Walking Spree as an Innovative Instrument

Today more and more people are concerned about healthy lifestyles and keeping fit. Many companies develop applications that help people increase their physical activity and enjoy healthy food. Among other applications, Walking Spree stands out as an innovative instrument that enables a complex approach to monitor health issues in companies. Considering the pros and cons of Walking Spree, this paper states that this instrument is one of the best applications for maintaining healthy lifestyles among employees.

Compared to other health applications, Walking Spree has a number of advantages that are difficult for other programs to compete with. First of all, Walking Spree suggests a comprehensive approach where people may work towards building a common goal or competing. The activities are organized in a funny and stimulating way so that everyone may want to take part in them. Individual challenges are a part of the program and allow users to measure their progress.

Secondly, the application allows users to count calories they eat and burn every day, thus letting people see whether they overeat for a healthy lifestyle. The application may provide challenges to burn fat; ‘lose weight’ competitions choose leaders in different areas, and other staff members may want to be like them. Walking Spree provides statistics to all its users so that they may see their results.

Thirdly, the application is compatible with other health application programs and automatically synchronizes all the data from different sources. The only drawback of Walking Spree is that it is meant for companies only, and if a person’s company does not provide it, there is no way to get Walking Spree for personal use. Thus, it is possible to say that this innovative application remains one of the best choices for employers to propaganda healthy lifestyles.


Walking Spree. Expertise, Experience, Engagement. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 18). Walking Spree as an Innovative Instrument. https://studycorgi.com/walking-spree-as-an-innovative-instrument/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Walking Spree as an Innovative Instrument'. 18 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Walking Spree as an Innovative Instrument." February 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/walking-spree-as-an-innovative-instrument/.


StudyCorgi. "Walking Spree as an Innovative Instrument." February 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/walking-spree-as-an-innovative-instrument/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Walking Spree as an Innovative Instrument." February 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/walking-spree-as-an-innovative-instrument/.

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