Major Concepts in Nursing: Exploring Foundations and Innovations in Practice


Nursing practice is associated with various concepts that reflect and help practitioners understand the nature of nursing. Bousso, Poles, and Cruz (2014) note that concepts can be divided into abstract and more concrete. The former group can help nurses improve their practice as the discussion of abstract notions results in the acquisition of knowledge and development of new skills (Dahnke & Dreher, 2015). This paper dwells upon two major concepts that can help nursing professionals remain motivated and skillful.

The Concept of Care

One of the primary concepts of nursing is the concept of care. Nurses should provide high-quality care to patients (Dahnke & Dreher, 2015). Care is generally defined as a set of treatments provided to patients. The core element of care is the administration of certain clinical procedures, but it is equally important to provide psychological and emotional support to the patient. Patients are often vulnerable due to their health conditions and associated changes in their lifestyles and environment. The provision of care involves making patients accustomed to their new conditions. This concept is also related to educating and training. Nurses should train patients to address their health issues. Patients should also know the most important information concerning certain disorders and conditions to be ready to address possible challenges and accommodate to new circumstances.

The Concept of Collaboration

Another concept to be discussed is that of collaboration. The nursing practice involves different kinds of collaboration that is vital for the provision of high-quality healthcare services (Dahnke & Dreher, 2015). Collaboration can be defined as the interaction of individuals or groups of people to achieve certain goals. It is noteworthy that collaboration is manifold. For instance, nurses collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide proper care. Furthermore, collaboration with patients is another important aspect of the concept discussed. The nurse should develop proper relationships with patients to make sure that all guidelines are followed. Nurses also collaborate with patients’ families to receive more details about patients and their needs. Family members can also help nurses encourage patients to follow the developed treatment plan. Finally, collaborating with communities, policy-makers, and other stakeholders are also possible and beneficial for nurses as well as the entire healthcare system.

Five Propositions and Statements

Five propositions and assumptions statements connecting the described concepts can be formulated as follows:

  1. Nurses should motivate other healthcare professionals to collaborate effectively to provide high-quality care to patients.
  2. The concept of care involves collaboration between nursing practitioners and patients as nurses should administer certain procedures and provide treatment while patients should follow the provided guidelines.
  3. The described concepts are based on such principles as respect, patience, empathy, hard work, etc.
  4. Nurses should be involved in the ongoing scholarly discussion through studying and developing peer-reviewed articles on various issues, which can enhance care and collaboration.
  5. Nursing professionals should develop their cultural awareness to make sure that their collaboration with patients will be effective, which will help them provide high-quality care.


On balance, it is necessary to note that nursing concepts help nurses develop and maintain important skills and acquire knowledge. The concepts of care and collaboration are central to nursing practice. These concepts are closely related as the collaboration with different stakeholders enables nurses to provide high-quality care. This collaboration involves interactions between nurses and other healthcare professionals, patients, patients’ families, communities, policy-makers, and so on.


Bousso, R., Poles, K., & Cruz, D. (2014). Nursing concepts and theories. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 48(1), 141-145.

Dahnke, M., & Dreher, H. (2015). Philosophy of science for nursing practice: Concepts and application (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

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