Applying Virtue Ethics to Address Global Warming Testimonies

Headlines such as this affect my perception of politicians because they reflect the reality of a bureaucratic state in the US. Eilperin (2008) discussed an important issue of censorship in regards to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention testimony on global warming. The author stated that the remarks cited a lack of scientific evidence as a reason for changes to the speech. The political aspect of the issue lies in an attempt to cover up a potential threat that may affect the health of individuals in the country. Thus, such headings reflect the primary idea of the articles and showcase issues that exist in the US, and restrict professionals from voicing their thoughts.

The basic principles of life, trust, and survival are on trial with this case because it is evident that Cheney’s staff members were pressured to remove a large portion of the prepared document. The example displays political reality in which some topics are banned from being a part of the conversation by individuals. Therefore, I believe there was a cover-up, and politicians unjustly pressured Cheney to alter the paper in regards to their personal beliefs.

I choose to respond to this story because it highlights prospective difficulties that one may encounter while trying to provide a statement regarding something he or she considers necessary. While I understand the claim regarding scientific evidence, I do think that removing six pages from the testimony was required. A discussion of the issue could be more valuable as both sides would be able to speak their truths. Government and political trust are displayed in my clinical setting as each member feels the freedom to discuss their views and opinion. Thus, even controversial political topics can be brought up if each member of a conversation speaks with due respect to the opponent.


Eilperin, J. (2008). Cheney’s staff cut testimony on warming. The Washington Post. Web.

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