Accreditation and Ethical Issues at Trinity Hospitals: A Comprehensive Review

Interaction with Health Information Experts

Trinity Hospital must consider cooperation with health information experts (HIEs) since the latter will allow improving the quality of the organization’s services extensively. The quality management issue will be addressed by improving several aspects of the agency’s operation. Consequently, the premises for a massive change will be created.

Particularly, the opportunity for improving the documentation processes and managing the patients’ records in a faster and more efficient manner deserves to be mentioned. HIEs will introduce the nursing programs that will help manage the patients’ records faster and, therefore, deliver the relevant information to clinicians and other staff members on time. On a larger scale, the concept promotes interdisciplinary cooperation in the context of the healthcare facility since the data will be made immediately available to all clinicians concerned (Collen & Ball, 2015).

Furthermore, the hospital will be able to establish the communication process with HIEs so that the number of medical errors should be reduced. Seeing that HIEs offer electronic records as the patient data storage, i.e., using a uniform template, the threat of delivering misinterpreted information will be reduced to zero. Consequently, not only will the overall quality of care improve but also the costs for providing the corresponding healthcare services will drop since fewer errors will imply fewer expenses (Yih, 2016).

Therefore, the interaction between the Trinity Hospital and HIEs is crucial. Once building a connection with HIEs, the Trinity Hospital will create the foundation for a new and improved approach to care and the management of patients’ needs. Furthermore, the communication between the staff members will occur at an interdisciplinary level, making the process of meeting the patients’ needs even more successful.

Ethical Standards

Building an ethical foundation on which a healthcare facility will function is a crucial step toward improving the quality of care and creating the environment, in which the staff members will be able to grow both personally and professionally. Thus, the presence of ethical standards is crucial for the organizations such as Trinity Hospital. When considering the ethical principles that define the choices of Trinity Hospital’s staff, one must mention the fact that patient safety is considered the top priority at the identified agency.

For instance, the results of the checks carried out by the Joint Commission indicate that there has been a propensity toward consistent improvement in the management of the patients’ safety needs at Trinity Hospital. Specifically, the introduction of new and safer standards for the procedures related to blood borne pathogens should be mentioned as a graphic representation of addressing the needs of patients regarding their safety. Consequently, crucial ethical standards have been introduced into the hospital setting successfully (Dekker, 2016).

The redesign of the ambulatory care protocol toward a more efficient framework can be considered a step in the direction of promoting ethical standards in the hospital environment. The protocol will provide the basis for improving the quality of care. Therefore, rigid standards for the staff to meet will be set (Battle-Fisher, 2014).

Furthermore, the improvement of the strategies for managing biohazard waste can be deemed as an attempt to establish strong ethical standards in the Trinity Hospital environment. The emphasis on a more responsible attitude toward the management of toxic substances allows embracing a wide range of stakeholders, including not only patients but also the residents of the area, the hospital staff, and environment, in general. Thus, a comprehensible approach toward addressing ethical dilemmas during the decision-making process among the staff members can be promoted.


Battle-Fisher, M. (2014). Application of systems thinking to health policy & public health ethics: Public health and private illness. New York, NY: Springer.

Collen, M. F., & Ball, M. J. (2015). The history of medical informatics in the United States. New York, NY: Springer.

Dekker, S. (2016). Patient safety: A human factors approach. Chicago, IL: CRC Press.

Yih, Y. (2016). Handbook of healthcare delivery systems. Chicago, IL: CRC Press.

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