Hospital Climate and Nurses’ Caring Practices

What were the name and type of measurement method used to measure Caring Practices in the Roch, Dubois, and Clarke (2014) study?

The Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Short Scale (CNPISS) is the name given to the technique used and is adopted in measuring caring practices. The CNPISS tool has 5-point scale ranging from “almost never” to almost always”.

The data collected with the scale were at what level of measurement?

The CNPISS technique adopts a scale interval as the level of measurement because it allows measuring the difference between scores in given data.

What were the subscales included in the CNPISS used to measure RNs’ perceptions of their Caring Practices? Do these subscales seem relevant?

The researchers adopted three subscales, including clinical care, relational care, and comforting care to measure the variables. The three had considerable degree of relevance since they permitted the obtaining the magnitude of differences between the mean values for the five scales. Among the three subscales, the relational care had the least frequency. In addition, using the three is vital in measuring different forms of nursing care with different approaches to augment efficacy and outcome in nursing.

Which subscale for Caring Practices had the lowest mean? What does this result indicate?

Among the three subscales, relational care had the lowest mean. This could be an indication that participants had a higher propensity of carrying out clinical activities and comforting care practices relative to engaging patients.

What were the dispersion results for the Relational Care subscale of the Caring Practices in Table 2? What do these results indicate?

The findings in the relational care subscale had a dispersion that extended from 1.00 to 5.00 while the S.D was 1.01. On the other hand, the subscale of relational care had a mean of 2.90. The results indicate that there was a distribution of score between 1 and 5, where a majority of responses were 2.90 +/- 1.01.

Which subscale of Caring Practices has the lowest dispersion or variation of scores?

Among the three, clinical care had the lowest dispersion of scores. This could be linked the fact that caring practice ranged from 2.44 to 5.0 and had the lowest SD due to contracted distribution around the mean.

Which subscale of Caring Practices had the highest mean? What do these results indicate?

The highest mean was observed in the comfort care subscale, which had a mean of 4.08. This is the indication that the frequency among nurses in carrying out activities around comfort care is approximately 4.08.

What do the Overall rating for Organizational Climate and the Overall rating of Caring Practices indicate?

Comparing the overall ratings, organizational climate had 3.13 with 0.56 SD while caring practices had 3.62 with 0.66 SD. While the first subscale (organizational climate) extended from 1.95 to 5.0, the second subscale (caring practices) stretched from 1.95 to 5.0. The first subscale was adopted in the measuring of participants’ perception of their organization. On the other hand, the second subscale was adopted in the illustration of the regularity and occurrence of participants’ engagement with the patients. It was evident that nurse practitioners assigned score for the first and second subscales that preceded the average 2.5.

The results, therefore, indicate that positive perceptions for the first subscale were more relative negative perceptions while more nurses measured for caring practices with equal regularity. Nevertheless, obtaining a direct comparison between organizational climate scale and care practice scale is difficult since they are adopted in measuring dissimilar outcomes.

The response rate for the survey in this study was 45%. Is this a study strength or limitation?

The response rate is considerably low and, therefore, it could be regarded as a shortcoming of the study. It is imperative to note that the level of bias among the volunteers could significantly be linked to the rate of response and its effect on the study. In the case where all the nurses, including the 55%, participated fully giving their perspectives, the study would different outcomes.

What conclusions did the researchers make regarding the caring practices of the nurses in this study? How might these results affect your practice?

According to the researchers, it could be concluded that the sample members observed the three caring practices. This was linked to the score scale of higher than 2.5%. Moreover, it was apparent that relational care had the least level of frequency among the three subscales used to measure caring approaches.

The findings of the study could affect key aspects of care, especially more engagement in the relational care. This could increase patients’ perception of care and more likely augment outcomes.

Reference List

Roch, G., Dubois, C.-A., & Clarke, S. P. (2014). Organizational Climate and Hospital Nurses’ Caring Practices: A Mixed-Methods Study. Research in Nursing & Health, 37(3), 229–240.

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