Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory

The Validity of the Theory

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory highlights the significance of enhancing patients’ independence to ensure the treatment process in healthcare organizations is effective. The concept is valid as it makes a broad focus on human needs, which offers direction on the practitioner’s activities in attaining positive treatment outcomes (Gonzalo, 2021, March 5). Four fundamental aspects are integrated into this ideology, applying its arguments effectively in various nursing activities. In addition, the theory is relevant as it offers details on strategies deployable by medical practitioners in meeting these human needs while rendering medical services to patients. However, this theory’s main weakness is a lack of a conceptual diagram interconnecting this ideology’s 14 sub-concepts and concepts.

The Generalizability of the Theory

Evaluating Virginia Henderson’s theory is vivid; it can be described as generalizable due to its expansive scope. The ideology can be deployed in various healthcare settings, cultures, age groups, and sex. Medical practitioners can apply Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory in prioritizing the patient’s need to attain positive treatment outcomes. The concept can be evaluated by various health and nursing domains as studies have defined it (Gonzalo, 2021, March 5). The human needs integrated into the theory are both non-measurable and measurable depending on the treatment expectations of these individuals. The concepts integrated into Virginia Henderson’s theory are clinically valid and can be deployed in shaping and nurturing the role of nurses.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Theory

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory has multiple weaknesses playing a significant function in undermining its validity and reliability. One of this theory’s significant weaknesses is a lack of conceptual diagrams interconnecting this ideology’s 14 sub-concepts and concepts. In this case, there is little explanation of the strategies medical practitioners can apply while assisting the patient on the dying procedure as they are unaware of offering a peaceful death. The other limitation of the theory is it is culturally cross-bound. The theory also has strengths enabling it to be highly valid and credible in the nursing field (Gonzalo, 2021, March 5). The ideology enables nurses to align human needs with medical strategies to assist in attaining positive treatment outcomes. The other strength is that it advocates for medical practitioners to prioritize human needs while rendering medical services.

The Congruency of the Theory With Current Nursing Standards

In assessing Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory, there are ways it is congruent with the current nursing therapeutics. The theory ensures nurses consider the personal needs of patients while determining interventions for dealing with their health problems to attain positive outcomes. Nurses often consider the environmental aspect of all external factors in determining the most effective approaches to dealing with a medical problem affecting an individual (Gonzalo, 2021, March 5). The theory has been of significance in ensuring the spiritual and psychological needs are considered by nurses while administering medical care. The strategy fosters emotional balance, allowing nurses and patients to create a mutual relationship to attain positive outcomes.

Socially and Cross-Cultural Relevance of the Theory

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory can be socially relevant in the medical field in various ways. The ideology has been socially relevant by ensuring nurses and patients create a relationship by allowing medical practitioners to understand their human needs (Gonzalo, 2021, March 5). Nurses’ comprehension of these human needs advocates for a conducive relationship, which leads to the determination of effective treatment and intervention strategies. The concept is valid cross-culturally as it subjects nurses to learn and respect the cultures of the patients, thus reducing incidents of discrimination which might undermine treatment outcomes.

The Contribution of the Theory to the Discipline of Nursing

Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory might have a considerable contribution in the nursing field in various ways. Patient independence is among the significant needs of this ideology’s 14 concepts. In this case, patients’ independence allows them to feel confident while acquiring these services, thus offering evidence for social care needs. In addition, the theory also ensures medical practitioners determine interventions in line with patients’ needs to attain positive treatment outcomes.


Gonzalo, A. B. (2021). Virginia Henderson: Nursing Need Theory. Nurseslabs. Web.

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