Two Scholarly Articles in Public Administration

The title of the paper is “Social Equity as a Public Administration Issue”; thus, the two articles that have been identified both touch upon the topic of equality and administration. The first article is titled “Social Equity and Evidence: Insights from Local Government.”, and it was written by S. T. Gooden (2017) and published in Public Administration Review in 2017. The second article is “Children of a Lesser God: Administrative Burden and Social Equity in Citizen–State Interactions.” by M. A. Nisar (2018), published in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.

There is a number of factors that, in my opinion, make these two articles scholarly. Firstly, the page length, as well as the list of references in both articles, are quite substantial; in particular, the second article is seventeen pages long. Secondly, there are in-text citations throughout the text in both articles. Thirdly, the authors’ credentials do not raise suspicion – Susan T. Gooden is a professor of public administration and policy in the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University, president of the American Society for Public Administration (2016–17) and a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, while Muhammad A. Nisar is associate professor of public administration & policy at Lahore University of Management Sciences. The articles are divided into sections such as abstract, introduction, research context and methodology, discussion, future directions, conclusion, supplementary material, funding, notes, and references. In addition, there are tables and figures representing the data discussed in the articles. Furthermore, both Public Administration Review and the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory are well-recognized professional peer-reviewed journals that specialize in the field of public administration.


Gooden, S. T. (2017). Social equity and evidence: Insights from local government. Public Administration Review, 77(6), 822-828. Web.

Nisar, M. A. (2018). Children of a lesser god: Administrative burden and social equity in citizen–state interactions. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(1), 104-119. Web.

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