Vegabonds: Definition and Functions

Vegabond is a commonly used terminology in astronomy which means a free movement of the Space’s planets and their moons. According to Lang (2018), the objects are flexible, and they can move in different parts of the Space. However, they have their specific orbits around the Sun in the Solar System and the Earth stays protected from small meteorites. Vegabonds identify the level of gravity and shows the potential threats to the planet where people live. Astronomers use the concept to study the Solar System and understand the changes around the world for a short period of time.

Vegabonds include Asteroids, Meteoroids, and Comets, but these parts of the Space are different and should be distinguished correctly to understand astronomy. For instance, Lang (2018) states that’s Asteroids look like small planets or rocks and can be seen from telescopes from the Earth. Meteoroids are smaller than Asteroids, but they have approximately the same structure. However, Comets look like a dust or snowflakes in the Space and they do not have a stable structure. Even though these parts of the Solar System are different, they can be related to the common concepts of Vegabond as they continue moving around their orbits and the planets which provide them with the specific magnetic condition.

Asteroids, Meteoroids and Comets are located in the “asteroid belt” between Mars and Jupiter. The connection between these two planets builds a specific area which does not allow other parts of the Solar System to stay in one location. Consequently, they are moving around, and the Earth’s orbit can be crossed by small pieces, causing different types of debris which explode in the atmosphere making it less dangerous for people living on the Earth.


Lang, K. R. (2018). A brief history of astronomy and astrophysics. World Scientific.

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