Factors Leading to the Demise of the Death Penalty: Analyzing Trends and Arguments

The author of the article “What Will Doom the Death Penalty: Capital Punishment, Another Failed Government Program?” observes that four decades have passed since the death penalty was pronounced ineffective and unjust (LaChance, 2014). The increasing levels of crime in the United States encouraged more people to embrace the idea of capital punishment. This discussion gives a detailed analysis of this article.

Summary of the Article

The selected article indicates that many convicts used to be executed within less than two years throughout the 1950s. The recent past has been characterized by new developments whereby the period taken before an execution is done has risen significantly (LaChance, 2014). This kind of development has led to numerous challenges in the United States. For instance, the state must incur numerous expenses to pay defense attorneys and cater for the needs of the increasing number of inmates.

Capital trials require enormous financial support. Many people in the United States find it hard to sympathize with every death row inmate (LaChance, 2014). Different analysts have argued clearly that capital punishment should be revisited. The author concludes by stating that the portrayal of capital punishment as a failed government program can convince more people to support its abandonment.


The article presents a critical question that revolves around the validity of capital punishment. The death penalty has attracted the attention of many scholars, ethicists, and criminologists from different parts of the world. The application of different methods to execute criminals raises numerous concerns. This fact explains why some advocates believe strongly that the death penalty is a horrible practice (Gupta, 2013). Although the approach has been used earlier to address the problem of crime in the society, the undeniable truth is that more people are unhappy with it.

Many legal experts acknowledge that capital punishment is capable of affecting the society negatively. According to them, some of the measures undertaken by the government have failed to deliver desirable fruits. Criminals stay in prisons for many years before being executed. Such inmates have been observed to strain the country’s financial capabilities. These viewpoints can therefore be used to explain why the government is unable to handle or manage the issue of capital punishment effectively (LaChance, 2014).

Labeling the death penalty as a failed program can persuade more citizen to vote against it. Different states in the country will eventually make new regulations in an attempt to address this predicament.


Capital punishment is a procedure that has become outmoded in the country. LaChance (2014) indicates clearly that the nation does not have adequate resources to fight the death penalty. The article explains why a new strategy aimed at attacking the ineffectiveness of the American government can deliver significant results. This strategy will sensitize more people about the dangers and challenges associated with execution. The move will hearten more people to analyze the ethical concerns associated with every death sentence.

When more individuals are informed about the government’s inability to deal with the problems arising from capital punishment, it will be easier for them to support new policies that can protect human life (Gupta, 2013). In conclusion, the article acknowledges that the death penalty is an intolerable malpractice that affects many societies. The proposed approach will definitely support new decrees to deal with the challenges associated with capital punishment.


Gupta, M. (2013). What are the pros and cons of death penalty? Which method of execution is best? Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 23(10), 666-669. Web.

LaChance, D. (2014). What will doom the death penalty: Capital punishment, another failed government program? New York Times. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 17). Factors Leading to the Demise of the Death Penalty: Analyzing Trends and Arguments. https://studycorgi.com/what-will-doom-the-death-penalty/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Factors Leading to the Demise of the Death Penalty: Analyzing Trends and Arguments'. 17 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Factors Leading to the Demise of the Death Penalty: Analyzing Trends and Arguments." January 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-will-doom-the-death-penalty/.


StudyCorgi. "Factors Leading to the Demise of the Death Penalty: Analyzing Trends and Arguments." January 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-will-doom-the-death-penalty/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Factors Leading to the Demise of the Death Penalty: Analyzing Trends and Arguments." January 17, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-will-doom-the-death-penalty/.

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