White Privilege: Advantages and Disadvantages

White privilege is the unmerited benefit that white people experience because they are not exposed to racism. These advantages are frequently undetectable to white people since they perceive freedom as a guaranteed action, which everybody encounters. Historically, white supremacists expressed oppression through the enslavement and colonialism of black people by asserting power and superiority.

African American populations in the United States are significantly affected by systemic discrimination in society. For instance, black individuals were not allowed to vote and were denied citizenship, as it was considered the poor and rich white population (McIntosh, 1989). White people can use their power and superiority to confront oppression and systemic racism, which negatively affects people of color, and support societal change to include equality of all minority groups.

White privilege is a concept that favors white people against any form of discrimination related to ethnicity or race, referring to hidden benefits that white people possess in society unknowingly. The systemic advantages offered to white people in the community through the absence of suspicion or other adverse reactions that white people experience are known as societal privilege (McIntosh, 1989). The term is utilized in conversations zeroed in on the general shrouded benefits that white individuals have in a general society where prejudice and whiteness are viewed as ordinary, instead of obstacles to individuals who are subjected to discrimination.

Conversations surrounding white privilege are often sensitive and can trigger defensiveness among the white population. According to McIntosh (1989), “the representations of the invisible knapsack that white individuals unwittingly wear in public where racism is pervasive and observed both systemically and individually” (p. 4). White privilege is not a source of blame, bias-ness, or invalidation of struggle. The struggle to fight against the intangible gift of unearned entitlement and dominance of power, class, race, gender, and sexuality is oppressive to black women living in the United States (McIntosh, 1989).

It negatively affects the economy and growth by creating rifts and political division. Society is structured conveniently for white people to succeed effortlessly, hence, not recognizing the challenges of racial injustice and inequality.

Race and ethnicity are characterized by intrinsic qualities that we cannot control, such as skin tone, facial structure, hair texture, and color. As an African American woman, I recognize that white privilege occurs in various forms and structures in society; racism and sexism are the significant challenges black women face. The intersection between bigotry and sexism is a barrier that obstructs African American women from succeeding in a society that is structured to empower white people while fighting for social change (McIntosh, 1989). The minority groups are at a disadvantage in society since social structures negatively affect black women by significantly reducing the community’s opportunities, resources, and support.

Navigating through systemic obstacles as an African American woman may occur through the underrepresentation of black women in workplaces, academic opportunities, wage gap differences, safety concerns, and inadequate healthcare services (McIntosh, 1989). The white population can recognize privilege by having a positive relationship and experience with the police and school authorities, finding resources representing race, such as TV shows or books without skin tone discrimination. Undoubtedly, white individuals can use their societal advantage to fight for justice, equal opportunities, and support of the minority group, especially black women in the community.

Slavery and colonialism in the early century magnified the distinction of white privilege since the whites cultivated it by possessing superior features of the colonized countries and providing lesser goods to the citizens of the country. The act of white people dominating and perceiving society at a level of superiority has been normalized decades after colonialism. The exploitation of people of color in subordination to white is justified by the history and culture of colonialism and societal advantage. During colonization, black people often depended on white oppressors for guidance and discipline after seizing black people’s property, significantly enhanced entitlement and policies set up to benefit white people and oppress black people.

Historically, racial oppression occurred through abduction and enslavement of back people, restricting them from voting or buying land. In the 19th century, black people were allowed to vote and buy property, whereas white people had owned land for centuries in the United States. Residents have since been given the privilege of citizenship after years of oppression. The colonialism and superiority culture of white people has been imprinted as the norm while negatively influencing the comfort, support, and opportunities of the minority group.

In conclusion, white privilege is an organizational set of advantages granted to those who, by race, resemble those who dominate society’s powerful positions. One of the essential benefits is having more prominent connections to power and assets than minorities do. The systemic advantage that favors white people can occur in supple ways that may go unnoticed; for instance, being singled out in a situation due to race or being randomly stopped and searched by the police is unlikely to happen to a white person. The history of colonization has played a significant role in the creation of white privilege. Sexism and racism remain a major challenge in the United States.


McIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack. Peace and Freedom.

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StudyCorgi. "White Privilege: Advantages and Disadvantages." September 8, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/white-privilege-advantages-and-disadvantages/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "White Privilege: Advantages and Disadvantages." September 8, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/white-privilege-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

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