Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in Children


The broadcast media, particularly, television and its varied programs, is now considered a big part of everybody’s life. Every day, almost every hour, people of all ages, sizes, and/or gender can be seen glued to the TV watching their favorite program. Indeed, TV has become a detrimental part of everybody’s life which is why TV producers and/or networks make sure that they will be providing something new or something different to the viewers. However, because of the hype on thinking and creating something new for the viewers, there comes a point that violent programs also increase.

Problems of the Study

This paper is aimed at answering the major thesis problem which is “Is there a direct relationship between violent television and the increased aggressive behavior in children? More specifically, this paper will be done to answer the following specific problems:

  • What are the impacts that violent television can provide to its audience, particularly the children?
  • What are the narrative structures and editorial devices employed in various shows in relation to critical research on violence in TV programs?
  • What are the effects of violent television on young viewers especially if they are watching it on a regular or daily basis?

Significance of the Study

As an aspiring media practitioner, the result of this study will help me on gaining a broader knowledge of effective media presentations, particularly in the TV industry. The results will surely enhance my knowledge of various perspectives of TV producers as well as the point of view of the viewers in relation to the programs aired for them. Likewise, I, as a researcher, will be immersed and be acquainted with the different types of TV viewers. My mind will be enlightened on the different viewer behaviors and how it is affected by media or producers’ strategies in crafting a TV show.

TV program producers and advertisers can all be benefited from his research. They can obtain ideas and tips on how to approach their target viewers to watch and patronize their shows. In the same manner program producers and TV, advertisers can also attain ideas on how to attract performers for the reality shows they are to make.

Moreover, this paper will provide great assistance to other researchers who intend to tackle media, various TV programs, or other reality shows. This paper will serve as their guide on what to do with their papers, and where to start their study.


This paper hypothesizes that there really is a direct relationship between violent television and the increased aggressive behavior of children. More specifically, this paper hypothesizes that as the number of times children, especially boys, watch violence on TV increases, the more they are prone to committing deviant behaviors.


Theoretical framework

Theoretical framework

The suggested theoretical framework to successfully analyze how violence in TV programs affect the psychological well being of the children viewers is:

Hence, this should then be the focus when analyzing various TV shows with violence in it. In doing so, a depth literature study and review are conducted in this paper. Most updated Websites, journals, and magazines related to the subject of study are gathered and analyzed.

Methods of research analysis

The research gathered then served as guides in conducting the interviews with a particular family who has been recognized as an avid viewer of TV shows with violence. A total number of 5 people (or varying age and gender) will be subjected for interview. These respondents will be chosen strategically and will be asked to answer the following questions:

  1. How long have you been watching shows that portray violence?
  2. Are you giving enough attention to the way the show is aired: the characterization, the script, and the message it imparts to viewers like you? (Y/N) What do you notice?
  3. Have you been affected emotionally, physically, and/or psychologically by what you have seen from such a show? In what ways?
  4. Do you pattern your way of living as how you’ve seen it done characters in the show you’re watching? (Y/N)

Summaries and generalizations of the responses to the given questions will be done. Thus, the results and discussion of the study are obtained by analyzing the results of the interview conducted and correlating them with the research.

Possible References

Barwise P., & Ehrenberg, A. S. C. 1988. Television and its audience. London: Sage.

Horgan, K.B. et al. 2001. “Television Food Advertising: Targeting Children in a Toxic Environment,” The Handbook of Children and the Media.

Lincoln, Y. S. and Guba, E. G. 1985. Naturalistic Inquiry, Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, CA.

McKoon, Gail and Ratcliff, Roger. 1992. Spreading Activation Versus Compound Cue Accounts of Priming: Mediated Priming Revisited. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory; and Cognition, 18, pp. 1155-1172.

Seels, Barbara, Berry, Louis H. and Fullerton Karen. 1996. Research on Learning from Television, in Handbook for Research on Educational Communications and Technology, David H. Jonassen (ed.), pp. 299-377, Simon & Schuster Macmillan, New York.

Webster, J. G., & Lichty, L. W. 1991. Ratings analysis: Theory and practice. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 22). Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in Children.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in Children." November 22, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in Children." November 22, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in Children." November 22, 2021.

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