Comparing Why Him? and Bridget Jones’s Baby: Romantic Comedy Insights

I hope my message will find you well, and you will enjoy my reply to your last message. You asked me to share my recent motive theater experience and compare two romantic comedies I was lucky to watch. In fact, such a task was a bit complicated for me because I am not a huge fan of romantic comedies being watched at theaters. However, I was able to remember two comedies I saw: Why Him? and Bridget Jones’s Baby. Both of them are American comedies that make people smile and believe that human life can be easy in case people try to develop appropriate and trustful relations. Some people may think that these are the only similarities in addition to the release year that may be given to these two movies. However, it is not true. Why Him? and Bridget Jones’s Baby have many things to be compared and contrasted.

The comparison begins with my decision to watch these two movies. I expected Bridget Jones’s Baby for several years. It is the third movie in the franchise about an amazing Bridget Jones, starring Renee Zellweger, a woman, who tries to find her love and enjoy her personal and career choices regardless of her weight, clumsiness, and ability to fall into ridiculous situations. In comparison to Bridget Jones, Why Him? is not a sequel or prequel to something. It is a new comedy about the relations that are developed between parents, children, and their lovers. I was invited to watch the movie in the theater. Therefore, it is possible to say that it was not my personal initiative to choose the movie. However, in both cases, I have not regretted spending time and watching these two romantic and funny stories.

In both movies, the cast is impressive. Zellweger was accompanied by handsome Colin Firth, whom she was in love with “in the past,” and Patrick Dempsey, whom she could be in love with “one day” (Maguire). This trio impressed by each member’s diversity and unexplainable appropriateness. In fact, Dempsey successfully replaced Hugh Grant, who did not accept the offer to continue playing the role of Daniel Cleaver. The cast of Why Him? is also memorable. James Franco introduced two powerful duos developing love relations with the character of Zoey Cranston and father-daughter’s boyfriend with the character of Bryan Cranston, who continued asking the same question during the whole movie, “Why *him*?” (Hamburg). It is hard and even impossible to imagine other actors performing these roles. I think that cast choices are successful in both movies despite the fact that different impressions and attitudes were developed.

Finally, I want to focus on the power of direction in Why Him? and Bridget Jones’s Baby. In both movies, the directors used different decorations and camera movements to cause different reactions of people. Family, work, and entertainment are three main directions chosen by Hamburg and Maguire for their movies. Each time, the characters were ready to deal with a new challenge and used appropriate phrases. However, in most cases, the situations turned out to be comic that made all people in the theater laugh.

Do I like the movies? Of course, I do! In both cases, I enjoyed the decision to watch them in the theater and share my personal emotions with a group of people who bought tickets that day. I like the actors and the ideas introduced in Why Him? and Bridget Jones’s Baby. Human relations may have many sides, and these movies helped me to comprehend this truth, enjoy two hours at the theater, and make the decisions that could change this life in a moment.

Works Cited

Hamburg, John, director. Why Him? 20th Century Fox, 2016.

Maguire, Sharon, director. Bridget Jones’s Baby. Universal Pictures Miramax, 2016.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, May 18). Comparing Why Him? and Bridget Jones’s Baby: Romantic Comedy Insights.

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