Insights from ‘Vacant Positions’ Presentation at Mykonos Hotel


Attendance of the ‘Vacant Positions’ presentation held on 21st December 2010 in Mykonos Grand Hotel presented me with an opportunity to gain more insight into the hotel industry. The presentation gave a comprehensive analysis of the hotel industry. Through the presentation, we were able to evaluate the feasibility of succeeding in a career based on the hotel industry. For example, as a management student, I learned that there are numerous job opportunities that the hotel industry presents to the graduates. This arises from the fact that the panel presiding over the hotel informed us of the various departments which compose firms in the hotel industry in their effort to attain effectiveness and efficiency in their operation. Additionally, the panel presiding over the presentation was very elaborate on the requirements for one to be employed in the various departments of firms in the hotel industry.

During the presentation, the panel informed the participants that the firm had a vacant position in the post of a sales manager. This presented a classic employment opportunity because my interest is in business management. To be enlightened further regarding the post, the participants asked several questions which enabled us to gain information regarding the suitability of the candidate for the post. In, addition, the presentation allowed us to inquire about various issues regarding the position thus enlightening us further. From the information gained, I was able to conduct a self-appraisal for the post based on the information provided.

Organizational requirements

Because firms in the hotel industry such as Mykonos Grand Hotel depends on their sales personnel to generate a high level of revenue, the firms consider the role of a sales manager to be of paramount importance. The firm requires the sales manager to develop strategies that would enable the firm to attract and retain customers. As a result, it will be possible for the firm to have a stream of customers. The resultant effect is that the firm would be able to enhance its sales revenue. To achieve this, the firm requires recruits who have a strong ability in formulating and implementing effective operational strategies.

Additionally, it is the firm’s requirements for the recruits to have a strong interpersonal relationship. This will enable them to develop a business relationship with various organizational clients such as the visitors’ bureau in the city. This will enhance the firms’ opportunity of increasing their sales by gaining new sales leads. To strike a sales deal, the recruits are required to have a strong personal touch with the client. Additionally, the sales manager is required to take into account all the customer’s product or service requirements. This can be achieved by having a strong recording keeping ability which will contribute towards enhancing the future relationship with the client. Such a relationship will also make the clients feel confident when dealing with the firm in the future. This means that the firm expects the sales manager to act as the face of the firm when attracting and retaining customers. Because the firm’s objective is to maximize its profit levels, the firm intends to recruit a candidate who is efficient in setting and achieving the set sales targets.

Because a firm’s sales force works as a team, the sales manager must have strong organizational skills. The firm requires the recruits to possess the capability of managing a team. Because conflicts may occur in the process of working as a team, it is paramount for the recruits to have a strong capability of solving conflicts. This is the only way through which the intended synergy can be achieved.

Method of recruitment

To hire the right personnel, the firm has designed a comprehensive recruitment process. The initial step which the firm undertakes is job analysis. This entails documenting the intended requirements for the respective job. By conducting a job analysis, the firm can develop a job description. As a result, the firm can define boundaries regarding the job. This increases the probability of the firm recruiting a candidate who will be able to perform the relevant duties.

After the job description, the firm sources suitable candidates by posting advertisements through various mediums. Some of the mediums which the firm uses include print media such as the daily newspapers and job centers. Also, career opportunities are posted on the firm’s website. The firm also participates in campus graduate programs which are mostly organized during career weeks in various institutions. This allows a large number of potential applicants to view the requirements for the post and consider applying.

After receiving the applications, the firm selects the candidates to conduct a comprehensive screening and selection. The screening and selection process entails the conduction of interviews on various issues relevant to the job. Upon identification and selection of the best candidates, the firm conducts a comprehensive induction process. The induction is aimed at enabling the new employees to become acquainted with the operations and the working environment of the firm to improve their productivity.

Lessons learned on the prospects of the labor market

The presentation acted as an eye-opener on the various opportunities in the hotel industry. This arises from the fact that numerous information regarding requirements for various management posts in the hotel industry was also divulged. Some of the information I gained relates to the associated benefits. For example, the hotel industry is becoming a lucrative source of employment income. As a result, a large number of individuals are undertaking management courses related to the hospitality industry. The resultant effect is that the labor market has become very competitive.

The presentation also enhanced my understanding of the dynamic nature of the hotel industry. According to Ingram, LaForge, and Avila (2008, p.5), the industry’s high rate of dynamism arises from the fact that consumers change their tastes and preferences from time to time. As a result, individuals in the hotel industry are required to be creative to tap the opportunities presented in the market.

Also, an increase in competition is making the industry require personnel’ who can handle the challenge. To move with the market changes, potential candidates are increasingly updating their skills to enhance their employability. This means that the labor market requires the sales manager to be proactive in updating his or her skills to meet the market challenges.

To improve my employability, I will enroll in several business management courses. This will enhance my knowledge of the hotel industry. One of the courses which I will consider in improving my employability relates is strategic management. The decision to consider this course emanates from the fact that the hospitality industry has become very dynamic. Therefore, it is paramount for firms in this industry to have a high competitive advantage concerning strategy formulation. Also, a firm’s efficiency in strategy formulation and implementation can contribute to the success of a firm. This course will increase my decision-making capacity. This arises from the fact that I will gain skills on how to be efficient and effective in identifying market changes and making decisions appropriately.

My decision to consider the hospitality industry has been necessitated by the need to develop my career as a sales manager. From experience, I have learned that sales form one of the major sources of revenue for most organizations. This opinion is further asserted by Ingram, LaForge, and Avila (2008, p.5) who assert that sales are a key ingredient in the long-term survival of a firm. Therefore, for a firm to succeed, it must be efficient in its sales processes. Besides, sales management as a career is very challenging. This arises from the fact that the market changes from time to time thus necessitating the need to implement new strategies aimed at enhancing the firm’s sales. The challenging nature of the industry will enhance my creativity concerning formulating and administering selling programs. Besides, the industry will also enhance other management functions and roles such as planning, controlling, evaluating, recruiting, and training. The industry will also enhance my budgeting skills. This arises from the fact that I will be required to allocate finances for major budgetary items to be used during the selling process such as salesforce salaries, sales material, commissions, travel expenses, and bonuses. Besides, I will be able to appreciate the importance of motivating the employees to attain the set organizational goals.


The ‘Vacant Position’ presentation increased my enlightenment about the hotel industry. The presentation gave me insight concerning the benefits and opportunities associated with the hotel industry and hence the need to pursue a career related to the industry. This arises from the fact that the presentation resulted in the creation of awareness regarding the numerous employment opportunity available in the industry.

Also, there are numerous personal and professional development benefits associated with the industry. For example, the presentation highlighted the benefits associated when one is employed in the post of a sales manager. Apart from the numerous financial benefits which a sales manager accrues, the position also enables him or her to develop his or her managerial skills. Some of these skills relate to planning, controlling, staffing, directing, and organization. These skills are paramount in sales management because the industry is very challenging. Therefore, there is a need for those holding managerial positions such as sales managers to be creative. Gaining these managerial skills will enhance my ability to be employed in other managerial positions. This means that working as a sales manager will play a major role in my personal and professional development.

Reference List

Ingram, T., LaForge, R., & Avila, R., 2008. Sales management: analysis and decision making. New York: ME Sharpe.

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