the modern citizens of the United States of America. Since the late 19th century, this undemocratic institution has been abolished in the US. However, during the time the colonization of America took place, slavery was the driving force behind the Europeans’ conquest of...

Rhetoric in African-American History Articles

Introduction The chosen articles on the history of African-Americans seem to be linked by individual conventions. The inner organization and content are the items that unite separate text into the united body of knowledge. History is the area where ideology, style, experience, and the depth of research intertwine to create...

Thomas Jefferson and the Concept of Slavery

While many associate Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, and the person that had written the Declaration of Independence with the idea of freedom, his attitudes towards the concepts of slavery were dual. As mentioned in the CBC News video, Jefferson’s virtues were enormous while his vices...

African Americans in the United States’ History

Introduction African-American history is the history of Black Americans whose ancestors were brought to the United States as slaves from the 16th to the 19th century. At that time African Americans were called Negros or colored people, which are not accepted in modern English. Since the 16th century, African Americans...

Ho Chi Minh’s Fight for Vietnamese Independence

Minh’s speech proclaiming Vietnam’s independence contains a demand that the free world support that independence in part as payment for services rendered during World War 2. What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? In his speech on the independence of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh states that the country’s freedom...

The Black Panther Party: Rise and Influence

The era of African-American civil rights was characterized by the emergence of different social movements in the United States of America (Murch, 2010). The primary objective of these organizations was to end racial segregation and discrimination against the black community. In addition, the groups were fighting to secure the legal...

The Roman Constitution: Augustus and Polybius Comparison

Introduction The significance of the Roman Constitution and the people’s role in it, together with the power executed by the Consul and the Senate, are discussed by Augustus in The Deeds of the Divine Augustus and Polybius in The Histories. The historical significance of both texts is in their somewhat...

Female Pop-Culture in “Where the Girls Are” by Douglas

Introduction In the publicist book Where the Girls Are, Susan J. Douglas analyzes the state of the media in the 1960s and 1970s. She describes and explains the female pop-culture images of the time. In the work, the feminist movement is viewed as well as the influence of the mass...

The League of Nations’ Activity After World War I

Adolf Hitler successful establishing of the Nazi regime was possible due to the penalties Germany had to face after it was defeated in the World War I; the economy of Germany was weakened so severe because France occupied the Saar Basin and Rhineland that supplied Germany with iron and coal...

The Rise and Fall of Classical Communism

Introduction The history of classical communism is full of different opinions and disagreements. The uncertainty of the contemporary scholars about the actual dates of such events as the end of the Cold War shows that the changes which were happening in the world during that period influenced many countries and...

Articles of Confederation Improved in Constitution

Introduction The Articles of Confederation was drafted and adopted in 1777 by the Second Continental Congress, bringing to an end the strife for a new government system. In the following three years, it was the de facto constitution. It was not until 1781 when the Articles were officially ratified. The...

Ho Chi Minh’s Input to Vietnamese Independence

What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? Although the role of Vietnam in World War II is quite often overshadowed by the superpowers participating in it, it would still be wrong to overlook how much the country contributed to the resolution of the conflict. Ho Chi Minh claimed in...

American Civil Rights Debate in History

The struggle for civil rights has existed throughout American history. The fight for civil rights has often been highly charged dispute that has resulted in heartless behaviors, bloody wars, assassinations, and racial segregation. Today, racism and inclusiveness are issues that trigger never-ending debates amongst Americans. After the freeing of the...

Texas History from 1870 to 1960

Modernity in Texas Modernity describes the period between 1870-1960. Any discussion about modernity depends on the context under discussion. It may refer to people in history who are associated with the rise in the nation-state, political difference tolerance, industrialization and urbanization, literacy of masses, mass media proliferation, and the increasing...

Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech for American Audience

Introduction Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech is often considered one of the first examples of Cold War action as it drew a distinct line between the western and the eastern world. He presented a number of ideas through this speech, but the main one concerned the actions of the Soviet Union...

Malcolm X and Anne Moody on Racism in the US

Introduction We live in the world formed under the substantial impact of racism, and this impact could still be observed in numerous spheres of human life. The fact is that humanity managed to stand against all forms of discrimination only in the 20th century under the impact of diverse civil...

Japan’s Aggressive War and Sino-Japanese Relations

Introduction China and Japan are undoubtedly the most important countries in East Asia. The two nations are regional superpowers due to their economic and military might. Their geographical proximity means that they have a cultural connection and economic interdependence. However, the relationship between Japan and China is strained, and there...

American Confederation and Constitution History

There was always intense debate between various parties, as they have dissimilar views regarding the same issues. A primary goal of this paper is to discover differences in opinions concerning the ratification of the Constitution. Firstly, the articles of Confederation and new a Constitution of 1748 are compared, and weaknesses...

German Comments on the Paris Peace Conference

As the authors of “Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference on the Conditions of Peace “, the allies would take control over Germany’s rivers, canals, and railroads, which would evidently hurt the country’s economy. Furthermore, the authors of the document also mentioned coal pits in Saar...

The Ratification of the Constitution

Introduction The Constitution of 1787-1788 is known for having created one of the greatest controversies in the history of the United States. The proponents of the Constitution, who believed in the necessity of strengthening the republic, were referred to as Federalists, whereas those who were against the ratification and opted...

Salem Witch Trials and Modern Counterparts

What do McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials have in common? It should be stated that these two historical events share several common aspects, on the basis of which they could be compared. First of all, it is essential to observe that both witches in Salem in 1692 as well...

The Slavery Question: Destiny and Sectional Discord

Introduction By the early 1850s, the debates over the slavery issue had already come to a head and could no longer be neglected. The argument grew more and more heated. The situation was aggravated by the intention of the Congress to build a railroad across the territory of the country,...

Development of the Northern Slavery System in America

In one form or another slavery had been existing in any part of the world. There is hardly a nation that has managed to avoid this terrible form of a social development. The United States of America from the very beginning appeared as a slave-owning state. Slavery was the integrated...

Conception of “The American Dream” in US

Since childhood, we have lived to hear the phrase “The American Dream” and as an individual, I wonder whether this can be attainable or it is just a perception in our minds. The American dream has for long been deliberated and one just hopes of its existence (Samuel 45). Though...

Constitution of the United States and Its Context

Description of the Example The selected example of the archive document is the Constitution of the United States. It can be accessed at the website of the National Archives. The document consists of four handwritten pages. It comprises seven articles, which united the citizens of the country in their desire...

The Articles of Confederation vs. the New Constitution

The Articles of the Confederation (1781-1789) preceded the New Constitution of the US ratified in 1789. Although the two documents have some commonalities, they differ in many respects. One significant similarity was that both documents sought to establish a democracy, not a monarchy or aristocracy (Goldfield et al., 2013). Further,...

Martin Luther King’s and Malcolm X’s Prosecution

Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X are well-known leaders of the cultivation and development of the black movement, which was aimed at the recognition of black people as a race in the United States of America (Howard-Pitney, 2004). It remains apparent that they had a high contribution and influence...

Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

Introduction While focusing on such questions as racism and violence, it is possible to state that these issues are still relevant to American society even though they were discussed and almost resolved in the 1960s. Martin Luther King wrote his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” in 1963 while being imprisoned...

Law, Language, and Empire in the Roman Tradition

The book that was chosen for the review was written by Clifford Ando, a researcher who studies Roman law and religious traditions. The book under consideration is called “Law, language, and empire in the Roman tradition,” and was published in the United States by the University of Pennsylvania Press in...

Political Battles and the Role of Canada’s History

The course of history is an objective process. Even though it can be affected by powerful politicians and unions of states, it does not change the very fact that the process itself should be viewed objectively. Nevertheless, understanding history is a highly subjective performance that is influenced by individual’s personal...

Erie Canal’s Role in Albany’s Commercial Life

The construction of 363 miles long Erie Canal was a turning point in a commercial life of Albany (Roark et al. 285). It was one of the biggest government-sponsored enterprises at the time. The canal connected the New York City region with the area of Great Lakes (Roark et al....

Human Warfare Throughout World History

Introduction The concept of warfare has been familiar to human beings throughout their existence. During the ancient times already, people used to gather in groups to fight for their territory and resources. Primitive societies that used wooden sticks, Romans with highly developed warfare, and modern nations that create powerful weapons...

Unification in Europe and the World in the 1960s

Peoples of Europe and the world experienced multiple changes and reformations in the 1960s. It is difficult to determine precisely whether that time was characterized by fragmentation or unification since both processes took place, and each country faced this time differently. Nevertheless, the purpose of this paper is to discuss...

American Civil War and Its Predetermination

Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided? To date, the Civil War remains the greatest battle on the U.S. territory and one of the most significant events in the American history. The war resulted in an array of changes introduced to the American society, the abolition of slavery being the...

The Stamp Act Resolutions and Declaratory Act

Introduction The 1760s were difficult years for the British Empire. The British won the Seven Years War 1755-1763, but the prolonged conflict cost the country almost 50 million pounds, bringing its national debt closer to 130 million. The debt put a strain on the economy, which could not be replenished...

Digital Trip to the National Archives

Digital Trip Reflection The digital trip to the National Archives to view the Founding Documents Gallery revealed a lot of information on the founding principles of the US democracy and bill of rights. Specifically, the focus of the visit was on the constitution and the declaration of independence. The pictures...

Founding Fathers and Brothers in the “1776” Movie

Introduction The analysis of the civic virtues, as highlighted in “The Founding Fathers”, can be summed up using the Federalist 55 discourse. It is observed that the republican government assumed the existence of civic virtues. The founding fathers opined that political freedom presupposed a limited government. What this means is...

Slavery Impact on the United States’ Development

Slavery is an alien concept to the modern citizens of the United States of America. Since late 19th century, this undemocratic institution has been abolished in the US. However, during the time the colonization of America took place, slavery was the driving force behind Europeans’ conquest of Americas. Millions of...

History of Detention in South Africa

Detention Detention in South Africa was a common feature during the apartheid era. The government of the day used detention as a way of gathering information. The Truth Commission in South Africa in its reports ascertains that renowned Special Branch was mandated to get intelligence on behalf of the government...

The United States’ Nation and Foundation History

Introduction The Constitution is the cornerstone of the American way of life. This document had shaped American democracy as the rest of the world knows it today. It should be said that the process of its creation and adoption was full of issues and obstacles. Two major powers, the Federalists...

“Thinking Through the Past” by John Hollitz

Main Purpose of the Article The main purpose of the article is to explore the possible reasons behind the United States annexation of the Philippines, including gaining access to the Chinese market and a belief that wars are required to make the male population of the country manlier during the...

Emancipation Proclamation in American History

There is no doubt that original texts of legislative proposals and proclamations remain the most credible sources for individuals interested in the history of their countries. Among the brightest events related to American history in the second half of the nineteenth century, it is necessary to single out the appearance...

American History of the Revolution

Causes of the American Revolution The American Revolution had specific characteristics that distinguished it from many other people’s uprisings occurring in the world before and after it. First, the revolution of 1775-1783 took place on the territory that, in fact, did not experience feudalism as a socio-economic formation (Bailyn, 2017)....

War Law Transformation Throughout History

Introduction Wars are inevitable in a world where people have different views and ideologies in almost all aspects of life. It is often ironic that countries and international organizations would want to impose laws on war because, by its nature, war is a lawless event. However, the world, through consensus,...

European State Building History

The process of European state building, which became the foundation of modern European states, began in 14th-15th centuries, after the concluding phases of the Hundred Years’ War. It was followed by a period of civil unrest, when a great number of professional soldiers sought employment under various dukes, magnates, and...

Wine Studies in Pliny’s Natural History XIV

Description According to Pliny, Italy was famous for its wine. Wine can be used for various purposes, including medicinal ones, such as what he calls the heating effect of wine on the human body. Pliny also mentions that Alexander the Great called wine the earth’s blood, pointing to the fact...

American Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution

The primary goal of this essay is to compare and contrast the content of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution by presenting the weaknesses and threats of both documents. It could be assumed that the U.S. Constitution provides detailed information about the importance of government by providing additional...

Native American Indians: Concepts, Theories and Research

Historical antecedents of societal discrimination of Native Americans Complexities in the interaction of Native Americans and settlers from Europe in the 15th century and early 16th century led to the establishment of boundaries between the natives and settlers. The latter group took ownership of lands, established economic control, and expanded...

The New Deal and Minorities in America

Historians and sociologists argue that the Great Depression profoundly changed American society because it made people extremely uncertain about their future. In particular, it led to the growing unemployment and homelessness; moreover, many households were brought to the brink of starvation. In turn, the New Deal was often perceived as...

Immigration, Race, and Labor in American History

Introduction Immigrant workers play a crucial role in the development of the United States’ economy. Historically, slaves were brought into this country to work on farms, which contributed largely to economic development at the time. After the abolishment of the slave trade, domestic work became the largest single employment avenue...

Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam

Introduction Malcolm X was born on May 19th, 1925 to Earl and Louise Little in Omaha, Nebraska. His parents were active members of Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” movement, as well as the association for Negro improvement (UNIA). Earl Little’s open defense of Garvey led the Ku Klux Klan to...

The Communist Revolution in East Asia

Introduction The Communist Revolution in the East Asia region took place between the 1930s and 1940s (Meisner 2). It is a period that was characterized by acts of heroism and enhanced unity of the communities that took part in the revolution amidst the injustices that marred the uprising. However, one...

Crisis and Civil War Events in Nigeria

Introduction The events of the Nigerian Civil War unfolded within 30 months, from July 1967 to January 1970. The war brought a large-scale humanitarian crisis to the Biafra region, resulting in between 1 and 3 million civilian deaths from hostilities, disease, and starvation (“Biafra War,” 2016). The main opposing forces...

Vietnam Decolonization’s Impacts on the International Relations

Introduction Decolonization was an instrumental factor to major changes that took place in the place world politics, particularly the decolonization of Vietnam given the geostrategic position of the country in the Asian region1. Studies show that several changes took place after the process of decolonization, but some scholars are of...

Quebec Separatism: Canadian Study

Main Arguments In the article “Canada’s Separatism Fatigue”, Rex Murphy explains how “the history of Quebec separatism has induced an ever-expanding distaste and weariness in Canada” (Murphy par. 5). Canada as a whole has become weary and understood how to accommodate this issue of separatism. This move has the potential...

Historical Philosophy: Information Concepts

History is the knowledge that humans collectively possess and can use to own advantage. Unfortunately, people seem to ignore the past and strive to reach the future in the fastest way, forgetting the learned lessons and attention to details. History is significant on several levels and the first is biology....

History: Hurricanes and British Sugar and Rice Markets

The topic of the Article The Caribbean and South Atlantic regions tend to experience storms and hurricanes as seasonal threats that cause the destruction of private property, particularly plantations; as a result, in the 18th century, the British owners of agricultural businesses in these areas suffered devastating losses due to...

American Confederation and First Constitution

Introduction After independence, the United States went through multiple constitutional reformations. Polishing the authority system, the United States government developed its first Constitution. Its core was tested by time and still provides the working framework for the United States authorities. That is why it is important to thoroughly study the...

Industrial Revolution in Great Britain (1760-1840)

The Industrial Revolution of 1760-1840 was a remarkable time that changed the world picture impressively (Stearns, 2010). During this period, progress influenced the way the society lived. Before this time, the agricultural segment was dominant, however, after the revolution several countries in Europe and the United States became industrial. Before...

First Civilizations and Their Characteristics

Introduction The history of the rise of civilization is long and intricate. It started around six thousand years ago with the formation of cities in the valley of Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East. Since then, the phenomenon of civilization evolved. However, its primary aspects remained unchanged. Taking...

History of the Ku Klux Klan

Who were the Victims of Klan Violence? The Klan, commonly known as the Ku Klux Klan, was a distinct movement in the United States that advocated for white extremism that stood to support white nationalism, supremacy, anti-immigration, anti-Catholicism, Nordicism, and anti-Semitism. Their main victims were nonwhite people living in the...

Ancient History: Agricola and Germania by Tacitus

Introduction The Agricola and Germania is a book mainly written for two distinct historical purposes: the first one is to appraise Agricola, a talented commander and a real historic figure of the Roman Empire period, and the second one serves to praise the Germania inhabitants. In the book, we find...

Ho Chi Minh’s Role in Vietnamese Independence

After France withdrew its troops from Indochina, Vietnam was open to the Japanese invasion. Soon after Pearl Harbor, Vietnam was fully occupied by the Japanese forces. In May 1941, the Vietnamese League for Independence was created. It was an independent guerrilla network of peasants, socialists and nationalists designed to resist...

Martin Luther King in Civil Rights Movement

My previous essay was primarily related to the problem of inequity existing in the American society. In particular, I focused on the hardships faced by young adults. Many of these individuals continuously have to struggle with poverty. In turn, one should pay more attention to the underlying causes of this...

“The Black Death and the World It Made” by Cantor

The Black Death is known as one of the most horrible and destructive pandemics that hit the medieval world. It surfaced in Europe in the fourteenth century at around 1347 to 1350. It originated from Asia, where there are many rodents, especially rats, which carried the plague bacillus. When the...

Why the Industrial Revolution Did Not Originate in China?

When studying the history of China, many put a focus on innovations that gave a start to the development of Western civilizations. Despite the fact that China was very advanced in agricultural and technological productivity in the time period leading up to the fourteenth century, the country stopped its development...

Post-War Britain: Decline or Growth?

Introduction The debate whether the British economy declined or grew during the post war decades among scholars especially economic historians has been going on for decades. The debate began immediately with the invention of the idea of Declinism in the later decades of the nineteenth century (Tomlinson 732). The origin...

African Self-Representation Then and Now

Introduction Nowadays, Africa is considered the poorest continent in the world. Remarkably, for such a long period of time, Africans’ way of life remains unchanged (Walton, Smith, and Wallace 2017). Certainly, there are many reasons for that, ranging from some peculiarities of their culture to the hundreds of years of...

Slavery in Different Periods of American History

Edward Berenson’s textbook “Europe in the Modern World Since 1500” As transportation networks and technology began to develop, they allowed for fast and efficient shipment of goods anywhere in Europe and across continents. This resulted in a dramatic decline in prices on food and crops, particularly with the arrival of...

First US Constitution vs. New Constitution of 1787

The Articles of Confederation and the New Constitution: Comparison and Contrast Prior to the ratification of the US Constitution that was created in 1787, the state-operated under another document known as the Articles of Confederation, which became effective in 1781 (“Comparing the Articles and the Constitution,” 2010). Even though the...

The Media’s Role in the JFK Assassination’ Coverage

It is claimed that 50 years after the JFK assassination, nearly all the known facts have been propagated by the mainstream media. Nearly each idea known to the public has been either evoked or driven by individuals who restricted activities of the mainstream media (Gormlie 1). Thus, just like the...

History of the U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S Supreme Court came into existence as per the requirement of the constitution. Article III, section I of the US constitution required that a supreme court is enacted to provide judicial power. The agenda to establish the court was deliberated by the first meeting that was held by the...

Malcolm X’s and Martin Luther King’s Similarities

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are among the notable civil rights activists that lived in the United States of America. Despite the fact that they came into being at different times and had different lives, these two figures had some similarities and differences between them. Martin Luther’s father...

Industrial China and Europe in “Needham Puzzle”

The article under discussion analyzed and explained the notion of the “Needham puzzle.” The puzzle is about China’s growth and evolution: its tempo, its perspective, and the reason why China failed to become the country of the industrial revolution, although the capability of its evolution and growth was high even...

20-Century Media in Douglas’ “Where the Girls Are”

Susan Douglas’s book Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female in the Mass Media is a highly successful attempt to portray the lives of women as being impacted by the media and culture. Douglas attempts to evaluate the effect of songs, TV shows, adverts, and other means of communication on...

Ivan the Terrible’s Impact on Russian History

Introduction The legacies of Ivan IV Vasilyevich, who is also known as Ivan the Terrible, attract close attention of many historians because this monarch considerably shaped the history of Russia, especially the political development of this country, its social structure, as well as the size of its territory. This paper...

New American Constitution’s Establishment

Introduction The Constitution of the United States was established in 1787. Delegates from northern and southern states worked on this document, taking into consideration the interests of all the involved. The Articles of Confederation preceded the Constitution. However, they could not be used effectively to govern the country. The delegates...

Jules Ferry’s Defense of French Colonialism

Introduction Colonialism as a form of state-building emerged in the 18th-19th century and was a byproduct of intense industrialization and exploration, which opened new avenues for expanding the borders of existing countries by conquering and subjugating territories located in foreign countries, such as the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia. All...

Pauli Murray’s Input to the Civil Rights Movement

Pauli Murray’s name is not commonly mentioned alongside many historical figures that have been immortalized in their fight for equality and civil rights for minorities and women alike. However, Murray had a profound impact by introducing ideas and legal concepts which were used to establish the basics of equal treatment...

American Constitution: Creation and Ratification

Introduction The United States had two constitutions. The first one, known as “The Articles of Confederation,” came into effect in March 1781. The second one, “The Constitution,” succeeded The Articles in June 1788. The documents may seem similar, but they have a lot of differences when analyzed in more detail....

Economic Advancement and Nationalism Spirit in Europe

The nations that are available today are the result of human interventions. Over the centuries, people have tried to spread nationhood among the citizens of particular geographic regions. Nationalism comprises of shared ideas, common principles and a common purpose (Kagan et al. 630). A nation consists of people coming together...

Human Progress in Renaissance and Modern Society

Introduction The Renaissance is one of the turning points in the history of the development of the world. This era changed the direction and pace of human progress. Such processes significantly affected European countries. Life of regular people, as well as of aristocracy, became different and more resembling the life...

New Constitution of 1787 Ratification Debates

While carrying out a comparative analysis of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of 1787, it is critical to take into account the fact that the latter appeared in response to the overall dissatisfaction with the Articles. Hence, the ratification of the Constitution signifies that this legislation was considered...

The Idea that Asian Nationalism Development

Introduction Nationalism in Asia bears a lot of similarity to nationalism movements in Europe and the rest of the Western world. In fact, the goals of nationalism in both regions (Europe and Asia) are all the same (Metcalfe 45). Moreover, the various circumstances that made countries in both continents unified...

The Bill of Rights, Its History and Modern Influence

Introduction The National Archives contain numerous founding documents of America. One of them is the Bill of Rights, a list of amendments to the Constitution (“The Bill of Rights: How did it happen,” 2017). As can be seen in Figure 1, the Bill of Rights contains ten amendments ratified by...

American Civil War in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Abstract The American Civil War occurred between 1861 and 1865. Without a doubt, it is one of the darkest political upheavals in the history of the United States. However, the remarkable war led to the collapse of the Confederacy States thus making it easier for the leaders to bring the...

The Emancipation Proclamation in American History

Introduction A few events in the United States history had as much impact as the American Civil War, which took place between 1861 and 1865. The Civil War was, in part, fueled by the debate over the future of slavery between the South and the North. Slavery is an alien...

“The War and the Workers” by Rosa Luxemburg

Introduction According to Luxemburg, masses that agreed with leaders who advocated for World War I did so due to social attributes (13). Some of the issues that Luxemburg mentions as “social attributes” include the “…cholera in the wells, Russian students heaved bombs on railway bridges in Berlin, telegrams became false...

Germany’s Great Influence on the World Politics

Globalization, or the process of strengthening the international bonds between countries in political, economic, and media sectors, is currently one of the major threats to the autonomy of many states. Germany is one of the countries that have a great influence on world politics, yet it has a history of...

Civil Rights Movement: Violence and Community

The Civil Rights Movement in the late 1950s and 1960s brought about a pivotal change in the race dynamics of American society. The nonviolent protesters were met with violence from the Ku Klux Klan, the police, and the private citizens. The literature on the subject focuses predominantly on the struggle’s...

Tartars, Their History and Leaders

Introduction Pope Innocent IV wanted to find out more about the Mongols. The church also had intentions of spreading Christianity to the East. The church, therefore, sent some emissaries for that task. When John of Plano Carpini got there, he found them to be a people who hold firmly to...

The Bill of Rights, Its Historical and Modern Role

Description of the Document The document we are talking about could be considered fundamental for the appearance and development of the USA. It is the Bill of Rights which includes the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The example presented in web archives is the photo of the...

Rethinking the Texas Constitution of 1876

Introduction An evaluation of the article reveals that the Texas Constitution is assumed to be a representation of the ideals of the Grangers or farmers. In effect, agrarian voters are seen as the chief influencers of the constitution’s grudging and explicit nature on issues like official salaries, tax rates, and...

European Invasion and Agriculture in the Caribbean

Introduction The Caribbean is considered as one of the first regions to lose the aspect of indigeneity due to the massive immigration of people from Europe, North America, Africa, and the Far East since the early 1600s1. The erosion of the indigenous Caribbean culture emerged from the intrusion of the...

John Kennedy’s Assassination: Theories and Facts

Introduction John F. Kennedy remains a major political icon in the American history. He was the 35th president of the country. He was assassinated on 22nd of November, 1963 ( 1). The leader was shot by a sniper at Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas. His death is regarded as one of...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech

Introduction The Cold War was the main geopolitical conflict of the second half of the 21st century. The ideological and economic confrontation between the US and NATO against the USSR and the countries of the Warsaw Pact began in 1946 with Winston Churchill’s speech, where he condemned the Soviet Union’s...

Ancient Sparta Community Analysis

Introduction Sparta was a worrier community in ancient Greece that residents in a city known as Lacedaemon. The origin of the community can be traced to 900 BC. However, they rose to prominence in 650 BC when they started demonstrating their unique military skills. According to Cartledge (47), the ancient...

The Bill of Rights and Its Influence Nowadays

Description of the Example The completed digital field trip was quite informative and meaningful. The primary document selected from the Founding Documents Gallery at the National Archives was the Bill of Rights. This document outlines the major restrictive clauses or amendments to the Constitution that were aimed at protecting the...

Americans and Germans New Leadership in 1933

Cause of the Problem that their Countries Faced Perspective of Hitler Hitler pointed out two specific reasons behind the current plight that Germany experienced. The first was the adverse system of reparations that Germany had to pay at the end of the first World War. This is evidenced by the...

Mandela’s and Obama’s Heroism in Present Society

Abstract This paper explores the subject of heroism and its place in the present society. It determines that in the biblical and medieval societies, heroes were individuals with extraordinary abilities who saved their societies from evil and bondage. The paper goes further to determine that the present society has had...

Constitutional Issues in Relation to Society and Religion

Introduction In Plano, Texas, families of several elementary school children sued the Texas school district for religious discrimination and impeding on exclusive rights and freedoms provided for in the first amendment of the constitution. According to the parents, the school allowed for winter and birthday parties but excluded Christmas parties....

President Obama’s Style of Leadership

Introduction Obama’s decision to help the community college fostered the belief that African American administrators can succeed, despite discrimination and hardships, and that they could attain higher promotions. Community colleges have helped many African Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups in the United States that have commonly been rejected from...

Railroad and Its Impact on America’s Growth of Wealth

Introduction The transcontinental railroad was build despite opposition from the Indians. They were fighting to preserve their culture. To them the railroad meant bringing more white people to their territory. They held meetings seeking counsel to protect their land. This dispute did not stop the construction of the railroad, as...

Ho Chi Minh Role in Vietnamese History

In his Declaration of Independence, Ho Chi Minh claimed that Vietnam had rendered certain services to the Allies during the World War II, and for this, the country had deserved freedom. Ho (1960) states, “A people who…have fought side by side with the Allies against the Fascists during these last...

American Constitution’s Creation Controversy

Despite the enormous significance of the Constitution, its creation was associated with major controversy, which revolved primarily around the degree of centralization of the country’s governance. However, the final product can be considered a reasonable compromise between individual liberties and institutional responsibilities. The following paper provides a detailed analysis of...

American Constitution of 1787 and Related Debates

Introduction The Articles of Confederation are considered to be the first American constitution ratified by all the states with Maryland being the last one in 1777. Still, the specific factors related to American internal issues proved that the states needed a national government that would be stronger than the provided...

Poverty and Violence During the Mexican Revolution

There are several consistent impressions produced by the creative output of Mexican writers and artists of the 1950s. The Luis Bunuel movie Los Olvidados, the short stories of Juan Rulfos in his collection titled The Plain in Flames, and the mural art of that decade all attest to the failure...

Communism as the U. S. National Paranoia

Because of the desire to keep the integrity of the American society, the fear for the Red Plague, as known as the communists, has been cultivated in the United States for decades. Despite the fact that the United States were rather distanced from the Soviet Union, the Communist ideas were...

The Arrival of the English to North America

The Portraits of Native American in the Essays The author of the first essay begins with the words “America is the child of Europe.” It is mentioned that before the Europeans came, the vast regions were occupied by “a wilderness of tribes of copper-colored barbarians or savages.” With these words,...

Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence

I suppose that Ho Chi Minh meant the help that Vietnam provided for France in the course of World War II. At that time, Vietnam got into the center of conflict between France and Japan. Becoming a location of the fight for territory between the two nations, Vietnam lost its...

The Aryans and Their Origin: Historical Theories

At different points of the development of the human society, there were different views on the Aryans. They were seen as European nation’s ancestors, a mythological nation of half-people and half-deities. They were also a symbol of some nation’s superiority and certain justification of conquest. It is necessary to note...

Boyz n the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel

Introduction On the face of it, it may seem like Boyz n the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters in Steel may not give the impression of having much in common when it comes to the characters or the plot of the story. Nevertheless, the two stories are rather analogous and...

Racial Discrimination in the American History

Introduction Slavery is purely the use of human labor without proper remuneration for personal gain. In light of this, black families were for a long time accustomed to slavery by the whites in America leading to racial discrimination. Slavery tore kinship ties apart thanks to the separation of parents and...

Mongol Operations against Xi Xia and Zhongdu

Mongol Operations against Xi Xia in 1207 Xi Xia used to be an ancient state, located in China, on its northwestern border. The state became the first to fall into the Mongol hands, once Genghis Khan began his campaign of conquest. He planned to wage war against Jin and had...

The Late Roman Republic: Problems and Their Causes

Introduction After the government was recovered by the military, many events followed afterwards. There was looting among other major crimes that followed in the late republic. This essay seeks to discuss the problems that followed after this event. The paper will also show how the events led to the problems...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Malcolm X’s Ideologies

Introduction Nowadays, the principles of equality and tolerance are discovered as guiding concepts in modern society. It implies that every individual is treated with respect disregarding his/her race, gender, and ethnicity. Nonetheless, the situation was different in the past due to slavery and high levels of discrimination in the United...

The Lack of Industrial Revolution in China

Reading Response Why the Industrial Revolution did not originate in China in the fourteenth century is one of the most controversial questions many ask. Despite the fact that the Industrial Revolution did not occur in China, there was a chain of contributing factors that can be considered crucial to the...

Streetcar Boycotts in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson

Racial discrimination is a critical issue that has attracted the attention of the general public a long time ago and is still discussed by numerous professionals in such spheres as history and politics. Blair Kelley also revealed her interest in this topic. She wrote a book titled Right to Ride:...

American Foreign Policy Since World War II

Structure of the Book and a Summary of its Contents This paper is a book review of American Foreign Policy since World War II, by Hook and Spanier (1). An acclaimed literary work, researchers have used the book in educational and political fields. It has only two parts. The first...