Loneliness and Emptiness in “Desert Places” Poem by Robert Frost

Introduction The poem “Desert Places” by Robert Frost depicts the speaker’s lonely mind in a deserted place, resonating with the current times; the inevitable return of depression and universal human loneliness. The poet uses simple vocabulary, “the loneliness includes me unawares,” which underestimates the actual extreme loneliness of human beings...

Chapters 1-5 of “Soar!” Book by T. D. Jakes

In the first chapter, T.D. Jakes describes what drives his vision and the ability to do so much. He credits much to his upbringing and the example set by his father, maintaining an attitude of a ‘hustler’ and work ethic. At the same time, Jakes believes that hard work is...

“Cathedral” Short Story by Raymond Carver

Introduction In the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver, the narrator is a husband who goes through a life-changing experience that teaches him not to be judgmental and also learns to listen. It is not only a tale of mutual understanding and acceptance, but it is also a cultural narrative....

Moral Rightness in “Outlaws of the Marsh” by Shi Nai’an

Outlaws of the Marsh or Water Margin is a classic 14th-century Chinese novel written by Shi Nai’an. The plot of the story, which has four volumes and from 100 to 120 chapters, tells about the adventures of 108 demons that incarnated in the form of people and became noble robbers...

Comparing Troy Maxson (“Fences”) and Walter Lee Younger (“A Raisin in the Sun”)

A raisin in the Sun and Fences are two plays that show African-American families dealing with their daily hardships and tensions. Both families face discrimination, and both have internal problems as well. The storylines of two main characters are in many ways parallel to each other: Troy Maxson and Walter...

“The Love Suicides at Amijima” by Chikamatsu

Introduction The given analysis will primarily focus on the story of “The Love Suicides at Amijima” by Chikamatsu and translated and revised by Asataro Miyamori and Robert Nichols. The plot is mainly based on real-life events, which took place during the time of writing. It is important to note that...

Pentangle in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

About fifty lines in the chivalric romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight take over the significant symbol, the Pentangle, displayed on the Gawain’s shield. Each knight had a different design or symbol placed on his shield, which made it possible to identify people in battle when helmets obscured their...

Analysis of Justice in “The Oresteia”

Justice is a concept studied by all the ancient peoples: Scandinavians, Goths, Europeans, and Greeks. The nature of revenge and whether it is just to kill somebody as an act of vengeance is a central issue of the trilogy The Oresteia. Throughout the novels, the concept of fairness evolves onto...

Body, Pain, Self, and Sexual Desires as Themes in Poetry

The human body has always been an important topic for people. Its representation and attitude to it changed throughout the history of humanity, and the literature belonging to different epochs proves it. Writers tried to respond to topical ideas and speak about the topic from different perspectives. One of the...

The Story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Introduction “A Rose for Emily” is a story about the decline of Southern aristocracy during the early 20th century. The titular character, Emily, declines alongside her house, eventually becoming mentally ill, murdering her lover and sleeping alongside his decaying body. However, while she may have been predisposed to such a...

Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land” Analysis

Woody Guthrie composed “This Land Is Your Land” in 1940 with the hope of proving the Americans to diverse views. The poem is well known, and it is considered the nation’s patriotic anthem. While the composition is supposed to promote patriotism, some of the song’s stanzas contradict the tune’s intended...

Rushdie’s “Midnight Children” and Murakami’s “Kafka on the Shore’

Introduction There are three critical themes explored in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight Children and Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore. The three themes are a myth, fate, and prophecy. The authors of these two novels have vividly presented these themes through actions of the characters like Kafka, Saleem, Amina, Shiva, and...

“The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice” by Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Othello is a play about secrets, plotting and revenge. It tells the tragic story of Othello, who is secretly married to Desdemona and how the people around them plot to end the relationship (Shakespeare 6). Rodrigo’s business with Iago involves the latter helping him to woo Desdemona. Roderigo is...

Myths Featuring Conflicts Among Members of a Gods Family

Introduction There are many themes discussed in Ancient Greek and other myths – love, hatred, true wisdom, loyalty, and the creation of the world. One of the most critical topics in most of the stories about deities is depicting a family conflict that may arise from jealousy, betrayal, competition for...

The Play “New Ma” by Dora Dee Hunter: Review

The play “NEW MA” by Dora Dee Hunter is a modern performance covering some of the most crucial aspects of people’s lives in the current world. The play may be roughly divided into six acts, each of them including a new twist in the plot. The main characters are a...

Symbols and Motifs in Short Stories

“The Birth-Mark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne The main symbol around which the story develops is certainly the birthmark on Georgiana’s left cheek. Initially, the girl seems to be the perfect creation of nature – she is smart, kind, and gorgeous but the mark becomes a trouble for her husband. The birthmark...

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by Thomas Sterns Eliot

Introduction The poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by Thomas Sterns Eliot is full of imagery that is used by the writer to create a specific atmosphere and affect a reader. The work introduces a speaker who is full of various fears and feels miserable and useless. The...

The Theme of Patriotism and Honor: Poetry Seminar Analysis

Introduction The theme of patriotism and honor is a crucial element in understanding the literature and film created to depict World War I. The poem “The Absorption” in particular focuses on the ideas of patriotism because Sassoon contrasts the horrors of wartime with the soldier’s changing attitudes towards the battlefield...

Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s Jazz Age Perception in “The Great Gatsby”

Introduction Great works of literature remain in history for a variety of reasons. Some of them represent a particular era masterfully, leaving the reader with strong, vivid impressions. This objective is attained through accurate use of specific symbols, strengthening the work’s relation to a particular epoch, and contributing to its...

Sarah Hall’s Short Story “Theatre 6”

The narrative is set in a hospital operating room and in-house chapel, perpetuating the atmosphere of democratic conformity that defies morality. The setting serves as the display of the conflict between individual choice and procedures. The author writes, “The on-call room is never dark enough, even with your eye-mask,” indicating...

“Some Thoughts on the Common Toad” by George Orwell

“Some Thoughts on the Common Toad” is an essay by George Orwell that was published in 1946. The author describes a common example of the natural cycle, which is the change of seasons. People have become accustomed to it; moreover, in literature, it is mostly associated with beautiful creatures like...

The Impact of Greek Philosophers on Current Life

Many scientists agree that Ancient Greece is the cradle of European civilization. Its philosophers, scientists, and poets greatly contributed to the development of Greek culture. Modern philosophical thought would be impossible without the works of Aristotle, Plato, and numerous philosophical schools. Dramatic art would have been different if, at one...

The Namesake: Comparison of Ashima and Gogol

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri is a novel that demonstrates all the difficulties of adapting a person to a new cultural environment, as well as the search for his or her identity. The older generation has its problems because they need to accustom to the differences of the new culture...

“I, Too” by Langston Hughes

Introduction By “I, too sing America” the author means that he also sings the anthem of America as he is a full-fledged citizen of the country, has the right to be a patriot, and can be proud of his homeland. Hughes “sings” and tries to convey the main idea of...

Jig in Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”

Introduction Short stories and reading overall sometimes seem to be simply a form of entertainment. However, in reality, characters in these writings often provide readers with answers to the questions of the meaning of life or the importance of various values. A story by Ernest Hemingway called “Hills Like White...

“Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

Introduction Barn Burning is a masterpiece short story by William Faulkner set in the late 19th century in the white plantations in the south. The narrative revolves around highlighting social classes characterized by a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Class conflicts in the south were relevant discussion...

Troy Maxson and Realism in “Fences” Play by Wilson

Introduction Readers cannot always pinpoint elements of fiction that makes it different from reality, which is reflective of the mastery some writers have in terms of constructing a compelling work of literature. Apart from the storyline, characterization has the ability to engage readers and make the story realistic and relatable....

“The Sixties” by Terry Anderson

The Sixties by Terry Anderson analyzes the impact the decade had on American society. The book does not simply summarize the events of the decade, but places them into a context that today’s readers can easily understand. It discusses major events such as the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War,...

“Fat Girl” by Judith Moore

Fat girl is a non-fiction novel based on the abusive life of a young girl who is obese for as long as she can remember. She is mentally and physically abused by her mother and grandmother and her body size is one of the reasons why she faces constant and...

‘The Friar’ in Canterbury Tales

Introduction The Friar, one of Chaucer’s portraits of what he perceived as a corrupt clergy, can simply be described as a fraud. At a glance The Friar is a religious and pious figure. But a close scrutiny reveals a character different from what he presents to the naked eye. Infact,...

Frankenstein vs. Paradise Lost

The stories about the Devil, Adam, and Frankenstein’s monster seem to have nothing in common at first glance. However, a more detailed consideration of each of them allows tracing certain similarities between them. People (or other beings) who have negative qualities always seem alike. They are united by their desire...

“Mother to Son” Poem by Langston Hughes

Published in 1922, “Mother to Son” was one of Langston Hughes’ early poems. Simple language and a powerful message created by the author make it accessible and meaningful to all readers. While Hughes captures the inspiring persistence of an aging mother, he also represents the struggle of African-Americans inherent in...

“The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot

Introduction Majority of the modern poets are tend to express things with a negative tint, just differ from the traditional style of writing poetry. The modern poet T.S Eliot is notable for using the same and his great epic, ‘The Waste Land’ exemplifies it. The very opening line of the...

Main Ideas of Wordsworth’s Poem “The World Is Too Much With Us”

Introduction The poem has been written in the form of a Petrarchan sonnet, fashioned on the lines of Italian poetic traditions, influenced in its form and meter by the work of Petrarch – one of the famous Italian poets of the early renaissance era. Like a classical Petrarchan sonnet, it...

“Othello” by William Shakespeare

Introduction William Shakespeare is a well known writer who has written various interesting play books. In Particular, he wrote a remarkable play called Othello. In the play, Shakespeare portrays a very jealous character. Lago is the jealous character who got disappointed with his friend Othello for denying him the chance...

Homer, His Works and Homeric Culture

Introduction Homer is known and remembered as the most significant Greek and Roman writer. In the olden days, the Romans and the Greeks only believed they were educated if they could quote his poems. He wrote a wide range of literature on ethics and morality from his works of art....

Feminism in “Trifles” by Susan Keating Glaspell

Before the 1900s, men dominated society in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world, while women were considered inferior to them. Women were discriminated against in all walks of life. The Feminist Movement also called the Women’s Movement and the Women’s Liberation Movement included a series of...

Symbolism in “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

While reading this amazing creation of Shakespeare, I have always thought of corruption its effect. The more I read the more I realized and understood the undesirable effects of corruption. I wouldn’t say ambition is the effect of corruption but it’s rather one of the factors. Supporting my finding and...

“The Wild Swans at Coole” by William Butler Yeats

The poem “The Wild Swans at Coole” is a poem written about the scenery at a place called Coole. The poem is a dramatic lyric poem because of its musicality in the rhyme scheme and its direct expression of feelings. All five of the six-line stanzas are built upon the...

“Who Moved My Cheese?”: A Great Allegory for Situations of Changes

People have various visions of changes and usually perceive them differently. Some react aggressively and do not want to communicate with anybody, the others begin to complain about their hard and unfair life. Some people like changes, they look optimistically at them and do not afraid, as think that changes...

Father-Son Relationships in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

One of the most compelling things to me about the story of the Odyssey is the importance that is placed throughout the story on the relationship that exists between fathers and sons. Almost everything that happens in the story is somehow connected to the idea of family and the importance...

Themes in Beowulf: Annotated Bibliography

Introduction Bravery – Beowulf is the most famous poem among the works of the Old English literature. It is the epic creation telling the readers about the strongest and the bravest of the English warriors of all times. The plot of the poem is concentrated around the life and the...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” and “The Things They Carried”: Compare & Contrast

Introduction The Poem Dulce et Decorum Est and the story The Things they Carried are both about war, but more than fifty years apart. The geography and the weapons have changed, but the conditions are not that different. The men are much the same and war is as brutal as...

Issue of Morality in “First Impressions” (“Pride and Prejudice”)

There can be no doubt as to the fact that the title “Pride and Prejudice” suits Jane Austen’s novel much better than the original one – “First Impressions”, even though that this is not because the revised title corresponds more to the novel’s semantic properties. “Pride and Prejudice” implies high...

Poetry and Prose 1660-1800- John Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel

Introduction Absalom and Achitophel was written for the King Charles II in 1681. This poem represents a political satire and critically depicts the Court and royal manners. The uniqueness of this poem is that it presents not merely a series of pictures of personalities, but the whole situation and in...

Social Issues in “Effi Briest” by Theodor Fontane

Introduction Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane is one of the most famous realist novels, which stands in line with masterpieces like Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina. This book tells the story of a girl who enters into an arranged marriage and eventually becomes its victim. The novel’s plot is centered...

Importance of Self-Serve Kiosks

Modern technological developments are transforming human activities, processes, and behaviors. The proliferation of handheld devices and smartphones is discouraging more people from visiting libraries physically. The traditional reading culture in this community has also been affected negatively. Many people are currently busy focusing on their career goals and aims. Long...

Setting in “Passing” Novel by Nella Larsen

Setting is a critical element of any story and can be used by the author for various purposes. For instance, in Passing by Nella Larsen, this tool is one of the factors creating the mood and helping readers to understand the main message of the author. The whole story takes...

Marriage in “A Doll’s House” Play by Henrik Ibsen

Introduction There are several prominent themes raised in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, including the discussion of feminism, freedom, happiness, and dignity. However, a significant topic to analyze within the play is that of marriage and the causes of its failure. Whether Torvald respected Nora due to his views on...

Religion & Hypocrisy: “The Summoning of Everyman”

Introduction The Summoning of Everyman is a medieval morality play that is more often referred to as Everyman. When called by Death, Everyman cannot persuade anyone, Beauty, Kindred, or Worldly Goods, to go with him. Only Good Deeds agree to accompany Everyman to his grave. The present paper discusses the...

Comparison: “Lamb to the Slaughter” and “Jury of Her Peers”

Themes The present paper compares and contrasts the characters of two short stories: “A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell and “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl. Both stories seem to explore the themes of crime and punishment. Apart from that, both stories depict a specific case of...

Symbolism in Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle” Short Story

“Rip Van Winkle” is a symbolic story, its author, Washington Irving, used a fictional and unrealistic event to be able to portray the difference between the same places of America before and during the Revolutionary War. The story of a mysterious situation when a character skips a long period without...

Gulliver’s Inner Child: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Gulliver’s Travels is a satiric story written by Jonathan Swift in the first half of the 18th century. It is a unique collection of traveler’s tales that appeals to both adults and children due to the presence of hidden meaning that allows the readers to see one and the...

Celtic Myth and Occult Thought in Yeats’s Works

Introduction The Irish literary revival touched upon many themes of both ancient and contemporary Ireland. The prominent authors of the period, such as Synge, Yeats, and Lady Gregory used a variety of themes and topics to create a new representation of Ireland in theatre, novels, and poetry. One of the...

“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell

Introduction In the essay, Politics and the English Language, Orwell portrays that politics and economics create certain writing standards while making expression vague with no intended meaning in words and repetition (362). In this case, paying substantial attention to the selection of suitable language forms can help avoid using extra...

Frank Conroy’s Childhood in His ‘‘Stop-Time’’ Memoir

Introduction ‘‘Stop-time’’ is a memoir which was written by an American author by the name; Frank Conroy. The book tells Conroy’s childhood experiences while growing up between Florida and New York was published in 1967. Conroy’s story can be related to contemporary times where thousands of American children go through...

Civil War Poetry by Whitman, Melville and Dickinson

American Civil War ignited the imagination and penmanship of many poets in the country. This resulted in an explosion of poetry written in the Union in the post-Civil War era. Poets created beautiful verses in response to the battles and conflicts with immense patriotic fervor of freedom and pathos for...

“The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss

Prompt How does the theme (love) provide a deep sense of interweaving between individuals otherwise unknown to one another? Introduction An eminent philosopher once said that human is a social animal. Indeed, people are rooted in society from the moment of their birth. They develop inside its ties, its relations,...

Rules of the Game and Two Kinds: Books Comparison

Introduction Amy Tan used two books, “The Rules of the Game” and “Two Kids” to address parenting roles in different scenarios. In “The Rules of the Game”, she exposes a mother’s supportive attitude towards her talented daughter. The mother would always induce confidence in her daughter by being supportive in...

Popular Ballad: Bonnie George Campbell

The World of People’s Sorrows It goes without saying that ballads speak to each individual’s heart as they address archetypal points. Thus, Bonny George Campbell focuses on the idea of war and death. People contemplate these two topics at some point of their life. Of course, the balled also speaks...

The Courtesy in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem

How does Sir Gawain show courtesy? Find the answer in this essay! Read it to learn all about courtesy in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Courtesy in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: Introduction The concept of courtesy in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight features on almost every...

Groupthink Notion in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

It is commonly assumed that many heads are better than one. However, the sad fact is that in a large number of cases groups fail to correct individual mistakes; on the contrary, they usually even exacerbate these mistakes or support opinions which are clearly harmful (Sunstein and Hastie 2). A...

“Our Town” a Play by Thornton Wilder

In his theatrical masterpiece, Our Town, Thornton Wilder dramatically focuses on three essential stages of human life, namely birth, marriage, and death. The first part of the play describes the daily lives of human people in a family or a community. The second act highlights the importance of relationships/companionship among...

Tartuffe, The Importance of Being Earnest and The Way of the World Literature Compare

The success of the tragic comedy genre is confined to such dramatic effects as recognition and reversal. These devices contribute to the complexity of the plot and allow the reader to gain the depth of pity, tragedy, and fear experienced by the main protagonists. In particular, the recognition and reversal...

“The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff

Siblings may have a complicated relationship. In some instances, significant personality differences may result in resentment between siblings. However, despite the differences, the love between the siblings usually triumphs. This is because blood is thicker than water. ‘The Rich Brother’ by Tobias Wolff is a narrative that highlights resentment and...

The “Values” Wasteland by Charles Sykes Literature Analysis

Lots of writers prefer to use exemplification in their works. Such preference is based on one simple thing – the essence of exemplification and its ability to express the major idea of the text using examples and their explanation. (Zillmann & Brosius, 1) Nowadays, readers want to find information that...

Why Joyce Oates’ Dedicated Her Story to Bob Dylan?

The story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been, was written by Joyce Carol Oates in the mid-60s and was dedicated to the famous musician Bob Dylan. She once explained that the idea of writing this story came to her mind when she read a story about a man...

A Review of ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ – Exploring Power and Identity

Describing the development and the collapse of civilizations, one would always touch upon what makes a man. Searching the answer to the famous “Are you a man or a mouse?” question, people try to find the difference between the mankind and the humanity. With help of the two protagonist civilizations,...

Literature Issues in “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer

Introduction One of the reasons why the book Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster (by Jon Krakauer) was able to attain the status of a bestseller, is that, along with being utterly entertaining, it provides readers with the insight into what can be considered the...

“Jane Eyre” a Novel by Charlotte Bronte

Introduction Jane Eyre is a world-renowned novel by British writer Charlotte Bronte. Not so well known or indeed remembered is that it was packaged originally as Jane Eyre, an autobiography with Curre bell shown as the name beneath it on the cover page. Indeed the book is written in the...

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

Introduction When it comes to analyzing themes contained in Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot, it is important to understand that these themes cannot be discussed outside of historical discourse, which defines their actual quintessence. Play’s absurdist overtones leave every doubt as to the fact that in Waiting for Godot,...

Vonnegut and Kafka: A Plea to Change Perspective on Life

Introduction The literary works by Franz Kafka, “The Metamorphosis,” and Kurt Vonnegut, “Slaughterhouse-Five,” show that the abilities of the person to change their destiny are limited in many cases, and the individual can only submit to the circumstances to preserve psychological sanity. The lines from Kafka and Vonnegut illustrate the...

Analysis of The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

The novel chosen for analysis is The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead, published in 2019. The Nickel Boys is the story of Elwood Curtis, an African American teenager in the 1960s who gets convicted at the Nickel Academy juvenile reformatory. In Nickel Academy, Elwood witnesses and experiences violence, racism, and...

Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” Book Review

Background Information The author of The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1896. He attended Princeton University but dropped out after two years. After leaving college, Fitzgerald joined the army and wrote his first novel, “This Side of Paradise 1920” but The...

“The Martian” by Andy Weir: Critical Review

Introduction The Martian is among the greatest science fiction novels Andy Weir published on his website in 2011. The book attracted a significant audience appreciation, making it among the New York Times Best Sellers. Andy Weir’s lifelong interest in science fiction inspired him to write The Martian. The novel’s review...

“History and Topography of Ireland” Book by Gerald of Wales

Introduction The Norman vision of the Irish has primarily shaped the attitude of the English toward them. This is evidenced, in particular, by the manuscripts of Gerald of Wales, a clergyman whose ancestors were both Normans and Welsh. Gerald was descended from the Norman Lord Marcher, who was actively involved...

Analysis of the Short Story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

Introduction The Necklace is a philosophical short story by Guy De Maupassant written in the third person limited point of view. The story narrates the life of a charming yet over-ambitious woman, Mathilde Loiselle. The poorness of Mathilde’s home and clothes brings her sadness, anguish, despair, and intense disappointment for...

Love Theme in “Badeye” Short Story by Ron Rash

“Badeye” by Ron Rash is the narrative about childhood loss of innocence due to the fascination with snakes. Temptation arrives in the guise of a man named Badeye, who sells snowcones and offers an eight-year-old boy a beautiful, lethal coral snake in return for delivering moonshine to a client. The...

Madness of Ophelia in “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Introduction In the tragedy “Hamlet,” a special character causes much admiration and compassion, yet is a very controversial figure. This is Ophelia, daughter of the royal adviser Polonius, who can be called the embodiment of femininity in the traditional sense because she is beautiful, sweet, and uncomplaining (Shakespeare). However, Ophelia...

The Division of Classes in Elizabeth Gaskell’s “Old Nurse’s Story”

Introduction The horror literature of the Victorian era contains references to class relations, women’s roles in society, and the family and often deals with the psychological aspects of fear. An example of such work is Elizabeth Gaskell’s Old Nurse’s Story, which raises questions about family relations, class relations, hypocrisy and...

Modern and Traditional Poetry Types

Poetry is not simply rhyming but is elevated to the rank of magnificent art. Poetry has existed for many millennia; the first poems were songs and were transmitted orally, which is why many of them are not known today. It is essential to mention that the oldest poetry known to...

Mrs. Mallard in “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin penned the short story “Story of an Hour” in 1891. The story’s protagonist is Mrs. Louise Mallard, diagnosed with heart illness after learning that her husband, Brently Mallard, perished in a train accident. Even though Mrs. Mallard finally dies from her sickness, her character growth throughout the narrative...

Analysis of Elizabeth Bishop’s “In the Waiting Room”

Pulitzer Prize awarded and one of the most important poets of the twentieth century – Elizabeth Bishop – is the author of “In the Waiting Room”. This poem was published in 1971 and starts with setting the time and place of the story. Little Elizabeth came to a dentist’s appointment...

Naomi vs. Aunt Emily in Kogawa’s Obasan

Joy Kogawa’s Obasan covers the ways of coping with trauma by detailing different Japanese-Canadian characters’ responses to the years of internment and prejudice. In the early 1940s, thousands of Japanese Canadians were forced to move from British Columbia to Alberta to work on farms, providing labor for more than 60%...

Native American Renaissance in Poems

Few literature creations convey as much information about a culture as its poems do. In the 1950s, the culture of Native Americans experienced a phenomenon known as the Native American Renaissance (Üney & Tanritanir, 2020). During this period, indigenous writers rose to prominence by accentuating important cultural values in their...

“A Blizzard Under Blue Sky” by Pam Houston

Introduction The story tells about a young woman, who has been diagnosed with clinical depression. Instead of medication, she chooses to go winter camping. During the trip, the woman takes her two dogs with her. She follows the advice given to her by a friend about winter camping and how...

Symbolism in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins

Introduction The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story by the American writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman that revolves around a young woman succumbing to a mental disorder after giving birth. The work is littered with numerous symbolic elements, but the most prevailing one is the yellow wallpaper in the protagonist’s sickroom....

“The Wrysons” by John Cheever: Analysis

On the surface, there could not be anything less exciting than the lives of suburbanites. Often scorned for their mundane and often overly practical perspective, average middle-class U.S. citizens represent a rather uninspiring picture at first glance (Sañudo, 2020). However, John Cheever’s 1978 “The Wrysons” shows that there is much...

“A Madman’s Diary” and “Preface to Call to Arms” by Lu Xun

Without significant changes, any community will gradually fall into stagnation. While most European countries developed synchronously, traditional China staggered significantly by the beginning of the 20th century. This was especially clearly seen in Chinese literature that emerged in its present form only by the middle of the last century (Gu...

Responses to Essays of Baker, Schreiner, and Hughes

Response to “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” By Russell Baker “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” demonstrates the essential rule for creating any art, namely, a sincere desire to express oneself. The narrator shows that a simple and most conventional task of writing an essay as homework can produce an effect...

“Miss Brill” Short Story by Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield’s “Miss Brill” portrays humble attempts of a lonely English teacher to aggrandize herself and her surroundings and demonstrates the pitfalls of daydreaming. It reveals the inner workings of an ordinary person’s soul showing that everybody has their passions and dramas. The plot and narrative techniques chosen serve the...

The Novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

Abstract The paper traverses the issues of female existence and gender transgression in Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. The leading personas of the narrative are celebrated beauty, anesthetic principles, and beauty in men. The male characters display femininity not just because of their desire and feminine beauty...

“Araby” by James Joyce: Short Story Analysis

James Joyce’s story “Araby” is about an Irish adolescent lad transitioning from adolescent fancies to the harsh realities of everyday life in his birthplace. In a minimalist manner, the author employs a single narrator, a dismal backdrop, and symbolism to remind the reader of the hardships and disappointments we all...

“The Tale of Sinuhe” in Ancient Egyptian Literature

The number of monarchies in the modern world has undoubtedly been greatly reduced compared to two or three centuries ago and the Middle Ages. Society has gone through many stages of development and the forms of government used have changed. In The Tale of Sinuhe, the author talks about the...

Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”: Analysis of the Plot

A plot is a series of events in a story. The plot in the short story “A Rose for Emily ” is well–developed. A plot must be chronological or non-chronological; chronological means the events happened in order of their occurrence. Non-Chronological implies that there were regressions into the past from...

King’s “Colour of Walls” and Heker’s “The Stolen Party”

Introduction The present critical analysis will explore and analyze “Colour of Walls” by Thomas King and “The Stolen Party” by L. Heker. The “Colour of Walls” and “The Stolen Party” give the readers insightful messages about the characters’ experiences and highlight common and robust themes. These stories highlight interesting racism,...

Analysis of Literary Devices in Poems

Introduction Literary devices are essential aspects and elements of any poem, and thus, to properly understand their uses, it is important to analyze one of the most well-known works. The given assessment will primarily focus on three pieces of poetry, which are “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost, “Death Be Not...

Plot, Tone, and Themes in Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”

In 1959, a play by the writer Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun, was successfully staged for the first time on Broadway. This play was chosen as a research subject due to its importance for the theater industry and the overall American culture. This work combines well all significant...

Writing in Sports: Perception, Role of Journalism in Sports

Introduction Sports writing as a theme of research has not been widely explored by many. However, it is vital to note that although the sport is viewed mainly as activities, healthy lifestyle, and physical abilities, writing also contributes to the area. Furthermore, the writing aspect can assist those who cannot...

Poetry Assessment: The Main Elements

Introduction The assessment of poetry is generally conducted with regard to the essential elements that it incorporates. They include characters presented by the narrator and their audience, dialogues, image, setting, themes, voice, style, and tone, and the consideration of corresponding techniques can demonstrate their importance for the message. Hence, poems...

Analysis of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Introduction Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery is a short story that tells about a fictional village where people are gathered for an annual lottery, in which all the villagers take part. The lottery has been held for many years as a tradition, and the tickets are drawn to select one person...

Social Classes and Discrimination in “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction A Rose for Emily by William Faulker is among the best 20th-century stories in American literature. It is his first published work in a magazine due to its influence on society. The author presents his story in a mid-20th century community in South America. The story occurs in a...

Theme in “Miss Brill” Story by Katherine Mansfield

Introduction Modern societies face numerous challenges which affect the lives of people and, at times, significantly hinder their well-being and mental state. Isolation is among the main pressing issues encountered by individuals nowadays, and some experts state there is even a loneliness epidemic taking place (Klinenberg). The story “Miss Brill”...

Comedy Play “Tartuffe”: A Character Study

Tartuffe is one of Moliere’s most famous comedy plays. Although the first version was published back in 1669, the play is still present in the repertoire of modern theater companies. The reason for this is the bright comedy plot, as well as memorable characters. This essay aims to analyze one...

Shakespeare’s Impact on the English Language

No one can dispute the fact that Shakespeare’s works have had an impact on the English language and should be studied in schools by students. Shakespeare had a great contribution when comes to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the authoritative record of the English language, used mostly by students. In...

“Desiree’s Baby” by Chopin and “Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne

Introduction Desiree Aubigny and Faith Brown are characters in the short stories “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The heroines of these stories are young women who faced several trials in their family life. However, it would be wrong to decide that the women...

Feed, M. T. Anderson’s Novel Issues

Feed, M. T. Anderson’s novel, shows how technology, accessibility to goods and services, and the world of free entertainment make society morally starving. The work, written in 2002, is relevant nowadays as all the principles and behavior patterns observed there can still be noticed in today’s community. Besides, this book...

“Doll’s House”: Ibsen’s Play vs. Losey’s Movie

Throughout history, women were expected to accommodate the patriarchal perception of gender roles in society. Females had to be perfect as dolls, never complain, procreate with their husbands, and foster flawless ‘doll children’. In the play Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, the exact theme of poor female treatment and marriage...

The Truth in Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

Interpretation and understanding of truth is a very ambiguous thing. Everyone has their own unique opinion regarding what is true and what is false. The reason is that language is not a perfect instrument for communication. The language is limited because we can only hear the words. When people listen...

Visual Imagery for Spiritual Meaning in Dickinson’s “Hope’ Is a Thing With Feathers”

Reliance on clear language and direct visual images separated the works of the Imagists and Emily Dickinson from the late Victorian poetry. Instead of the elaborate verse where images served as decorations illustrating the text’s main idea, the exacting visual image articulated with painstaking clarity became the poem’s essence –...

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Short Story by Washington Irving

There are many different negative features that are common for people of all times, be it the eighteenth or the twenty-first century. Greed, indifference, anger, corruption, immorality, and the readiness to sin for one’s own benefit destroy humans and everything good in society. To show the full horror of the...

Characters and Scenes in Baldwin’s “Blues for Mister Charlie”

The Important Scene One of the most significant scenes in the first act was the conversation between Lyle, his wife Jo, and Parnell. Jo is worried that her husband Lyle may be sentenced for committing transgression long ago. She considers it an unfortunate mistake that Richard was dead, and Lyle...

Analysis of Bias in Children’s Books

Analysis of Bias Based on the Derman-Sparks’ Model All the Colors We Are: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color Bias in Illustrations A review of this book reveals minimal stereotypes in its illustrations. The author has attempted to reduce the oversimplified generalization of different races and ethnicities...

The Outcasts of Poker Flat Short Story by Bret Harte

Human nature, as complicated and mysterious as it is, has been a subject of artists’ expression since the old days. However, frequently, the peculiarities of existence become rather modified in order to create a “wow” effect on the recipient. Driven by the idea that people’s life may be thrilling with...

Similar Theme in “The Lottery” and “The Hunger Games”

The lottery theme unites the books “The Lottery” and The Hunger Games. In Suzanne Collins’s book, the inhabitants of Panem were forced to participate in a survival game, with teenagers engaging in such a competition (Collins). Shirley Jackson’s story tells the story of the tradition of an American city throwing...

Review of “Spare Change” Story by Teresa Zsuffa

“Spare Change” by Teresa Zsuffa is a story that tells about a short episode from the lives of two women, but it reveals several important themes and motives. The main thesis of the story is the idea that people should not give in to their bias but be kind to...

Ambiguity of Goodness in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

In the chef-d’oeuvre story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, O’Connor presents an ambiguous definition of goodness. The characters in the story including the Grandmother and the Misfit live by different moral codes, with each insisting that he or she is good. The Misfit murders and entire family, but...

“When You Are Old” Poem by William Yeats

One of the most famous works of William Yeats is “When You Are Old,” which is the poem addressed to a woman Yeats loved. The poem can be summarized as a plea with strong arguments. The author urges the woman to think of the future as not to regret her...

Narratives’ Comparison: Ernest Hemingway and Katherine Mansfield

Ernest Hemingway and Katherine Mansfield were increasingly influential writers of post-war stories at the beginning of the 20th century. The First World War became a source of inspiration for many authors who tried to convey the mood of those tragic events and their consequences to the public. This paper aims...

God Created War so that Americans Would Learn Geography

Mark Twain’s quote “God created war so that Americans would learn Geography” humorously depict the levels of American involvement with other countries at that time. Twain lived during the late 19th century when America was repeatedly involved in different wars, for instance, Red Cloud’s War, Mexican-American War, Great Sioux War,...

“The Reader” by Bernhard Schlink

Introduction The Reader, a novel written by Bernhard Schlink, is one of the heartbreaking books in the last 30 years. The author discusses many topics relevant to people born in the 20th century and analyzes one of the worst events during this period, the Holocaust. Topics include first love, male...

Dahl’s “Lamb to Slaughter” and de Maupassant’s “The Necklace”

Since the very genesis of humankind, people have been trying in vain to ease their existence with the beliefs they build around their lives. Some people, in desperate need of support, find salvation in religion and blind trust for the superpowers above. The other ones, having chosen a sophisticated and...

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”: Human Cruelty

Introduction Shirley Jackson’s story “The Lottery” was published in 1948 during the rebuilding of the world after World War II. Almost all the post-war period literature is, to one degree or another, devoted to understanding the consequences of what happened during 1939-1945. One of the cruelest and most inhumane episodes...

Technology and Humanity in “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley

Introduction Dystopian fiction is gaining popularity due to its deeply reflective nature and futuristic perspectives on the social order. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley is a dystopian fiction novel written and published in the early 1930s. It presents a society living in the so-called World State, where a strict...

The Collection of Short Stories “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Interpreter of Maladies is a collection of nine short stories written by an American author Jhumpa Lahiri. This writing presents its readers with stories about the experiences of Indian Americans who learn to live in the conflict between two distinct cultures. Therefore, in order to understand the life of these...

The Symbolism of the Bechdel’s Family Home in Fun Home

Introduction Literary works require consideration through the lens of various techniques used by their authors, and in the case of Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, symbolism is essential. In the book, the author, Alison Bechdel, narrates about her childhood and relationship with her father with the use of a variety...

Literary Analysis of “The Red Convertible” by Louise Erdrich

Louise Erdrich received the wide critical acclaim of her literary works alongside with the popularity among ordinary readers. Her first novel Love Medicine, published in 1989, depicted the lives of the Native Americans of Chippewa tribe on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation. The significance of the book is defined by...

Twain’s and Hemingway’s Short Stories Comparison

A short story is an impactful and fundamental literature genre, as it utilizes essential stylistic qualities to convey a message. “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” is a short story by Ernest Hemingway about a late night at a cafe where an old man is drinking. The plot centers around the discussion...

The Irony in: “The Lamp at Noon” by Sinclair Ross

The irony is a literary device that creates a contrast between what readers anticipated and what actually happened in the book. Several authors use such a device to display the problems of relationships between people. For example, Sinclair Ross in his short story The Lamp at Noon employs irony to...

Comparing “The Egg” by Andy Weir and “Other People” by Neil Gaiman

In Neil Gaiman’s short story “Other People,” a person finds himself in Hell, and his greatest torture is to relive his life through the eyes of those he hurt. It is a circular narrative in the sense that it ends just like it began: an arrogant person enters Hell and...

Symbolism in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick: Or, the White Whale

Introduction Evaluating fiction due to the use of literary analysis tools is a valuable practice in identifying the unique interpretations and thoughts laid down by writers. As a topic for research, symbolism in the novel Moby Dick: Or, the White Whale by Herman Melville will be considered from the perspective...

Interplay of Literary Elements in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Introduction In literary works, many elements strengthen the position chosen by an author, improve storytelling, and provoke critical thinking among readers. According to Mays, “the language of poetry is often visual and pictorial,” which makes poems dependent on specific words and their creative meanings (834). Metaphors, allusions, flashbacks, similes, and...

Personality in Williams’s “A Streetcar Named Desire”

“A Streetcar Named Desire” is written by Tennessee Williams and first presented in Broadway Theatre in December 1947. The play is focused on the tense relationship between two sisters, where one is a spoiled young woman who is driven by her desires, and another is desperately in love with her...

How Greek Mythology Subdued the Stress of Natural Phenomena

Introduction People have always created various stories to describe the world surrounding them. They were known as myths several millennia ago, which attracted individuals regardless of their backgrounds. Slaves, peasants, artisans, poets, and rulers appreciated them, as tales made their lives more meaningful and less stressful. Even though many people...

“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley and “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding

Notwithstanding that both William Golding and Mary Shelley created hypothetical situations to explore the nature of humans, their approaches and motives significantly differ. However, the given paper will prove that simultaneously they share the research on how the environment influences people and on what the inner nature of these creatures...

The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. Work Analysis

The text under consideration is The Decameron, written by Giovanni Boccaccio in the middle of the fourteenth century when Europe was affected by one of the most devastating epidemics of the Middle Ages. The exact number of the deceased has not been estimated so far, but some researchers note that...

A “Moment of Grace” in the Works of O’Connor

The fiction of Flannery O’Connor is known for its connection to the concept of grace. Its representation is widely discussed and compared to the Christian notions expressed in the Bible (Galloway 13). Nevertheless, there are specific peculiarities in the way the author employs this technique to demonstrate problems. Hence, a...

Symbolism in Everyday Life, Culture, and Literature

Prewriting: Clustering Symbolism surrounds people in everyday life: it can be seen in certain colors like red for passion or aggression, culturally meaningful items such as rose as a symbol of love, etc. Symbols, as representations of certain ideas, exist to influence people’s opinions and directly or indirectly communicate a...

“The Nature of Schooling” by Doris R. Entwisle Rewiev

The Nature of Schooling is an essay addressing the issue of economic inequality and its impact on children’s educational achievements. Entwisle, the author, argues with misinterpretation of the critical studies on the issue that were understood as proof that knowledge is more genetically related than based on environmental factors. She...

The Relationship Between Land and People

It is very early on a chilly morning that you wake up from bed and take a warm bath in the bathroom with water running out from the shower filter. You dress up in your cotton made clothes and decide to have a cup of brewed coffee before going to...

The Short Story “A Wall of Fire Rising” by Edwidge Danticat

Edwidge Danticat utilizes her short story, “A Wall of Fire Rising,” to paint a picture of life in Haiti for the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In particular, the elemental story, as well as a haunting tale, revolves around a father’s shame and feeling of guilt and a child’s innocence, in...

“The Iliad” as a Primary Source for Historians

Any science is based on the analysis of evidence regarding diverse phenomena, individuals, or events. Historians try to unveil the secrets of the past by extracting information from different types of sources, including specific objects, documents, pictures, people’s accounts, and even literary works. Although the literature is associated with fictional...

Ernest H. Griffin’s “The Oasis: Africa”

Throughout world history, wartime has always been considered as the darkest and most dooming time for the world community. However, modern textbooks are not capable of expressing the actual feeling of terror and trembling fear people lived through during those years. To bring modern generations closer to their ancestors’ history,...

Melancholy Symbols in “Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood

Do you know the feeling where you cannot enjoy the present and live in the past? Such a character is Lois from “Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood, who survived her friend Lucy’s death as a child. The girls were walking in the camp’s highlands, and one of them fell...

The Children of Odin: Sigurd and the Hero’s Journey

In today’s rational and pragmatic world, interest in mythology is growing and becoming more profound. Myths, like centuries ago, enchant and fascinate, and ancient tales become relevant. Campbell’s work is dedicated to the most frequently encountered mythological plot – the story of a hero, his miraculous birth, deeds, marriage to...

Value of Honor in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing

Introduction People have a tendency to develop various attitudes towards the concepts of honor, respect, and loyalty. On the one hand, an idea of honorable behavior pervades human activities, and it is necessary to rely on personal knowledge and skills to demonstrate the best examples. On the other hand, honor...

Viewpoint and Narration in Lusus Naturae by Atwood

The concept of the point of view in the narrative is useful in evaluating and critiquing stories. Each author selects it depending on different factors. This essay seeks to use the point of view to evaluate the story Lusus Naturae by Margaret Atwood, a tale of an outcast with whom...