Surgical Nursing Preparation for Students: Review of Foran’s Study

The article written by Foran (2016) presents the results of research aimed at studying the connection between guided practical tasks performed by nursing students and their knowledge related to surgery and the basics of nursing care. The article outlines the results of a quantitative study involving the statistical analysis and a questionnaire. As for the questions that the given study is supposed to answer, the researchers were trying to study the way that future nursing professionals are prepared for practice.

The discussed article defines whether operating room experience has a positive influence on the level of surgical knowledge in future specialists and perceptions of nurse business before and after surgical interference. The sample used by the author of the given article includes more than three hundred nursing students from a few universities in the United States. As for other sample attributes, they are not reported. When it comes to the setting of the study, it is necessary to say that the author was processing the data collected with the help of questionnaires distributed among nursing students from different universities (the names of educational facilities are not presented).

About the findings, the author states that there is a significant connection between the presence of operating room practice in the curriculum of nursing students and their level of knowledge related to surgical nursing. According to the author, nurses who did not have such practice were demonstrating a lack of knowledge of the subject in more than forty percent of cases.


Foran, P. (2016). Undergraduate surgical nursing preparation and guided operating room experience: A quantitative analysis. Nurse Education in Practice, 16(1), 217-224.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, August 4). Surgical Nursing Preparation for Students: Review of Foran’s Study.

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StudyCorgi. "Surgical Nursing Preparation for Students: Review of Foran’s Study." August 4, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Surgical Nursing Preparation for Students: Review of Foran’s Study." August 4, 2021.

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