Understanding the Metabolic Function

Describe Metabolism, Catabolism, and Anabolism and Explain Their Role in the Body

The broad definition of metabolism suggests that the subject matter includes the entirety of the processes within a body required to sustain life in an organism. Being extremely complex, metabolism involves multiple stages, one of which is represented by catabolism, namely, the phenomenon of various compounds being processed to release the required energy (Ang, 2016). Anabolism is another part of the metabolic function, which is represented by the development of the compounds mentioned above (Ang, 2016). Thus, each process plays a distinctive role, anabolism representing the process of obtaining the essential nutrients, catabolism implying their further processing, and metabolism encompassing the whole range of chemical reactions and physical processes needed to sustain life in a human body or any other living being.

Discuss the Mechanisms Involved in the Metabolism of Carbohydrates

The processing of carbohydrates is a rather intricate phenomenon that involves several major stages. First, the development of glucose as a product of gluconeogenesis should be mentioned. Additionally, the process involves the creation of poly- and monosaccharides as a result of carbohydrates decomposing only soluble sugars within the body. After the specified substances are formed, they are transported to the respective tissues in which they are required to sustain the necessary levels of energy. The described change launches the process of cellular respiration, implying that cells receive the needed amount of energy and are capable of further functioning (Wildman & Medeiros, 2018). On a larger scale, glucose delivered to the tissues requiring it for their proper functioning allows obtaining the product known as pyruvate owing to the glycolysis stage, during which Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is formed (Wildman & Medeiros, 2018). As a result, multiple cellular processes are fueled by the required supply of energy, allowing the body to maintain its functioning.


Ang, M. (2016). Metabolic response of slowly absorbed carbohydrates in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Springer.

Wildman, R. E., & Medeiros, D. M. (2018). Advanced human nutrition (4th ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC press.

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StudyCorgi. "Understanding the Metabolic Function." January 14, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/understanding-the-metabolic-function/.


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