Why Some Stars Are Red Giant and Others White Dwarfs

The red giants are larger than the usual primary stars in a row. Regardless of temperature, larger giants can have more light. The light grows in proportion to the size of the star. When compared to the size of the earth, white dwarfs are tiny. In the white dwarfs, there was no nuclear war (Somers et al., 2020). Low light can be a problem for white dwarfs of small diameters. Larger stars have more space available to them. Internal lighting is abundant due to the vast surface area. Clouds are enormous, invisible cells made up of silicate grains and ice dust dispersed across their volume in visible light.

A subsequent star will eventually deplete all of its hydrogens. Then it starts putting helium atoms together to form bigger molecules like carbon. The star’s core will fall within at this point. The star’s outer layers will spread out and cool. As a result, a massive colder star appears above, red in color (Simon et al., 2019). The white dwarf is a fiery, gleaming object the size of the earth. The white dwarf eventually cools down and loses its brightness. The position of the star in the H-R diagram provides further information. The major sequence is the diagonal strip. Consecutive stars, like our Sun, are hydrogen-burning stars. Major consecutive huge stars are extremely hot and can be found near the string’s upper left. The big small stars, located at the bottom right, are cool.

The stars in the H-R diagram are moving to the right as their outer layers of gas increase and cool (Somers et al., 2020). When a star’s hydrogen fuel runs out, it turns into a red giant. When a star becomes a red giant, it cools, but it expands larger, and its brightness or total energy production increases. As a result, the star also improves H-R recruitment. Red giants live in the upper and right portions of the main sequence. The fate of a huge redhead relies on its servitude when it runs out of fuel. Large red giants become neutron stars or black holes as they cool down. White dwarfs are the cores of stars that have used up all of their nuclear energy.


Simon, M. G., Guilloteau, S., Beck, T. L., Chapillon, E., Di Folco, E., Dutrey, A., Feiden, G. A., Grosso, N., Piétu, V., Prato, L. and G. H. Schaefer (2019). Masses and implications for ages of low-mass pre-main-sequence stars in Taurus and Ophiuchus. The Astrophysical Journal, 884(1), 42. Web.

Somers, G. C., Cao, L. & M. H. Pinsonneault (2020). The SPOTS models: A grid of theoretical stellar evolution tracks and isochrones for testing the effects of starspots on structure and colors. The Astrophysical Journal, 891(1), 29. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Why Some Stars Are Red Giant and Others White Dwarfs." June 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/why-some-stars-are-red-giant-and-others-white-dwarfs/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Why Some Stars Are Red Giant and Others White Dwarfs." June 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/why-some-stars-are-red-giant-and-others-white-dwarfs/.

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