“A Blizzard Under Blue Sky” by Pam Houston


The story tells about a young woman, who has been diagnosed with clinical depression. Instead of medication, she chooses to go winter camping. During the trip, the woman takes her two dogs with her. She follows the advice given to her by a friend about winter camping and how to stay warm. At first, the woman questions the validity of her decision, as the scenery does not help her. Moreover, the lady feels guilty for making herself and her dogs endure the extremely low temperatures. That night is extremely uncomfortable for her, as she feels numbness in her feet and torments herself for putting her dogs through the cold. But one calm morning changes everything for the main character. The woman finally finds the peace that she was looking for; even though she acknowledges that it may not seem very special for someone who has experienced far more unusual trips.

Analysis of a quotation

In the last paragraph of the story, the writer uses this line to depict the character’s experience: “The simple truth of the matter is this: On Sunday I had a glimpse outside of the house of mirrors, on Saturday I couldn’t have seen my way out of a paper bag.”(5). From a literal perspective, the phrase “house of mirrors” is used to depict a confusing situation that blurs the line between fantasy and reality. In the context of the story, however, it is used to describe the shift in the character’s mood and how that morning made her feel better. In my opinion, the author uses this line to state that the woman has found the peace and salvation she was looking for. Previously, the character’s depression is depicted with the aforementioned phrase, thus, the author repeats it to accentuate the change in her mood, which has changed from guilt and sorrow to clarity and peace.


While I do not have depression, I do relate to the character using non-medical means as a coping mechanism for her problems. Just like her, I like going outside to see nature whenever I am in a bad mood or feel negatively overwhelmed. Although there are times when this action does not help at all, in most cases it is a wonderful way for me to free my mind from all my worries and problems at least temporarily. That way, both the character and I feel more liberated and peaceful, as we are more focused on the beautiful landscapes around us than our burdens.


I appreciated the understanding of clinical depression in the story. However, I do not approve of the main character’s escapism, as I consider her problem to be rather concerning and alarming. The analogies and idioms used throughout the story make the story feel more vibrant. The use of a pop culture reference (Wonder Woman) is a rather debatable way of depicting a character’s personality, emotions, or actions, as some can sometimes be too complicated to understand unless you are familiar with the character or media being mentioned. In my opinion, this text successfully paints the portrait of escapism. Moreover, it successfully portrays its flaws, as the main character realizes that their mental disorder is something more severe than just a bad day.

Works Cited

Houston, Pam. “A Blizzard Under Blue Sky.” From Cowboys Are My Weakness. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1992.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) '“A Blizzard Under Blue Sky” by Pam Houston'. 14 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "“A Blizzard Under Blue Sky” by Pam Houston." June 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-blizzard-under-blue-sky-by-pam-houston/.


StudyCorgi. "“A Blizzard Under Blue Sky” by Pam Houston." June 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-blizzard-under-blue-sky-by-pam-houston/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "“A Blizzard Under Blue Sky” by Pam Houston." June 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-blizzard-under-blue-sky-by-pam-houston/.

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