Police Civil Liability in the Light of Monroe v. Pape

It is believed that law enforcement officers are reliable defenders of the peace of citizens. People want to know that in trouble, such as, for instance, a robbery or car theft, police will come to their aid and guarantee protection. However, there are situations when officers cross the border of...

School Shootings: Literature Study

Kerr S. E. M. (2018). Columbine school shooting. In: Gun violence prevention? (pp. 57-71). Palgrave Macmillan. The chapter from this book is dedicated to the notorious and terrible event of 1999 – the mass and violent shooting at Columbine school. The author proves the powerful impact of this tragedy as...

Queer (LGBT) Hiring Policy’s Purpose and Authority

Policy Title: LGBT Hiring Policy Purpose Organizational consulting specialists (policy-makers) try to implement a new hiring policy regarding the LGBT population in the administrative processes of company performance. Authority Social context is the profound element of social psychology structure predisposing individuals’ mind-shaping in a concrete social and working environments. LGBT...

Private and Public Prisons’ Functioning

A non-governmental organization runs a private prison in agreement with the authorities at one level or another instead of a public institution run by a specialized agency. Prisoners are sent there by the ordinary court verdict, by the usual procedure, and in some countries and some states of the United...

Investigatory Stop in the Terry vs. Ohio Case

The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution emphasizes the legal, investigatory stop under probable cause. Probable cause means that the police should have a search warrant to stop the suspected person and search. In other words, the amendment is designed to protect citizens from unlawful, excessive use of force by...

Kelo vs. New London Case: Process and Result

Introduction Kelo vs. New London was one of the several land ownership cases decided by the United States of America Supreme Court. This case involved the transfer of land from one private owner to the other to develop the economy. The point is well captured in chapter 545 under section...

Constitutional Privacy Rights in the Digital Era

As the world changes and modern paradigms establish, new unprecedented privacy-related cases appear. Privacy rights extend to new areas and fields of implementation, which emerged recently. However, the previous judicial experience has shown that privacy is a broad and ambiguous concept, which may require clarity and a concrete assessment framework...

Analysis of Hamdi v. Rumsfeld Case Study

The result in Hamdi v. Rumsfeld was the decision that enemy combatants had the right to appeal their detention. The court referred to the fact that despite confirming the authorized arrest from Congress, the defendant has the right to challenge this. The Fifth Amendment guarantees a person detained in the...

The Principle of the State Secret Doctrine

The case brought by New York Times columnist considers the doctrine of state secrets one of the most controversial practices in modern law. It also brought up the issue of discrimination, which is concealed by the pretext of maintaining national security (Trenga, 2018). Furthermore, even in non-judicial cases, the availability...

Types of Criminal Intent: General, Specific, and Criminal Negligence

In criminology, the identification of mens rea involves analyzing the case with reference to four distinct types of criminal intent. General intent, as the term suggests, involves the presence of the willingness to perform some act, sometimes without understanding its natural and legal consequences. Specific intent refers to acts committed...

Discussion of Attribute Sampling Aspects

Attribute sampling is used to analyze the characteristics of a population and also helps in determining whether a company’s internal controls are being followed. Controls data is essential for quality auditing and cost reduction (Westland, 2020). In this situation, it is important for the auditor to choose the correct sample...

Looting as a Major Problem for the US Citizens

Looting is often associated with natural disasters or emergencies in a state. In 2005, one of the strongest hurricanes, later named “Katrina,” occurred in the United States. The primary damage was caused to the port city of New Orleans, in which, as a result, about 700 thousand people were left...

Kelihos Botnet Malware: Criminal Investigation

This is a Criminal Justice Report Summary of the application under rule 41 for a search warrant to identify evidence of the crime. The creation of this report summary was facilitated by the use of the outline method of the note-taking strategy. The main points for this summary were drawn...

Is British Museum Storing Stolen Artifacts?

Introduction Artifact theft is an interesting topic for me, as it is rather confusing and ambiguous from a criminological perspective. In this situation, it is necessary to take into account many social and political factors to find a solution. Through a brief reflection can one realize that in the described...

International Extradition in the US Law System

Although the US states are sovereign and responsible for individuals within their region, they should extradite offenders upon request, according to the US Constitution and Federal statute. Extradition is a legal process of the removal of a suspected or convicted criminal from a requested state to a receiving state for...

Natare Corporation vs. Duraplastec Systems Inc.

Facts Natare Corporation and Duraplastec Systems have a long history of competition against one another, during which they have spread disparaging information against one another as a means of unsettling the competition. These activities have resulted in 2 lawsuits against one another and an agreement to refer to arbitrage in...

The Right to Abortion Must Be Protected

Introduction Even though the Supreme Court granted the right to abortion in 1973, the debate between the pro-choice and pro-life camps remains heated. It has become a point of contention between political conservatives and liberals. The Republican Party advocates for criminalizing abortion on a federal level because the government is...

Duke v. Puts: Defendant’s Possible Arguments

The case of Harvey Duke versus Marc Puts raised the issues related to claims of absolute and qualified privileges in defamatory statements. The former sued defendant for the damages that resulted from libel and slander, wrongful interference with contractual relations, and unlawful interference with economic interest (Duke v Puts, 2004)....

Psychopathy Research Influence on Western Criminal Justice System

Psychopathy is a phenomenon that reflects rebellious behavior in which people can commit crimes. Personalities with such disabilities are mentally ill and can pose a danger to society. The connection with criminal justice is controversial since not all people suffering from signs of illness are criminals. On the one hand,...

The Break Period Policy for Employees in South Dakota

Introduction A policy may have a positive or negative impact on the people. They are usually developed to guide how a system should function. For example, in South Dakota, one of the policies that affect people is the employee’s break period. It proposes that employees have 15 minutes break after...

The Role of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in Environment

Criminal Justice experts accept that it is their higher reason to make a reality where everybody has equivalent rights, equivalent compensation, equivalent admittance to schooling, and equivalent freedoms to succeed. They are cooperating with the whole local area to construct a way ahead. Concurring on normal terms and learning the...

Sexual Crimes in the United States Army

Sexual crimes in the military can be effectively overcome by adhering to the basic principles of “This is my squad ” (TIMS). The main task of the activity of army leaders is considered to be the leading solution to the harassment problem that exists in the US Army today. It...

Aspects of Criminal Responsibility

Crimes of attempt, conspiracy, and solicitation are known as inchoate or unfinished crimes. Crime commitment is a six-step process; these steps include the idea of committing a crime, its evaluation, decision-making, preparation, initiation, and completion of the crime (Portman, 2021). The first, second, and third stages of the process are...

The First Amendment and Its Impact on Society

Introduction The Constitution of the United States is the core document that ensures the democratic values of the country and guarantees basic human rights regardless of age, gender, and race. Consequently, it also restricts the governmental power to mitigate the possibilities of unjustified laws and regulations. The First Amendment to...

Aspects of Civil Liberties

The 2020 article penned by Conor Friedersdorf provides a summary of these concerns: from the right to peaceful assembly and the legitimacy of mask-wearing mandates and medical rationing (Friedersdorf, 2020). Although many issues raised in the article are valid, some lack empirical support and address potential policies that have not...

Taxation Laws for Citizens in Saudi Arabia

Introduction In the contemporary globalized world, many businesses are established by the citizens of one state but operate in the other, which creates an issue of double taxation. If the states were to tax the income from each company regardless of the residency and specifics of where it received its...

Essential Requirements in a Public-Private Partnership Contract

The need for a clear PPP contract structure is determined by the requirement for delegation of responsibility between the parties in non-compliance with crucial contract clauses. At the same time, the PPP structure, formed as a result of optimized acceptance and commissioning tests and an improved risk accounting model, aims...

Role of Denial and Deception in National Security Affairs

Introduction Geopolitical, economic, and other contradictions that arise among world powers are accompanied by intelligence operations and the principles of ensuring national security. One of the strategies that have been used for decades is the denial and deception tactics that consist in planting false and implausible data on opponents regarding...

A Private Fight Over Federal Laws

Introduction Federalism is a system that makes a territory affected by two levels of government: central and local. Unlike a unitary state administration, where the central authority decides every law and its implementation, a federalist country allows a certain level of independence for the local administration. The United States of...

The American Disability Act in a Labor Law Case

What Is ADA? ADA stands for American Disability Act which is meant to protect people with disability. Employment and access to state and local government programs and services are among the sectors covered by the ADA, which forbids discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The legislation’s goal is to ensure that...

International Legal Environment Assessment: United States

Legal System and Colonization For decades, both the business and social environment of the United States have been regarded as an example of a socio-cultural conglomerate that encompasses the interaction of various systems and cultural traditions. For this reason, the process of the legal system’s formation is rather complex throughout...

Discussion: Marijuana and the Federal Law

Summary In the United States of America, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance under federal law. Such a classification implies that the production, possession, or use of this drug in the country is illegal federally. Despite the illegalization of this drug by the central government, some states,...

Investigation of Daimler AG v. Bauman Case

Workers and relatives of employees of the Gonzalez-Catan plant of Mercedes Benz Argentina sued the company for violating the 1991 Law on the Protection of Victims of Torture. They alleged that during the 1976-1983 “Dirty War” in Argentina, the company wanted to punish workers suspected of being union agitators and...

Contracts in Corporate Law: Role of the Uniform Commercial Code

Introduction The corporate world requires adherence to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in making business contracts. The contracts involve covenants or agreements between the parties signing them; there is a format for drafting any corporate contract. A contract is considered enforceable if it meets the thresholds of consideration, legality, capacity,...

Scientific Inquiry and Criminal Justice Hypothesis

Introduction Research, in general, has a defined objective, and to achieve its objectives, scientists choose from a variety of study methods. A scientist’s research methodology covers all the procedures and strategies they use to perform scientific studies. Making choices concerning how the data will be gathered and analyzed is part...

Law Case: The Union of Stewards Versus IBCT

Introduction The grievance at hand concerns Johnny Seemelater (“the Grievor”), which is filed by the Union on his behalf. The grievance alleges that the Grievor was terminated unjustly from his employment with IBCT (the Employer”) effective May 6, 2021. He was terminated pursuant to Article 11.05 (h) of the Collective...

Ethics in Criminal Justice Investigations

The term “ethical” means the principles of behavior corresponding to the moral standards of a particular group. Ethics results from a general agreement between people engaged in the same activity and may differ from group to group. The importance of voluntary consent lies in the essence of the actions taken....

Ethical Issues of Individual Privacy and Security

Since the beginning of the “information era,” personal privacy has been the most valuable asset that the vast majority of people cannot obtain. Moreover, the issue is only expanding despite many significant conflicts targeted to slow the growth of government intervention in private life. On the other hand, when it...

Equal Employment Laws and Other Regulations

In the context of the growing globalization of the world community, the experience of legal regulation of certain public relations in foreign countries is of increasing interest. One of the main sources of U.S. law operating throughout the United States is the U.S. Code of Laws. Each of the sections...

Criminal and Social Justice Intersection: Annotated Bibliography

Feigenberg, B., & Miller, C. (2021). Racial divisions and criminal justice: Evidence from Southern state courts. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(2), 207–240. Web. This article addresses the profound injustices embedded in the criminal justice system of the United States. According to Feigenberg and Miller (2021), this aspect of the...

Marijuana Legalization in Texas

The problem of marijuana legalization in Texas is a recurring public discussion that includes various and sometimes polarized opinions. For instance, only one month ago, the state’s governor Greg Abbott argued in favor of cannabis usage decriminalization (Jaeger, 2022). Additionally, Ramsey (2022) claims that as many as 69% of Texas...

The Examination of Issues Related to Prosecution

Introduction In the articles under consideration, the authors thoroughly examine the process of prosecution and reflect on its characteristics. They describe in detail the circumstances which might potentially affect the sentences while relying on previous evidence. The analysis of data performed by the scholars is critical for understanding the way...

Civil and Criminal Law Penalties and Differences

There are differences between civil law and criminal law penalties as they relate to coding violations. As it is known, penalties for violations of civil law are usually softer than penalties for committing an actual crime. Overall, the criminal law system is more complex than the civil law system because...

The Prisoners Who Were Convicted by Hung Juries Article Review

This article first appeared in The Nation on October 8, 2020. In 2005, Ricky Davis, a Black Louisianian from New Orleans, was staying at a motel in Baton Rouge after his house was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. On the night of October 29, according to court records, he got into...

Copyright Infringement in the “Blurred Lines” Case

It is required to analytically describe a court case for copyright infringement in the case of the song “Blurred Lines”. In 2015, Pharrell Williams was found guilty of stealing musical material, as the composition clearly contained elements of a Marvin Gaye song. Initially, the prosecution proved its claims, which required...

“Stress Test for Free Speech” by Lincoln Caplan

Purpose It is possible to suggest that the two aims of Caplan’s writing are to inform and persuade people. Considering the former purpose, the author uses several techniques. To begin with, Caplan describes the issue with social networks and the First Amendment and explains its causes to provide the readers...

Civil Rights and Liberties in the United States

Concepts Civil rights and civil liberties are distinct concepts based on their applications and definition in the context of ordinary life. In that way, civil liberties acknowledge fundamental human rights, such as the right to freedom of speech, privacy, marriage. On the other hand, civil rights constitute the rights of...

Discussion: Legalization of Abortion Aspects

Introduction Abortion is one of the controversial and socially complex issues having been debated over since the emergence of modernity. It is a significant moral topic raising much concern in the current generation. It is quite challenging and tempting to assess laws and policies related to abortion based on traditional...

The Employee Retirement Income Security Concept

In the labor sector, the term “The Employee Retirement Income Security (ERISA)” refers to a federal law protecting the workers’ retirement assets who work in private industries in America. The law’s implementation was in 1974 to govern that the cautioner does not exploit planned benefits. In addition, it protects some...

Understanding Recidivism in America’s Prisons

Introduction Crime is an inherent part of every society, and the role of the government has always been to ensure that the perpetrators face severe punishment for their actions. Official data shows that in the United States, the crime rates have been steadily decreasing in the past thirty years, including...

Murder of MaKayla Bryant as Case for Investigators

Introduction Crime is an inherent part of any society, and the role of law enforcement is to prevent it and effectively identify the perpetrators. The investigation process consists of several phases, including the preliminary and follow-up ones, which are required to uncover all aspects of crime. The investigation must always...

The Podcast Evil by Design With Timothy Sawa

Introduction The story of a Canadian billionaire, who was detained at the request of the United States, has attracted media attention worldwide. Fifty-seven women filed a class-action lawsuit against Peter Nygard. Their statement claims that the man has raped girls for 20 years, including minors. He also used them to...

Criminal Justice Policy in England and Wales

Introduction The England and Wales criminal justice system (CJS) is a ministerial department under the Ministry of Justice, which oversees the administration of justice in the country. It is an elaborate governmental infrastructure consisting of such institutions as the police, prosecution service, courts, and prison establishments. Over the years, the...

Central Park Five: Documentary Aesthetics

In April 1989, five teenage boys from New York City found themselves embroiled in one of the most controversial cases of the decade. They became recognized as the Central Park Five after they were accused of raping and nearly beating to death a fleeing woman, later identified as Tricia Maili,...

Researching of Emerging Technologies in Criminology

Introduction The development of computer technology has a major influence on multiple professional fields, including law enforcement. Modern technology and software use produces hardly replaceable digital footprints supporting criminal investigations. Nevertheless, the advancements in computers also bring benefits to criminals by offering new opportunities for forgery, fraud, and criminal activity...

Federal Employment Discrimination Laws

There are many employment laws enacted in the US to protect workers against discrimination and harassment at the workplace. If they are broken, employees are awarded damages by the courts to compensate their loss and deter employers from engaging in further illegality. In addition to laws, court rulings are critical...

Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.: Case Description and Its Future Implications

The Case This memo introduces the information regarding the case of Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. The case was discussed at the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in 2021. It addresses the issue of freedom of speech, guaranteed by 1st Amendment of the United States constitution. More...

Law and Beccaria’s View Relations

Concern over Honour and Prestige An honor culture that appeared in ancient times, and is based on the idea of opinion despotism to place a family name and status over the law. According to Beccaria, such a culture leads to erroneous and biased decisions since personal characteristics are used to...

Collaborative Organizational Changes in Police

Any organizations come to the point when change is necessary. However, to discern the exact nature of change, to gain propositions about it from different perspectives, and to implement it correctly, various approaches are used. On the way of introducing changes, an organization might face different obstacles: resistance of employees,...

Medical Marijuana and Governmental Policies in the US

Introduction Implementing addictive substances for medicinal purposes is one of the major concerns raised by scholars worldwide. Even though some drugs possess clinical qualities that can contribute to the patient’s overall health, scientists still debate if allowing the use of mild stimulants should be permitted at federal and state levels...

Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice System

Burglary is a criminal offense in the United States, although some states allow significant adjustments depending on the circumstances. Penalties and sentences for this crime vary and may include substantial payments, life imprisonment, community service, and restitution. It is appropriate to apply different penalties to people because of differences in...

Recidivism in the Criminal Justice

Introduction The high rate of recidivism in American prisons results from a whole complex of reasons, the correction of which measures are not directed to a large extent. First, it is the lack of conditions for people released from prison, which would make it easier to adapt to a peaceful...

The Illegality of the Geronimo Operation

Targeted killing is defined under international law as the deliberate lethal use of force by a state or its employees against an individual who is not in the custody of civilians or poses an immediate danger. Although the term is not a technical legal term, the strategy has become a...

Why Corporations Should Participate in Preventing Crimes of Violence

Introduction Crimes and violence are problems that concern the official forces that help establish and punish the guilty and society in general. Crime prevention should be a matter of concern for every member of a particular community since the issue affects the health and stability of everyone. The most influential...

Discontinuity of Care in the Criminal Justice System

The media and much of the general community believe that crime and mental illnesses are related to each other because of the numerous cases of crimes committed by the mentally ill, as well as the big number of imprisoned mentally ill persons. For example, such cases as Andrea Yates in...

Discussion of Attempted Murder

Inchoate crimes primarily include attempts, conspiracy, and solicitation and are based on the harmful intent of the suspect. Consequently, these cases also include attempted murder, which is probably the most disturbing example of inchoate crimes. One such case includes the prosecution of Michael Hayes, who deliberately shot Bobby Gale –...

The New York Convention of 1958

The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, established in New York on June 10th, 1958 (the New York Convention), is considered the most successful treaty applied in private international law. Currently, more than one hundred and sixty nations adhere to the convention. The objective of the...

Racial Inequities in Juvenile Justice System

Youth Justice Every day, children and teenagers are detained in the United States, with people of color being especially vulnerable. Even though youth arrests and detentions have decreased, severe racial inequities in the juvenile justice system seem to remain at the same level. Minority children, specifically Black children, tend to...

An Intellectual Property Theft in Marketing

This situation is unfair, and in this case, the one who originally came up with the project is right. The fact is that it was a speech in front of a professor, respectively, a public performance with the initials of the author. This, in turn, means that this object is...

Deterrence and Truancy Theory in Justice

One of a government’s fundamental obligations is to protect its inhabitants from crime, although crime prevention can take numerous forms. There is evidence that corruption is disproportionately concentrated in economically challenged places and that poverty reduction can help to reduce crime. Reducing crime rates can also be achieved by addressing...

Teenage Cyberbullying: How to Protect Victims

Problem or Objective The topic to study The object of my study is the phenomenon of cyberbullying, targeted bullying with the help of high technologies and communication networks. In the context of this topic, I want to find out the reasons for this behavior and theoretical ways to deal with...

Digital Evidence Recovery: Personal Computers, USB Drives, and Computer Disks

Digital forensic investigators are often tasked with locating and examining digitally-held data during a case investigation. However, various devices can be found at the scene, meaning that each information storage unit must be analyzed according to its technical characteristics (Angelopoulou et al., 2016). For instance, personal computers, USB drives, and...

The Privacy of the Medical Information

It is essential to consider the influence of regulations that affect the control and confidentiality of medical information while examining medical confidentiality concerns. The most considerable attention was paid to the Patriot Act of 2001 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 2003. Technically, the government has...

Representation of the Environment of the Time in Constitution

One of the main and most important goals of any legislation is to protect and ensure the rights of citizens. It is thanks to this principle that people both experience love for the country and feel safe. In turn, this creates conditions for the state under which development becomes the...

Civil Rights Employment Laws in France

Introduction Notably, civil rights employment laws in France offer a high level of employee protection. Nevertheless, L&E Global (2021) states that the legal environment changes due to government reforms and law advancement. France is an excellent example where workers’ rights are considered. For instance, France protects civil rights through anti-discrimination,...

Employment Standards Act About Calling in Sick

Introduction It is hard to disagree that people of all professions sometimes can get sick or just require an additional day off to become productive again or avoid developing a disease. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to ask one’s employer about sick leave in advance. Many workers can inform...

Republic and Democracy in the United States

The founding fathers did not want a democratic rule, as they believed in this approach’s inherent turbulence and unreliability. They saw democracy as mob rule where essential decisions do not get accomplished because of the chaotic nature of this system. The original Constitution guarantees every American state the Republican form...

The Plea-Bargaining Process: Pros and Cons

Introduction The plea-bargaining process is a method of sentence bargaining. The prosecutor, investigating a case, accepts the possibility of imposing a lighter penalty or a sentence on a wrongdoer if they do not contest accusations and plead their guilty. It is a case of an exchange, where a defendant confesses...

Ethical Dilemma: Case Study of Harry and Dora

The situation presented in the case study is a classic scenario between the letter and the spirit of the law. From a purely legalistic perspective, the solution is obvious – Harry has to report Dora’s unaccounted incomes in order to uphold the law, without consideration for personal relationships as well...

Psychopathy in the Criminal Justice System

A criminal justice system is a tool for ensuring and maintaining public order and safety. First of all, it is used to punish those guilty of committing various crimes and to prevent their reoccurrence. However, it is also important that the criminal justice system should also provide all members of...

The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism – In Comparison with Freedom Fighting

Terrorism is an act of political violence aimed to incite terror and panic into the target population and further a specific political goal. Modern terrorism is often described through the prism of the “waves” theory proposed and developed by David C. Rapoport (Da Silva, 2019). Within the framework of the...

Police Officer With a Juvenile

Within the context of policing, discretion refers to power, the ability to make decisions that directly affect the life of a subject who is being policed. When a subject in question is underage, naturally the degree of the leeway allowed becomes a topic of ethical debates. Police officers faced with...

A Plan for Internet Pedophile Investigation

Pedophile Investigation Today, children are becoming increasingly adept users of the Internet, where they are attracted to online games and social networks. With Wi-Fi and mobile Internet, access to the network is always there – day and night. Basically, they benefit from the connection: they do their homework, communicate with...

Researching of Criminal Justice in America

Summary According to the American constitution, Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 states that the representative and taxes shall be based on the several states in the US, Indians not included. Story commentators argue that Indians who inhibited several states at the time of writing were not considered citizens and...

Criminal Law in the Case of a Sleeping Driver

Every felony act necessitates both an illegal action and a criminal mental state. One legal maxim is that an act is not unlawful unless the purpose is unlawful. One condition that the state must demonstrate to secure a punishment under criminal legislation is that the defendant engaged in a voluntary...

Facial Recognition: A Modern Campus or Persona Non-Grata

Facial recognition is one of the undoubtedly amazing technologies of modern times, combining established hardware (cameras) with highly complex innovative software (programs that allow for various actions such as tracking). The technology has significant applications, the consequences of which are not year clear given the technology’s infancy. However, it is...

Business Law: Right to Hold Union Discussions

Employees and employers interact at different levels in an organization. At some point, employees may feel the need to unite and express their concerns via unions. According to business law, employees have a legal right to hold union discussions (Beatty & Samuelson, 2019). Union efforts have been associated with emphasizing...

A Legal or Ethical Obligation of Facebook to Assist a Crime Victim

This work aims to answer whether Facebook has a legal or ethical obligation to assist a crime victim. In this paper, I will recommend three ways that platforms like Facebook may be more proactive and carefully evaluate the types of content that appear in media. The research will be conducted...

Whren v. the United States, 517 US 806 – Supreme Court 1996

Facts Whren v. United States is a lawsuit that entered the Supreme Court of the US. The dispute occurred between young African American Michael Whren and the United States. Whren’s motion says that the search of the car in which he was a passenger by officers in an unmarked car...

A Victim as a Dark Figure of a Crime

There are no crimes without victims, just as there are no crimes without a criminal. The true measure of crimes is the harm they cause to society. According to scientists-criminologists, a victim is any person who has suffered moral, physical, or property damage from a wrongful act, regardless of whether...

The Brown vs. Board of Education Case: Supreme Court Decision

Introduction The Supreme Court’s Decisions helped reshape the legal system in the United States to address the rights and liberties of all citizens. This paper will analyze the Supreme Court’s decision in the Brown vs. Board of Education case and discuss its implications for civil rights. In this case, the...

Influence of Police Bias on Disparity in Juvenile Incarceration Rates

Introduction There is apparent disparity in the rates at which juveniles from various ethnic backgrounds are incarcerated. For instance, Black teenagers are 5 times more probable to be convicted than their White counterparts (Mendoza & Parks-Stamm, 2020). The chances for an American Indian and a Hispanic youth getting jailed are...

The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders Released From Jail or Prison

The paper analyzes the issue of electronic monitoring for offenders who have been released from prison or jail. It is a strategy that has been used as an alternative to imprisonment or incarceration. The study highlights what other scholars have written about the topic. This is important as it provides...

Slave Celia History: Discussion Board Post

The case that happened to the slave Celia has an extremely ambiguous and contradictory degree of assessment. Regarding the legal aspects and points concerning this issue, Celia committed a terrible crime, which, in fairness, should be followed by appropriate punishment. However, if one looks at the circumstances as a whole,...

The Office of Presidency: The Powers Invested

Introduction The President of the United States is the single most influential figure in the American political system in its entirety. This fact, however, does not mean that the presidential power is unchecked, because the system ensures that each role combines powers, responsibilities, and limitations. The main roles associated with...

Theories Regarding Criminal Justice

Introduction Learning through social interaction Individuals acquire behavior by observing people around them which leads them to copy both positive and negative habits of their social circles. When growing up, children tend to learn behaviors from individuals around them including their parents. As a result, adolescents who have delinquent parents...

Crimes During the Covid-19 Crisis in the US

Topic The criminal justice topic I would like to research is a crime in crisis or emergencies. At least two problems occurred during 2020: the Black Lives Matter riots and the COVID-19 pandemic, and they forced police, courts, and legislators to deal with unusual cases and work in extraordinary circumstances....

Florida’s vs. California’s Homicide Statutes

Background Homicide is always regarded by the law as a serious crime, determining it as an illegal killing of an individual. In the United States, this wrongdoing has different types depending on its severity, including first and second degree murders or voluntary and involuntary manslaughters. Nevertheless, the attitudes of various...

The Markia Security Crime Stoppers Program

Summary The criminal justice initiative attempts to mitigate and prevent rising levels of crime, particularly burglaries, on the west side of Killeen, Texas. The statistics since 2005 have risen to 5.37 per 1,000 residents in a year to a population of 151,666. The initiative program named Markia Crime Stoppers has...

Rising Crime and Ethnic Inequality in the United States

The article raises the up-to-date topic of the sharp increase in the crime rate in the United States. The numbers are exceptionally high among African Americans and Latinos who did not have the opportunity to graduate from high school and get a decent job. The legal system built of racial...

Developing Collective Bargaining Agreement

Summary The employer and the Union agree on the following in the CBA: The employer agrees to provide employees with work equipment recommended by OSHA to function effectively during dangerous conditions, including inclement weather. Employer agrees to provide each employee with an annual $500 to cater to work gear purchasing....

Judicial Activism and Its Definitions

Introduction The role of the judiciary in regulating the public life has been under discussion since the foundation of the United States. It actually is not unique in these terms; any socially important issue is debatable by its nature, as society is too heterogeneous to avoid disagreement. This is the...

Stabbing Cases in London in Relation to Durkheim’s Criminological Theory

There are different ways crime and deviance are perceived in various places and periods. The two main questions about criminal and deviant acts are what constitutes such an act and whether it should be punished. Then, there emerge other important subsequent questions about punishment or its alternatives. If punishment is...

Child Killers: The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Risk factors are elements, parameters, or potential perils that, if revealed in a person, make it more likely that an individual will advance a condition instead of someone chosen from the overall population. A risk factor anticipates an enhanced likelihood of future offending. According to a recent report from the...

Tax Law Reforms and Individual Tax Burden

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act nearly doubled the standard deduction and eliminated or restricted many itemized deductions. As its name implies, it cut individual, corporate, and estate tax rates. The lower corporate tax rate is one of the key components of the Act. This cut is said to be...

Transgender Prisoners and How They Are Treated

Abstract According to international studies, transgender persons are a particularly defenseless population in the correctional structure, with their most necessities often being withheld. Sexual assault and rape are common among transgender inmates. Nonetheless, there is a little empirical study in the United States. This article analyses current research on transgender...

The American Legion v. American Humanist Association Case

The American Legion versus The American Humanist Association case occurred between two public organizations. This case involves the American Humanist Association, a non-profit organization that advocates for the separation of church and state (American Humanist Association, n.d). Another participant in the proceedings is the American Legion, which provides community services...

Unionization and Its Legislative Elements

In order to help supervisors successfully respond to employee questions about unionization, it is important to include the legislative elements in the guidelines. According to the National Labor Relations Act, “the union must turn in cards to the National Labor Relations Board signed by at least 30% of employees voicing...

Selecting a Business Law Attorney

Selecting an attorney is an important question as it influences the results of possible lawsuits and the firm’s ability to survive. For this reason, several factors should be given special attention. First, the lawyer’s expertise and experience should be considered as a veteran has more chances to succeed (Cheeseman, 2018)....

The Valencia et al. v. City of Springfield Case

Valencia et al. v. City of Springfield, Illinois was a case argued in February 2018 and decided in March 2018 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. Mrs. Valencia, a legal representative of one of the plaintiffs, filed the suit on behalf of three residents of the...

Researching of the Reasons Prisons Exist

When someone commits a crime, they are expected to be punished to serve justice to the injured party. However, since the principle “eye for an eye” cannot and should not be used in modern society due to many disputes, lawbreakers are being put into custody. While prisons are the most...

The US Penal System Overview

Millions of people are incarcerated in the US, making it the largest population worldwide. The rising number of inmates in the country can be partly attributed to the country’s size. However, the country’s justice system likely needs reforms to control the numbers that appear to be rising annually. While the...

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5

Background Among the modern classifications of mental disorders, the most commonly used is the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). It was developed by the American Psychiatric Association and released in Revision 5 (DSM-5). In many ways, DSM-5 differs from previous DSMIVs;...

Ineffectiveness of Antitrust Laws

Introduction Business laws are formulated to regulate the behavior of firms across all industries. While some are focused on protecting consumers from corporate malpractices, other regulations seek to safeguard other businesses. examples include antitrust laws that seek to ensure that large companies do not monopolize industries. Recently, the case of...

Delinquent Behavior According to Developmental Theories

When aiming to explain why delinquent behavior occurs, scientists and practitioners have used several theories that explain how some inborn qualities and environmental factors impact the development of an individual. The reasons why I resisted negative delinquent behaviors when growing up can be explained by the Life Course Theory. In...

Federalist, Anti-Federalist Governments, and the U.S. Constitution

Introduction At the end of the 18th century, the presentation of the U.S. Constitution as an important nation-shaping document led to reconsidering the Articles of Confederation in order to create a more organized pattern of political power within the United States. The Philadelphia Convention of 1787 resulted in the emergence...

Unfair Policies: Private Probation

Government laws and regulations are put in place to protect members of society, benefit and advance society. Nevertheless, some policies do not seem to serve the intended purpose and are misused. Private Probation can be an example of an unjust policy that benefits a few members of society while putting...

The Intervention Acts in the United States

Over history, the United States has faced various crises ranging from the financial crisis in 2008 to the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2019. Currently, the country faces unemployment issues among its citizens as a result of COVID-19. As expected, it is the responsibility of the United States government to intervene...

Prohibiting Legalization of Marijuana in the US

Despite multiple attempts to define the status of marijuana in the United States, the question of its legalization remains open. Cannabis is still illegal in some states and at the federal level, and people want to understand if its medical benefits could prevail over its evident harms. The purpose of...

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Criminal Justice System

Effect of Historical Events on Criminal Justice System The United States of America has a long history of racial and ethnic minorities being discriminated against by the ruling majority. Genocide of the Indigenous tribes, enslavement of African Americans, fugitive slave laws, Jim Crow laws, and the War on Drugs, among...

Serial Killers’ Motivation for Committing Crimes

Any ill-treatment of people leads to various consequences, but they all have one thing in common – damage to health or danger to their lives. The question of this study is what exactly motivates serial killers to commit crimes. The relevance of the issue is dictated by the fact that...

Autistic Disorder and Crime in the United States

Prevalence and incidence rates of autistic disorders are not high in the United States. According to Schug and Fradella (2015), prevalence rates are 5 cases per 10,000 people, which is only 0.0005% (p. 71). However, this rate is constantly increasing due to better awareness, an expansion of the diagnostic criteria,...

Nix v. Williams: The Case Study

Introduction The Nix v. Williams case established an “inevitable discovery,” an exemption to the exclusionary rule, in the United States Supreme Court. As “fruit of the poisonous tree,” most evidence gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, that protects against arbitrary searches and seizures, is...

The Concept of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act)

Rape remains among the dominant crimes in the USA; almost every minute an American becomes a victim of it. The problem is especially acute in penitentiaries, and, for the record, staff members are reported as offenders 16% more frequent as compared to inmates. However, reporting apparently is dramatically insufficient since...

Forensic Drug Analysis Course: Reflection

Modern forensic science offers many tools for more effective work in the investigation and prevention of crimes. The focus of the course is the most relevant for me, as it allows me to consider in more detail forensic drug chemistry. The most interesting part of the course is the study...

Eyewitness Identification and Confession

Summary In the criminal justice system, eyewitnesses and confessions play a vital role in aiding the prosecution and investigations of criminals. Eyewitness testimony assists a crucial role in providing the features of a crime. According to the Innocence Project, it was revealed that eyewitness misidentification is the key cause of...

Force Diversification as a Way of Addressing Police Brutality in the US

Police brutality is a social issue of considerable magnitude in the contemporary United States. Understandably, violence and killing can be necessary for police work, especially when interacting with armed and dangerous criminals who pose an immediate threat to public safety. Yet it is not so much the fact of violence...

Analysis of Anne Hutchinson Case Study

It should primarily be mentioned that the case of Anne Hutchinson is a very controversial one and can be judged from various points of view. For example, it can be stated that she was a treat to authorities and the people around her because she was a member of the...

Reflections on Dworkin’s Ideas

Pragmatic judges do not consider themselves bound by the requirements of the rule of law. They are ready to reject them at any time if, in their opinion, the interests of the case require it. Norms are important only when they can be used to substantiate one’s position. From Dworkin’s...

Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton Lawsuit Facts

Introduction Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton is a lawsuit in which the U.S. Supreme Court found Oregon’s student-athletes selective drug testing policy in compliance with the U.S. Constitution, particularly the Fourth Amendment. According to the results of the Court decision, before taking part in the competition, students were required...

Alleged Crimes During a Law Enforcement Exercise

Lawsuits brought against police officers are a well-established feature of the regulatory environment. While law enforcement officers typically have sweeping powers to conduct their work, the U.S constitution, state constitutions, and other statutes impose limitations on what police officers can do during policing activities. This week’s activity is based on...

Research on Human Trafficking in Arkansas

Human trafficking remains a serious problem even in developed countries. Currently, there are at least 40 million slaves in the world, a quarter of whom are children, and 77% of cases involving sexual abuse (SOS International, 2020, para. 4). In Arkansas, 60 cases of underage sex trafficking have been reported...

Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) in Protecting Consumers

The Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) is sloppy in handling environmental pollutants. The agency allows many toxic chemicals into the economy with little effort to ensure that the chemicals are safe. The chemicals are left unsecured to the benefit of the manufacturing company because of the revenue that is generated...

Climate Change Reflection in Law System

Introduction Climate change is one of the most urgent issues in today’s world, therefore, governments, citizens, international organizations aim to preserve the current state of the problem with a slender hope of improvement in the future. The US government is not an exception as most presidents made an impact on...

Impeachment Trial of William Jefferson Clinton

The document mentions three names, which are William Jefferson Clinton, Gary Sisco, and William Rehnquist. The individuals are indicated since they are crucial in the creation of the document. Gary Sisco was the U.S. Senate secretary and was involved in writing the impeachment form. Clinton, on the other hand, was...

Texas Judiciary During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The main issues faced by the Texas justice system and state judges are caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These problems include a high degree of burden on judicial officials and an incessant, growing number of new, pending cases. Nathan Hecht, notes that it will take at least three years to...

Public Administration and Social Equity Example

Meaning of Privilege and How It Works Privilege refers to access to resources or social power readily available to people of a specific social group. Indeed, McIntosh (2018) defines the term as the benefits, social advantages, respect, and degree of prestige a person gets by belonging to a specific group....

Officer Taylor: The Case Study

The existing paper dwells on a case study of Officer Taylor, who had to interact with a suspicious driver during a routine traffic stop. Across the body of the research, the author is going to address the questions of why the stop was performed in the first place and what...

Religious Diversity in the Workplace: The Case for Alternative Dispute Resolution

Key Points Based on the topic and results of the study in question, one can highlight several key points. Firstly, as Rouméas (2020) states, religious diversity is the issue that arises in the workplace due to the distinctive cultural backgrounds of colleagues, and its emergence can become a barrier due...

Martin Luther King Junior’s “Letter From Birmingham City Jail”

Martin Luther King Junior was in his cell in Birmingham, Alabama while writing “Letter from Birmingham City Jail.” In this letter, he particularly says that “law and order exist to establish justice … when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of...

Legal Process of Divorce as an Elaborate Legal Process

Introduction Divorce is a common legal phenomenon in the US and it depends on the couple’s socio-economic situation. Typically, childless short-term marriages result in a less complex time-consuming divorce than long-term marriages with weighty property entanglements, marital debts and kids below the consent age. Divorcing couples who negotiate the terms...

Lowering Incarceration Rate in the United States

Introduction Criminal punishment has been a greatly debated topic for quite some time between citizens and various organizations. Justice is considered served when the offender is either fined or imprisoned for a specific period of life. The imprisonment verdict is authorized by the head of the court, such as a...

The Criminal Justice System Should Not Only Punish Criminals Equally

Introduction It is a widely accepted view that the US justice system is an unjust institution and does not achieve the goals it sets out, while treating people from different backgrounds differently. Only number of cases receive publicity and are often forgotten after a couple of days, and nevertheless there...

Recidivism in the Criminal Justice: Prison System of America

The position of people continuously returning to prisons in the United States is alarming due to their high rates and the absence of effective mechanisms for integration in society. According to recent statistics, two out of three individuals are incarcerated within three years after their failure to meet basic needs,...

Labor Law: Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Workers’ compensation fraud is a crime that is punishable by law. It happens when an individual willfully makes a false statement to receive worker’s compensation benefits. Based on this, if I suspect that a patient was committing worker’s compensation fraud, I would report the matter to the hospital administrator. After...

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) is an amended act to establish the Office of Juvenile Justice’s work. JJDP supports both the local and state efforts to reduce delinquency and make changes by developing the Juvenile Justice System. The advancements are made to protect the lives of children and youths. The...

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Its Contribution to Social Justice

Introduction The endorsement of the Civil Rights Act and its implementation had a significant impact on American society throughout the years, addressing the issues related to discrimination. Several civil rights acts have been introduced since 1866, with each legislation addressing complications related to racial, ethnic, and other types of distinctions...

United States Constitutional Amendments

The US Constitution is a revolutionary law with elaborate procedures on its amendment. The two most commonly followed routes when amending the US Constitution are described in Article V. The first route requires an amendment to be endorsed by a vote by two-thirds of the members of Congress and ratified...