“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne Analysis

Young Goodman Brown is among the best-known stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne, in large part because of its in-depth exploration of religion. It tells the story of a young man who leaves his wife, Faith, for a night and meets with the devil, is then convinced by him to attend a...

Social Views of Death in “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall”

Introduction Attitudes to life and death vary depending on time, culture, and society. History knows many transformations in how people saw old age, illness, and dying. These perspectives find their reflections in a culture’s products. Therefore, analyzing the literature of a certain historical period of a particular country allows a...

Characters in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” is a famous short story by Joyce Carol Oates wrote in the 1960s. The story centers around Connie, an attractive girl aged fifteen that has a relentless focus on her appearance and gets in trouble after meeting a predatory man named Arnold....

Spiritual Paths in Medieval Works of Boethius and Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine and Boethius, the medieval authors, are famous for the great works City of God and Consolation of Philosophy, where they reflected on philosophy, religion, and fundamental issues of being. This paper aims to analyze the two literary works, their spiritual nature, the writers’ worldview, the direction proposed, and...

The Death From Patriarchal Dependence

Marriage is a complex institutional system in which relationships between partners can be destructive. “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin is a feminist short story in which a woman reveals the subconscious desire to be free from her spouse’s pressure. A husband’s tragic death initially upsets Louise Mallard,...

“Uncertain Certainty” by Alan Christopher Mathews

In his poem, the author makes extensive use of abstract and metaphorical visual imagery instead of describing the struggles of social isolation and dealing with uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic in a more direct manner. Nevertheless, this work closely echoes with my experiences of studying from home, limiting my social...

‘Paint a Face’ on the Typical Reader

Internet is a marvelous invention that helps people be updated on whatever they want. However, the rules of advertisement and commerce should always be strictly adhered to. Thus, the Internet articles on various sites always have their target audience. Undoubtedly, you stick with the article you like the most. It...

“What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and “War Dances” by Sherman Alexie

Sherman Alexie’s short stories “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and “War Dances” portray two native American men, who lead different lives, yet whose narratives share common features and explore similar topics. In the first story, the reader witnesses a day of a homeless person in Seattle who spots family...

Alice Walker’s 1955 and “Everyday Use”: Artificial vs. Genuine

Introduction Alice Walker is a writer who focuses her stories on the place of women of color in American society. In her works, the author raises themes of life of the African American community in the country, race, racism, as well as those of culture, heritage, and belonging. This essay...

Sexuality in Bechdel’s Fun Home and Aciman’s Call Me by Your Name

Discovering one’s sexuality includes a number of different struggles, especially during the adolescent period. Such issues include reflecting on the attraction to the opposite and the same sex, making peace with who you are, and, of course, coming out of the closet to family and friends. Fun Home and Call...

Oedipus, the King and Hamlet: Analysis

Belonging to entirely different cultures and addressing quite different social and psychological issues, “Oedipus, the King” and “Hamlet” might seem quite distant from each other. However, with the advent of psychoanalysis and the development of the psychoanalytical theory, parallels can be drawn between the emotions by which Hamlet and Oedipus...

The Wife of Bath’s Prologue

Relationships The affair between the Wife of Bath and different spouses greatly influenced the development of her character. Of her five husbands, she admits that the first three were good mainly because they were rich, old, and submissive. Being the dominant partner in these relationships, she happily recounts how torments...

Thomas More’s “Utopia” Legacy Review

Thomas More’s Utopia, written in 1516, gave the name to the corresponding genre in literature. The influence of this book in the following centuries cannot be overestimated. A whole series of works dedicated to the image of a perfect society followed Utopia (Wilde 27). Its legacy can be traced in...

A Rose for Emily Summary

Introduction William Cuthbert Faulkner was an accomplished novelist, poet, screenwriter from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner’s development as an artist was largely influenced by his family, in particular, by his mother, grandmother, and the African American nanny who cared for him from infancy. The women were voracious readers as well as painters...

Montresor’s Trial Case

The Prosecuting Attorney’s Closing Argument Your Honor, the case presented to the court today is one of paramount malice and sadism. It is obvious that the defendant has planned the cold-blooded murder of the plaintiff conscientiously and thoughtfully. Firstly, Mr. Montresor exploited the victim’s proneness to enjoy high-quality alcoholic beverages....

Changes in the Relationship Between Eliezer and His Father in the Novel “Night”

Introduction of the novel The novel “Night” written by Eliezer Wiesel, based on his true experience of surviving the Holocaust, keeps making strong impressions on people of all generations. When Wiesel has just finished his work on the book, and tried to find a publisher for it, no one would...

“When Cortés Met Malinche, and Montezuma Met Cortés” by Restall

The lecture of Matthew Restall called “When Cortés Met Malinche, and Montezuma Met Cortés: Alternative Facts and Disturbing Truths” is another example of history being written by the victors. The main idea is centered around unveiling the truth regarding the “surrender” of Aztec through its leader Montezuma. Restall focuses on...

“Magniloquence” by Ramona Ausubel Review

Magniloquence tells a story of Faustus Macelovich, an elderly English professor who recently lost his wife and now suffers from her absence. In a short episode of his life, Faustus presented by the author, along with other professors from different departments, had to attend a lecture delivered by a Nobel...

Reflection of Livy’s Ideas in Aeschylus’s Book

Individual ancient literary texts reveal specific stories in detail and serve as useful guidelines to interpret other works. As an example, one can discuss the role of Livy’s The History of Rome as an epic that contains important historical notes. Comparing his individual ideas with those of Aeschylus in Prometheus...

Perseus Personage, Provided Mythological Character

Perseus has been highly popular in the later mythological tradition, where one can pinpoint various movies and cartoons with the given central character. The main reason is the fact that he is a demigod, which means that Perseus is a half-human (“Perseus,” 2020). In other words, it makes him a...

The “Hills Like White Elephants” Short Story by Ernest Hemingway

The given analysis will primarily focus on Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants.” It is a short story about a man and a woman who are having a conversation at a Spanish train station and waiting for their train to Madrid. The key theme abortion, where a male character wants...

A Story by Flannery O’Connor and Elizabeth Bishop’s Poem

The author of this writing found both texts suggested for discussion interesting and thought-provoking. A story by Flannery O’Connor, in which the grandmother struggles to soften the heart of the escaped convict but fails, is saturated with religious symbols and may be regarded as a parable. Curiously, the story starts...

Tonto as a Plot Driving Character

The play by Taylor Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth conveys the journey of a lady with Indian roots who was adopted into a white family. Several characters help in the development of the story and define the genre. Tonto is the crucial character in the work who plays...

The Main Theme of Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables

The House of the Seven Gables is a romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne, an American novelist of the first half of the XIX century. The romance tells the story of the Pyncheon family and the life of the family members in the mansion in the small town in New England. This...

The Duality of Societal Prejudice in “Désirée’s Baby” by Kate Chopin

Désirée’s Baby is a short story written by Kate Chopin, one of her most famous pieces. It was written in 1892, a little less than thirty years after the abolition of slavery in the United States. Kate Chopin’s family came from St. Louis, Missouri, where having slaves was considered to...

“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Stevenson

The Hazy London and Its Dwellers The small excerpt depicts the scenery of London in the 19th century. The central streets are small, quiet, and clean from dust. Nonetheless, it is just an illusion of a prosperous city. The text suggests that people are unhappy and unsatisfied with the situation...

“The Thousand and One Nights”: Technique Embedded Narration

Embedded narration, or story within a story, is a technique widely used in The Thousand and One Nights. This approach implies the inclusion of extra-plot elements in the text that are not directly related to the plot but discuss the main topic. In most cases, the embedded narration is a...

“Mother Tongue” by Tan and “Learning to Read and Write” by Douglass

Introduction Mother Tongue by Amy Tan, and Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass are examples of the genre of literacy narrative. In the articles, both authors describe their relations with reading and writing, and their role of them, as well as education in general, in their lives. The...

“Intertextuality and the Discourse Community” by Porter

Analyzing the concept of plagiarism is often neglected as it is, by definition, considered a copyright violation. However, James E. Porter challenges this opinion in the article “Intertextuality and the Discourse Community.” The author declares that any text, regardless of academic level, is a synthesis of other writers’ existing opinions....

Montley Fool Money Guide: A Book’s Review

Introduction Montley Fool Money Guide is a book that has been authored by Selena Maranjian and a foreward by David Gardner. It is an educative book that gives an insight about saving, spending and investing. The author tries to bring out the foolish things people do with their money and...

Descartes’ Meditations and First Philosophy

In Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes presents a metaphysical system in which he expands his philosophical view of doubt. Descartes notes that he has been mistaken all along, even on matters he presumed to be certain. The author resolves to abandon his pre-conceptions acquired through the senses in a...

“Flying Toward Morning” by Ciera Horton Mcelroy

Contrary to expectations, life does not always give positive emotions — there are moments when it seems that everything around is destroyed, and nothing can be fixed. The streak of tragedies has a substantial impact on adults, but for children with a more developed fantasy and a naive view of...

Alienation and Isolation in the Asian-American literature

The theme of alienation is clearly expressed in the Asian-American literature of the 20th century. Asian writers who immigrated to the United States in the late 19th century lived a challenging life. Most Korean-American and Chinese-American authors were formed in cultural isolation, which influenced their worldview to find their identity....

Lincoln’s Death in “O Captain!” Poem by Walt Whitman

“O, Captain! My Captain!” was written by American poet Walt Whitman and was first published in 1865. The poem is created as an elegy in honor of Abraham Lincoln, whom the poet admired. Therefore, the work has a particular value from the historical context perspective as it refers to the...

Spoken by the Sentry at Achilles’s Tent by Doug Anderson

For centuries, poets have been addressing The Iliad as a source for inspiration. Through poems inspired by the events and characters of the ancient Greek work, they present the acute problems of their time. In the piece “Spoken by the Sentry at Achilles’s Tent”, Doug Anderson, by using situations and...

Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet: Play Analysis

Composed by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is a mental and shocking story of visually impaired aspiration and dangerous, all-expending power. This is a play brimming with detestable goals and horrifying killings. Fabulously coordinated by Dan Hodge and enlivened by the Ghost accounts of Edgar Allen Po, this creation, with its intriguing...

Gender Roles Depiction in “Antigone” by Sophocles

The notion of gender has always been a subject for a continuous discussion, formerly claiming a distinct line between the roles of each gender. With this concept considerably expanding its semantic paradigm, people’s perception of gender started to fade. However, while gender roles in the context of society had their...

The Great Gatsby: A Book Review and Summary

Scott Fitzgerald is a famous American writer, and most of his works are devoted to the jazz era. He elaborated this term, which means a happy decade between the end of World War I and the beginning of the Depression. This era involves the rebellion of the young generation against...

Who Moved My Cheese: A Fable’ Review

‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ is an entertaining little fable about two mice in running shoes and two little people looking for cheese. Cheese is a metaphor for any good thing that someone might want: a lucrative career, a comfortable life, or a loving family. The important thing is that everybody...

What Does It Mean to Be Invisible According to Ralph Ellison?

Introduction In the middle of the 1900s, Ralph Ellison created one of his remarkable novels Invisible Man. Each its passage or phrase has a specific meaning and impact on the reader. Still, the first paragraph of any literature work plays a significant role because it sets the tone for further...

“Is a Tree Worth a Life” by Sally Christensen

Introduction In her essay “Is a Tree Worth a life”, Sally Christensen illuminates the debate that has arisen regarding the value of environment in comparison to that of human life. Christensen makes a persuasive argument that the yew tree found in the tropical forests of Alaska, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and...

Caution and Restraint in Books 17-20 of Homer’s “The Odyssey”

Introduction Books 17-20 of Homer’s The Odyssey concentrate on Odysseus’ arrival to his palace in a beggar’s disguise and the adventures surrounding his unannounced return. There are several critical ideas reflected in these parts of the epic, including loyalty, pride, patience, a strategic approach, and Athena’s involvement. However, it seems...

Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” and Sandars’ “The Epics of Gigamesh”

The Europeans’ conquest is one illustration of how people’s desire for power and ownership can subject others to suffering. The results of such actions are oppression and loss of identity since the conquered often have to obey the policies and rules that the conquerors impose on them. These perspectives help...

“A Raisin in the Sun” Drama by Lorraine Hansberry

The play opened on Broadway in 1959 was a success. Despite the mixed reviews it had received before the opening, the primarily white audiences enjoyed it. “A Raisin in the Sun” was the first play by a black female author performed on Broadway and also the first one there directed...

The Play “Fences” by August Wilson

As the Director The play “Fences” by August Wilson has a plethora of messages that the author wanted to share with the audience. The play was released in 1986, and it is possible that at the time, its presentation of racial inequality issues was appropriate. However, in 2020, the younger...

The Phenomenon of Allegory

The phenomenon of allegory can be defined as that one of a hidden meaning within a certain concept. In the movie under analysis, the idea of an allegory is hidden beneath a series of oats since the main character appears to be quite transparent in their general intention, as well...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare

One of the most famous Shakespeare’s plays is “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, written in 1565/1596. The plot is an incredible combination of ancient mythology and English folklore. The folklore characters Shakespeare interpreted in his play became the canon and material for the creation of future plays. This play has impressed...

The Book “1984” by George Orwell and the US Today

Introduction A special place in world literature is occupied by works belonging to the genre of utopia and dystopia. The authors of utopian novels tried to predict a beautiful future, promising immense universal happiness and social harmony. Anti-utopians have debunked the myth of the possibility of global equality, brotherhood, criticizing...

Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age

Introduction In his acclaimed book Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age, Modris Eksteins manages to examine the realities of the Great War from various perspectives, including a combination of historical and cultural considerations. The author explores diplomatic relationships prominent in Europe at the...

Article Review: “The Philosopher Stoned” by Adam Kirsch

Introduction In his article The Philosopher Stoned, Adam Kirsch describes Walter Benjamin, his way of life, views, ambitions, and the influence of drugs on his mentality. The author explores certain life periods of Benjamin, observes the progression of his character, and also tries to emphasize his book On Hashish. Kirsch...

Poem Analysis: Go Down, Moses

Addressing a crucial part of the biblical narrative, Go Down, Moses bears a crucial cultural meaning apart from its doubtless artistic merit. However, since the song has been popular for multiple decades, its novelty may have gradually faded, which, in turn, has led to people taking a range of unique...

Winterson’s “Written on the Body”: Feminist Text

Introduction A distinctive feature of Written on the Body would be an attempt to go beyond the main idea and significantly expand the range of problems and relationships. The work, thanks to the skillful pen of the author, is filled with subtle and vivid psychological portraits. It seems reasonable to...

Leitmotif of Women Empowerment in Kate Chopin’s Works

Introduction Kate Chopin was a well-known American novelist and short story writer who was born in the late 1800s. She is considered one of the founders of feminist ideas. Even though at the end of the nineteenth century, this movement was only in a state of formation and was widely...

“Liveware”: The Quote by David Eagleman: Review

“The brain is fundamentally unlike the hardware in our digital computers. Instead, it’s “liveware”. It reconfigures its circuitry. Although the adult brain isn’t quite as flexible as a child’s, it still retains an astonishing ability to adapt and change” (Eagleman, 2015, ch. 6). The quote by the book’s author David...

The Short Story “The Birth-Mark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nature and science are intricately linked elements that complement and contradict each other in equal measure. Nathaniel Hawthorne has contributed to this discussion through “The Bench-Mark,” a uniquely written short story that revolves around the life of Aylmer, a scientist whose current mission involves the removal of a birthmark from...

“The Box Man” by Barbara Ascher

The Box Man is a short but impressive story written by Barbara Ascher, who is known for her prominent essays. It deliberately has a simple plot telling about one evening spent by a homeless man. The essay includes the narrator’s memories and comparisons made to contrast the lifestyles of others....

Nnedi Okorafor’s “Akata Witch”: Magical Education

Sunny’s magical journey is closely related to the Harry Potter books’ plot and its character regarding the heroes and the action. However, the author excellently opens up about African ideas of magic, creating an engaging plot story, and educating on a rich cultural heritage; the following essay will discuss the...

Oh Blanche Characteristic Analysis

The character of Blanche is not as one-sided as one might think. While the real-life stereotype on which she is based could be, the play’s representation of the Belle is nuanced. Thus, it is difficult to state whether I sympathize with her or agree that she deserves her tragic fate,...

“Walking Home in the Dark” and “An Essay on Man: Epistle I”: Poetry About Nature

Introduction Poetry about nature and its features occupies a significant part of the world’s poetic heritage. At the same time, in addition to describing the world, many poets resort to the analysis of such a phenomenon as human nature that conveys aspects of people’s characters and their outlook on life....

Auden, Barrett Browning and Shakespeare: Poems Comparison

“Stop All the Clocks, Cut Off the Telephone” This poem was written in 1938 by Wystan Hugh Auden, an Anglo-American poet. “Stop All the Clocks, Cut off the Telephone” is about the fact that the death of a loved person can deprive one of all the joys, hopes, and desire...

Post-WWI America in “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway

The history of literature has seen renowned masters of short stories, and Ernest Hemingway is one of them. “Soldier’s Home” is a classic example of such a story, as it depicts the United States of America in the fallout of the First World War (WWI) through the prism of a...

“Caesar’s Legion” Book by Stephen Dando Collins

Julius Caesar is known as one of the greatest and most influential rulers of the Roman Empire. With the proclamation of Caesar’s power, Rome quickly started to rise, which scared and simultaneously fascinated many. Before becoming the ruler of the Roman Empire, Caesar showed himself as a talented general of...

Women and Men in the Play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

The play Trifles depicts a profound disagreement between two types of attitude and performance. The play’s research exposes a significant contrast between female and male actions, based on a different perception of the environment. As Holstein claims in her paper, “the difference in initial perception ultimately leads to the creation...

Analysis of Hispanic American Literature

The story Nilda by Nicholasa Mohr is focused on a Puerto Rican household in the Bronx in 1904s through the eyes of the daughter named Nilda (Mohr, 1973). The central conflict of the story is racism, an issue that follows Nilda and her family throughout her public life. Thus, instead...

Salvation Moment in the Story by Flannery O’Connor

Flannery O’Connor created a significant piece of writing that might be considered as one of her most famous works. A Good Man is Hard to Find is a short story that aims to address the never-ending issue of redemption – what it takes to become a good person. O’Connor might...

Review of “Dear Current Occupant” by Chelene Knight

Dear Current Occupant is a memoir by Chelene Knight, a Canadian writer, and it is a mixture of different forms. There are essays, poems, and letters, all telling the autobiographic story of her childhood. Her unique style invites the reader to get absorbed into her writing, empathizing with her experiences....

Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade” and Wilmot’s “The Disabled Debauchee”

Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Charge of the Light Brigade” and John Wilmot’s “The Disabled Debauchee” are two pieces of poetry belonging to different eras and styles. The poems have little in common, diverging in the most fundamental aspects. The first text is written in the nineteenth century to celebrate heroic deeds,...

“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

The Things They Carried is a book that consists of fictional stories about soldiers’ experience during the war in Vietnam. The writer reflects on his participation in the military conflict by using a fictional hero – Tim O’Brien. Through storytelling, the author manages to explore his own feelings to convey...

Aging and Acquiring Wisdom in Bishop’s Poem “The Fish”

Modern American poetry is characterized by a variety of themes and issues that capture poets’ minds and become continuously addressed in their works. Elizabeth Bishop’s poetry is particularly marked by the heterogeneity and complexity of intersecting themes. The poem entitled “The Fish” is one such works, where the themes of...

The Writing Poetry: Review

About Patriotism Who is a real patriot in your eyes? The one who loves his country With all his soul, Or the one who willingly arises When the anthem is playing loudly To prove his role? You can be proud of your nationality. But can you cross that thin line...

Why Self-Plagiarism Is Not a Form of Cheating

Cheating generally refers to unfair practices in whatever activity one chooses to perform. Most of the time, it would include making the work easier or faster without following the rules and laws associated with the deed. While plagiarism means using someone else’s work or ideas without proper referencing, self-plagiarism refers...

Establishing a Proper Dialogue Between Various Cultures Due to Chinua Achebe

Cultural Clash People have been creating sophisticated cultures for millennia for many reasons, including the desire to secure themselves by understanding other people’s intentions and actions. Nevertheless, the abundance of societies and cultures, despite being a blessing in many ways, hinders the opportunity to create a universal system that could...

Book “Women at Work”: The Formation of Female Networks

Introduction History has been primarily written by men and about men, but for the last centuries, women have played a notable role in promoting their rights and place in the economy of the country. This fact explains the omnipresence of plentiful events associated with women activity. Dublin’s (1979) book Women...

Finding Strength While Searching for the Truth: Hamlet and Oedipus

Introduction Shakespeare and Sophocles present the audience with two complex main characters who share a particular passion for discovering the truth, which ultimately brings them to their doom. Shakespeare’s tragic hero in Hamlet has an eye-opening encounter with a ghost that leads him to seek vengeance. Oedipus prides himself on...

Enjoyment in Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

The most actively discussed topics that are related to The Handmaid’s Tale include power, freedom, identity, rebellion, gender, and the role of language among others. However, little attention is paid to analyzing the concept of enjoyment and its representation in this dystopian novel (Ostendorf, p. 59). In addition to understanding...

“Beggars in Spain” by Nancy Kress

Beggars in Spain is a highly allegorical work of fiction that was impactful, not only from a pure entertainment point of view but also by delivering deeper meaning and lessons that pervade more than just the superficial. The theme of discrimination, in separation and segregation, is pervasive throughout the book....

Types of Dunbar’s Poetry

Paul Laurence Dunbar was born into a family of former slaves. He is considered the first African-American writer in the United States to be widely known. His poems written in dialect, a folk speech of the American South, were most popular. They reflect all the ambivalence, torment, and contradictions that...

Shakespeare’s Poem Explication: “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?”

Introduction Shakespeare belongs to the most renowned and ever-relevant poets for English, and his works are rich in themes, innovations, and framings. Those familiar with the poet on a superficial level could say that love is Shakespeare’s forte, and they would not be entirely wrong. Poet has many romantic works,...

August Wilson and Pittsburgh Cycle of Plays

August Wilson is an American playwright awarded for his exemplary work that illuminated the struggles that African Americans faced in the U.S. He wrote the Pittsburgh Cycle of Plays, encompassing ten texts produced during different periods of time explaining the issue of racism in the U.S. Wilson was born in...

Symbolism in Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death”

The Masque of the Red Death is a horror story by E. A. Poe that talks about Prince Prospero and his masquerade ball during the Red Death plague spreading. The disease symbolizes Tuberculosis, an illness common during the writer’s lifetime (Jones, 2017). In the film, it is possible to see...

“The Ones Who Walk Away” by Ursula Le Guin

Literature is an essential means of delivering critical ideas regarding the surrounding world and the distinguishing features of society. Authors do not only aim at entertaining their readers but also focus on sharing personal views and opinions on various issues and processes happening in the communities. For instance, a philosophical...

“Joyas Voladoras” by Brian Doyle: How to Achieve Life Goals

Introduction Writers and artists employ different tools, techniques, and literary devices to pass the intended message to the readers. Individuals should follow such works in an effort to acquire additional insights and relate them to some of the challenges they might encounter in their lives. While analysts and scholars will...

“The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus” by Edwin Williamson

Introduction This paper summarizes the plot of The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus. It also briefly describes the main character and analyzes the main ideas of the story. The book is written from a historical point of view, so it does not focus on a specific issue. Nevertheless, this essay...

Nat Turner: Abolitionists, Insurrectionists, and the Road to Civil War

Introduction Abolitionism is a movement that began its rapid development in the late 1700s and grew in the 1800s. Initially, the movement was peaceful because it was promoted by religious groups, such as Quakers and Methodists. However, abolitionism later caused bloody rebellions and division of the US, depending on their...

Human Destiny in the Works of Shakespeare and Nino Ricci

Introduction Human destiny has been one of the central subjects in literature at all times, and this theme can be tracked in literary pieces written in different centuries. The novel “Lives of the Saints” by Nino Ricci and the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare share a recurring idea: the destructive...

Parenting in Lapine’s Play Into the Wood

Introduction Parenthood is one of the central elements of personality socialization, which lays the child’s primary skills in communication and interaction with the environment. For this reason, it is so important to provide effective and pedagogical education and training that stimulates the child’s successful and harmonious development. Otherwise, a parent...

Assessing Baldwin’s “A Talk to Teachers”

Baldwin’s “A Talk to Teachers” explores the reality of growing up and being brought up as an African American in the United States of the 1950s. Yet even though race features prominently in the text, the essay is about more than just racial matters. At the core of “A Talk...

The Trauma of Enduring Racism and Ethnic Hatred: They Called Us Enemy

In the graphic novel They Called Us Enemy, George Takei provides his memoir after the presidential proclamation ordering all people of Japanese origin to be relocated to isolated camps. The title of the book and its cover page sums the struggles illustrated inside. The image of a policeman holding a...

Doctorow’s “Walkaway”: An Optimistic Vision of Dystopian Future

Introduction Societal turmoil, expanding the economic gap between the rich and the poor, and corrupt financial system – Cory Doctorow’s Walkaway offers an optimistic and dystopian vision of the near future, where technological advance brings salvation. This novel investigates issues of extreme economic inequality and of building a society in...

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Conner

O’Connor is deservedly considered a master of the short form: her stories have repeatedly received the Prize of O’Henry – the highest literary award in the United States for works of small form. In addition to short stories, Flannery O’Connor also wrote novels. However, she is rightfully considered the master...

Triggered by Trump Jr. Analysis

Trump, Donald, Jr., Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us (Nashville, TN: Center Street Publishing, 2019), 304 p. Triggered is a recent book by Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the current US President and the Executive Vice President in the Trump Organization. It...

“Experiences of World War I Soldiers” Lecture by Isherwood

War stories are one of the primary sources of historical memory about the significant events of the past wars. However, they regularly contain personal exaggerations, either for dramatic effect or as simple attention grab. Despite that, they provide an insight into one of the most crucial moments of modern history....

The Book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain

The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is a classic bildungsroman that can be relevant for people of all ages. The main theme of the topic is a moral and social maturation that the main character, Tom, goes through. Being away from society as a child who did not...

The Story “Where Are You Going, Where Have Your Been” by Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates utilizes her fictional story, “Where Are You Going, Where Have Your Been,” to present the reader with a thrilling narrative that revolves around the controversial life of Connie. The main character in question is a 15-year old girl. She can be described as a vain, as well...

Interesting Review Articles Anout Picture of Dorian Gray

The Triptych of Dorian Gray (1890–91): Reading Wilde’s Novel as Three Print Objects This article provides the differences between the original version of The Portrait of Dorian Gray and the censored ones. The author analyzes three sources – the typescript, the magazine version, and the first edition of the novel....

The Idea of Carrying the Fire in Cormac McCarthy’s Novel

The plot of Cormac McCarthy’s novel focuses on two people, the father and his son having a challenging journey across the post-apocalyptic continent. Throughout the novel, there is an idea of carrying the fire. Even in the end, the boy asks a stranger, whether he has been carrying it as...

Analysis of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is centered on the concept of virtue ethics, which can be approached from different perspectives depending on one’s philosophical precepts. Aristotle advances the view that ethics should be contextualized based on whether an action is informed by the pursuit of excellence. The judgment on whether one acted...

Primary Source Analysis Concept: Raw Historical Materials

Introduction Anyone who seeks knowledge of historical reality draws this knowledge from sources. The primary source is the subject, with the help of which one can learn certain information about the time it was created. However, in order to establish which fact a historian can obtain from a given source,...

The Kite Runner’ by Khaled Hosseini: Relationships That Change

The Kite Runner is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini in 2003 about the fall of the Afghanistan monarchy because of the Soviet Union’s intervention. Amir, a Pashtun boy who moved to the United States, is the protagonist of the book. This story reveals such themes as family affairs, friendship,...

Feminist Literary Criticism: Shoshana Felman’s Ideas

Opportunities to convey one’s ideas to society through literature are effective tools that allow not only leaving a personal mark on history but also indicating an individual position on a specific topic or issue. However, when taking into account modern social norms and foundations, not all the categories of the...

Symbolism in “The Egg” and “Bernice Bobs Her Hair”

One of the most effective learning approaches is through fictional and real-life narratives. Short stories have been used in the history of humanity to offer studying materials that allow students to connect emotionally with the texts and relate them with their experiences. The Egg and Bernice Bobs Her Hair are...

Symbolism of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a long poem that tells the story of the adventures of the brave knight Sir Gawain. This story is a fairy tale that shows the bravery and courage of the knights, which were popular at the time of its writing; however, it also...

Symbolism in The Lottery Story by Shirley Jackson

The Lottery was written by Shirley Jackson in 1948 and contains many notable themes. It has an exciting plot that, simultaneously, can cause a contradictable sense of averse for the events that take place. It might be rational to suggest that The Lottery is significant and relevant to discuss. The...

Literacy Narrative: “Make a Wish”

I vividly remember the day I realized life was too short and unexpected not to wish for more. It was April, and I sweet-talked my mom to take me to the amusement park on the weekend. I was eight years old, and I had never been to the amusement park...

Analysis of a “Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor continues to raise numerous questions. The book represents a great example of the Gothic Fiction of the American South. Nevertheless, it has some distinctive features, such as multiple references to social issues and religion. The book has a darkly menacing...

Death in Poems: “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”

Introduction One of the most mysterious concepts that has been a topic of interest for numerous poets is death. The fascination with it is explained by the desire of people to grasp the inevitable and view life through the lens of mystery (Daghamin, 2017). One of the poets known for...

Phoenix in “A Worn Path” Story by Eudora Welty

“A Worn Path” is a story about the self-sacrifice and courage of vulnerable people in the name of a loved one. Written almost 80 years ago, the narrative remains relevant until now. The current paper claims that “A Worn Path” describes a feat that is minor in the context of...

Shakesperian Literature: Hamlet’s Character in Act 2

Hamlet’s Character In Act 2 of his play titled Hamlet, Shakespeare depicts the protagonist Hamlet as the only gifted politician in Elsinore. Although he could read men’s minds accurately, Hamlet is reluctant to respond to other characters vengefully. He only mentions revenge in his last speech despite having the capacity...

Robert Burns the Scottish Poet

Biography Burns’ family was relatively poor, and he had to work at the farm as a child. His father, William Burnes, taught him writing, reading, and arithmetic at home (Crawford 50). Later, he received lessons in French, Latin, and mathematics from John Murdoch, a student hired by his father (Carswell...

Edmund Spenser’s Sonnet 75 Analysis

Edmund Spenser firstly published sonnet 75 in 1595, and it was devoted to his second wife, Elizabeth Boyle. The verse was a part of the book Amoretti and Epithalamion, which included love poems and a wedding song. In his work, Spenser presents a straightforward idea that love is immortal and...

The Novel “Hoot” by Carl Hiaasen: Domestic and Adventure Fiction Traits

American fiction has a plethora of notable representatives whose works left a significant mark in the genre. It would be reasonable to claim that Carl Hiaasen is among these writers. Hence, his books might always be considered as a relevant and pertinent theme to discuss. Plenty of scholars have recognized...

“The Laughing Man” by Chief John Gedsudski

‘The Laughing Man’ is a fictitious story told by Chief John Gedsudski to the Comanche Club members, a twenty-five-member group of baseball players, in between breaks from their regular sports. The Laughing Man was an only child to a rich missionary couple, abducted in childhood by Chinese bandits. His parents...

Cedar’s Journey in “Future Home of the Living God” by Louise Erdrich

The story presented in Louise Erdrich’s novel under the title Future Home of the Living God is an example of a hero’s story. Being set in pre-apocalyptic America, the dystopian novel is written from the first-person perspective. It conveys a journey of a pregnant twenty-six-year-old Native American woman named Cedar...

Roy’s “My Almighty Grandmother” vs. Mistry’s “Squatter”

After hearing and discussing several strong and weak aspects of both stories, we are here to emphasize the appropriateness of “My Almighty Grandmother” from multiple perspectives. Our college community needs to learn how to differentiate and respect cultures in the social context. Instead of humorizing cultural differences or slightly mentioning...

Oedipus and Hamlet: Review

Oedipus the King by Sophocles and Hamlet by William Shakespeare belong to the most famous tragedies in the world. Even though the creations belong to different historical periods, they have a few common concepts. The ground for this is that both works explore human feelings, actions, and desires and the...

Literature. Fate and Fallibility in Human Society

Introduction One of the most amazing things about literature is the possibility of introducing a new world and taking a person out of reality, at least for a moment. Some stories make people change their opinions and discover alternatives to improve their lives. In the majority of cases, literary works...

George Orwell’s Book “Road to Wigan Pier”

Introduction George Orwell’s book, Road to Wigan Pier, depicts the struggles of the British underclass, unemployed, and poverty-stricken nationals in the post-World War 1 period. The authors’ target audience was the wealthy and affluent people seeking to understand the lifestyle of the poor beyond formal reports. The author uses a...

Ancient Poetry: Literary Study Assistance

Various literary works were published to enlarge the pool of knowledge connected to literary narrative techniques in epics. The work by Altes called Ethos and Narrative Interpretation: The Negotiation of Values in Fiction explores the interplay of ethos, character, and narrative. The book also covers literary conventions and how they...

The Yellow Wallpaper. Mrs. Spring Fragrance. Review

The compositions left a profound trace in the literature of the XX century. Even though the stories are short, they contain significant ideas. The narratives are modernist since they describe the individual’s thoughts, not the social environment. The paper below represents a brief overview of the narrations. It also explains...

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” by Orwell and the Real World

The world described by Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty-four seems cruel and unfair. With its totalitarian regime, full devotion to the Party, and Big Brother constantly watching everyone, the existence of such a society seems impossible in the modern world. Nowadays, although many countries are tolerant and respectful of...

Maus: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman

This paper will analyze the graphic strategies used by Art Spiegelman on page 13 of his graphic novel, Maus: A Survivor’s Tale. This page represents a part of the narration when a father tells his son about his past, so it includes both the current timeline of the story and...

The Chicano Movement in Films and Literature

The discussion of the history of Mexican identity in the US is not possible without the mentioning of the Chicano movement. A series “Chicano! A History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement” provides an extensive overview of the movement, and the current paper will address the first episode of...

The Connection between the Ancient and Current World Heroes

Rome and Greece are strongly identified with a culture, which credits heroes. The dynasties in ancient times would create their brave men and make them leaders who they believe in. The gallant notion has been passed on to generations through the word of mouth, to a point where it is...

The Image of a Woman in the Book by Emily Walker

Walker’s comparison of women to saints means that females have lost their natural form and meaning: they have acquired “shrines” instead of bodies and “temples” instead of minds (401). This description is bad since the writer presupposes that women cannot lead the lives they want, having to bear the status...

Nod and Kick & Friendship and Racial Conflict in “Recitatif“ by Toni Morrison

Introduction The central idea of the Recitatif by Toni Morrison is race and racism, the “black-white” conflict. It must be noticed that the author’s approach to this subject is nonconventional, and the first sign of it is that she makes the reader guess who between the two protagonists of the...

Washburn’s “What the Ocean Eats” and Stevenson’s “The High Road”

Introduction Both of the selected stories, Kawai Strong Washburn’s “What the Ocean Eats” and Bryan Stevenson’s “The High Road,” are interesting to read and focus on important topics resorting to one’s emotions and feelings. However, a detailed analysis of the two pieces allows noticing structural differences and making conclusions as...

Carlos Bulosan’s Story and Delano Manong’s Documentary Analysis

Quotation from Carlos Bulosan’s Short Story “The Romance of Magno Rubio” “Claro looked tentatively at the money. He picked up the crispy bills on the table. He grabbed the jug of wine and went to his room.” (Bulosan, 1979, p. 34). The above quote from the story depicts the hard...

Pursuit of Daisy Buchanan in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”

Reasons Why The Pursuit of Daisy Buchanan Was Justified “Great Gatsby” is a novel written by F.S. Fitzerald and published in 1925. The book follows the narrator as he enters the world of the American socialite after returning from war and meets the eponymous main character. Jay Gatsby gained his...

The Great Gatsby: Chapters’ Review

Chapter 1: Nick Carraway decides to move from Minnesota to New York. He starts his story by mentioning that his father told him not to judge others because it leads to misunderstanding and wrong interpretations. According to Carraway’s description, Gatsby represents everything for which he had “an unaffected scorn” (Fitzgerald,...

Abraham Lincoln in Eric Foner’s The Fiery Trial

Written by Eric Foner, The Fiery Trial is a historical nonfiction book with a major focus on the African Americans in the United States during the Civil War period. The author spans his story around Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the US, and his life at the height of...

The Short Story “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

The short story “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien explores the emotional and psychological struggles which soldiers go through in the battlefield. This is evident from first person voice narration O’Brien, who relates the daily experiences of the soldiers in his Alpha Company in the jungles of Vietnam. Even...

Approaches to Love and Relationship in Poetry

Introduction The perceptions of love and relationship are continuously changing, and one of the easiest ways to trace this shift is through consideration of love poems. To convey the imagery of love, poets use a variety of literary techniques that allow them to share not only their views but also...

The Epic of Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh and Enkidu

Despite the endeavors of Gilgamesh and Enkidu to be similar to gods, the two heroes overestimated their power and neglected the fact that they were both mortals, which led to tragic consequences. By the end of the epic, it becomes evident to Gilgamesh that every human being is bound to...

Claudia Rankine: Biography and Works

Introduction Nowadays, more and more poets are starting to experiment with the possibilities of language. For example, some of them mix prose and poetry or create new genres in literature. Undoubtedly, the genre diversity and the formation of new departments of literature is a significant part of modern writing, but...

“Crack” by David Farber Analysis

This review dwells upon David Farber’s Crack: Rock Cocaine, Street Capitalism, and the Decade of Greed. The book sheds light on diverse aspects of the war on drugs and the crack market in the USA in the twentieth century. The author attempts to identify the major causes of the problem...

Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction Novels

The world, where humans will coexist with machines, is coming closer every day. The fast development of artificial intelligence that was almost a miracle a hundred years ago now is considered to be a usual thing. Attempts of science to understand how the human brain works and improve the fragile...

The Book “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley’s novel about Frankenstein and his Creature reveals many human vices and cruelty. There is also a place in the story for love and remorse, which opens in both characters in its strange way. However, the complex interweaving of feelings, actions, and the conditions, in which they were committed,...

“Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood

“Lusus Naturae” by Margaret Atwood describes an unknown creature that everyone renounces at first glance. It is a girl with specific congenital syndromes that make her appearance strange and intimidating. The author uses Point of View (PV) to describe characters and set up a plot in which the main character...

Universal Values: Consequences of Non-Observance

Postcolonial Theory and Its Benefits for Society The past and ongoing historic processes present invaluable information for future generations allowing them to navigate the world without repeating the mistakes of their ancestors. The combination of such processes is considered under a unified concept of postcolonial theory, which contributes to the...

Inspiration by Jessica Knight’s Poetry

Introduction A poem by Jessica Knight titled “Secrets under trees” is a reflection on how secrets should not be revealed. The author uses a metaphor of a tree and its leaves as a way of showing how secrets should be left to rot (Knight, 2016). My original art piece, a...

Women From an Age Bygone: A. Wingfield and E. Grierson

Introduction In the century spanning from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement, the American South underwent a profound social and political change. A predominantly agricultural region living off its cash crops had to embrace the Industrial Revolution and urbanization. Simultaneously, the aristocratic customs of the wealthy planter elite...

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley was first published in 1818. It is now referred to as one of the first pieces of science fiction. The reception of the book was somewhat controversial, and literary critics’ views were mixed. John Wilson Croker’s review, published right after the novel...

Killing Demons in “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is famous for his striking stories that shed light on the darkest aspects of the human mind and soul. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is one of such works that make the reader think of important topics such as the good and the bad, sanity and insanity, crime and...

The Analysis of “A Note on Mascots” by Brian Doyle

Opening the essay with personal experience proves to be an efficient introduction. The author starts the novel with the story of his first favorite sports teams at the age of two or three. He then jumps to the description of his high school games and the first time paying attention...