Virgin Group: Investments in Start-Ups


Virgin Group is a well-known venture company that makes investments in start-ups that might change the world. In 2022 the firm has made yet another contribution that has been financially rewarding. In the summer of 2022, Virgin Group made an announcement that the company made an investment in Lightyear, a simplified method for making international investments free of restrictions and costs (Clarkson, 2022).


For consumers to engage openly and without paying additional costs, Lightyear integrates multi-currency portfolios with unrestricted international market access (Clarkson, 2022). It is debuting in Europe to give users from more than a dozen of different nations access to ETFs as well as thousands of the most popular companies. Thus, it aims to revolutionalize the stock market applications of Europe.

Usually, investors in Europe and many other parts of the world must pay commission fees for custodial services or transactions. This all would go in addition to unreported currency exchange costs if they wished to access the global market. Yet Lightyear is an innovation that will allow the clients access global markets with a number of currencies, which allow them to make various investments (Clarkson, 2022). Virgin Group founder Richard Branson asserts that stock markets have been excessively complicated for a long time, with significant entry hurdles and bewildering language (Clarkson, 2022). By increasing transparency and giving individuals the information they need to make informed decisions, the founders and the Lightyear team are opening the world of investment (Clarkson, 2022).


Apparently, according to the article published by Virgin, Lightyear has been successful in its ventures (Clarkson, 2022). In this sense, Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group, and the firm change the world in various ways, encouraging innovation.


Clarkson, N. (2022). Virgin announces investment in Lightyear investment platform. Virgin. Web.

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