Understanding Cultural Background of a Patient

Family and cultural background are one of the most significant parts of a person’s life, as their perception of the world forms out of certain biases that their origins give them. Therefore, certain medical conditions can be related to the cultural background, as in every place, a certain cultural background might cause various dangers to a person’s health. Hence, understanding cultural and family backgrounds is a crucial part of helping people, as a certain part of their struggles can link to their origins.

One of the significant dangers that might come with a certain family ethnicity is drug and substance abuse. For example, African-American families often have a lower medium income compared to other various family ethnicities (Wendy Bartkus, 2018). Medium income defines a lot of things within a family’s conditions, the most important of which are housing, constant accessibility to food and water, and equal relationships with others. If a certain type of family has one of the lowest medium incomes, their situation is directly associated with relatively bad conditions of living. Additionally, bad conditions can significantly affect the mental health of people, and the worsening of mental health at the same time often leads to drug and alcohol abuse. This way, a noticeable link between certain ethical backgrounds and the issue of drug and alcohol abuse can be easily identified.

However, it is always important to remember that despite certain tendencies that can be traceable, each person has their individual situation. Specific family and cultural backgrounds can cause certain struggles, yet there are often deeper reasons present within a case as well. Hence, it is undeniably important to recognize a patient’s cultural and family backgrounds, but it is equally significant to be able to identify additional sources which are affecting a person’s situation.


Wendy Bartkus. (2018). Family Diversity and Substance Abuse [Video]. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Understanding Cultural Background of a Patient." April 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/understanding-cultural-background-of-a-patient/.


StudyCorgi. "Understanding Cultural Background of a Patient." April 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/understanding-cultural-background-of-a-patient/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Understanding Cultural Background of a Patient." April 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/understanding-cultural-background-of-a-patient/.

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