Puritan Marriages in Bradstreet’s Poetry

What does Bradstreet’s poem tell us about the nature of Puritan marriages? Do you find this to be a surprising poem? In general, it is known that Puritans believe that marriages should be based on true love. The poem by A. Bradstreet “To My Dear and Loving Husband” could serve...

Injustice in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Milton’s Paradise Lost

“Th’ infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv’d 35 The Mother of Mankinde, what time his Pride Had cast him out from Heav’n” (Milton Lines: 34-37) The monster created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein (henceforth mentioned as Frankenstein) and the character of Satan...

Segregation in “Disgrace” by J. M. Coetzee

Disgrace is a novel written by J. M. Coetzee at the very end of the 20th century. It was awarded several times and received positive feedback from numerous critics. With his work, the author urged society to pay attention to the morality of their actions. He depicts the life of...

African-American Identity in the Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man

Introduction The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man is the work written by an African-American writer James Weldon Johnson in the early 20th century when racism was considered the norm in the New World. Despite the title, the author admitted that this novel was not autobiographical and mostly fictional. Nevertheless, the...

Frank Conroy’s Childhood in His ‘‘Stop-Time’’ Memoir

Introduction ‘‘Stop-time’’ is a memoir which was written by an American author by the name; Frank Conroy. The book tells Conroy’s childhood experiences while growing up between Florida and New York was published in 1967. Conroy’s story can be related to contemporary times where thousands of American children go through...

“The Narrative of Sojourner Truth” a Book by Olive Gilbert

The Narrative of Sojourner Truth is a story of a renowned public speaker, abolitionist, feminist, and itinerant preacher who spoke against slavery in the eighteenth and nineteenth century and against the feminist movement that excluded African American women. In the book, Sojourner told a story of her life not only...

Lucy Lurie in “Disgrace” by J. M. Coetzee

Despite the impressive improvement in recent decades, adherence to humanistic values remains uneven in different parts of the world. Even after the official adoption, they continue to be undermined by conservative social views, leading to numerous personal tragedies. In Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee creates a complex character, Lucy Lurie, who faces...

Faith in “The Hollow Men” and “The Funeral Blues”

Introduction Thomas Stearns Eliot and Wystan Hugh Auden belong to the brightest representatives of the American literature of the twentieth century. The unmatched virtuosity of each poet deserves particular attention and admiration from the audience. In their work, Eliot and Auden rise such crucial topics as love, war, faith, death,...

“The Secret Miracle” by Jorge Luis Borges

A short story The Secret Miracle by Jorge Luis Borges is written in the genre of magic realism and contains such characteristics of this genre as a mix of unreal events and reality and emphasis of mystery that can be found in usual life. Being in jail, Jaromir faces the...

Exploring How Young Adult Fiction Shapes and Influences Personal Worldviews

In “Darkness too visible,” Gurdon discusses the problem of young adult fiction, which often appears to be too brutal and gory to be introduced to young readers (Gurdon, 2011). As Gurdon (2011) notices, many of the books explicitly use foul language and descriptions of violence and assaults, which can negatively...

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

The concept of a social norm has been very rigid for quite a while, numerous compelling authors to express their indignation in the form of social satire, hyperbolized representations of social interactions, etc. The Yellow Wallpaper is, perhaps, the epitome of the phenomenon since it subverts the social standards, in...

Masculinity of King Arthur in Literature

Is Chretien merely mocking Arthur or the concept of Arthurian literature? Chretien as Bonnie Wheeler explains is not only mocking Arthurian literature but also the character that is King Arthur by confining him to contexts that portray him as weak and not only ridiculous but laughably so. The story of...

Courage and Change: Analyzing the Costs and Implications of Social Action

Through the history of world art and literature, portrayals of courage abound. Whether a cave painting of a lone spear against the horde of beasts, a classical battle scene, or a modern memorial to the fallen, such a piece is more likely to appeal to pathos and ethos than to...

“Monstress” a Comics by Marjorie Liu

Monstress is a popular series of graphic novels by Liu (the author) and Takeda (the artist), published by Image Comics. Dealing with feminism and racism, the story is based on childhood experiences and family history. Thus a fantastic world, cruel to the main heroine Maika, is created. According to McMillan,...

“The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison: Main Themes and Motifs

Nowadays, many people tend to assume that there are no reasons to believe that the socio-political realities in today’s America are being affected by any officially endorsed policies of racial discrimination against African-Americans, as it used to be the case up until the late 1960s. Nevertheless, it does not represent...

Inspiration from “Stop-Time“ by Frank Conroy

Time is a concept that does not exist in nature by itself. It is created by humans to ease our understanding of universal development. For us, everything has a beginning and an end. It is quite difficult for a human mind to grasp an image that space existed all the...

“High Lonesome” a Book by Joyce Carol Oates

Introduction In almost every environment, there exist mentally ill or physically impaired individuals. Cases of maltreatment to such people have continually been evident within societies but no one is watchful to such situations. On the other hand, people have always had wrong perceptions that riches are capable of making such...

Masculinity in James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway’ Stories

James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway are two well known authors of the early twentieth century modernist short stories that offer various points of view including philosophical, sociological and linguistic approaches. Such literary works had a big impact on the perception of culture, and an alteration of the correlation between writing...

Art and Life in The Flamethrowers: Lerner’s Review and Analysis

Rachel Kushner’s novel, The Flamethrowers, is essentially about the relationship between art and life. The author carefully intertwines art, history and events in the life of Reno. Reno is a young woman who has finished college and wants to turn her dreams into reality. She wants to experiment with her...

Kate Chopin and Her “The Awakening” Story

Introduction American literature is the written or factual work prepared in United States and some of its former colonies. It consists of thousands of short stories and classic novels and covers all other kinds of subjects and genres (D’Arcy 6). One outstanding fact that remains is the struggle to forge...

Historical Memory in the “Barefoot Gen” Manga

Artistic expressions are part of every society’s collective memories and subsequent history. The main role of historical memory is to make a society remember what it has forgotten. Furthermore, historical memory upholds the concept that forgetting is part of remembering. This is why memories might change over time in the...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night”: Father-Son Bond Amidst Holocaust Struggles

In his autobiography, Elie Wiesel describes the destructive influence of the Holocaust on a person’s inner world and his/her attitudes toward others. One of the central themes that the author explores is the relationship between a father and a son under the circumstances when people cannot easily retain their humanity....

Exploring Themes of Desire and Identity in Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby”

There is irony in the paper, Desiree’s Baby. It is evident in the reading that there are some instances where the irony comes out clear. It was unheard of to have two people from different races in a sexual relationship. It was common for people to have sexual relationships; this...

Love and Emotion in Lawrence’s, Byron’s, and Browning’s Poetry: A Literary Analysis

Introduction Describing love is a challenging task. It requires maneuvering between the clichés that have worn out their welcome and the convoluted attempts at rendering the essence of affection. In their poems, Lawrence, Byron, Browning, and Soto view love as the experience that has huge power. Whether this power is...

Gender Representation in Fiction: A Sociological Perspective

Introduction Gender is one of the concepts that have attracted the attention of scholars in the recent past. It is defined as the wide range of traits that create a distinction between femininity and masculinity. For instance, in their works, Messner (1999) and Kimmel (2009) think that the term ‘gender’...

The Murder in the Play “Hamlet”

Introduction Hamlet is a play with a strong focus on interpersonal relationships. Despite the plot of the play setting events across a multitude of locations, most of the pivotal events revolve around the friends and family of Hamlet, specifically, their involvement in the murder. This journal response will provide ideas...

Characters Whose Stories Reveal Life’s Dualities in Literature

Speaking about the world of literature, it is necessary to say that it is quite difficult to divide the most famous and appreciated books into two groups based on positive or negative aspects of life that their authors are focusing on; in fact, when it comes to good books, it...

Shakespeare’s Sonnets from Magnusson’s Perspective

In this essay, Lynne Magnusson addresses the conventional standards concerning Shakespeare’s sonnets and the image of a high-status beautiful lady who is usually associated with his lyrical poetry. The author argues that a beloved “he” becomes the quintessence of personal feelings, including the sexual desire and emotional attachment to a...

Madonna of the Burning Bush: XV Century Masterpiece by Georges Trubert

The painting titled “Madonna of the Burning Bush” is one of the illustrations in The Book of Hours. It was made in XV century by Georges Trubert, who was a famous painter and had few apprentices who followed his style. We can see a number, 154, in the right upper...

The Poem “In Justice!”

The poem ‘‘In Just’’ is pieced together and deciphered based on love and deliberately visualizes the external world in portraying its intended message. On the whole, the poem depicts apprehension of the coming of spring from a childhood visionary perspective. It is woven in satire and rhythmic analysis bordering on...

Feminist Themes Explored in “Two Sisters” and “The Chirashi Covenant” Stories

Thesis Statement This paper proposes to explore female characters and their contribution to modern feminism based on works by E. Pauline Johnson and Naomi Hirahara. The characters described by these authors highlight the aspiration to be respected, obtain equal opportunities with men, and express their opinions. Outlined in symbols, actions,...

“In Our Time” a Short Story by Ernest Hemingway

The nature of humans suggests that we tend to get close with certain people or things, and to keep others at a distance at the same time. Some things are familiar to us; we know them well and feel safe with them. Other things are foreign to us, and we...

Character Analysis of the Protagonist in “The Glass Menagerie” by Williams

I believe that Tom is the protagonist of the play by Tennessee. The play revolves around the lives of three key characters. The three characters include Tom, Laura and Amanda. Tom encounters many challenges in his life and he tries everything possible to have a new kind of life. The...

“The Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury

Americans, in the twentieth century, saw wonderful scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb, the space age, and political moves that came as a result of a sense of superiority for America. It elevated America to a nation that was ahead in civilization and development. All these phenomena had a great...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Magical Realism

“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” Elisenda and Pelayo responded to the arrival of the old man with enormous wings like to the ordinary event, which captured their attention only for a while, and then they focused on benefiting from the situation. Thus, having met the old man, Pelayo...

Human Nature in Wells’s “The Island of Dr. Moreau”

Introduction The theory of evolution according to which humans descend from animals and inherit their key traits was first introduced by the English naturalist Charles Darwin and was met with a mixed response from the public. Since then, numerous debates have been rising around the problem of people and animals...

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West is the book that covers the historical events the Western Americans had to survive and describes the betrayals and conflicts of people. The peculiar feature of this book is the language and style chosen by the author,...

The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane: A Quest Unveiled

“The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane” was written by Katherine Howe. The book was first published in 2009. The story in the book involves a quest a young Harvard graduate and doctoral candidate Connie Goodwin needs to complete in order to uncover the secrets of Deliverance Dane, the woman who...

Comparative Analysis of Zehfuss’s and Barkans’s Works on Memory and Guilt

World War II was one of the biggest tragic events in modern history, and its adverse consequences made all involved parties reflect on the moral implications of the participation in any military conflicts and responsibilities it may impose on both individuals and nations. The readings Wounds of Memory by Maja...

Gender Discrimination in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

American society encountered several changes. The changes included the gender equality issue. The author was one of the gender equality victims. Charlotte P. Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper novel describes the plight of discriminated women during the 19th Century American period. Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper is a feminist novel. The Gilman...

Wars Between the Greeks and Persians: Historical Insights

Introduction The book is about Asia and Europe and the making of the West (Ball 1). The objective of the book is to provide the reader with historical information about the relationship between the East and the West, especially regarding how the West has impacted the East adversely. The scholarly...

Puritan Values in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”

Introduction There is no doubt that law, order, and moral norms remain the components that allow to shape the society and to control people to prevent a wide range of unwanted situations. When it comes to the life of modern society and its members, it is necessary to say that...

Establishment of Values and Beliefs in Literature: A Comparative Analysis

The establishment of values and beliefs is a popular motif in both children and adult literature. Despite the superficial differences in narrative and manner of delivery, these stories are usually similar in their core premise. The following paper compares two such works, Surprised by Joy and The Wild Things. Surprised...

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study of Morality and Hypocrisy

Introduction Even though scars are quite a usual phenomenon and almost every person has them, they are able to produce a strong influence on their lives. Scars are perceived as something dark and negative. Basically, they are just the signs that somewhere in the past, an individual has suffered a...

Elie Wiesel’s Book “Night” Literature Analysis

Introduction Elie Wiesel was an American national (born in Romania in 1928). The book ‘Night’ is actually a translation (by Hill & Wang in 1960) of the original novel titled ‘Un di Velt Hot Geshvign’ that Wiesel wrote in 1955 (in the Yiddish language). In this book, Wiesel brings about...

“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Foer

Introduction Significant catastrophes always leave the scars in the souls of the generation-eyewitness. People receive physical and psychological traumas that may affect a generation or two after the event. Numerous ‘damaged’ voices of people who have suffered and survived the disastrous moments or their relatives shout in different ways about...

Madame Bovary by Gustav Flaubert

Charles was married to a young woman. She was his second wife. The first one died. His first wife was a widower. Charles married her because he was unsure of himself. In fact, his own mother was unsure if Charles could survive on his own. Even with impressive credentials and...

Dilemmas in Hamlet and The Fall of the House of Usher

In the famous play of William Shakespeare Hamlet, the English poet tried to show the tragic image of a man who is trying to find answers to the eternal questions of life and death. The play focuses on vengeance and personal conflict of the main character. Likewise, an unnamed narrator...

Evolution of War Depictions in Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

In the history of literature there were many writers who became the living witnesses of the horrific realities of their times; some of them were Erich Maria Remarque (who was a soldier during World War I), Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi (who survived in concentration camps during the World War...

“A Streetcar Named Desire” a Play by Elia Kazan

“A Streetcar Named Desire” is one of the most popular plays in the US history. Along with two other plays – “Glass Menagerie” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” – it brought its author Tennessee Williams tremendous success and fame. The themes opened in the story help the audience...

Hamzanama: Cultural Insights and Heroic Tales

Introduction The work in question is entitled “Hamzanama” or “Dastan-e Amir Hamza.” From Urdu, the title translates as “The Adventures of Amir Hamza” (Lakhnavi & Bilgrami 2012). The book is an old Persian dastan – a heroic story usually told orally. The manuscript is known to be accomplished as late...

Standards of Quality Prose Fiction

High quality prose fiction is characterized by several unique features. These features include a properly chosen point of view, precise themes, appropriate stylistic devices, a relevant setting and realistic characters (Beers 27). Features such as themes, stylistic devices, setting and characters may be shared among many genres of literature but...

Theories Behind Selected Creation Myths: Insights from Various Cultures

Introduction There are various theoretical styles for analysis of mythologies of the antique evolution. The reality is that the myths mainly form a definition that scholars can easily follow and relate to during the current timelines. Physically, dichotomy exists entirely especially under the intensities of pantheons over the powers regarding...

Literature Comparison: “Lust” and “Sex Without Love”

Introduction The story ‘Lust’ by Susan Minot is very sensational and describes the carefree life of young college students who are keen to enjoy life without giving much consideration to the consequences involved. In this book, the narrator is a young college girl. She brings her audience to a world...

Themes of Loss and Connection in Elie Wiesel’s Night: A Relationship Analysis

Introduction The essay will explore the relationship between Eliezer and his father. An extensive study of the relationship right from the beginning to how they later change in the novel will be examined. It is notable that, during the Holocaust, Eliezer and others who were ready to face the executions...

“This Boy’s Life” a Story by Tobias Wolff

‘This boy’s life ‘written by Tobias Wolf is a story about Toby Wolf a young man who is left to live life on his own as the people around him are too preoccupied or too self-centered to pay any attention to him. His mother is a self-centered woman who gets...

Elie Wiesel’s Night: Ghetto and Concentration Camp Horrors

Elie Wiesel revealed his experience in the ghetto in his novel Night. He portrayed the horrors of the war years and the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps. The author shares his thoughts and deepest emotions. The book is a very intimate confession of a person who tried to come...

Homer Biography

Homer is known to be the founder of the written poetry in the Western cultural history. His works are the first fixed examples of Greek poems that are currently available to the historians. Even though there are still numerous disagreements on the quantitative quality of his writings, the two masterpieces...

“Divine Comedy” and “Confessions”

Just like any other religion, Christianity had a period when it was to pave its way through the doubt and rejection of the people in order to gradually win more and more followers. The intent to move on from one religion and set of beliefs to another always comes along...

Theme in Henry James’s “Daisy Miller”

“Daisy Miller” is one of the most remarkable novellas written by Henry James in 1878. In his novella, James focuses on the opposition in visions typical for the Americans and Europeans living in the 1870s. From this point, “Daisy Miller” addresses the question of the morality based on certain social...

The Laramie Project: Exploring Themes of Identity and Community in Kaufman’s Play

The Laramie Project was supposed to highlight and unfold the story of how a town responds to tragedy, controversy and worldwide media attention. The citizens gave a chronology of events and how they were able to combat the disaster. The paper would discuss the unfolding events and their consequences in...

“Modern Chivalry” a Novel by Hugh Henry Brackenridge

‘Modern Chivalry’ is an American novel based on Captain John Farrago, who is portrayed as the American frontier Don Quixote. He departs from Pennsylvania to take a “ride” around the world accompanied by his servant Teague presumably to observe human nature. His comparison to Don Quixote is quite justified given...

Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America

Introduction People have been wondering about the history of the prehistoric America and the origin of the immigrants. Found in the archives and historical monuments, the historical development of America and its earliest immigration trends to wide and complex (Lee and Yung 2). The pursuit to understand the unique history...

Stylistic Devices in Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction Literature has always been an integral part of human society. It helped people to express their feelings and emotions and share thoughts that seem very important to them. That is why, since the beginning of the history of the mankind, authors tried to create some special and unique approach...

William Carlos Williams’ Poem: “This is Just to Say” and Its Exploration of Everyday Moments

Communication is an important aspect with regard to human relations and interaction in social contexts. Through communication and interaction, people share and propagate ideas that ultimately portend influence on overall thresholds of discourse and engagement. It also offers an opportunity for individuals to relay feelings and emotions in a manner...

Henry David Thoreau and Virginia Woolf’s Essay Comparison

Introduction Henry David Thoreau, an essay writer, social critic and editor, has been considered as the father of the American nature literature. In his book ‘Walden’, Thoreau, a naturalist, provides several short stories that relate to the natural aspects surrounding him. In particular, he uses natural things such as animals...

“The Tempest” a Play by William Shakespeare

In the Tempest, Shakespeare, portrays Caliban as an uncultured half- man, half beast, who is enslaved in his own land by a foreign intruder. Shakespeare portrays him as a person who has limited understanding on how the modern world works. Through Prospero’s own description, Caliban is shown as a beast...

“The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros

Introduction Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street is an illustration of the problems faced by Latin women in a culture laden with racism, prejudice, and discrimination. Society as depicted in the book is being dominated by men where women are generally praised for their physical features; however, the Latin...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare

The play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare is characterized by comedy, farce and humor that are present throughout the play. It is mainly based on love, magic, mistaken identity and the sudden reversal of relationships. Act I begins with a scene where Duke Theseus is conversing with his bride....

Black Slavery in Barn Burning by Faulkner: Historical Insights

The problem of black slavery described in the story Barn Burning by William Faulkner demonstrates the most significant moments of historical development of the country. Moreover, this novel reminds me another famous story The adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain. The conflict between father and son emphasizes the...

Francis’s “Catch” and Herbert’s “Easter Wings” Comparison

Introduction This paper analyses the comparison between “Catch Poem” of Francis Robert and “Easter Wings Poem” of Herbert George. Indeed, the two poems are significant, although they express concealed implications to readers. Though each poem presented dissimilar information, such ideas are related, imperative, and vital to readers in general. Analysis...

Social Lives of Ancient Egyptians: Culture, Hierarchy, and Daily Life

The two books focus on the social lives of the ancient Egyptians. In the book Voices in Ancient Egypt, Kay presents an anthology of poems and pictures of workers in ancient Egypt (Kay & Moser, 2003). On the other hand, Hibbert in the book Rich and Poor in Ancient Egypt...

Williams Shakespeare Biographical Interpretation

Does the life of an author have a significant influence on his work? Do the author’s experience and surrounding wield influence on his writing? How much does an author’s life impact his work? The effect of an author’s life experiences on his writing is often unquestionable. The impact Shakespeare’s life...

Societal Transformation in Voltaire’s Letters: Analyzing Cultural Critiques

Voltaire’s book Letters on England can help readers better understand various aspects of the early Enlightenment. The author’s incisive comments throw light on the distinctive characteristics of England at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Voltaire made his observations during his stay in this country in 1729. In his work,...

The Evolving Father-Son Relationship in Elie Wiesel’s “Night”

Night illustrates the life of Elie Wiesel and his father in the Nazi concentration camps during the World War II (Rucco 3). In the concentration camps, they underwent through cruel and brutal situations. The situations affected and changed their relationship in a number of ways. After being taken to the...

Exploring Diverse Poetic Elements: Techniques and Their Literary Impact

In his poem “Musee des Beaux Arts,” Wystan Auden uses ekphrasis, “a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art” (“Glossary Terms”). Auden provides visual descriptions of a Breughel’s painting, “In Breughel’s Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away / Quite leisurely from the disaster; the...

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Orwell’s Warning Against Totalitarianism

Introduction Written by Orwell (1), Nineteen Eighty-Four is a celebrated literary work of the 20th century. The author sets the novel in a 1949 totalitarian world, where an elitist group in Airstrip One (formerly Great Britain) used politically manipulative techniques to keep their power by silencing “independent minds.” They controlled...

The Faith in God in Night by Elie Wiesel

Introduction: Back to the Biblical Legends. Job and Eliezer Testing the faith is not a new issue to talk about – it is basically as old as the hills, sine even the Bible mentions the instances when a man was tested to prove that he actually was a hardcore believer....

John Gillies’ Essay “Shakespeare’s Virginian Masque”

In the essay ‘Shakespeare’s Virginian Masque’, John Gillies analyzes Shakespeare’s play ‘Virginian Masque’ in reference to the historical events in South America’s around late 1600s. Specifically, he refers to the problems faced by new European settlers in the West Indies, their attempt to control the native tribes and the integration...

Analyzing “No One Would Listen” by Harry Markopolos: A Literature Perspective

Harry Markopolos was a whistle blower of the largest Ponzi scheme in history. He details his investigative work in his book ‘No one would listen.’ Initially, it was not Markopolos’ intention to portray Madoff’s scheme as a Ponzi scheme. However, he could not comprehend how he continuously made huge returns...

Drugs and Jazz in James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”

Introduction As an African American writer involved in the Civil Rights Movement, James Baldwin was primarily concerned with the discrimination against the African American community and used one of the most influential tools of all times – literature – to carry his political message. In his short story Sonny’s Blues,...

The Poetic Legacy of William Carlos Williams: Themes and Styles Analyzed

“The red wheelbarrow” and “This is just to say,” are excellent examples of imagery poetry. The poems create images in the reader’s mind, which convey the poet’s message. However, imagery poetry creates varied visions in people’s minds. As a result, readers would come up with a variety of analysis and...

The Role of Evil in Elie Wiesel’s Novel “Night”: A Deep Dive into Themes

Various reasons why Moishe was not believed and whether modern journalism has eliminated the problem of complacency In the novel “Night” Moishe, the Beadle warns the residents of Sighet that all was not well in the world and that they were in a lot of danger. Moishe’s warnings went unheeded...

Elie Wiesel’s “Night”: A Profound Exploration of Faith and Suffering

Children normally are the centerpiece of society. They are treated with love and lots of affection as they are the originators of joy in the families. At this tender age, a child is meant to learn the ways of society which in most cases constitute the norms and virtues of...

Sammy’s Decision in ‘A & P’: Analyzing His Quit and Its Consequences

Introduction After reading the short story ‘A & P’, one will be forgiven for believing that Sammy quit his job as a result of his immature, childlike behavior (Uphaus 23). However, a critical analysis of the character will reveal that Sammy did not quit his job on principle grounds. On...

Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong

The book Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam by Nhuong tells the story of a young boy in a central village in Vietnam. The boy has an unlikely companion by the name Tank, a water buffalo. The water buffalo sends the bullies packing whenever they harass Nhuong. The buffalo...

Fahrenheit 451: A Masterpiece of Dystopian Literature by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 has been written by Ray Bradbury, an American author who has received numerous awards. This work is paramount for the writer because he wanted to express his concerns about the future. It is ironic that this book has often been censored and even expurgated because of the events...

Holocaust and Family in Elie Wiesel’s Night

Introduction: A Long Way from Idolization to Understanding Admittedly one of the most shocking autobiographic novels of the XX century, Elie Wiese’s Night mostly renders the issue of Holocaust and the treatment of Jewish people by Nazis. However, the novel also taps on a range of more general issues, such...

Literature Image Exploration: “Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

In the play Oedipus the King, Sophocles uses various images to develop the narrative or highlight the inner world of the characters. This paper is aimed at discussing such a symbol as the cross-roads which plays an important role in this tragedy. To a great extent, it denotes the moment...

Sympathy for Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire

The mastery of a writer can make the readers sympathize for the characters’ destinies and their overcoming many difficulties in life according to the writer’s intentions but in spite of the traditional opinions and prevalent public’s visions. Blanche DuBois is the main character of Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named...

“Much Ado About Nothing” a Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction One of the reasons why the comedy Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, continues to enjoy a lasting popularity with contemporaries, is that along with representing a high aesthetic value, it can also be considered utterly enlightening, in the discursive sense of this word. The reason for this...

Sor Juana Poet: Social Roles and Perception of Women

The literature in the Baroque period of the 1600s introduced many great and influential historical figures; one of them is Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Latin American colonial poet, writer, scholar, and a nun who was able to express knowledge of art and science, emotions, and the social protest...

The Story of an Hour and The Storm by Kate Chopin

Introduction The two stories, The Story of an Hour and The Storm by Kate Chopin, are the representatives of the American literature of the XIX century. The author of the stories touched upon the problem of family relationships in her works. Thesis statement: Love, faithfulness, and the relationships between husband...

“Our Town” a Play by Thornton Wilder

In his theatrical masterpiece, Our Town, Thornton Wilder dramatically focuses on three essential stages of human life, namely birth, marriage, and death. The first part of the play describes the daily lives of human people in a family or a community. The second act highlights the importance of relationships/companionship among...

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson

Introduction Who Moved My Cheese? was written by Spencer Johnson, an American author of bestsellers that are popular all over the world. It is a book about a group of former classmates that gathered for a reunion, and one of them wanted to tell a story about two mice named...

King Lear’s Dilemma: Dividing His Kingdom Among Daughters

King Lear’s predicament is on how to share out his kingdom among his daughters fairly and at the same time ensure that the daughter who loves him most get the largest share without discrimination. He expects to divide his kingdom amongst his three daughters; Regan, Goneril, and Cordelia, “Which of...

Fahrenheit 451: Ray Bradbury’s Dystopian Society

The book Fahrenheit 451 is a novel written by Ray Bradbury reflecting a society that is insensitive to the plight of the minority. The book presents a society where the majority has their way, while the minorities do not have their right. The protagonist of this book is Guy Montag....

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” – Eliezer’s Faith in God

Introduction This story reminisces Jews’ suffering during the Holocaust. The book reflects what happened in Germany and its colonies during the Nazi era. Wiesel uses Eliezer to express his experiences during the Holocaust. The protagonist (Eliezer) undergoes some of the most terrifying situations in life. At a tender age of...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Life and Destiny

This paper is a literary essay on Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee. The book reveals a passion and lust, racial hatred and violence, and loneliness and despair that pursue heroes all their life resulting in deep reflections about life, its meaning, and destiny. The story describes the South African community...

Chopin and Hawthorne: Gender, Race, and Conflict in 19th-Century Literature

In the nineteenth century, men from the southern part of the US were very chauvinistic. They treated women like property, and used intimidating tactics to conquer them. Chopin, for example, writes that “when he (Armand) frowned, she (Desiree) trembled and when he smiled, she asked no greater blessing” (Chopin, 2006,...

Exploring Leadership in “Into the Wild”: A Critical Review

A discussion topic Given the demands for additional factual books in high schools, Into the Wild is ideal in meeting the learners’ needs. Jon Krakauer wrote the book in the year 1996. As such, the literature is the first fact-based text to be taught in American secondary schools. The book...

George Orwell on Modern English and Politics

In his work, George Orwell discusses the main issues of the modern English language in relation to the politics. He states that with the course of time English lost its power to transfer a particular meaning to the audience, and is mainly used to create a vision of some idea...

The Struggle of Elie Wiesel in “Night”: An Insightful Reflection on Humanity

Introduction The book shows Eliezer’s struggle with faith in God. This theme is quite dominant throughout the story. For instance, other characters like Akiba Drumer, among others lose faith in God. In the face of fiery problems, God seems silent on them. Moreover, Jews in concentration camps wonder why their...

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Analysis

Introduction Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a novel that covers Phillip Dick’s analysis of the human state and his pursuit to retire six androids. The story trails John Isidore based on a post-apocalyptic future. The movie Blade Runner assumes the same story line as the novel. The difference...

Eliezer’s Love for Family and God: A Deep Dive

Introduction Eliezer loves both his family and God-given his strict reverence to the Jewish tradition. However, he seems to love God more than he loves his father. This is evident when he defies his father’s wish by studying Cabbala. However, as trouble surfaces, he tends to lose faith in God...

Krapp’s Last Tape by Samuel Beckett

The introduction The fundamentals of the play When speaking about Samuel Beckett’s play Krapp’s Last Tape, it is necessary to highlight some fundamentals of his unusual production. So, first of all, there is a need to state that the peculiar feature of the play is considered to be a lack...

Analyzing Themes and Character Development in Jane Austen’s “Persuasion”

It is often argued that politics in our democratic societies consists of various parties offering their ideas on the market and individual people deciding which ones of those ides they like best. However, in practice, persuasion plays an immense role in shaping people’s belief systems in a way that corresponds...

Mark Twain Biography

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, who commonly used his pet name Mark Twain, is one of the most celebrated writers of the 19th century because of his great contribution to the world of literature and history. Most of his literary pieces give an insight into the past as they explore events that...

John Grady Cole’s Journey: Values, Dreams, and Harsh Realities

Introduction John Grady Cole is a young person with a set of values and morals who is eager to find his place in this world. The young man has to face a lot of obstacles, and he learns that the world is different from what he expected. The author reveals...

Father-Son Bond in Eliezer’s Journey

Introduction Eliezer’s has a very close relationship with his father in the beginning. However, the relationship between Eliezer and his father, Chlomo, change in the course of the novel. Initially, Eliezer and his father have a close relationship, even if Chlomo is very dedicated to the community, and Chlomo does...

Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World

Introduction Income inequality is a perennial problem that characterizes societal growth in many countries. It refers to the unequal distribution of wealth across different social and economic groups. The concept connotes different social indicators such as social opportunities, life expectancy, and equity (among others). People have varied opinions about its...

Literary Analysis: Unveiling the Protagonist’s Role

Literature is a very ancient art which started its development with the appearance of the ability to speak among human beings. Being verbal, it then developed into the written form. People understood how to write down their stories. This discovery was the beginning of literary analysis. This is the science...

“The Wife of Bath’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

The wife in “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” dismisses authorities’ criticism on women but also goes ahead to state and refute her own words which make her appear to be contradicting herself and going against her own conviction. For instance, she is eager to know from her husband to be,...

“Long Walk Home” a Book by David Laskin

Key Argument Summary The onset of the 20th century was marked by incursion of immigrants into America. The majority of the immigrants, thought by most Americans to be naïve, came from non-English speaking countries (Laskin 6). The migration was caused by persistent conflicts at home and religious persecutions in mother...

Motives for Writing by Robert Keith Miller

It goes without saying that there are no literature works that would not be created under the influence of a particular idea, emotion or event in life. Thus, the three works of literature that we are going to discuss in this essay also were created under the influence of the...

A Rose for Emily and Angels in America Literature Analysis

Introduction The story “Rose for Emily” is a unique piece of literature by “William Faulkner”. The whole story is not quite exciting but the end of this story is quite surprising to the readers which give the description of the main character of the story who is by the end...

“Tituba, Black Witch of Salem” by Maryse Conde

A migratory narrative is based on a subject that moves from the primary location to a different setting. The approach is one of the ways used by different authors to show and describe how black people dealt with the migratory issues as slaves. The author tries to explain the impacts...

The “Values” Wasteland by Charles Sykes Literature Analysis

Lots of writers prefer to use exemplification in their works. Such preference is based on one simple thing – the essence of exemplification and its ability to express the major idea of the text using examples and their explanation. (Zillmann & Brosius, 1) Nowadays, readers want to find information that...

Black Arts Movement: Political and Cultural Empowerment

The literary works created during the Black Arts Movement (BAM) reflected the aspirations of many African-American people for the recognition of their political rights and their cultural identity. This artistic movement can also be associated with revolutionary ideology. There are many conflicting views on BAM. This essay will review various...

Character Development, Even Though the Characters Are Flawed in Powers by Jacobs

In her book, Powers, Deborah Jacobs presents a good fiction story, which is told through the eyes of Gwen and Adrian. The book is set in the modern times in Canada, and it examines several aspects of power from different angles of Gwen and Adrian who possess special powers. This...

“Paradise Lost” by John Milton Literature Analysis

Before we look into the passage, it is better to understand the poem of Paradise Lost. The passage is taken from the first book of the poem. Paradise Lost was written by John Milton in 1665. It was written in ten books and then revised where two other books were...

Analyzing the Genre of Romantic Comedies: Key Themes and Cultural Impact

Introduction Comedy is one of the techniques used by play writers to express opinions, views, and judgments. Through comedy, the audience is able to access information that would be difficult to explain using conventional communication means. Some scholars view comedy as an intellectual tool that helps writers express their intellectual...

South Africa Social Issues in “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

John Maxwell Coetzee is a famous South African novelist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature (“J. M. Coetzee – Biographical” para. 5). He is famous for his interest to South Africa. Very often he was trying to reveal problems, still existing there. His works are mostly devoted to...

Bartolome de Las Casas’ 1542 Eyewitness Account of Taino Abuses

Identify the author The full name of the author of this historical document, an eyewitness account written over four hundred years ago in 1542, detailing the abuses committed by the Spanish against the Taino Indians of the Caribbean, is Bartolome de Las Casas. Identify the title of the document The...

Impact of Digital Books on Print Publishing | 2002 Study

Introduction In working at my essay, the source that I found most useful for the project is the article titled, The Impact of Digital Books upon Print Publishing, which was written in 2002 by David McAllister, Nancy McAllister and Steve Vivian, and published by Boston Books and CM Online Media...

Literature: the Play “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare

The art of drama was very popular in Elizabethan England. Among the great number of theaters, the Shakespearean Globe was one of the most famous. It was just a simple wooden building where the audience was sitting close to the stage, that gave Shakespeare the opportunity to use “asides and...

Complexities of Father-Son Relationships in Night by Elie Wiesel

Introduction The relationships between a father and a son usually compose in early childhood. However, there are families where father-son love is hidden too deep in their souls that they are unable to see it until something bad happens and only the support of the closest people may help. Reading...

Analyzing Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: Themes and Interpretations

An important aspect of any story is the setting that the reader can imagine. The atmosphere that is created, very much adds to the general theme and the relationship between the characters and the surrounding environment. “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad is a story where the setting plays a...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Analysis and Reflection

Gilman’s short story called The Yellow Wallpaper is partially autobiographical; otherwise, I cannot imagine a healthy person with any physical and mental concerns writing such a stunning literary piece. The novel, as if criticizes the medical approaches to curing women of the depressive disorder by the so-called “rest cure.” Written...

Good Faith by Jane Smiley: Real Estate Ethics in Fiction

Introduction The book ‘Good Faith’ by Jane Smiley is a master piece that brings out ethics in real estate using fiction in a way that not only entertains, but also very educative. According to Roulac (41), real estate ethics is one of the things that have been ignored by many...

The Way of the World by William Congreve

Foible is lady Wishford servant who seems to be closest to her. Mistress uses her to enquire more about what is happening to the servants. She at one point advised her mistress on who should marry her. “Lady Wishford who is encouraged to marry ‘Sir Rowland’ – Mirabel’s supposed uncle...

A Review of ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’ – Exploring Power and Identity

Describing the development and the collapse of civilizations, one would always touch upon what makes a man. Searching the answer to the famous “Are you a man or a mouse?” question, people try to find the difference between the mankind and the humanity. With help of the two protagonist civilizations,...

The Play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

Hamlet and Ophelia both exhibit insanity, but for different reasons and in their own degree. Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, presents an enthralling view on lunacy and the individual mind. It presents a sharp contrast when comparing two characters, Hamlet and Ophelia. Claudius kills Hamlet’s father and takes his crown. He further...

Wiesel’s Night: Father-Son Relationship and Holocaust Reflections

The principal idea of the Wiesel’s work Night is related to the relationship of the author with his father. For this reason, one may state that the book is considered to be an autobiographical story which reflects the thought and observations of the writer during the genocide of Jews. Wiesel...

“Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe Literature Analysis

In the novel “Things fall apart” by Chinua Achebe, the clash between Christianity and traditional animism religion held by the people of Umuofia is highlighted. Upon the arrival of the white missionaries, who later set the way for colonization, the Igbo people practiced their traditional culture which was seen as...

Gender Attitudes in Steinbeck’s Chrysanthemums

While reading a short story called Chrysanthemums by Steinbeck, I have immediately understood that problems of gender attitudes are going to be discussed. The main heroine, Elisa Allen, belongs to stereotypical American housewives who are often ignored by their husbands and who are mistakenly believed to be not intelligent enough....

The Name Molly Maguires Were Charged in Court: Coalfield Justice

The book ‘Making Sense of the Molly Maguires’ by Kevin Kenny addresses the industrial capitalism that followed the American civil war. It highlights the bitter disagreements that took place between the Railroad Company and individuals who were mining coal. The company was in full control over the Pennsylvania coalfields in...

British Literature: Heroism in Beowulf, Gawain and Viola

Beowulf, Gawain and Viola It is a common assumption that all heroic medieval literature presents heroism along the main characters to establish and develop their plot. However, there are certain values that the heroic characters must present to earn heroic status. These characters must portray heroic prowess that is presented...

Two Ladies’ Bond Strengthens Amidst Loss of Iconic Rapper

The relationship between the two ladies goes stronger as they try to live their lives without their iconic rapper. Foster and her friend decided to formalize their sexual preferences, although they were quite hesitant for fear of stigma. However, as the days went by, the two girls were getting more...

Cleveland Cavaliers: A Literary Account by Nate Leboutillier

Purpose of Writing the Book The book “The Story of Cleveland Cavaliers” by Nate LeBoutillier is a masterpiece describing the history and achievements of Cleveland Cavaliers. This basketball team has produced great players. The team’s history from 1970 to 2010s has been admirable. The author wrote this book in an...

“Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare

The theme of disguise is heavily used in the 12th night, and at some point, almost all the character end up wearing some disguise or other with the most overt example being Viola who convinces everyone that she is a man by dressing like one. The focus of this paper...