US: Homeland and Organizational Culture Analysis

The culture of the United States is one of the youngest cultures in the world, but this is not the reason to consider this culture poor and scanty. On the contrary, the culture of the United States, being the embodiment of the western values and culture, is the global culture spread all over the world nowadays. This characterizes it as one of the most important cultures in the history of humanity coupled with the ancient Babylonian, Greek and Roman cultures; the culture which is promoted all over the world by its patriotically determined culture beams.

First, speaking about observable artifacts of the culture of the United States, it should be stated that they are many including American architecture with its Statue of Liberty, the Capitol and the Golden Gate Bridge, American clothing with its cowboy style and easiness of fashion, and American automobile industry with its magnificent shapes and mind-boggling sizes (Berg & Rusinovic, 2007). Of course, among the most important manifestations of American observable artifacts is the Flag of the country known all over the world as the Stars and Stripes.

Next, addressing espoused values of the culture of the United States, it is important to note that the United States is a homeland of the most diversified ways of thinking and mentalities which is explained by the country’s history. Prevailing values in this culture are related to pursuing democratic freedoms. From the very beginning of the country’s formation, its Constitution became a “fidejussor” of democratic values and liberties for the country’s population (Schiavone, 2012). Americans are proud for their legislative system which is considered to be one of the most advanced legal systems in the world. Whenever this system is subjected to certain threats or dangers, American people are ready to fight for their national riches established in the form of democratic laws, and policies.

Further, with regards to enacted values of American culture, the western set of values including obtaining material riches as a primary value for American citizens and efficient use of time are to be addressed. The country is famous for its ideology called “American Dream”. Nowadays, many people in the world along with Americans themselves are fascinated with this idea of working very hard to acquire as much as possible (Helms, Hitt, Schipper & Jones, 2010). People are ready to have more than two jobs to guarantee high level of life for their families and themselves. In addition, it is rather difficult to find the nation in the world putting as much value on time as Americans do. They are ready to do their best in order to buy out the opportune time for some activities that they consider to be important. In addition, people are valued and respected depending on their attitude to time. If a person comes on time and is never noticed to be late, he or she is believed to be a reliable and trustworthy individual.

In conclusion, evaluating the way the above-mentioned functions shape values and culture of the United Sates, it should be stated that the close connection between the visible characteristics of American culture and American mentality can be noticed. People of the United States are known for their liberal way of thinking and industrious spirit. They are ready to work very hard to promote their values all around the world and make the other nations respect their country to the greatest extent. Americans are known for their unprecedented patriotism which is hard to find among the other nations of the world.


Berg, M., & Rusinovic, K. (2007). Reshaping the American Mainstream: Immigrants’ Influence on American Culture and Inequalities: Review Essay. International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research, 31(2), 489-494.

Helms, E. C., Hitt, A. M., Schipper, J. A., & Jones, A. M. (2010). Native American History in a Box: A New Approach to Teaching Native American

Cultures. Social Studies, 101(4), 160-165. Schiavone, L. L. (2012). America for Sale. (cover story). Mortgage Banking, 72(4), 34.

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