Jeremiah’s Encounter With Maggie in “Kiss of the Fur Queen” by Highway

To begin with, one of the characters of the novel Kiss of the Fur Queen, written by Tomson Highway, who is known as Maggie Sees, is a form of the Trickster or Weesageechak in Cree. In other words, it is the mythological creature that “goes by many names and many...

God’s Anthropomorphism and Divinity in Homer’s Poem “Iliad”

Introduction Homer’s epic poem Iliad is one of the most influential literary works in western literature, and it is a detailed description of the values, norms, and beliefs of Ancient Greece. The author depicts the Greek pantheon of gods and their multiple interactions with people. One of the major peculiarities...

Rewriting Hamlet by Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Hamlet is an eternal classic played in theaters worldwide and adapted in movies by multiple screenwriters and directors. One of these films that received an equivocal response from the critics and audience was the 2018 movie Ophelia, directed by Claire McCarthy (Schwanebeck, 2020). It was based on Shakespeare’s original...

Shakespeare’s “Othello”: A Venetian Tragedy of Love

Introduction William Shakespeare is the master of tragic plays, among which Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear are central. In this case, a tragedy narrates a plot about a good person losing their true sense of self due to mistakes in judgment or a character defect in unusual circumstances. In contrast...

Analysis of Three Poems Written by African Americans

Literary works created by African American writers during the era of angry social complaints against racial profiling share many similarities in terms of structure and themes. This interrelationship has resulted in literature characterized by expressive social insight, providing informative evaluations of American histories and identities. Moreover, the black American literature...

Tecumseh’s Historical Speech and Sherman Alexie’s Poems: Comparative Analysis

Comparing Tecumseh’s warlike uplifting speech with the poems of contemporary poet Sherman Alexie, one can find seemingly archetypal elements of the representation of the peoples of the Native Americans. Analysis and consistent comparison of these texts allows us to observe the deconstruction of the epic image of the Native American....

Geoffrey Chaucer: The Master of Popular Poetry

Geoffrey Chaucer is an extremely famous English poet from the 14th century best known for his “Canterbury Tales.” This work of poetry depicts several pilgrims traveling to the town of Canterbury, which was a very important holy place in Medieval England. Travelers belong to all walks of life and, in...

Marital Abuse in The Trifle by Glaspell and The Poof by Nottage

Introduction The Trifle and the Poof are written by Susan Glaspell and Lynn Nottage, respectively. The Trifle was written in 1916, while the Poof was done in 1970. In both plays, the authors depict a culture where women are abused by husbands who later die due to domestic constraints. In...

The “Nineteen Thirty-Seven” Novel by Edwidge Danticat

Nineteen Thirty-Seven is a short novel written by Edwidge Danticat. The life of Josephine is a significant element in the book, as she uses flashbacks to dwell on her predicaments, which show her pain and suffering. The plot of the novel sheds light on tragic events, namely, the murder of...

The Epic Poem “Paradise Lost” by John Milton

It has become common today to view the most notable literary works in the light of their reflection of the specific era. Paradise Lost, the epic poem written by 17th-century English poet John Milton in 1667, represents the political and historical events of this period. Still, it can be argued...

“The Princess on the Pea” by Hans Christian Andersen

“The Princess on the Pea” is one of the shortest and most well-known classic fairy-tales, and its plot may seem quite simple to some. I believe that there are two ways to answer the question why it was so important for the royal family to find a “real princess”. First,...

Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Ulysses”

In a society characterized by exponential change and gradually increasing complexity, those who act have greater power, especially those who can find self-determination and persistence to do so. Motivation is among the most valuable commodities, shaped by life experiences and inspiring behaviors to explore something new. In Alfred Lord Tennyson’s...

Depictions of Dinosaurs in Crichton’s “Jurassic Park”

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton is one of the iconic novels of the science fiction genre and is considered Crichton’s magnum opus. The book is generous in providing detailed depictions of various dinosaur species and explaining how the park came to life in the modern world. Some of the descriptions...

Decameron’s Lesson for the 21 Century

My favorite Decameron stories are the ones presented in the First day. They appeal to me because they deconstruct the church’s authority. At the time of Decameron’s writing, the Church was probably the most important aspect of life for Europeans, rivalling kings in authority. The Pope, monks, priests were regarded...

The Meaning of Fairy Tales in Adult Life

Children love fairy tales, which is not surprising as books contain worldly wisdom, allowing them to find a way out of many life situations and in an accessible form explaining the structure of this world. Many of the world-famous fairy tales were initially written for adult readers. Only transformed and...

“iGen” by Jean Twenge

The first chapter of Twenge’s book is titled “In no hurry: Growing up slowly.” The primary theme is that the iGen is taking longer to become adults. Essentially, Twenge is convincing the readers that, comparing to the previous groups, people who were born between 1995 and 2012 remain dependent on...

The Concept of Morality as Portrayed in the Novel “Sula” by Toni Morrison

The novel ‘Sula’ focuses on the lives of blacks soon after they were freed from slavery. They formed a community, The Bottom, and tried to lead normal lives, struggling to meet their daily needs. The novel focuses on various themes such as black-white relations, the fear of death, deceit, slavery,...

Hedda Gabler’s Relationships with the Men in Her Life

Introduction Hedda Gabler is a play written by ‘the father of modern drama’, Norwegian playwriter Henrick Ibsen, in the last half of the 19th century. The play reveals the lifestyle and thoughts of a desperate housewife, who is limited by Victorian values. He has to marry a man without loving...

Edwin Arlington’s “Richard Cory” Poem Analysis

Introduction The author skillfully springs a surprise on his unsuspecting audience when Richard Cory violently ends his life. The ironic contrast created highlights certain facts about life. For instance, it is virtually impossible to identify events happening within a person by looking at external features. In addition, the people society...

“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin: Reality of Marriage

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour raises mixed and confused thoughts. In the short story, a woman experiences the sincere grief because her husband died, but eventually, it turns out that she is undergoing the best period of her life from now on. However, this epiphany turns out to...

“The Art of Racing in the Rain” and “A Dog’s Purpose”: Comparison

Introduction To be truly happy, an individual should have or, at least, seek a genuine value that makes his or her life full-fledged and gives it a significant meaning. Undoubtedly, one of such worth is unconditional, real, and sincere love that can be manifested in different forms, including friendship, intimate...

Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art” Poem Analysis

Poets and writers use numerous literary devices, ways of building rhyme, and rhythm to convey the message of their compositions to readers. Elizabeth Bishop is also one of these authors as her poetry is filled with various elements to create form and context for sharing her personal experience and ideas....

On Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”

Ursula Le Guin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” in allegorical form addresses the topics of exploitation and social injustice. It describes a city where the happiness of many depends on the suffering of a child, which mirrors the structure of many modern societies founded on exploitation....

Rip Van Winkle and Anton Rosicky: Similarities Between the Two Characters

Introduction The paper focuses on singling out the similarities between two famous short story characters: Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle from “Rip Van Winkle” and Willa Cather’s Anton Rosicky from “Neighbour Rosicky.” The main emphasis is made on such features pertaining to the two men as independence, intelligence, and life...

Wiesel’s “Night” Reveals the Evil Inherent in Humanity

As one might expect from a book written by an eyewitness of the Holocaust who barely escaped death at concentration camps, Night by Elie Wiesel deals with the subject of evil in much detail. The teenage author’s encounters with SS soldiers and the personnel of the death camps provide more...

Twyla and Roberta’s Friendship in Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif”

The story recounts the friendship of two girls, Twyla and Roberta who meet at the St. Bonny’s shelter after being abandoned by their families. Their relationship experiences both ups and downs highlight the dynamics of their respective characters as well as external circumstances. At first, they dislike each other given...

“The Plague” by Albert Camus Critique

The biggest problem of our life is its ending. However, this can happen either when the time comes or undesirable due to some disease. The Plague is a perfect representation of a horror that took many people’s lives. The book represents the circumstances that a town in Algeria had to...

Symbolism Used by Hawthorn to Support the Theme of “Young Goodman Brown”

“Young Goodman Brown,” a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is surrounded by the historical context of Puritan New England. Even though the historical events are not central to the literary work, they significantly define the main themes and issues addressed by the author. “Young Goodman Brown” tells a story of...

Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”: Empathy as the Key

Introduction Change is one of the concepts that appear both thrilling and frightening to people at the same time. However, even during the most drastic change, those who can keep their humanity intact are capable of surviving the challenge of transformation and even turning it into something beautiful. Examining the...

Theme of Ambition in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

Ambition is the elementary factor in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The author has used Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to explore the concept of purpose in Macbeth. The two characters’ ambitions and downfall are the key storylines which the author illustrates. Besides, the desire of control by Lady Macbeth...

Authority, Resistance, and Submission in Literature

Introduction Literature has always been as much a commentary on society as an examination of human nature. Political authority and resistance against it have become a central theme of many literary works that attempt to ascribe the relations of power between structures, societies, and its subjects. Such works can inspire...

Literary Analysis “The Leavers” by Lisa Ko

Introduction The given literary analysis will primarily focus on The Leavers by Lisa Ko, which narrates the story of an abandoned child and his search for belonging. The main character is Daniel or Deming, whose mother is Polly Guo. The narrative focuses on the continuous abandonment of the protagonist, which...

Odyssey. Influence on World Literature

The Odyssey is a world literature masterpiece, one of the two epic poems written by Homer. It was composed around the 8th century BC, and its plot focuses on Odysseus’s journey home after the Troy’s fall. This essay aims at analyzing several peculiarities of The Odyssey that show its significance...

Susanna Kaysen’s Girl, Interrupted Story Analysis

Introduction Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen was first published in 1993 and is an autobiographical account of the author during her period in the psychiatric ward. The storyline follows Kaysen’s voluntary admission into the McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, when she was eighteen years old. Kaysen reflects on her life...

Hamlet’s Letter to a Friend

Dear Cornelius, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirit. Alas, I cannot say so about myself at the moment. I cannot possibly explain what heartbreaking and unfortunate news awaited thy loyal friend Hamlet upon his returning home. You are my kindred spirit and the only...

Human Nature in “The Scarlet Letter” and “Moby-Dick”

Introduction The books Scarlet Letter’ and ‘Moby Dick’ were the most engaging during the literature course. Both books are rich in themes concerning human nature. Although the books have been set in a different previous era, their contents are very appealing considering the similarity of human nature during that period...

Artaud and Brecht Comparison. Woyzeck by Buchner

Undoubtedly, theater is great art serving vital purposes; however, these purposes can vary. In order to explain them, it is necessary to resort to the recognized authorities in the field. The analysis of the concepts of theater by Artaud and Brecht promises nontrivial results due to their different philosophical grounds...

Character’s Identity in Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Literature has often been described as the representation of human life and his social, cultural, religious and ethical backgrounds. One can consider Macbeth, as a Shakespearean play and Tess of the D’Urbervilles, as a Hadrian novel. Literary works of most of the writers demonstrate various identity based concepts such as...

Metafiction on the Example of Works of Literature

Introduction Analyzing postmodernism, its description is often examined through such literary phenomenon as metafiction. Metafiction can be defined as a fiction that makes the readers realize and acknowledge the nature and the meaning of the process of creating the fiction. Self-reflectiveness makes the reality of the texts, the author, and...

“1984” by G.Orwell, “Catch-22” by J.Heller Compared

Introduction Living in this world which is a complex of different processes influenced by people, it is difficult to understand for what people live, how they live. The most interesting thing is that this world is created by people also and people create everything they struggle against after. People create...

“Beowulf”: Cultural Elements of the Anglo-Saxon Piece of Literature

The literature inheritance leaves many works that reflect the history and culture of people that lived in that period. While studying the cultural and social conditions we come across some peculiar feature of each peoples and subconsciously identify them with new character traits of the modernized society. In that regard,...

Interpretation of Legend in W. S. Merwin’s “Odysseus”

In human life the idea if home occupies one of the leading positions in the hierarchy of traditional values. The famous proverb “There is no place like home” reflects the uniqueness and importance of the place to human heart. The emotional value of home becomes especially apparent in situations when...

«Hills Like White Elephants» by Ernest Hemingway

Hills like White Elephants is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway. This work is a real masterpiece being rich in various themes and concepts. The author managed to create an atmosphere of sophisticated relationships and family metamorphosis. He strived to depict a kind of conflict between hedonism and personal...

F. Scott Fitzgerald “Tales of the Jazz Age”

One of the great novelists of the American literature, F. Scott Fitzgerald has been a success in the shorter form of fiction as well. Fitzgerald’s short story “The Jelly-Bean” in the novella “Tales of the Jazz Age” confirms his literary merit as a successful narrator. An analysis of the short...

Braithwaite’s “English Gentlewoman” and Webster’s “The Duchess of Malfi”

Introduction John Webster’s works give an idea that powerful women were an anomaly in the XVI and XVII centuries. Indeed, during the early modern period, powerful women were not welcome in society, they were considered to be unnatural and dangerous. Female dominance could not be accepted as it symbolized social...

Education in “Mansfield Park” by Jane Austen

Introduction In the modern world today, the term education is viewed differently than in the past centuries. This versatile word today was limited only to one aspect, which is mostly meant the process of gathering information. However, education was considered. Differently, a statement the audience can authenticate reading novels that...

Barker’s Regeneration & Plath’s The Bell Jar: Compare & Contrast Essay

Introduction Literature is usually regarded as a guide, which leads us throughout the realities of life, impacts our conclusions, and permeates our cultural consciousness. It is in the literature that we find our characters; we find the evidence of our pasts and an expectation for our potential. It is literature...

Protagonist in Death of a Salesman: Character Analysis

Introduction The Death of a Salesman portrays a life story of Willy and his son Biff, their life expectations and hopes. In this play, Arthur Miller depicts contradiction between industrial society and personal values, false dreams and inability to understand and find his place in this society. Willy Loman is...

The Judgment of Paris in The Iliad: Analysis

The Iliad belongs to a number of the most famous ancient poems devoted to conflicts between states. Numerous references present the work’s characteristics, making it a popular research subject in cultural studies to Greek legends. Among the codes that are related to the events described in the Iliad, there is...

“The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which was first published in 1925. The work is a recognized classic of American literature with the characteristic idea of that era – a dream that transforms into a tragedy eventually. Detailed characters and the irony of human relationships...

“Mother to Son” Monologue by Langston Hughes

Introduction It should be noted that the dramatic monologue “Mother to Son” written by Langston Hughes is quite short but meaningful. The writing reveals a situation in which a mother is giving advice to her son. In addition, the woman encourages her child to not give up in the face...

William Stafford’s “Traveling Through the Dark” Poem

Introduction William Bradford’s “Traveling through the Dark” seems to present its setting in the very title, but further analysis of the poem allows discerning that the “dark” has two shades of meaning. The direct connotation of the dark is the time of the day when the events are happening. The...

Symbolism in “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Introduction People can find symbolism everywhere in their daily life and, especially, in literature. Each person can interpret symbols in their own way, depending on how they look at them. In books, symbols are utilized to make the story deeper and allow a reader to understand the author’s purposes and...

Ancient Greek Tragedies: Agamemnon, Antigone and Bacchae

The Agamemnon Agamemnon, one of Aeschylus’ greatest work, is a classic Greek Tragedy. This play shows the extension of a curse that was on the house of Atreus. The time setting for this play is the end of the Trojan War, and King Agamemnon’s come back. The play entails the...

Ximen Qing in “Jin Ping Mei” Novel by L. X. Sheng

Ximen Qing was born to a family of a person who sold medical herbs (Roy, 1997). Very often Ximen assisted his father in his shop and as a child he was accustomed to work. Nevertheless, his father was not a very rich man, and since early childhood Qing understood that...

Important Events in the Epic of Gilgamesh

Chain of events: Epic of Gilgamesh Summary Generally, the entire event in Gilgamesh starts with a journey and makes the journey more important. All journeys provided in Gilgamesh reflect his inner flight to become altruistic and loyal king. The hero is obliged to set off on a journey or mission...

Themes in “Housekeeping” by Marilynne Robinson

Introduction Housekeeping is a novel written by Marilynne Robinson and first published in 1980. It is a story of two orphan girls who decide to break away from the static and sleepy existence within a remote town in Idaho, and are met with a dangerous lack of understanding from fellow...

Marriage in “Popular Mechanics” by Raymond Carver

Introduction The author’s desire to convey topical and vital issues of modern society is often one of the primary goals of literature. The ability to reflect the problem as sharply and clearly as possible is an indicator of the writer’s talent, and if readers can appreciate the creative message of...

“Cosmopolis” a Novel by Don DeLillo

The story of Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo is about the final day in the life of Eric Packer, a billionaire financial trader. The story is set in 2000 on “A Day in April” as delineated before the beginning of part 1 of the story (DeLillo 3). The novel opens with...

“The Scar” Story by Amy Tan

Introduction The short story, Scar, is about An-Mei Hsu who is the main character. Her mother had deserted the family and married a rich merchant as a concubine and the fourth wife. When her father died, her brother and she were forced to live with their relatives. The grandmother, Popo,...

Quotes from “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie

“Inside our house, each family member existed as a separate paragraph, but still had genetics and common experiences to link us.” When Sherman Alexie began to learn reading, he discovered the usage of paragraphs in writing. He understood that it was “a fence that held words…that worked together for a...

“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer’s novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is based around the concept of how humans imagine the world, how they dream, and how they invent. However, the story of the nine-year-old Oscar Schell is much more about the story of invention and imagination. With the setting taking place...

“Technics and Civilization” by Lewis Mumford

Tombstone Title of the book: Technics and Civilization. Author: Lewis Mumford. Publisher, date of publication: Routledge & Keagan Paul Ltd., 1934. How the book was obtained: The book was obtained using an internet search. It was found in the form of a PDF. Author’s Background Lewis Mumford was a world-renowned...

Perseus and Moses Heroes’ Journey Pattern

Introduction Myths and legends are an important part of the legacy of the past, and it is critical to be able to analyze them to gain a better understanding of the cultural heritage of a particular person. This paper provides an analysis of two heroic figures from the mythology/religion of...

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare

The play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare is characterized by comedy, farce and humor that are present throughout the play. It is mainly based on love, magic, mistaken identity and the sudden reversal of relationships. Act I begins with a scene where Duke Theseus is conversing with his bride....

“Catch” by Robert Francis and “Easter Wings” by George Herbert

Two poems written by Robert Francis and George Herbert are separated by more than three centuries of the literature process. These aspects influenced the style of writing and the peculiarities of the poetic language. Nevertheless, it is still possible to determine the main differences and similarities in Francis’s “Catch” and...

“The Recess Queen” a Book by Alexis O’Neill

Summary of the story The recess queen story is about recess and playing with other children. The book is about schoolyard bully who is lightened through gentleness and friendship. The Mean Jean is regarded as the recess queen in the story as depicted in the words, “Mean Jean the Recess...

William Shakespearean Comedy “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (henceforth referred to as MND) is one of the most popular Shakespearean comedies, most frequently performed on stage. The play has undergone numerous changes since 1595 when William Shakespeare penned it. The play has been performed on stage as a musical, or ballet, and off course...

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson Literature Analysis

This “Who Moved My Cheese” essay explores Dr. Spencer Johnson’s short story and its characters. Check it out if you need to write a “Who Moved My Cheese” summary essay or a literary analysis. Introduction This book was written by one of the world re-known management expert Dr. Spencer Johnson....

“El Señor Presidente” by Miguel Angel Asturias

Introduction El Señor Presidente (Mister President) is a landmark text in Latin American literature authored by Guatemalan diplomat and writer Miguel Angel Asturias (1899 – 1974) as it details the nature of political dictatorship and its impacts on the society. The award winning work, originally written in Spanish, tells the...

“Beowulf” and “The Lord of the Rings” Literary Comparison

The Two Protagonists Can Help to Trace Changes Beowulf is one of the most influential works in the English literature. The book has inspired numerous authors. Tolkien was also inspired by the great epic. His famous book The Lord of the Rings can be regarded as a kind of the...

“Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare

The theme of disguise is heavily used in the 12th night, and at some point, almost all the character end up wearing some disguise or other with the most overt example being Viola who convinces everyone that she is a man by dressing like one. The focus of this paper...

Father-Son Relationship in Night by Eli Wiesel

Father-Son Relationship in Night: Introduction The novel “Night” provides a detailed account of the author’s experience during the holocaust. The story revolves around the story of Eliezer (Eli) Wisel, the author, and his Jewish family during the holocaust. Specifically, the relationship between Eli and his father moves from a common...

“Chronicle of a Death Foretold” by Gabriel García Márquez

Introduction Chronicle of a Murder Foretold, a book by Gabriel Garcia Márquez, examines the idea of responsibility concerning crime and justice. Márquez depicts the intricate network of components that lead to the murder of Santiago Nasar, a young man wrongfully accused of stealing Angela Vicario’s virginity, using various literary devices....

Supernatural in Sophocles Oedipus and Shakespeare’s Macbeth

The element of supernatural forces’ influence is often featured in literary works because it helps authors emphasize the story’s meaning. However, the stories that focus on exploring the events foretold by prophecies use supernatural elements as the main driver of the plot and draw attention to how insignificant people are...

“Death of Salesman” by Arthur Miller: Play Review

American dramatist Arthur Miller wrote about the moral predicament of the working class. Playwright David Ives uses the last twenty-four hours of his protagonist’s life as a montage of dreams and recollections to explore the theme of identity loss. The play’s central plot revolves around the American Dream. Many people...

The “Patriotism” Short Story by Yukio Mishima

The story Patriotism by Yukio Mishima reflects the ideas of loyalty and sacrifice portrayed with consideration for human feelings and relationships. The events described during the scene are not unambiguous, as they reflect several perceptions of the main characters. At the same time, the story plot represents the direct path...

Symbolism in Dickinson’s Poem “Dew’Is the Freshet in the Grass”

Introduction The richness and imagery of Emily Dickinson’s poetry are revealed in numerous works that, despite being written in the 19th century, are still relevant. The variety of literary devices used by the poetess makes it possible to evaluate her talent and identify the characteristic features that distinguish her style...

Roald Dahl: Biography Main Points

Roald Dahl is one of the renowned authors. Dahl was named after a Norwegian scientist. Roald spent his boyhood in Oslo, Norway. His father died when he was four. Roald Dahl: Life Dahl’s initial school was Llandaff Cathedral School. Roald finished his education at Repton. Roald became Shell Petroleum Corporation...

Existentialism in “The Metamorphosis” and “Donnie Darko”

Existentialism is the philosophical theory identifying a man as the only responsible person for his development. Many pieces of literature and cinematography masterpieces depict a man who dictates his life purpose and decisions by himself, highlighting man’s freedom in actions. Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and Kelly’s Donnie Darko are two examples...

Chopin’s “Story of an Hour”: Relevance Today

It is important to note that “The Story of an Hour,” written by Kate Chopin, is an example of classical storytelling embedded in the reflection of the societal forces, assumptions, constructs, and context. In sum, the story focuses on the Mallard family, where the husband is presumed to be dead,...

Attitudes of “My Left Foot” by Christy Brown

“My left foot” is an autobiography of Christy Brown written in 1954. Brown was diagnosed with an incurable disability but lived a productive life thanks to intelligence and the ability to control his left foot. Despite being born with the disability of cerebral palsy, Brown, thanks to various attitudes as...

“Building a Bridge” by S.Bock Review

The chosen reading is Bock’s “Building a bridge: Founded by marine veteran-turned-actor, arts in the Armed Forces seeks to unite military, theater communities.” Bock has overviewed the activity and benefits of the non-profit organization Arts in the Armed Forces (AITAF). This topic is described through the stories and interviews of...

Analysis of the Theme of Love in Literature

In world practice, there is probably no other topic, common, provocative, diverse, or centuries-old, as love or its absence. Hence, it is essential to consider how different authors have described love. Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway, depicts the story of a man and a female waiting for a...

The Ending of the Lucy Book by Jamaica Kincaid

Jamaica Kincaid is one of the most significant Antiguan-American authors of the present day. Kincaid focuses heavily on the colonial project’s effect in all of her writings, a project from which her country has suffered much in the past (Samirah 124). This paper focuses on the evaluation of the significance...

“Great Ideas Why I Write” by George Orwell

In his article, George Orwell details his childhood and early dreams of becoming a writer. He talks about his first poems and plays and how hardy and quick he was as a writer in his youth (Orwell, Great Ideas Why I Write (Penguin Great Ideas)). For George Orwell from childhood,...

“Gimp: When Life Deals You a Crappy Hand…” by Mark Zupan

Introduction It is easy to say that there are no hopeless situations, that the most important thing is not to give up, and that people should believe that the best days are ahead. However, when trouble happens in real life, very few people find the courage to keep on fighting...

Marxist View of “Mary Poppins” Novel by Travers

Mary Poppins can be viewed from the point of view of Marxism as there are aspects such as social class, bourgeoisie, and proletariat. Earp (2021) notes that this piece is rife with hidden socialist ideas. The central figure, nanny Mary Poppins, is a representative of the proletariat. Chimney sweep Bert...

“The Vanishing Half” by Britt

The Vanishing Half is a multi-generational, multi-geographic story that jumps back and forth between the 1950s and the late 1990s, and from Mallard, a small, light-skinned community, to New Orleans and the Northern States. The novel covers, among others, the topics of colorism and the ways in which it affects...

Lon Po Po Analysis and Comparison

Even though Red Riding Hood’s tale is universally recognizable, it has many versions that have both shared and different features. Its Chinese variant, Lon Po Po, can be considered the most distinguishing interpretation of the familiar idea. Thus, the essay will comment on what differences and similarities Lon Po Po...

Sophocles’ Oedipus: An Analysis of a Tragic Hero

Oedipus Rex is a tragedy since it satisfies Aristotle’s criteria for a tragic hero in Poetics. The protagonist of a classic tragedy of a heroic and noble person whose downfall is triggered by a defect in his character. His frailty causes him to become caught in events that overwhelm him,...

Symbols Analysis in “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid

When the mother instructs her child on the household rules of behavior, it demonstrates her inquisitive character. She understands how to cooperate with others. She demands the attention of her family members and the rest of the population. She loves her child and advises her not to be irresponsible with...

“Bears” Short Story by Matthew MacKenzie

Trying to adapt the format to a traditional theater seems ridiculous, game-moving through different landscapes, clever avoidance of trackers, and genre demands when production and audience are trapped. How simulating the heightened tension is commonplace for a limited number of people time? How the main message and theme are delivered...

Freedom in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried

Generally acknowledged as one of the most preeminent pieces of Vietnam War Literature, Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried portrays the raw and sincere image of war through short linked stories completely refrained from political aspects. Although there is no defined storyline in the book, it is compensated by the...

The Story “The King of the Bingo Game” by Ralph Ellison

In “The King of the Bingo Game,” Ralph Ellison presents an unnamed protagonist, an African American man, whose life is characterized by economic and social struggles. In particular, the black man makes tireless efforts to survive, while at the same time, seeking recognition in an environment that is hostile to...

A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe Review

The literary canon concept is used to describe the most valuable and influential texts of a particular time. The current paper argues that a short story “A Man of the People” written by a Nigerian novelist, Chinua Achebe, should be included in the literary canon to be taught as part...

Narrative Point of View in “Stranger Things” and “Macbeth”

Introduction The story knowledge is delivered to the viewer through a series of symbolic, operational, and discursive cues. A story may be told using a sequence of written or spoken words, still or moving pictures, or some combination of these. According to Blair and McCormack, “the primary elements of a...

“Yellow Face” by David Henry Hwang

There are two most likely reasons why the author is telling this story. To begin with, since it is a semi-autobiographical drama, the events described in it may be divided into those that happened to Hwang and those that did not. Thus, creating this play is a unique way for...

Independent Child Hero in Coraline Novel by Gaiman

Introduction The book Coraline mainly focuses on courage among children, as depicted by Neil Gaiman. Neil Gaiman’s children’s novel, Coraline, is about a tale of a child and mother, belonging, and the variances between reality and fantasy. After Coraline moved into a new apartment located in a remote area, she...

The Theme of Destiny in Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

It is challenging to understand unique characteristics and shape self-identity when actions are dictated to people and there is no basic freedom. Never Let Me Go is a story about a world where humans are cloned then told to donate organs when they become adults. The main character of the...

Implications of Fiction for Children

Introduction Fiction is a genre of literature that involves invented characters, they are usually in prose and are primarily novels. Children’s fiction has been used over time, and the question of what impact it had on their lives arose. The parents reading The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires to...

Cortazar’s “The Devil’s Drool” vs. Marquez’s “Big Mama’s Funeral”

The protagonist of the story The Devil’s Drool, Roberto Michel, a Chilean living in Paris, accidentally takes a strange picture, depicting a woman seducing an inexperienced youth. The appearance of the photographer gives the guy the opportunity to escape, but the card begins to live its own life, and a...

Life in the Iron Mills by Davis: Realism and Sentimentalism

In Life in the Iron Mills by Davis (1861), the possible function of mixing two modes of fiction is to highlight the moral importance of the story for readers while making it very real to the audience. Being focused on the truthful representations of life, realism supports the author in...

Jig’s Final Decision in “Hills Like White Elephants”

“Hills Like White Elephants,” written in 1927, is a classic example of a short story by Ernest Hemingway. The story is just 1,469 words long and, at first glance, retells to the reader a little dialogue between Jig and the American waiting for the train. Nevertheless, the author managed to...

Gender and Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

The gender concept is clearly out of its traditional context in Macbeth’s storyline. For example, in Macbeth’s marriage, Lady Macbeth’s usurpation of the dominant role is often reflected in disruption because she controlled and dictated her husband’s actions on various occasions. Furthermore, through the couple of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth,...

Mrs. Hale in “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

Introduction Mrs. Hale is the protagonist of Susan Glaspell’s Trifles, and her actions as such constitute the main driving force of the plot. She is involved in both person vs. person and person vs. society conflicts, as she opposes patriarchy on an individual level and then realizes the need for...

American Dream in “Their Eyes Were Watching God”

The American Dream is one of the founding concepts of the United States, yet it takes on different forms. As each person perceives the world differently, one may have particular desires and aspirations that do not correspond with the majority’s view. In “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” Zora Neale Hurston...

Exploring the Context of LI-Young Lee’s “Mnemonic”

Introduction Li-Young Lee is an American poet with a Chinese background, which would usually define his work and themes. Yet, Lee is not merely an immigrant to the United States, but rather he represents transcendentalism, a belief in the rejection of cultural affiliations. His poetry reflects his complicated life, with...

Shakespeare’s “Sonnet CXXX” Analysis

Love poems are usually filled with admiration for the author and exaltation of his or her romantic feelings, or vice versa, with the pain and despair of the cruelty of love. However, Shakespeare’s “Sonnet CXXX” has no such elements that make the reader doubt its sincerity. This sonnet can be...

“Othello” by Shakespeare: Desdemona as a Strong Character

Women have always played central roles in literature as they impacted the development of the plot, motivated main characters, and affected their actions. However, because of the patriarchal system of values and the adherence to the stereotypic perspective on females’ duties and rights, their position in stories was mainly passive....

The Story “Everything Is Far from Here” by Christina Henriquez

Separating the mother from her son is one of the most powerful techniques that Henriquez uses to demonstrate the horror of American immigration policy. The confusion and fear of the woman captured by guards are presented vividly and acutely, and the very topic of separation hurts the reader’s consciousness significantly....

“Learning to Read and Write” by Frederick Douglass: Rhetorical Methods and Techniques

Introduction Literary works are a unique form that allows the reader to fully convey the palette of emotions, experiences, and properties that the writer sought to put in the texts. For this purpose, authors tend to use various artistic techniques to capture and transform the audience’s attention, but most importantly,...

Hemingway’s Lessons in “The Old Man and the Sea”

The Old Man and the Sea is the last complete work published by Ernest Hemingway, a genius author who won both the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize in a matter of a couple of years. His novella about an old fisherman named Santiago is an example of the masterful...

William Shakespeare’s “Othello, the Moor of Venice”: An Aristotelian Tragedy

Introduction William Shakespeare’s play, Othello, the Moor of Venice, describes tragedy using Othello as the protagonist. Othello is a Moorish soldier in the Venetian army who is highly qualified and respected. In the play, he finds himself in several tragedies resulting from racial discrimination, envy, love, and infidelity. Other characters...

“Parable of the Sower” by Octavia E. Review

Introduction Within the current state of government and society order, it is difficult to predict the future regarding the abundance of current issues that can jeopardize a better future. The current civilization should consider the specific laws and ways of living in order to set to ensure a bright future...

Connie and Arnold in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates

The fascination with death, darkness, and moral corruption seems intrinsic to the human experience. Macabre areas of life attract substantial attention, especially in works of fiction – Joyce Carol Oates’s “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” belong to this category. The explanations for the phenomenon could be found...

Who or What Is Responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s Deaths?

Romantic love stories typically end with a blissful moment, but it is not the case in Romeo and Juliet, the author of which preferred a tragedy rather than a happy ending. William Shakespeare puts a different vision of a love story by writing his most famous play Romeo and Juliet....

The Importance of Social Class Showed in Two Novels

Social class and status were extremely important during the Victorian era. People did not have a chance to climb to the top if they were born into a lower class. Poor and less educated people remained the members of their class for life. A person’s belonging to a certain social...

The novel “A Man of the People”

Introduction The novel A Man of the People was first published in 1966 by Chinua Achebe, who depicted a wide range of problems concerning the corrupted nature of politics, power, and greed. Despite its date of publication, the novel presents a high relevance even these days due to the acute...

Man vs. Society Conflict in ”The Lottery” by S. Jackson

Arguably, the main drive of “The Lottery” involves man vs. society conflict. It occurs when the protagonist has a distinct belief against many community members. The majority of them see the individual as the antagonist, whose aim is to violate the stipulated norms and ways of life. In the short...

Oedipus Versus Hamlet: Resilience in Characters

Introduction Resilience as the ability to hold onto one’s beliefs despite the odds that the world may throw at a person is one of the traits that appeal particularly strongly to readers in characters. Of all characters that possess the specified quality, Hamlet and Oedipus seem to represent the quality...

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Stowe

Introduction What if someone told you, that the Civil War was started by a simple book? Uncle Tom’s Cabin or Life Among the Lowly was written by the American author Harriet Beecher Stowe, who was a teacher and prominent abolitionist. Published in 1852, the novel gained widespread popularity and became...

The Maintenance of Solidarity in Ousmanes’ “God’s Bits of Wood”

Introduction “God’s Bits of Wood” is a book that was released in 1960 just when Senegal had achieved independence. This probably has a historical significance i.e. a strong theme that stresses on unity is emphasized probably because of its importance by then, specifically so when it come towards building the...

A Modest Proposal: Jonathan Swift’s Political Satire

Introduction Jonathan Swift’s political satire, A Modest Proposal, introduces an extreme and appalling plan for reducing the financial burden Irish children had upon their poor families and society as a whole. There is much criticism in this political satire that is directed toward the landlords, government, and wealthy citizens of...

“Journey Home” by Yoshiko Uchida

Yoshiko Uchida’s Journey Home is written about a Japanese American family which undergoes various hurdles during their way back to home. The author Yoshiko Uchida herself belonged to an immigrant family. The novel is an autobiographical account of Uchida who saw the horrors of the aftermath of the Second World...

Different Points of View

First person point of view uses a personal approach and generally employs the pronoun “I” or “we”. It is less formal, and often contains some personal opinion, though it may be supported with evidence. First person viewpoint may be used in most types of essays. However, the aim of the...

Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut

Introduction Conscience functions as a judge in one’s mind and thus plays a great role in defining individuals’ behavior. It also helps one to differentiate what is right and wrong. Conscience is a universal inner feeling that shows one the standards of laws required of them, which gets embedded in...

Symbols and Metaphors in the “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess’s full names are Theodor Seuss Geisel. The American writer as well as a cartoonist lived in the period between 1904 and the year 1991. Dr. Suess became famous for specializing in children’s books where he has published over sixty books. His writings are notably characterized by the use...

Creation Myth of the Iroquois Analysis

Every culture on Earth has developed some form of creation myth to explain how they came to be and how they were placed in their environment. This myth typically explains how the land they stand on was formed, how the creatures and plants on this land were made and how...

Gwendolyn Brooks and Langston Hughes: Poetry Comparison

Introduction Within a single lifetime, the United States has gone from a nation that openly and legislatively discriminated against a group of people based upon their race through the upheaval of the Civil Rights Movement to a society that elects a man of mixed races to the highest office available....

Emily Dickinson’s Poetry Analysis

Emily Dickinson was a famous American poet. She was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a brilliant family with respectable community ties. Despite that, she lived rather a solitary and isolated life. After graduating from the Amherst Academy, she entered a Mount Holyoke Female Seminary and returned home to Amherst. She...

Unhappy Marriage in “The Story of an Hour” by K. Chopin

Choplin’s story is set in a time when many females were supposed to play the role of a housewife and a homemaker. This was a time where roles for females and males were defined by society such as women took care of the house while the man was responsible for...

“Crimes Against Logic” by Jamie Whyte

Jamie Whyte is considered to be the author of the book Crimes against Logic reflecting the bogus arguments of journalists, politicians, priests, and many other offenders. The author tried to represent a number of logical fallacies faced in everyday life; he managed to provide a cutting and witty guide to...

John A Garraty on Great Depression Review

Introduction John A. Garraty is considered to be an outstanding American historian who devoted his life to the presidency of the American Historians Society. He is a significant writer; Garraty is the author of several historical books disclosing the facts of American National Biography. One of the most prominent works...

“The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Alan Poe

Introduction Edgar Alan Poe is famous worldwide as a skillful writer of psychological prose dealing with the depths of the human soul. However, his works can be considered from the sociological, and especially Marxist, point of view. Depicting the lives of human beings, Edgar Alan Poe manages to describe the...

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen: Nora as a Victim

It is undeniable that life for women during the Victorian period was very different from life for women living today. With the growth of the Industrial Revolution, women were able to find more opportunities to support themselves without remaining dependent on men, particularly within the cities. However, success was not...

Sassoon: Binary Vision and Repression Trench Experience

Introduction and Thesis statement Siegfried Sassoon is regarded as the preeminent war poet of the 20th Century. His works offer graphic narratives of the violence and brutality of war. What is ironic is that his background of wealth and privilege was about as far from the destitution of war that...

S. Armand’s Lesson and the Horror Genre

The key element in horror fiction is its ability to provoke fear or terror in readers with a sense of dread, unease, anxiety, or foreboding. A horror fiction may contain highly improbable and unexpected sequences of events that usually begin in ordinary situation and involve supernatural elements; explore dark, malevolent...

“The Spanish Tragedy” Play by Thomas Kyd

The theme of revenge frozen the blood of every person. But only writers in their literary works can present all experiences of the soul of this human vice. A famous English dramatist Thomas Kyd wrote his well-known psychological masterpiece The Spanish Tragedy. By this work of literature, he tried to...

Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath Analysis Essay

Introduction The Wife of Bath’s Tale is considered to be a disclosure of the female role in the society in the period of Late Middle Ages. The Wife of Bath starts in King Arthur’s days; this period was characterized by the great majority of elves and fairies. The story is...

Alan Paton’s “Cry, The Beloved Country” Analysis

Introduction Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton (Paton, 1948) is a classic story of South African apartheid in the years after World War II. The story is about a Stephen Kumalo a Black pastor who is searching for his son Absalom in Johannesburg. The son has been charged with...

The Canterbury Tales: The Knight’s Tale Analysis

The Canterbury Tales is a book authored by Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 to 1400). The author was well known as a diplomat in the Royal Service, best known for his contribution to the world of literature in the form of writings on various subjects. His work has been notable for the...

Literary Style of Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

The end of the 19th century was marked by a rethinking of the role of women in civil society. It resulted in a movement against discrimination of women in political and economic life. Kate Chopin, an American novelist and short-story writer from St. Louis, was one of the first feminist...

Role of Men and Women in Susan Glaspell’s Play “Trifles”

Introduction There has been a significant change regarding the position that women held in the 19th century and the present-day community. This shift is apparent not only in America but also everywhere around the globe. Susan Glaspell’s play, Trifles, which forms the basis of this paper, reveals the extent to...

“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” is a short story by Ernest Hemingway, portraying three people, different in age and possessed values — an elderly drunk and two waiters. Through the protagonists’ behavior in the café where the story is set, the author expresses the idea that all humans will inevitably...

Punctuation in E. E. Cummings’ “Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town”

E.E. Cummings’ poem “Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town” consists of nine four-line stanzas characterized by a dynamic rhythm and frivolous punctuation. The main theme of the literary piece is the survival of individuality in a hostile world that is biased against uniqueness. The inhabitants of a “pretty how...