Racial Disparities in American Sentencing

In my opinion, the most problematic sentencing disparity in need of attention by judicial agencies is the racial disparity. The problem of Blacks and Hispanics being convicted and receiving prison sentences more often than whites is widely known and present in the modern US judicial system. According to King and...

Obama’s vs. Trump’s US National Security Strategy

The National Security Strategy 2010 provides definitive ideologies on what contributes to global security, national security and homeland security. Essentially, there are multiple concerns highlighted in this policy document that help in understanding the values of domestic and international relations. Notably, there are several distinctions between the three aspects of...

Two Business Law Cases

To make a fair recommendation on this case, one needs to know the conditions on which the contract was signed and whether the terms of non-performance were discussed in it. The work under the contract may not be performed in full in good faith, in which case the contract needs...

Criminal Law in the United States of America

Introduction It is first of all necessary to define the scope of criminal law and its implication upon society. It could be reasonably defined that criminal law is that offshoot of law that bans certain kinds of conduct or behavior and deems it intrinsic to enforce punishment or penal action...

“No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion” Act and the Judeo-Christian Worldview

Introduction Congress of the United States works on a variety of bills, some of which can be considered debatable in terms of different worldviews. Judeo-Christian ethics highlight the value of human life while promoting fair interpersonal relationships and compassion to other people. The issue of abortion has been topical in...

Critical Infrastructure and Its Importance for National Security

The term “criticality” is derived from the context of critical thinking. While many scholars support critical thinking in virtually everyone, they often disagree on definitions (Elder & Paul, 2010). The whole way to describe the “criticality” of thinking is by listing the main components of criticality: interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation,...

Criminal Cases: Trial by Juries

Introduction The use of juries in trials remains a contentious subject, considering there are individuals who think it is bizarre to rely on twelve laypersons to make legal decisions. Jury trials are a fundamental pillar of criminal law since it is a right of every person facing serious charges in...

Justice Research in the News Analysis

The Article The article has been published in the New York Times, a well-known and popular newspaper. The author, Ronald F. Wright uses his research on jury selection in North Carolina named “The Jury Sunshine Project: Jury Selection Data as a Political Issue” to make the assertion that higher percentages...

Factors That Justify the Use of Deadly Force by Police

Police shootings and killings of unarmed civilians arguably qualify as violations of the use-of-force standards that warrant the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators. However, American experience reveals that those involved seldom face any repercussions as the concerned authorities often deem such cases as justifiable. Nonetheless, circumstances under which some...

The Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Reforms

On March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed into law to increase Americans’ medical coverage. The United States has the highest healthcare expenditure compared to other developed countries. Despite the high spending, the U.S. has fallen short of fulfilling its citizens’ healthcare needs (Fischer, 2016). The ACA...

Nature of Law and Impact on Contemporary Global Legal Systems

One of the most critical aspects of legal affairs is the place of morality in the process of establishing justice. Its use in this field seems necessary but remains dubious in practice because there are no explicit guidelines, which explain the rules and regulations in this regard. Meanwhile, excluding this...

Criminal Justice Organizations Administration and Management

There are four types of organizational communications namely downward or superior-subordinate communication, upward or subordinate- superior communication, horizontal or interactive communication and grapevine communication. The former is an exception in that it does not involve conventional channels of communication. A brief description of the aforementioned types of organizational communications will...

Legal Underpinnings of Business Law

A Matrix to analyze different forms of business Business name Business nature Personal liability exposure Limiting liability exposure Tinker’s Home security services Sole proprietorship Personally liable for all debts Personally liable for all and any obligations of the business Creditors and claimants have access to the personal accounts, assets and...

Sexual Harassment Study Without Probability Sampling

Notes Contrasted with men, women have more worries about using public transportation modes and stations. Also, more women compared with men have safety worries just as a bigger probability of harassment in other public spaces like roads and parks, transport stops, and metro stations. This absence of trust in broad...

The UCCO Emergency Clinic Protecting Patient Information

In the case of the UCCO Emergency Clinic, the organization’s staff and management did not comply with both ethical and legal norms. Namely, the clinic violated the HIPAA by failing to keep information of the patient private and using corporate equipment to access social media. Additionally, the issue faced by...

Prison’s Impact on People’s Health

The New Penology The concept of new penology states the importance of creating a new language of penology. While the traditional concerns of it focused on the individual, new penology shifts its focus to actuarial consideration of aggregates. The new penology involves various areas, which allow transformation. First of all,...

Hernando Washington Case. Criminology

The history of humanity has seen multiple cases of extreme violence, and such instances can hardly ever be justified by any factors. However, despite evident similarities in terms of form, a more profound examination of violent crimes may reveal certain underlying issues on both individual and global levels. The case...

“Introduction to Criminology” Book by Hagan

A Brief Overview The present chapter is intensely focused on survey research, questionnaires. It is divided into four main parts covering the topic in detail. The first part introduces the history of survey research and explains how surveys are used in research papers. The next section concentrates on the wording,...

Criminal Justice Agency Examples

According to the FBI, hate crime refers to traditional offenses such as vandalism, arson, murder and so on often instigated by a form of bias such as intolerance to sex, race, religion, transgender, disability to name just a few. Hate is not considered to be a crime and criminal justice...

“Kelo v. New London”: Court Case Analysis

The case of Kelo v. New London was originally filed in the Supreme Court of Connecticut where a number of Constitutional issues were raised regarding the eminent domain power of the city and the individual freedom of ownership. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution govern the...

Holding By-Laws Versus Interim Control By-Laws

Holding and interim control by-laws are among the specialized laws introduced by the 1983 amendment of the planning Act to control how land is utilized. The rules are enforceable, provided that they are specified for use in the municipality’s implementation plan. Therefore, the holdings by-laws are being used in defining...

The Patriotic Act – Is It Worth It?

The Patriot Act is a law that allows federal services and law enforcement agencies to exert greater authority when tracking and intercepting suspecting agents of hostile intelligence services, criminals, and potential terrorists (Etzioni, 2015). It also allows the Secretary of Treasury to affect operations regarding foreign money to prevent terrorism...

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Introduction to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that protects individuals against discrimination in public and private entities. The law prohibits employers from practicing discriminative management practices against employees (Gold, 2018). This legislation is...

Aspects of Criminal Cases

The case involves a 23-year-old active Marine arrested for carrying firearms without a permit. If the defendant carried concealed weapons with a permit, the prosecutor would file no charges under the LEOSA. This act allows for issuing permits for carrying concealed weapons to active and retired law enforcement officers (Touchstone,...

Court Decisions on Drug Offenders

Theoretical Framework This research entails an investigation into the variables that influence the sentencing decisions of judges in drug offenders’ cases. According to Spohn (2002), judges often need to take into account a series of external factors, which may not necessarily guarantee fairness, when making sentencing decisions (p. 92). Additionally,...

Infringement of Children’s Rights Under Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada

Introduction The protection of children at the national level is a crucial aspect of sustainable and population-based legislation. The ability to promote laws and regulations aimed to create an environment in which the child feels safe and empowered is a valuable aspect of policymakers’ work. Attempts to discuss the problem...

A Bill of Rights: Constitutional Law

Constitutional law A Bill of Rights refers to a compilation of human rights protection policies defined within a country’s Constitution (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations). In Australia, attempts to enact a national Bill of Rights have not been fruitful for ages. However, the Australian Capital Territory’s...

Policy Factsheet: 21st Century Cures Act

Introduction Healthcare systems are designed to meet the medical demands of all citizens. The United States government implements laws and frameworks that can help facilities provide high-quality and convenient services to all patients. The 21st Century Cures Act is a policy that became law in 2016. The mission of this...

Assault and Battery: Case Study

Issue The case of Angelina and Brad implies the need to consider it from a legal perspective. Due to the presence of numerous occasions of both assault and battery, it corresponds to the commitment of intentional torts towards persons. The conflict between the participants started with Brad, who ordered his...

Fortunato’s Murder Trial Case

The Prosecuting Attorney’s Closing Argument Your Honor, this case is the one of utmost cruelty and brutality. The defendant has clearly planned the most atrocious and cold-blooded murder of the plaintiff. First of all, he used the victim’s weakness for good spirit against him, knowing that Mr. Fortunato would not...

The State of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has been in operation for six years since its enactment and has experienced several rocky moments that define its present structure and public perception. Overall, it is a successful initiative of the federal government to provide care for citizens universally. The successes...

Effective Writing and Criminal Justice

Introduction It is no secret that effective writing is essential for all professional activity areas, and criminal justice is no exception. Criminal justice professionals apply the full range of their skills, namely “cognitive, physical, social and cultural,” when they write effectively (Effective writing instruction, 2019). Effective writing develops logical and...

Rape Laws in the US, the UK, and Pakistan

Abstract Rape constitutes the act of having sexual intercourse, against a person’s will. Majority of the experts in this field suggest that rape is because of an aggressive lust to dominate the victim, as opposed to the desire to achieve sexual fulfilment. They format rape to be an act of...

Theories of Crime and Juvenile Rights

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (n.d.), all people are equal and free from the very first day of their birth. The most important rights of children enable them to grow up as harmonious personalities, regardless of the social and financial status of their parents, race, and place...

Footwear and Tire Track Evidence

To properly document and collect footwear evidence, a number of specific tools and equipment is needed. In particular, a camera and a tape measure are required. A camera set on a tripod can be used to accurately capture the texture and size of tracks from different angles. Tape measures can...

Discussion of Hostage Negotiations

Introduction Hostage negotiation acts as a technique utilized by law enforcement officers to communicate with individuals who threaten violence. The negotiation helps in resolving the existing conflict for hostages to be safely released. Law enforcement officers obtain the proper training to learn how to handle hostage incidents. The continued occurrence...

The Problem of Hispanic Interracial Crimes

An interracial crime refers to an offense where the perpetrator and the victim are the same race. Conversely, an interracial crime involves an offender and victim of different races. For violent victimizations, interracial crime is more prevalent than interracial crime. Examples of crimes included under violent victimizations are robbery, rape,...

The Impact of Race on Court Decisions

The process of considering the guilty verdict for the defendant, as well as the type and severity of punishment, are among the most important issues in law. Since the first attempts to study racial discrimination in the US courts, the analysis of judges’ decisions has become a major topic for...

Police Discretion: Criminal Justice

While in the academy and for their period of training, police are particularly skilled on how to handle various situations that they will come across. A dilemma arises when they get in the field and stumble upon problems which they did not receive training for. Instances of new laws being...

Sarbanes Oxley Act and Its Contribution to Accounting

Introduction Since the formation of the 1934 Securities and Exchange Commission, the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOA) is perhaps the most important and instrumental piece of financial legislation in the Accounting field to emerge in the last century. It birthed significant reforms in the accounting sector by redefining how different professionals...

Rehabilitating Prisoners Overview

The debate as to whether criminals can be rehabilitated has been ongoing due to the difference in opinions as to inmates’ capacity to receive support and guidance when they had none their entire lives, which led to dire consequences for them (Lieu, 2010). Personally, I cannot wholly agree with the...

The Case of Lee Boyd Malvo

Lee Boyd Malvo is a serial killer who has murdered ten people and left seventeen wounded. He and his accomplice were sentenced to life without parole and death sentence, respectively. Malvo was seventeen at the time the crimes happened, so he could not be executed. However, there are debates about...

Legal and Equitable Rights to Property

Issue In this case, involving Angelina, Brad, Charles, Jennifer, Erica and Angelina and Brad’s children, each party is faced with different circumstances relating to the right to the property which is the subject matter in this particular case. Angelina and Brad are joint legal owners as both their names appear...

A Bilateral Contract Between Two Parties

This is a bilateral contract between A and B for A providing Marketing services to B from November 1, 2010, on a retainer basis of £1000 per month. In return, A would provide full Marketing services to B, including preparation of monthly market reports, surveys and customer meets for promotion...

The Reaction Paper on Maher v. Roe Case

The issue of abortion attracts the attention of various segments of society, including the judiciary, the civil societies, and the policy makers in government. Two women sought court’s intervention after the Connecticut welfare department refused to fund their abortions even after confirming that they needed urgent medical attention, as their...

Lee Boyd Malvo: Life Sentence Case

Lee Malvo, who is currently 34 years old, was only 17 when he and his counterpart John Allen Muhammad killed more than ten people in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Colombia through sniper attacks. This led to John Allen Muhammad’s death sentence in which he was executed in 2009,...

Evaluation of the Scholarly Debate Regarding the Rise of the National Minimum Wages

The possibility of increasing the national minimum wages is discussed in detail by the scientific community, introducing the potential advantages and disadvantages of this action. Although some scholars believe that improving the minimal possible salaries of the employees could benefit the economy, others dispute this approach, arguing that such changes...

Collective Bargaining Procedure and Its History

Collective bargaining is the concept that has captured my attention in this module. It is a procedure that offers a platform for negotiation between employers and employees intended to institute and regulate working remunerations, conditions, benefits, and other elements of staff compensation and privileges (Nigro & Kellough 2014). The concept...

White-Collar Crimes by Governments

In 2009, Honduras president Manuel Zelaya was removed from power and exiled. He had been democratically elected in 2005 for a four-year term. The coup was done by the Honduran military ostensibly under a Supreme Court directive. According to them, the president wanted to amend the constitution to permit him...

Judiciary Independence Rules: The Judiciary Branch of Power

The proper functioning of a democratic state is particularly reliant on the unbiased rule of the judiciary system. The judiciary system is comprised of judges and courts that are expected to make decisions on the basis of the law without being hindered by the influence of any authority or political...

English Law and Application of Statutory Legislation

Introduction Interpretation and application of the law is very critical in determining how effective a judicial system is. The judicial principles of statutory interpretation have a unique engagement with the interpretive powers that courts possess (Keenan, 2007). Lack of clear guidelines to control how courts interpret judicial principles is a...

Sexual Abuse: Definitions and Dynamics of Rape

Abstract Rape cases have been on the rise over the past few years. So far, little has been done to address the issue and it’s high time that the government took up the responsibility of protecting its citizens against sexually related crimes. There are various factors that are believed to...

Sexual Abuse Prevention and Rape Factors

The definition of rape Rape is a type of a sexual abuse, as a rule, implying a sexual intercourse with a person by one or several people without a consent. The rapists, using a helpless status of a victim (unconsciousness, a strong alcoholic intoxication, a mental disorder, etc.), resort to...

White-Collar Crimes: Unsafe Food

McDonald’s corporation faced allegations of selling expiring food in China. Employees, with the help of hidden cameras, disclosed this misconduct at the Sanlitun branch (Zhu et al., 2017). This malpractice exposed the locals to health risks such as food poisoning and foodborne illnesses. The scandal had serious negative outcomes as...

Researching Criminal Mythology

Summary Crime is a vice that is looked at from different perspectives by society. There are several myths that have been developed in view of the vice which has made societies have certain attitudes towards crime. Criminal mythology may differ from society to society depending on what is observed and...

Affordable Care Act and Double Patient Service Standards

Abstract Based on insured and private patients, a double patient service standard has been a significant concern over the years. Private patients are given an advantage over the insured ones in many hospitals because the uninsured tend to pay independently and without delay. Hospitals and the government must place regulations...

Supreme Court’s Marbury v. Madison (1803) Case

Controversy and the Significance of the Supreme Court As the then President John Adams Secretary of State in 1801, Marshall had a duty of giving judicial commissions to appointees, which included Wiliam Marbury, who was at the center of a dispute. Marshall failed to deliver the commissions and later presided...

Comparing Collective Bargaining Agreements

A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is an essential aspect of industrial relations. It refers to a documented legal contract between an employer and the union representing the workforce (Doellgast & Benassi, 2020). CBA is an outcome of a comprehensive negotiation process among the parties concerning wages, working hours, teams, and...

Discussion of Police Misconduct

Introduction Police misconduct has become a significant issue in the criminal justice system. Cases of authorities who have violated human rights have been experienced in various areas. Although police encounter challenges in their activities when dealing with violent criminals, they should focus on law enforcement ethics. Many individuals have claimed...

Gun Control Legislation Should Be Revised

The right to possess and carry weapons is enshrined in the United States as a constitutional norm. However, the very essence of this right is highly controversial. Debate on gun control comes up regularly, highlighting the topic from both a practical and a moral point of view. Given the need...

International Law: States’ Right to Self-Determination

In this case concerning a state C exploited by state A with the permission of state B, state P initiates proceedings against A with regard to resources and land belonging to the impoverished state C. It is worth noting that state P represents an administering power over the state C...

Policy Approaches to Reducing Tobacco-Related Illness

Introduction According to World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco normally kills approximately half of its consumers (WHO, 2012). Furthermore, it kills approximately six million individuals annually. Most deaths associated with tobacco are those of its users and individuals who have quit using cigarettes. However, approximately six hundred thousand nonsmokers also die...

Strike in the American Standoff Documentary

The main actors in the conflict in the American Standoff film American Standoff is a documentary film that contains a true reflection of a modern labor strike. The film is documented by Barbara Kopple. Kristi Jacobson is the director of the film. The film presents a tale of Teamsters strike....

Maryland v. King Case Summary

Case Analysis The Maryland v. King case represents an extremely controversial issue, which is closely linked not only to legal contradictions but also to ethical dilemmas. Two significant values are at stake, and the interpretation of the law may be significantly subjective. The primary conflict is between privacy provided by...

PPACA: Healthcare Policy Analysis

Abstract The U.S congress broadly debated the healthcare plan under the umbrella of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and has now been signed into law. The new legislation aims at reducing the cost of basic healthcare to all citizens while at the same time alleviating the various...

Importance Healthcare Reforms and for Governments

With the adoption of healthcare reforms in the United States followed by the implementation of the bill on health reforms passed in 2010 as from 2014, all uninsured people are required to pay health insurance coverage. They are to do this either individually or through a plan arrived at with...

Legal Rights Afforded to the Accused

In 1966, the US Supreme Court made a landmark decision in Miranda v. Arizona; the ruling made the Fifth Amendment self-incrimination rule preeminent to the Sixth Amendment holding of Escobedo. The prescriptive holding of Miranda v. Arizona comes down to the following: whether exculpatory or inculpatory, the arrested person’s statements...

The Statute of Frauds as Contracts Enforcement

The Statute of Frauds is crucial legislation that makes various assignments powerful and excludes the risk of falsification. Commenced in 1677 by the English Parliament, the act requires written and signed forms of documentation and provides a more forceful guarantee than oral contracts (Wen). The concept is broadly utilized in...

Tort of Defamation as a Common Workplace Tort

In today’s world a man’s reputation is undoubtedly his most valuable asset. A good reputation brings potential future success; therefore, its value is intangible. The law is designed to protect us from harm, including name slander, which is defamation. The tort of defamation refers to false statements intended to harm...

Criminal Law and Procedure: Possession of a Controlled Substance

According to Scheb & Scheb 2002) an individual is assumed to have committed an offense of possession of a controlled substance such as marijuana if the individual is knowingly or in an intelligent way possesses a quantity of marijuana that can be used. The police also cannot just search your...

Intellectual Property Protection and Commercial Profits

Intellectual property (IP) is an important company asset, especially while competing in the high-technology field. It may include new inventions, innovations in production, and other products of human endeavor that can be owned, such as computer codes (Fleddermann 134). Their rights to them can be protected in various forms, such...

The Farm Bill: Description and Analysis

Introduction At the present time, the Farm Bill can be considered one of the most controversial bills in the nation’s history. It is an important bill as it has a considerable impact not only on the farmers but also on the consumers. Aside from the issue of spending, the bill...

Hate Crime: History and Prevalence in the US

The American Psychological Association defines hate crime as a legal offense against an individual or property instigated in whole or part by the bias of the offender against the minority. The victims may be targeted due to disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or gender. Hate purveyors use arson,...

Michael Buckley v. Metro-North Commuter Railroad

This essay delves into the rights of the worker to perform duties in a site that is as safe as possible. Workers do have rights under the law if the employer fails to provide a safe workplace and protect them from harm. In 1908, Congress passed the FELA to protect...

The Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Fiscal Operations

The Affordable Care Act enacted more than ten years ago is among the key healthcare-related decisions of the past decade. The law’s key aspects include the promotion of health coverage expansion, new requirements concerning insurance regulations, and an emphasis on disease prevention and low-income populations’ improved access to services (Gruber...

Amendment Analysis: Search and Seizure

The fourth amendment to the American constitution stipulates that individuals are protected from searches and seizures that are unreasonable. The enforcement authority is only allowed to conduct unjustified searches like searching the outer clothing under the speculation that the suspect is armed and dangerous (Frederickson, Hurd, Pinnick, and Sinning, 2019)....

The Labor Union Membership Decline

The second half of the 20th century brought about significant changes to the economy of the whole world. The process of globalization and the introduction of new technologies meant that factories could produce more goods for less money. Therefore, the overall decline in union membership was observed as a common...

Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns

Rape is a sexual assault characterized by penetration into a vagina, anus, or mouth with a penis without the consent of the person. The causes of rape were studied extensively by Lalumière and Lalumière (2005) based on human and non-human behavior. The researchers concluded that rapists are usually not deprived...

United States v. Alvarez as the Least Problematic Case

Well-Written Decision Alvarez v. United States is the least problematic because of its well-written decision. This trial took into consideration all the needed information, precisely the widely shared social values that are grounded in the rule of law. Justice Black in Gideon’s Trumpet is the judge that has identified the...

Criminal Procedure: Arrest to Sentencing

Pre-arrest advice includes encouraging to be forthcoming with all relevant information with the attorney. Being truthful is important as it will enable the lawyer to prepare effectively and not be blindsided by the prosecution. Mr. Steele should not evade arrest because it will unnecessarily prolong the inquiry and trigger the...

Pre-Suit Litigation in Labor Law Context

This memo is intended to provide an understanding of the specifics of the mediation process ordered by a judge in the context of a lawsuit from your former employee. The compulsory mediation that you are encouraged to do is a very specific and customary practice. This text contains explanations on...

CARDWARE vs. WBLAH: Case Study

Introduction The federal and state governments have their own rules on the use of commercial advertising, both protecting the public from false and inappropriate content and companies from illegal or excessive censorship. In this context, many different cases occurred, provoking intense debates regarding the scope of advertisements’ freedom and unreasonable...

Chen’s Case and Canadian Law

Canadian law distinguishes between employees and independent contractors, as well as the conditions of their work and the employer’s responsibility for them. In Chen’s case, there are two sides to the issue as she worked as an independent contractor, but there are many indications that she was an employee. Consequently,...

Can It Be Argued That Pre-1829 Britain Had No Policing?

Introduction The British police force has a long history, a history that is marked by many milestones that make it distinct from other institutions in society. However, the British police force as is known to many today can trace its roots back to the year 1829. This is the year...

Jerome Miller’s Reforms

The name of Jerome Miller is now being strongly associated with the reform within Massachusetts’ juvenile judiciary system, which had taken place while Miller acted as the President of the National Centre on Institutions and Alternatives. The actual essence of this reform is being defined in the article “Myths about...

Constitutional Amendments in King v. State Case

Court Summary The paper depicts a Court of Appeals hearing on the case of King v. State, which is related to the issue of the use of DNA evidence in the context of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments. As I understood, two opposing sides represented by Celia Anderson Davis and...

Euro Disney Project: Employment and Labor Laws

Introduction The American company, Walt Disney, is a dominant player in the global entertainment industry. The firm has a diversified portfolio that includes the production and distribution of animated films, theme parks, and cruise lines targeting tourists. Disney’s growth strategy entails intensive expansion into new, high-potential cities in Europe, South...

Delinquency Prevention Through After-School Activities

The issue of after-school delinquency is rather burning nowadays when the rates of youth violence are on a sharp increase. According to the reports issued by the National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, “the peak hour for juvenile crime is from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., the first hour that...

Recognition of Contract Risks and Opportunities Memo

Introduction Contracts guide dealings between two or more parties. It involves a set of promises that each party owe to each other during their dealings. Additionally, it provides for legal remedies in case of breach by either of the involved parties. The law acknowledges performance of contracts as a legal...

Case Processing Time in Criminal Justice System

Advise the CPS on charging for homicide, offences against the person, and property offences only of Tom Howard, in relation to Rafe Sadler Issue. The issue, in this case, is whether defendant Howard should be charged with murder or manslaughter of Rafe Sadler who jumped to his death after the...

Massachusetts Health Care Law

Background The famous Massachusetts health care law became a reality in the year 2006 after a long period of attempts to realize this goal. The journey towards the establishment of the law did not begin recently rather it began 27 years ago when the Uncompensated Care Trust Fund first came...

Analysis of Decision-Making Processes in Boston Police Department

Introduction The development of new trends in law enforcement such as organized crime, terrorism, and inter agency corporation has led to the development of new policing techniques in America’s police departments. The role of the police in the community has increased significantly especially with emphasis on inter-agency collaboration by the...

Civil Law vs. Criminal Law: Comparative Analysis

One of the most common ways to structure the law is to divide it into civil and criminal law. There are differences in the goals, remedies, procedures, and parties between civil and criminal cases. Regarding the goals, there is one primary difference between civil and criminal laws. Civil cases are...

Contribution of Prisons to US Racial Disparities

Summary The American prison system has a high incarceration rate, with most of the individuals in reformatory facilities. However, it is impaired by discrimination and disproportionation, with Blacks and Latinos being the most affected groups. The statistics described in the article “The Contribution of Prisons and Jails to US Racial...

Employment Arbitration Agreements

Positive labor conditions form one of the cornerstones of modern democracies. Moreover, this principle was the focus of the global liberation struggle, as non-compliance with the workers’ rights evokes strong associations with servitude. The detrimental impact of corporate pressure and exploitation of human resources is also often discussed on all...

Analysis of Anti-Money Laundering Strategies

Money-laundering has been a significant problem for Canada because such a practice enables and facilitates many criminal activities such as drug trade, fraud or even global terrorism. It should be noted that many financial institutions of the country are engaged in the transactions that enable criminal organizations to conceal their...

Cyber Law and Digital Forensic Science

A significant part of the information is stored in electronic format for business, medical field, and evidence storage in the modern world. Data can be stored inside a computer or other device on a hard drive, on external carriers, such as memory cards or CDs, as well as on the...

Aspects of Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system is purposed to provide ‘justice for all. The actual goal of providing justice for all is to protect the innocent and establish a fair justice process. The existing institutions in the criminal justice system are designed to process a case from the beginning to the end,...

The Act Codenamed H.R. 4861 for Suicide Victims

The problem of the spread of suicides is one of those that require significant measures and serious attention. Unlike various diseases, the situation cannot be corrected in the case of a successful suicide attempt. It is necessary to develop multiple methods to prevent such issues. Besides, it is essential to...

The Problem of Alabama’s Latest Abortion Bill

Defining the Problem The problem revolves around Alabama’s latest abortion bill, which punishes abortion, providing doctors with lifetime sentencing (“Abortion laws in the US,” 2019). The citizens of the state already lack infrastructure and access to the procedure, and the legislation makes the problem even more challenging. One of the...

Vietnam’s Legislation Process and Criminal Code

A country’s legislation plays a crucial role in maintaining safety and high living standards. Therefore, the legislation process should constantly be enhanced in a way that ensures the proper compilation and passing of various laws. Only the high-quality institutions that are capable of performing the abovementioned actions allow for the...

Do Increases in Hate Crime Suggest That We Have Become Less Civilized and More Violent?

Introduction When prejudices dominate society, it often leads to hate crimes that are also known as bias-motivated crimes. The offenders target their victims based on their belongingness to a particular group. Among the key biases of hate crimes, there are nationality, race, gender, age, religion, disability, and sexual orientation (D.C....

The O. J. Simpson Trial Case

The case of OJ Simpson is one of the most complex and confusing cases that happened to the US courts. The arrest and consecutive trial of the former NFL star generated a mass media frenzy. All of the participants of the case received high publicity and even people outside the...

The CASE Act and the Copyright Law in the Modern Generation

With the dawn of the recent coronavirus pandemic, both individuals and bigger organizations have had to re-adjust the way they function on a day-to-day basis. With people having to adhere to the social distancing rules and going out generally being frowned upon, many businesses and facilities have chosen to start...

Legal Theory and Procedure: Discovery

The concept of discovery can be perceived as a mutual process of trading information in court. In this case, the parties that are involved provide their best effort to find the most relevant evidence to present it in court. The long-term objective of discovery is to showcase the evidence that...

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Thesis While Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is useful in the way of providing unified standards for the protection of protected health information (PHI), it requires adjustments regarding PHI disclosure for payment, treatment, and healthcare operations. Background HIPAA is currently the main piece of the US federal legislation...

Checks and Balances in the U.S. Constitution

The United States government comprises three branches, namely the legislative, executive, and judicial. In order to ensure that none of the branches assumes more power than the others, the framers of the constitution elaborated a system of checks and balances which would help limit and control the branches’ jurisdictions. The...

Studying White Collar Crimes Relative to Other Crimes

Introduction White-collar crime refers to those offenses committed by people of high social strata, respectable status, or position in the course of their profession. White-collar crime is further attributed to interpersonal learning and interaction and forms a part of commercial crime because it occurs within corporate settings. Some of the...

Confrontation Clause Protecting Rights of Accused

One of the fundamental components of the Bill of Rights included in the Sixth Amendment is the confrontation clause that illustrates the rights to be applied in all criminal prosecutions. The accused, prosecutor, and witnesses need to act and be treated fairly based on the constitutional stipulations. The confrontation clause...

PL 111-148 Section 5316 Policy Change Proposal

The problem is that section 5316 of PL 111-148 the program does not include stipend and housing for graduated and employed family nurse practitioners who taking the a one year training program. The public policy question is should the federal government mandate the provision of stipend and housing for Family...

Probation Techniques in North Carolina Courts

Introduction Probation is an area that draws immense interests amongst researchers, thus necessitating heated discussions throughout the country. When courts are reached to reveal data on adult probation statistics and their research on the frequency of recidivism, the number of first-time lawbreakers, and repeat criminals on probation, only scanty information...

Sobriety Tests by National Highway Transportation Safety Administration

Currently, the USA transport sector is marred with drunk driving, which usually leads to deaths, property destruction, and permanent injury. Despite numerous campaigns to curb the menace, many drivers still use alcohol or other drugs while driving their vehicles. Therefore, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) devised three sobriety...

Regulation of the Pregnant Employees’ Treatment

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the employment issues may be divided into several categories. This paper is aimed to discuss different employment issues and situations that were encountered by different people. Originally, the most troublesome issues are closely linked with the pregnancy of the employees....

Measuring Crime: Lynnfield’s Local Police Force Stop & Search Data

Introduction Background to the Study Over the last decades, following the footsteps of developed nations such as the United States and the United Kingdom, police officers in many other countries across the world are increasingly adopting the ‘stop and search’ policing strategy with the view to keep crime levels down,...

White-Collar Crimes: Consequences and Circumstances

White-collar crime can be interpreted as an illegal act, committed by a person or group of people in the position of authority during their business activities (Savelsberg & Bruhl, 1994). The range of the offenses that may fall under this definition is very wide: for instance, we can point out...

Data and Research on Human Trafficking

One of the emerging issues regarding criminology is human trafficking that is conducted through organized crime. It involves transportation of people from their mother country across interstate borders as well as within their mother countries to be sexually exploited as well as become source of cheap unskilled labor in the...

Overview of the Theories of Criminology

Introduction Criminology refers to a body that focuses on crime as a social phenomenon. Criminology includes making the laws, breaking the laws, and reacting to the laws. Criminologists adopt several behavioral and social sciences and methods of understanding crime. In addition to this, they use several methods to measure the...

The Importance of Community Relationships in the Administration of a Criminal Justice Organization

Introduction Community relationships improves: Police legitimacy Public confidence and trust in law enforcement Police Legitimacy Police legitimacy – the community’s acknowledgement of the police’s entitlement to rule. Measurement metric: the public’s readiness to collaborate with and obey the police. Procedural justice during police encounters increase their legitimacy and vice versa....

Demystifying the 1962 Case of Griggs v. Allegheny County

Introduction The right to own private property is not a disputable issue. The contentious issue is whether that particular right extends to owning the space above the private property (Ben-Yosef, 2005). The privilege to exclusively own the space that extends both upwards and below the land surface has been upheld...

Violations of the Fourth Amendment

The 4th Amendment gives citizens the right to be in their houses, cars, or streets, secure, prohibiting seizures and searches which are not reasonable. It also adds that any search warrant needs to be judicially sanctioned unless there is probable cause. According to Gray (2017), a search warrant must be...

Online Impersonation and Potential Legal Problems

Name of case: PIPEDA Report of Findings #2013-010 Area of Law: Criminal Code – Cyber Security Laws – Social Media Account Impersonation Also known as identity theft or fraud, the Criminal Code covers cases where an individual’s identity is used by someone else in order to commit offenses. Fraud on...

Civil Law Groups: Family Relations, Property, Contracts, and Tort

In my field of practice as a lawyer, I mainly deal with civil law cases that are heard and determined under statutory laws, which are enacted by Congress, and the state as well as local governments. Examples of cases that I have worked on include divorce, drunken driving, theft, defamation,...

Broken Window Theory In Criminology

In criminology, the broken window theory is often used to describe how bringing order into society can help to reduce crime. The broken window theory supports the claim that when there is disorder in the society, especially among the urban populace, such a society is also highly prone to increased...

Super Micro Computer Company’s Accounting Issues

Super Micro is a computer server producing company based in California. It conducts its businesses under the NASDAQ Stock Market and therefore is required to keep and file strict financial records for different periods. However, from at least FY 2015 through FY 2017, the company was engaged in improper accounting...

Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986: Crack vs. Cocaine Sentencing Disparity

The US states are making independent efforts to eliminate disparities arising due to the unequal sentencing against minorities. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 is among the laws at the center of the disparate sentencing discrepancy. Lynch & Omori (2018) assert that the 1986 Act imposes disproportionate sentences for offenders...

Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Control

These days, juvenile delinquency presents a topic of multiple discussions. Researchers are extremely interested in exploring the reasons, which are highly likely to prompt a teenager to commit a crime. Robert Agnew and Timothy Brezina (2017) have introduced a General Theory of delinquency, which involves observing the major direct causes...

Murder: Mass Shootings in Atlanta

Violence has become commonplace in the US such that news of mass shootings or police brutalities is no longer surprising. Fausset et al. (2021) report the most recent incident on March 18 in which a gunman went on a rampage at three spas in Atlanta and killed eight people. The...

The Bradley Case Recent Legislative Laws

Introduction The recent case of Dr. Bradley came as a horror to many. It is hard to believe that an individual in such a highly respectable profession would choose to dedicate his life to defiling innocent infants. It raised eyebrows as to what medical professional bodies are for if they...

Case Study Assignment. Marvin Verses Marvin Case

Marvin verses Marvin case was a milestone case ruled by the US courts in the year 1976 (Ihara & Hertz, 2008). The plaintiff Michele Triola brought the case to court after the dissolution of their relationship with Marvin Lee. Before the case was brought to court, Triola together with her...

The Peer Review Law of Texas

Peer reviews refer to the processes through which the performances of doctors and other medical staff are reviewed by other doctors, health care providers, and hospitals. In Texas, the peer review process is governed by Section 160.007. This section outlines the Texas Occupations Code. According to this legislation, the activities...

Criminal Law: A Case Study

The issue(s) or principle(s) of law being argued This case is concerned with the issue of whether provocation can arise from the act of the accused having been found in bed with her lover – in other words, the issue was whether his conviction could be reduced from second degree...

Analysis of the Personal Data Legislation

Introduction These days, businesses have access to their customers’ data; consequently, this creates tremendous opportunities for analysis and forecasting and introduces personal data breach risks. The development of public opinion and legislation in privacy result in intentions to create regulations for personal data’s ethical use. There is no systematic regulation...

Hostages in the United States

Introduction The U.S. Constitution considers hostage-taking a criminal offense and it is punishable by terms of incarceration or even a life sentence. The two hostage cases that occurred in the United States late last year are indicative of the criminal aspects of hostage-taking. In the first case, a sophomore at...

Should Individuals Be Allowed to Sell Their Organs in the US?

The legal sale of one’s organs can only be carried out in Iraq, Iran, Thailand, India, and Pakistan. Most people know that the sale of human organs is officially prohibited in the United States. Nevertheless, most people want to resort to this method as almost the only effective solution to...

Paralegal Confidentiality Issues

As a paralegal working with different attorneys, the author has to handle substantial amounts of confidential information. As Cannon and Aytch state, the attorney’s duty to protect this information extends to their paralegal assistant (55). In the scenario, there are opportunities for accidental exposure through monitors or files left in...

The Practice of Judicial Discretion

The practice of “judicial discretion” has been traditionally the hallmark of Western jurisprudence. The metaphysical premise, out of which this legal practice derives, can be outlined as follows: the legislative acts to which prosecutors refer, while asking judges to provide offenders with an appropriate punishment, do not consider the specific...

Foodmart vs. Masterpiece Construction Dispute: Contract Formation

The subcontracting of Masterpiece construction in the renovation of Foodmart’s Main Street store in My Town is valid and thus the former has the right to delegate its duties of the contract to Fall Construction. Both parties have primarily agreed that the construction must be finished by Masterpiece within a...

Prisons in the United States

In the present day, prisons may be regarded as the critical components of the federal criminal justice system. They started their history from the end of the war with Great Britain when Pennsylvania’s legislature revised the penal system and indirectly replaced slavery with disciplinary authority (Manion, 2015). Although original correctional...

Psychological Disorders and How They Promote Crime and Conduct Problems

Introduction Psychological disorders are one of the factors that have a significant influence on crime rates. Such disorders as a defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and antisocial personality disorders may cause a great deal of trouble for the community. There are a number of reasons as to why various disorders are...

Researching the Contract Law

Having knowledge of contract law is quite significant for everyday life as people are prone to enter into contracts more often than not. This report examines the contract law by answering a set of questions and examining some case studies. References are given to support the arguments made in the...

Canadian Laws Regarding Agricultural Sector

Canadian Laws: The Right of Association One of the main principles of effective operation of a country is the abidance of laws and all legal acts that were issued in this country and are in force at the moment of some disputes or conflicts. In this respect, every person has...

Pros and Cons of EPA Policy

Environmental pollution is among the most pressing issues the world is facing. Almost all nations have introduced legislation that encourage the generation of clean and ecofriendly energy. The U.S. is at the forefront after introducing the EPA policy that restricts the construction of power plants. The policy seemed to have...

Reforms on Racial Composition of the Jury

A committee of jury system is designed to provide verdict on matters submitted to court. Justice and fairness are the major obligations of the bench jurors. The panel aims to protect citizens against unfair rulings and therefore, promote integrity (Hutchinson, 2017). However, there has been a need to reform this...

Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Introduction The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) are independent government agencies in the United States. The two bodies were established to promote consumer protection and eliminate inappropriate business practices. The FTC was set in 1914 and obligated with the principal mission of enforcing America’s...

Juvenile Theft & Burglary and Family Influence

Introduction Juvenile criminal behavior continues to confound physiologists, sociologists and criminologists all over the world. These behavioral specialists have continuously debated the causes of juvenile delinquency. Child ill-treatment has been named as the major facet by several of the behavioral specialists whilst others have claimed that child exploitation unaided cannot...

Criminal Law Graded Project

In the justice system, certain rulings attract great media coverage and controversy. In 2013, the Ethan Couch case sparked outrage over the criminal justice system. The reason for it is that the defendant had received a seemingly lenient sentence as compared to that of Eric Miller, another defendant accused of...

Crime Level Investigation in the United States

Abstract The level of crime in a country can only be established if appropriate criteria for investigating the extent of crime in that particular country are put in place. Two mechanisms that the USA uses to trace the rate of crime in the country are the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)...

Brown vs. Board of Education Legal Research

In the middle of the 20th century, the American education system, as well as other public spheres, underwent a number of considerable changes based on the ideas of racial equality and order. To authorize the presence of separate schools for white and black citizens, the concept of racial segregation was...

Speed Limits as a Valuable Part of Traffic Regulation

Many different laws and regulations are intended to protect American citizens’ lives, health, and property. Among them, it is worth mentioning speed limits, which constitute a rather debatable topic for many. Although they are applied worldwide, a substantial number of drivers view them not as a safety tool but as...

Fair Treatment of Experienced Pilots Act (The Age 65 Law)

Introduction The productivity of employees is a crucial topic in human resource management. Several bodies have had to come up with pieces of legislations to help in specifying the retirement age of certain categories of employees. These pieces of legislations have been subjected to debate by experts of labor laws....