Male Undergraduate Students’ Preferences: Traditional vs. Online Learning


Understanding the preferences presented by undergraduate students is one of the most essential tasks for various researchers. Familiarity with particular predispositions towards specific types of classes is necessary for achieving proper student engagement and efficiency. Previous research has shown that most learners engaged in online education regard this experience positively, obtaining new expertise and knowledge (Dilling et al., 2020).

Learners who are forced to transfer to the online education system do not encounter negative feelings connected to the new style of teaching (Dilling et al., 2020). It seems like it is possible to achieve similar levels of social presence both in traditional and electronic learning environments, which has a positive influence on students’ perceptions (Dilling et al., 2020). Additionally, the success of a transition from traditional to online style does not negatively impact student achievement levels (Wrenn, 2015). However, some scholars argue that there might be adverse consequences in relation to such changes (Haddock et al., 2020). Various studies were conducted on the topic of student preference, but considerable gaps are still present.

There are several significant disparities present within previous research. Wrenn (2015) reports that Hispanic and Caucasian learners present dissimilar patterns of accomplishment regarding various types of teaching. However, the authors do not provide any further statements related to this phenomenon, indicating an additional area of investigation. Moreover, Haddock et al. (2020) claim that online classes have higher attrition rates but do not connect this fact to learners’ educational desires. The facts provided constitute a necessity to ascertain students’ preferences.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to explore the preferences of male undergraduate PMU students regarding the style of education and learning. In addition, this research aims to outline the leading causes of learners’ inclinations towards a traditional or an online teaching approach.

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study were identified as follows:

  1. To examine the basic preferences exhibited by male undergraduate students enrolled in PMU courses towards the traditional education approach.
  2. To investigate the preferences of the same target group towards the online education approach.
  3. To find out which of the education styles is more favorable for the students of the target group.
  4. To define the reasons behind the preferences for a specific teaching system.
  5. To present possible ways of influencing God discussed inclinations.

Questions of the Study

The research proposed aims to answer the following questions:

  1. Which of the teaching styles is preferable to the male undergraduate students of PMU: the traditional or the web-based?
  2. What are the causes underlying the preferences towards a particular education system?

Significance of the Study

The outlined study provides a significant insight into the topic of student preferences of a particular gender group as well as regarding the individuals of the PMU University.


This paper presents an introduction for a study in the field of education styles and the perceptions of learners. Previous research in this scientific area contains several significant disparities and thus proves to be a sufficient ground for further investigation. The proposed study considers the theoretical and practical basis provided by various authors and seeks to improve the discussed findings.


Dilling, J., Varga, M. A., & Mandernach, B. J. (2020). Comparing teaching and social presence in traditional and online community college learning environments. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 44(10), 854–869.

Haddock, L., Cannon, K., & Grey, E. (2020). A comparative analysis of traditional and online counselor training program delivery and instruction. Professional Counselor, 10(1), 92–105.

Wrenn, V. (2015). Effects of traditional and online instructional models on student achievement outcomes [Dissertation, Liberty University]. CORE.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 18). Male Undergraduate Students’ Preferences: Traditional vs. Online Learning.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Male Undergraduate Students’ Preferences: Traditional vs. Online Learning'. 18 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Male Undergraduate Students’ Preferences: Traditional vs. Online Learning." February 18, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Male Undergraduate Students’ Preferences: Traditional vs. Online Learning." February 18, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Male Undergraduate Students’ Preferences: Traditional vs. Online Learning." February 18, 2021.

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