Trinity Healthcare’s Internal and External Barriers

Trinity Health is committed to delivering exemplary care services to patients to improve their health outcomes. The organization is driven by the core values of integrity, stewardship, reverence, justice, and safety. The health care facility’s mission plays a leading role in improving the community’s health. Trinity’s mission is to serve together compassionately transform health in the community in the spirit of the Gospel (Trinity Health, n.d.). The vision, mission, and values communicate the health facility’s purpose, strategy development, and commitment to delivering quality patient care.

Trinity faces significant external and internal barriers to its mission, vision, and values that limit efficient health care delivery to patients. Internal barriers limiting Trinity’s determination to improve patient outcomes include cognitive barriers which relate to healthcare information. Cognitive barriers such as differences in language, cultures, and low health literacy disrupt healthcare communication within the facility. The external obstacles to Trinity’s heath efficiency include structural influences such as proximity to the facility in Pennsylvania. Distance and transportation are barriers to patients living in the suburbs who want to access emergency services in the health facility.

Understanding and articulating the characteristics of an organization one wants to work for is essential in having a precise picture of its operation. The characteristics of an organization outline its guiding principles, beliefs, and culture that drive performance and cause it to act in a certain way. Understanding and articulating these characteristics is essential in understanding the expectations and establishing an attachment with the processes and systems of the organization. Articulating the characteristics of the organization one wants to work for shows commitment and passion to being associated with the organization’s vision and mission.


Trinity Health. (n.d.). Mission, Core Values and Vision. 

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