Mass Media Influence on Public Consciousness

Introduction The issue of the influence of mass media on various types of people and social institutions at various levels of society is often disputable. The reasons for raising the issue are understandable. In contrast, other comparable social institutions such as religion or the law that communicate directly with the...

Giving Students Voice: A Position Statement

Giving students a range of tasks to choose from is one of the most effective approaches to education. Such an approach seems to be radically different from another just as popular framework, which is challenging students. A person being challenged to find a solution often finds themselves struggling and continues...

Determining Benchmarks for Hypertension Reduction

Introduction The purpose of this project is to review the current quality measures for the management of hypertension. The condition is prevalent throughout the United States, which is problematic because it can lead one to develop other cardiovascular diseases. To that end, the author has gathered data regarding the incidence...

Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Background and Career

Artist’s Background Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was simply known as Michaelangelo. He was an Italian poet, painter, architect, and gifted sculptor of the Renaissance who had an unmatched influence on Western art. He was an apprentice to a sophisticated painter before joining the Medici family to enhance his sculpture...

The Blues Trio Band’s Live Concert

Introduction This paper will discuss the elements of the live blues concert by the Blues Trio. The concert took place on August 1st, 2019, in Santa Fe, Argentina (“BLUES TRIO – LIVE AT TRIBUS BAR (Full Concert)”). This concert is an excellent representation of the traditions of blues music and...

LED Lighting Fixtures and Refinishing Gymnasium Floor

Summary The Eastern Greene High School (EGHS) gymnasium was constructed in 2009 and furnished with 44 lighting fixtures. Most gymnasium floors are sanded down to bare wood and refinished after every 5-10 years based on the usage of the gym floor. The institution is used for various activities, including PE...

Essentials of Strategic Management: Personal Experience

Introduction Learning is a big part of life. I getting to know the world around us, other people that live in it, as well as all kinds of phenomena that exist in it, we get to better understand ourselves. Throughout my time as a person, I have managed to learn...

“Han Fei-Tzu” by Han Fei. Hanfei’s Political Philosophy

Han Fei was one of the leading theorists of the Legalism school in Ancient China. The main work of Han Fei titled “Han Fei-Tzu” includes the main idea that the treatise is devoted to analyzing state-building and the art of statecraft. Han Fei was a supporter of creating a centralized...

Quotations of “After the Firebombing” by Malcolm X

The issue of misinterpretation and mass delusion is the one that was and is controversial for Western society. Some people prefer to avoid notions about the lying press and trust the majority of information that they encounter. The other type of people develops an apparatus for criticism of the messages...

Gene Editing in Plant Biotechnology

Introduction “Gene-editing technology is poised to completely revolutionize all spheres of medicine” (“Diseases CRISPR could cure”, n.d.). Gene editing refers to the manipulation of genetic materials of a living organism by replacing, deleting, or to some extent inserting a DNA sequence to the living organism, typically with the motive of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Lewis and Clark Expedition Challenges and Outcomes

Introduction The United States of America gained its independence in the second half of the eighteenth century and developed rapidly. The purchase of new territories was one of the factors that contributed to the geographic and economic growth of the new country (Turner, 2016). The Louisiana purchase that took place...

President Obama and Legal Authority on the Operation Geronimo

Introduction Political controversies and divisive episodes related to the grey area of power distribution are an unfortunate part of the President’s career path. Barak Obama is not an exception, with, in this case, operation Geronimo operating as a focal point. To discuss whether President Obama had the legal authority to...

Comparison of the Babylonian, Mongolian, and British Empires

Introduction A civilization can be defined as a human society that is shaped by technological and cultural development. It is a complex society that is composed of cities that have unique technological and cultural development properties. The assembly of people characterizes the beginning of civilizations. When people begin living in...

Financial and Management Problems in a Dialysis Center

Introduction Patients with renal failure need a life-saving supportive procedure known as dialysis, which allows filtering waste from their blood, the function that their kidneys can no longer perform. It is an expensive treatment covered by the Medicare end-stage renal disease (ESRD) program, implemented in 1973 (Anumudu & Eknoyan, 2020)....

Relation Between Public Health and Aging

Introduction The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a significant public health challenge, especially among the elderly, who are at the greatest. The number of older adults in the United States has been proved to be increasing, and by 2050, one in every five people in the United States...

The Problem of Homelessness in Canada

Introduction Homelessness is a common societal issue in Canada and many other developing nations. Every year, about 235,000 people in Canada experience this aspect of homelessness and between 25,000 and 35,000 individuals might be homeless on any particular night.1 Homelessness is defined as multiple situations, like staying in unsuitable places...

Dialogue of Colombian and American Cultures

Introduction For the existence and development of any culture, as well as any person, communication, dialogue, and interaction are necessary. In the process of the dialogue of cultures, there are changes in the forms of social organization and models of social action, value systems and types of worldviews, and the...

Depression and Anxiety in Mental Health Nurses

Introduction Nursing is regarded as one of the most challenging and emotionally draining jobs. As is commonly acknowledged, many caregivers suffer from anxiety and sadness as a consequence of their employment. The PICO question for this research is: In mental health nurses (P), what is the effect of the exposure...

Food Technology Importance in Modern Days

Introduction The development of food technology and science is commonly discussed in modern society. The Institute of Food Technologists defines food technology as the application of food science, including biological, chemical, and physical makeups, for processing, preservation, and distribution purposes. Such progress has many advantages because people get unique opportunities...

Youth Ministry: Goals, Methods, and Standards

Reasons for Youth Ministry Youth ministry is the practice of working with younger people that promotes Christian faith and church attendance. Children have a different way of connecting with God’s word compared to adults, and a unique approach is needed to work with them. Generally, they are more curious and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Anand Vaidya on Ethical Theory in Business

Introduction In this essay, I will argue that Anand Vaidya’s statement that ethical theory in business should not be considered indeterminate and unintelligible, only based on misalignment with ethical theories, is fundamentally flawed. First, I will present the idea and the arguments provided by the author in the article titled...

Normative Role of the Cold War

The Cold War was a global confrontational, but not reaching direct armed conflict, the confrontation between two blocs of countries with different socio-political systems led by the USSR and the USA in the period from 1946 to the end of the 1980s. It was characterized by geopolitical, military, economic, and...

Google Inc.’s Performance Management System

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, corporate culture has begun to change and shift. Currently, many companies tend to implement more individualistic and experiential approaches to hiring and training their employees. Additionally, with the rapid rise of various technologies appeared alternative means of executing these processes, which allow the...

Jacobs Engineering Group: SWOT Analysis and Strategic Objectives

SWOT Factors Strengths Strength 1: Well-developed distribution network. Strength 2: High level of automation of activities (Jacobs, 2021). Strenght 3: Good capital expenditure returns (Jacobs, 2021). Strenght 4: Highly competent and skilled workforce. Strenght 5: Strong brand portfolio. Strenght 6: High level of customer satisfaction. The company has extensive experience...

The American Gangster Film Analysis

The Film The film ‘American Gangster’ focuses on the criminal lifestyle of a gang leader, Frank Lucas. The film starts when Frank’s boss, Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson, dies of a heart attack (Collins 12). Frank becomes the mob boss and specializes in smuggling heroin from Thailand directly from producers and selling...

Changing Profitability for American Business

Over the recent years, profitability for firms has decreased progressively due to the impact of COVID-19, fuel prices, and associated factors like inflation rates. The economic slowdown has influenced firms’ profitability and fear of firms because earnings per share decline when the economy turns into a recession. Currently, firms are...

The Portrayal of Racism in Literary Works

Introduction One of my main concerns about my paper is that I am unsure how to approach racism from an unbiased perspective. I aim to critically analyze how authors portray racism in their works without prejudice or preconceived notions. I may interpret things too personally, which could affect the accuracy...

Abortion: Arguments for Defense

Introduction As a whole, the subject of abortion is a deeply complex matter that has garnered and continues to get a great deal of attention in today’s contemporary culture, within and without Virginia. Abortion may be understood from either pro-life or pro-abortion views since certain individuals advocate for the preservation...

Vonnegut and Kafka: A Plea to Change Perspective on Life

Introduction The literary works by Franz Kafka, “The Metamorphosis,” and Kurt Vonnegut, “Slaughterhouse-Five,” show that the abilities of the person to change their destiny are limited in many cases, and the individual can only submit to the circumstances to preserve psychological sanity. The lines from Kafka and Vonnegut illustrate the...

Political Corruption Covered in Winyah Intelligencer

Summary The scale of the problem of political corruption in contemporary society has been a topic of media debate for years. Due to the information they offer about current events and their influence on public opinion. Newspapers are essential in the current era. The story’s presentation and how its readers...

The Education System in Japan

Introduction The school year is divided into trimesters. There are three-holiday breaks: A month-long summer break, a two-week break for winter, and spring vacations respectively. Japan students are some of the world’s best in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) according to tests administered by the Program for International Student...

Comparison of Influenza, Pneumonia, and COVID-19

Influenza Influenza is one of the serious diseases that might affect a patient and promote severe complications. The symptoms include fever, chills, headache, sore throat, weakness, and muscle pain. The virus is extremely virulent and can be transmitted from individual to individual during contact by respiratory fomites. It replicates in...

War on Terrorism: Reasons, Essence, and Social Outcomes

War on terrorism is the one of the most notable phenomena observed in the world today. The roots of this war lie, allegedly, in the severe threat to the security and lives of civil citizens of numerous countries of the world. The war itself started as the reaction of the...

Conversation Analysis: Social Action Structures

Conversation Analysis (CA) is the technique used to investigate and analyze the structures and processes of social interactions between human beings. CA is primarily focused on casual conversations but it also deals with the non-verbal forms of social interaction. CA’s research methodologies have evolved to include advanced forms of social...

“The Construction of Homosexuality” a Book by David Greenberg

Introduction The book, The Construction of Homosexuality by David Greenberg presents the reflection of the author on historical timeline of the struggle by homosexuals to get their rights. The book reflects on theories, history of homosexuality, and construction of the modern homosexual belief system. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to...

Nursing Care Delivery Model

Introduction This paper discusses the nursing care delivery model, including advantages and disadvantages. In all aspects of nursing professional practices, there is a need to link good theory and best practices. Theories of nursing practices, which guide nursing care delivery models, offer explanatory frameworks to understand nursing practices within the...

Why Same-Sex Marriage Should Be a Norm?

The topic of the same-sex marriage has always been a controversial one. Furthermore, with the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States the public has divided the views on this point into two opposite frameworks. While on the one end of the spectrum there are people who support...

Nursing from Scientific and Artistic Standpoints

Introduction Answering the question of whether nursing is a science or art has always been complex because this issue is usually perceived differently. However, the main argument for this paper will be that both perspectives on nursing usually intertwine because the main goal of this discipline is to achieve patient...

The Kroger Co.’s Diversity and Needs Analysis

Abstract The needs analysis plan is important to be developed in order to identify specific steps that are necessary for covering all the stages of the process and for collecting the specific information related to the selected organization. From this point, the effective needs analysis plan includes such steps as...

Public Policy’s Advanced Perspective

Introduction Public policies dictate various ethical codes of conduct that public servants should follow in a bid to maintain delivery of services in ethically acceptable means. Common misunderstanding of ethical principles that govern the workplace usually causes ethical issues. This situation makes public employees vulnerable to breaking of public service...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Team, Primary, and Hybrid Nursing Care Models

Introduction There is no doubt that organizational factors have a significant effect on the quality of care. The delivery of nursing care can be organized differently and result in different patient outcomes, different rates of medical errors, and different job satisfaction. In order to improve the quality of care, it...

Human Ecological Footprint Impact on Environment

Introduction Every human need and activity “demands different natural resources” (Dietz, Rosa, & York, 2007, p. 14). Such activities also produce numerous wastes. The term “human footprint” focuses on the continued use of the earth’s resources for survival. Human activities tend to have copious impacts on the natural environment. Human...

Implication for Nursing Practice

Introduction Abusive relationships have adverse physical, mental and emotional effects on the victims. The effects may manifest in all victims’ environments including workplaces. In most cases, living in an abusive relationship has negative impacts on the victims’ workplaces. Conversely, the implications of abusive relationships may sometimes be positive at workplaces,...

Mindfulness-Based Music Therapy and Cancer Treatment

Research Article and the Focus of the Analysis When undergoing cancer treatment, in general, and radiotherapy, in particular, one is likely to be under the pressure of severe stress. The resulting tension and emotional strain are likely to serve to the detriment of one’s health, leading to the development of...

Hispanic Patient’s Health and Heritage Assessment

It should be noted that being culturally competent is particularly important for healthcare workers since they need to provide care that will be holistic. The Heritage Assessment tool is an instrument, which care providers may use to meet the needs of patients with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds more effectively....

Nursing Professionalism Promotion Mechanisms

Introduction Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Magnet status has become a popular concept in the American healthcare sector. Bormann and Abrahamson (2014) acknowledge that magnet designation should not be treated as a prize by healthcare institutions. Notably, the recognition credential focuses on excellence and effectiveness in the delivery of...

Operational Issues Facing the United States Army

The United States Army is undoubtedly one of the most respected segments of the US Armed Forces. Currently, it is the largest recruiting group among the three branches of the Armed Forces. Accordingly, the US Army spends the biggest portion of the government budget allocation to the military. Indeed, the...

Mongol Empire: the Largest Contiguous Land Empire

Introduction The Mongol empire was the hugest and the most influential empire in world history. During the 13th and 14th centuries, it became the largest contiguous land empire that covered a vast territory from Hungary to Korea. It started from Central China, westward into Central Europe, eastward into the Sea...

Architectural Form Evolution Throughout History

Introduction People can draw inspiration from many components of their daily life, including nature or different types of art. Thus, the evolution of form in art is connected to human development over the years. To analyze the component properly, one must be able to understand the meaning behind the piece....

Partner Violence, Its Dynamics and Cycle

Dynamics of Partner Violence Contributing Factors: Cultural and Psychosocial Effective partner violence prevention requires a clear understanding of underlying and contributing factors. Domestic and partner abuse is a complex issue, and usually, it is not exactly easy to pinpoint one particular event or action that triggered the cycle of violence....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Beauty Standards in Media and Opposition to Them

Beauty standards and their presentation in media have become controversial topics in health discussions recently due to their relationship with the modern culture. One side claims that they are harmful, as they enforce unrealistic stereotypes and make people feel bad about themselves. They argue that current presentations of attractive people...

Electoral College or Game of Elections

Introduction In America, the Electoral College selects the president as opposed to a popular vote. It means that the majority of American citizens cannot vote for a president directly. The issue results in the fact that candidates can be elected even if their opponents receive larger support from the population....

Eminem’s “Stan” as an Example of Browning’s Monologue Format

Poetry is one of the most popular literary forms since it allows authors to express vast ideas in a short form. Whether written with rhymes or as blank verse, poems can have a profound effect on the reader. In modern artistic ways of expression, songwriting is probably the most popular...

Unity of Command in Military Operation Anaconda

Introduction The major purpose of the unity of command is to arrange the effective operation of various forces under the authority of a single commander. In military operations, such unity is of utmost importance since people’s lives and countries’ relationships depend on the outcomes of such operations. Anaconda, the military...

Homelessness and Depression Among Illiterate People

Introduction There are various myths people have about homelessness and depression. For example, many people believe that only illiterate people can be homeless. Coohey and Easton (2016) confirm that there is a significant percentage of the population that is literate but still homeless. The US has one of the lowest...

Teaching Multiplication in Hybrid Learning Environment

Target Outcomes The hybrid learning environment described in the present paper aims at teaching multiplication using base ten blocks. These blocks are mathematical manipulatives that are divided into three groups Represented in Figure 1: single blocks, rows of ten blocks, and ten rows of blocks. While these blocks are often...

Politics: “Forces of Labor” by Beverly Silver

In the book “Forces of Labor” Beverly Silver carries out an in-depth analysis of the impact of local labor movements on the development of the modern economy and society. Using data from the automobile and textile industries, the author shows how the relocation of production leads to the geographical shift...

Biomedical Ethics and Christian Health Beliefs

The provision of patient-centered care implies respecting patients’ cultural beliefs and ensuring the best health outcomes for this individual. In many situations, these two goals can be difficult or impossible to achieve. Johnstone (2015) notes that nursing professionals advocate effectively but still remember about their patients’ right to autonomy. This...

Literature Review: How Can Token Economy Diminish Off-Task Behavior in Students with Autism?

Problem Importance The students’ academic success largely depends on their behavior, which is determined not only by the environment but also by psychologic states. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disease that is marked by communication and social functioning deficits. As reported by the Centers for Disease Control and...

Big Brother in the “1984” Novel by George Orwell

Introduction In Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell explored the topic of governmental overreach and totalitarianism. The novel has been classified under the genre of dystopian political and social science fiction, which means that the themes explored by the author were characterized by a focus on the society that is contrary to...

New Labor Internationalism in Germany

The beginning of global changes in labor internationalism was marked by 1991, when the Soviet Union disintegrated and the Cold War ended. In the political dimension, the West no longer had a rival against which it had to compete. In the economic dimension, though, alterations were more substantial. Specifically, the...

Asda Stores’ Business and Management

Asda Stores (UK) is a subsidiary of one of the United Kingdom’s largest supermarket retailers, Asda Group plc, which also operates Allied Maples Carpet and Furnishing Stores and Gazely Properties, a commercial property development company. The company also retains a 25% stake in MFI, a furniture retailer, resulting from a...

Disaster Recovery. Automated Management System

Disaster Recovery Plan Exceptional Living, Inc. (ELI) is not in a position to enroll full time system administrator to solve technical issues and to make innovative changes in business continuity process. System administrator is essential for providing training to the staffs for implementing changes in business process. It is essential...

Affirmative Actions in Employment

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify what is affirmative action. The concept of affirmative action is to be explored along with the applicability of the concept in United States. With the increasingly diverse work environment with people form multiple ethnicities and backgrounds coming together to work with...

Compromise for the Greater Good of the US

The ideology I stand most by is liberal: pure liberals want the government to reduce economy in equality regulate the business, tax the rich heavily, deal with crime by addressing its economic causes, protect the ride of the accused criminals, allow abortion and prostitution on demand and guarantee the broadest...

Confidentiality and Inequality as Human Resource Management Issues

Privacy Policy Human factors in the workplace are the varied thing for discussion. The point of psychological approach and the variety of bad traits of character, such as jealousy, envy, hatred, urge for money, etc. The managerial administration for human resources in different companies takes into account; first of all,...

Television Network in the Struggle for Global Well-Being

Main actions of NBC ‘The More You Know’ is the broadcasting network public service group under the National Broadcasting Company. There is a large number of listeners for this service. This public service group gives more attention to the listeners who are conscious about the matters relating to the community....

Bilingual Education Policy in Taiwan

One important role of a country’s education system is to ensure that its students can compete favorably in the international job market. To achieve this, the education system must emphasize the topics of relevance like technology, management, ethics and above all languages which act as the tool of communication that...

Three Key Moments of Organizational Change

THREE key moments of organizational change observed during the movie The movie showcases a number of changes that were observed during the civil war in America which was aimed at freeing the blacks. There are three notable changes that formed a basis of the success that the organization went through....

Pizza Hut Restaurant’s Products and Services

Introduction Pizza Hut is basically an American restaurant chain and international franchise with nearly 12,000 restaurants that offers different styles of pizza along with side dishes. It marks its history from the year 1958. Pizza Hut holds the most market share in the pizza industry. Some of its products include...

Commercial Project Management: The Project Heart of the City

Introduction Remarkably, Sheffield’s city center has been tremendously changed for the past several years. The attraction of foreign investors rose and the investment paid for itself. Speaking of the investments and profits, it is necessary to say that traveling and sightseeing are nowadays one of the most prestigious and profitable...

Relationship Between Morality and Happiness

Introduction The issue of happiness appears to be the central determinant of a person’s life. The critical factor in establishing whether one had a good or bad life is whether this person was happy or not. Therefore, finding what one can do to achieve happiness and sustain it throughout his...

Family Health Assessment: Weaknesses and Strengths

Introduction Understanding a family’s features is an essential aspect of nursing practice as it helps determine the right approach for intervention. However, the assessment requires data that can be collected through observation or survey. This paper will examine the benefits of interviews to assess the structure, weaknesses, and strengths of...

Summary of “Women in Diaspora: A Study of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Fiction”

The topic of women’s experience in immigration has been broadly addressed in the field of social sciences. Multiple obstacles, psychological, cultural, and social barriers that women who immigrate to the USA encounter have been covered in numerous literary works. In the article under the title “Women in Diaspora: A Study...

McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare

During several decades of the Cold War, there could be no doubt that the main adversary facing the USA was the international Communist block led by the Soviet Union. While the interests of the USA and the USSR collided all over the world, the struggle occurred on American soil as...

Contract Law: Analysis of the Concept

Introduction Law is usually understood as the structure of rules which are developed and carried out through various governmental institutions in order to regulate and bring overall harmony to the society. In the contemporary world, some people even describe the law as an art of integrity and justice since it...

Corporate Governance Role in Firm Performance

For companies to be competitive, they need regular investments and other sources of financing. High-level corporate governance is an essential requirement for obtaining financial support for enterprises. This type of company governance determines its future welfare and stability. For this reason, its use is more critical for investors than the...

The Review of the Challenger Disaster

Thirty-four years have passed since the world was stunned by the fatal space accident which occurred in the US. However, the disaster is still fresh in people’s minds, and everyone remembers those terrible footages of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. It took the lives of seven crew members and became...

Barriers to Cross-Cultural Communication

With 195 countries spread across the globe, where each constitutes a host of a specific culture, understanding them can be difficult. Each conforms to a set of norms and behaviors considered as the backbone of their foundation and history. These include the beliefs, mentality, and customs of the individuals under...

Change Proposal: E-Prescribing Technology

Numerous changes and technological advances are being continually introduced to the medical field worldwide. These improvements or new developments help modern medicine to progress and provide high quality patient outcomes. However, every implementation needs to be adequately analyzed and assessed. This change proposal will describe e-prescribing technology, its patient safety...

Body Image and Self-Esteem Connection in Adolescents

Introduction The most crucial distinguishing feature of adolescence is the fundamental change in the sphere of his self-awareness, which is of cardinal importance for forming a teenager as a person. In adolescence, young people actively develop self-awareness and their independent self-assessment standards, and a personal attitude. At this age, a...

Monasticism in Western Europe During the 400 to 1100

In Western Europe, the rise of monasticism falls in the Middle Ages, during which religion was the most significant force. Monastic Christianity initially originated in Egypt and Palestine in the 3rd – 4th centuries and steadily transmitted to Western Europe. The essential concept of Christian monasticism is the alienation from...

Apple Inc.’s Logo and Its Marketing Functions

Visual symbols associated with the company form a significant part of its market image. As a rule, they reflect a firm’s marketing strategy and convey a particular message to potential consumers. Research indicates that a company’s logo and visual style can influence customers’ behavior, even if they are not aware...

Legal, Financial and Legal Issues Surrounding Meaningful Use

Goals of meaningful use The adoption of meaningful use of health information technology by healthcare organizations has the potential to improve patient outcomes across the world (Kaufman, Roberts, Merrill, Lai & Bakken, 2006; Hannah et al., 2011). Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) by healthcare organizations is intended to...

Contemporary Taxation Issue: Green Tax System

Introduction The evolution of a green economy (GE) has become the main concern for many countries. It requires significant law reforms at the local, regional, and global levels to assist in realising the fiscal opportunities, emerging from a change to less polluting methods of manufacturing and consumption, including fresh employment...

Today’s HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States

Despite the progress the U.S. has made in managing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the last 32 years, the phenomenon has remained a major challenge for people infected with the virus, their relatives, the health system, and society in general. The epidemic was first detected in the U.S. in 1969 (Siplon,...

The Controversy Around Morality of Abortion

Introduction Abortion is a medical practice that has been in use for hundreds of years. It commonly refers to intentional termination of pregnancy and extraction of the embryo or fetus from a woman’s uterus. The first historical evidence of abortion dates back to ancient times and civilizations such as Mesopotamian,...

White-Collar Crime Description

White-collar crime is among the subtlest, most non-evident, and most impactful types of crime, which affects the population on a scale of millions. An observant person might notice that this type of behavior is prominent in both governmental and corporate structures. It is also important to note that the cases,...

Juvenile and Adult Correction Facilities Management

A correction facility refers to a residential amenity aimed at restricting the movement and activities of those individuals convicted of having committed an offense. The correction facilities are essential for keeping criminals out of society and are crucial centers for rehabilitating them so that they can become safe and resourceful...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Novels by Ignacio Aldecoa Analysis

A novel in Spain is an ancient and truly democratic literary genre, rooted in folklore. Therefore, it absorbs folk wisdom, cheerful mischief, and practical judgment. The novelistic tradition is still alive in Spain; evidence of this is the collections published annually and individual stories in newspapers and magazines. There are...

“Beyond Blurred Lines: Rape Culture in Popular Media”: Book Overview

The role of popular media in shaping our behaviors and whether it directly contributes to violence elicits a strong debate from various quarters of society. In her book, Beyond Blurred Lines: Rape Culture in Popular Media, Nickie D. Phillips discusses how the idea of rape culture has permeated people’s collective...

Absurd in Thomas Nagel’s Philosophy

The topic of the absurd has been an ultimate ground for philosophical debates and discussions for many centuries. The main issue considered under this theme is the connection between human life and its absurdity. Nagel, in his work, investigates a concern about the inescapable absurdity of human lives and analysis...

Peter Singer on Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Peter Singer’s argument is valid when viewed from a moral and humane angle. Human life is sacred and should be protected from any threat. Peter argues from the standpoint of famine which is likely to cause death if not addressed. The author states that death or suffering caused by starvation,...

The Term “Economy”: Problematic Definition and Current Implications

The Term “Economy” Christopher Dodd once quoted “economic growth and environmental protection can and should go hand in hand”. Societies, governments, and countries rely on the concept of the economy to control the nature and processes of production and consumption. The formal definition of this term is the state of...

The Public Enemy and The Godfather Films Analysis

Introduction The idea of comparative analysis of films is a technique that endeavors to comprehend a film by relating it to another film. This article seeks to compare two films (The Public Enemy and The Godfather) by analyzing the common themes and stylistic devices used. The two films have several...

How Much Should We Do for Our Fellow Man?

The question of how much we should do for our fellow man arises every time, especially during times of emergencies, disasters and when we see others in need. Helping others is a choice that every person can make on their own. However, it depends on individual ability and willingness to...

Process Evaluation: Needs Assessment Program for the Elderly

Background Information The elderly population has several needs, including physical health, safety, and normal daily activities. With the increasing number of baby boomers entering the retirement phase, social workers play a role in facilitating the wellbeing of the elderly population (Plummer et al., 2014). This process evaluation reports the assessment...

The MeToo Movement and Protest in the Digital Age

The Economic Impact of Protest An Environment of Violence In order to establish the influence of sexual harassment on the economy, accurate assessments and research conducted in various workplace contexts should be provided. Thus, in 2013, more than 10,000 complaints from workers about sexual harassment in the workplace were filed...

Imagine You Dialog: Case Study

Imagine You is a non-profit organization dedicated to volunteering to help the unemployed and those looking for a new career. The company’s operations include a variety of seminars, networking opportunities, courses, and training in job-critical skills such as computer use and effective interviewing. As the CEO of this company, we...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Balancing Home and Work Life for Students

After conducting my own research, I collected and summarized the information about day planning that seemed most applicable in my situation. Due to their application, I will successfully cope with the roles of mother, grandmother, employee, and student, and I will have enough time for each of them. After reading...

Utilitarianism as the Only Effective Paradigm

Introduction Utilitarianism developed in the eighteenth century is still employed in modern society as the central philosophical paradigm that frames the creation of laws and norms. At that, utilitarianism has also been heavily criticized as it is regarded as an idealistic and rather oppressive model. Many thinkers stress that human...

The Film “My Sister’s Keeper” by Nick Cassavetes

My Sister’s Keeper is an American drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes and released on June 26th, 2009. The film revolves around a young girl named Anna Fitzgerald, who was genetically matched with her sister Kate through in vitro fertilization. Anna, who sued her parents, Brian and Sara, was conceived...

Amazon and Whole Foods Merger

The process of combining or acquiring a company can significantly affect the business of an organization. Moreover, such changes also affect the market in which companies operate. Hence, one example of the acquisition of one company by another is the case of Amazon and Whole Foods. This merger gave several...

Marketing of Educational Start-Ups in Nigeria

Introduction The demand for educational services, especially in developing countries such as Nigeria, remains moderately high in market forecasts. Educational services, like any product, are sold in the market, which is understood as a set of existing and potential buyers and sellers of goods. The market for educational services, in...

Negative Effects of Guns in Campuses

Introduction It is important to note that although the Second Amendment is a critical part of the United States Constitution, it should not infringe or supersede the First Amendment or any other part of the law. Considering the fact that campuses are places where academic freedom and freedom of speech...

Healthcare Change Implementation and Management Plan

Executive Summary The intensive care unit is a unit of paramount salience in a healthcare setup. It serves the sole purpose of handling critically ill patients requiring extensive care. Teamwork is vital in providing timely, effective, and excellent care and promoting patient safety (Ervin et al., 2018). Poor collaboration and...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership

From a general perspective, ethics refers to moral principles that command or influence a person’s conduct. In an organization, ethical leadership and strategies are critical elements in realizing a conducive working environment. Ethical-based leadership is realized when leaders exemplify and encourage proper conduct in the workplace. This can be demonstrated...

The Indonesian Mass Killings of 1965-66

The Indonesian mass killings of 1965-66 represent a complex and multifaceted event in the country’s history, the full origin of which can only be understood by looking at the local and global contexts in which it occurred. The massacre, estimated to have claimed 500,000 and over a million lives, was...

Research Methodologies in World History

Introduction Many goals are sought by the reading Navigating World History: Historians Create a Global Past. It argues for global history’s conceptual viability, traces world-historical thought’s development, summarizes recent global historical discoveries and connects them to tendencies across various subjects, and proposes objectives, methodologies, and conceptual frameworks for potential world...

The Movie “Good” and the Holocaust by Vicente Amorim

Nowadays, the very abbreviation SS invokes in most people the horrifying images of concentration camps, piles of corpses being pushed down the pit with bulldozers and the black smoke rising over camps’ crematoriums. Therefore, it comes as not a particular surprise that SS officers are generally assumed to have been...

Federal Acquisition Regulation and Contract Provisions

Introduction The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) provides guidelines for government procurements. It stipulates various consequences and penalties that are imposed to defaulters of federal contracts. The FAR also outlines performance requirements, procedures for notification, and delay provisions. Furthermore, it contains guidelines that are followed while changing terms and conditions of...

Psychology Issues: Television Violence

In recent times, electronic media has caught the masses’ attention due to the many reports about sexually explicit and violent imagery in the products sold to youth. The discourse about the consequences of television violence has developed to be normative. Indeed, psychologists have bitterly argued the level to which television...

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence – Psychology

Evaluating the intelligence rates in young children is crucial to the understanding of their needs, the assessment of the problems that children at the specified age may have, and locating any possible issues in their development (Jasinski, 2012). Therefore, applying an appropriate tool for measuring children’s intelligence is crucial to...

Compensation and Strategy: Controlling Benefits Costs

Introduction The system of healthcare in the United States is characterized by complexity and diversity. Private and public medical institutions offer medical services to individuals covered by individual-based, government-financed, and employment-based insurance. More recently, however, the discussions started on the issue of rising healthcare costs, which prompted many individuals to...

William Carlos Williams’ Poem “This Is Just To Say”

Communication is an important aspect with regard to human relations and interaction in social contexts. Through communication and interaction, people share and propagate ideas that ultimately portend influence on overall thresholds of discourse and engagement. It also offers an opportunity for individuals to relay feelings and emotions in a manner...

The Case of Native Women’s Association of Canada vs Canada

The case of Native Women’s Association of Canada v. Canada, [1994] 3 S.C.R. 627 came before the Canadian Supreme Court as a result of the Charlottetown Accord negotiations. The native people of Canada were widely represented by various interest groups and funded by the Canadian government. However, the Native Women’s...

National Institutes of Health: Talent Development

Abstract The paper provides the draft purpose statement that is formulated to describe the talent development effort in the National Institutes of Health. The focus is on the analysis of the specific rationale that is behind the initiative currently used in the discussed organization. The talent development effort in the...

Internship and Cooperative Education Programs

Introduction Internships and cooperative education programs that are known as co-ops enable students to anticipate the challenges associated with future workplace activities. Moreover, they can make learners more competitive in the labor market. There are certain differences between these methods of preparing graduates for their professional careers. It is important...

Freud’s and Inside-Out and Outside-In Theories

In life, human beings go through a process of development. Many theorists have come up with ways of explaining the development through stages or a continuous series. There is a need to examine the theories that explain the steps to understand this growth pattern. The inside-out and outside-in approaches also...

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Regulation and Deregulation Effects on Transportation

Introduction The benefits and downsides of regulation or deregulation in the sphere of transportation have been discussed for decades. Still, there are quite different views on the matter. Some researchers and practitioners claim that the industry has to be regulated heavily as it is associated with the economic and environmental...

Childhood Obesity: Parental Education vs. Medicaments

PICOT: In children suffering from obesity, is the education of parent in a healthy lifestyle for the children compared with medication treatment, increase the outcome and prevention of obesity. Introduction and Background The incidence of overweight and obesity among children has become a global concern that is associated with increased...

The King Fahd Military Medical Complex: Patient Improvement

Introduction This report discusses process improvement at the King Fahd Military Medical Complex’s accident and emergency department. In the last two years, there has been a rise in the number of cases of prolonged stay and reduced patient workflow within this department. Through observation of previously conducted studies by the...

Reading Cultural Crossroads: Whitman’s and Yu’s Poems

Introduction: My Participation Poetry can be seen as the highest top of the literary work since poets manage to articulate their ideas within quite short and refined pieces. Analysis of such works is especially challenging and exciting (at least, it is so for me). I thought I was quite good...

Single System Research Design

Introduction To start with, let me introduce the concept of a single system research design. According to Miller (n.d.), it “involves studying a single individual or system by taking repeated measurements of 1 or more dependent variables and systematically applying & sometimes, withdrawing or varying the independent variable” (p. 5)....

“The Public Realm and the Common Good” by Kunstler

Introduction The journalist James Howard Kunstler is a supporter of the new urbanism, which promotes various civic amenities, such as walkable neighborhoods and a new sense of community feeling. More than that, this movement actively resists urban sprawl, which is considered to have a negative impact on the environment in...

Electromagnetic Induction in Medicine

Introduction Medical science and physics have a strong relationship in terms of developing new technologies and improving patient care. For the majority of humanity’s history, doctors and physicians were limited to external symptoms for producing diagnoses and treating patients. While observing the visible symptoms is an important part of a...

The Value of Testing Worker Personality

Introduction An individual’s personality is a set of distinct characteristics that define his or her character and have an impact on the attitudes towards work, productivity and cooperation with other team members. The primary aim of these tests is to assess the strength and weaknesses of each employee and determine...

Conflict Resolution in a Care Delivery Setting

Introduction Despite numerous intentions to create effective working environments and build trustful relationships between employees and clients, conflicts turn out to be inevitable in many care delivery settings. Some hospitals have good leaders and managers who are able to identify problems and predict negative outcomes. In some facilities, the process...

Shifting Gender Norms in Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits

The questions of gender equality and the role of women in family and society are central for Isabel Allende’s novel The House of the Spirits that was first published in 1982. Although Allende describes the life of her characters without directly naming the Latin American country they live in, it...

Employment Opportunities for British Women After World War I

Introduction Military conflicts often align with significant social changes within states due to the underlying causes of confrontation and the changes that occur during their management. World War I is one of the most common examples of how social changes were propelled by the necessity to fight the oppressor and...

Empress Luxury Lines Company’s Decision-Making

Introduction The case in quetion concerns Empress Luxury Lines, a world-wide known cruise line. Top management of the company is planning to intentionally damage underground lines to get coverage from the insurance company. The obtained money is expected to be used for the computer system upgrade. Kevin Pfeiffer, a computer...

Dream and Reality in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Characters are the main issues in the understanding of the whole written work of any author. The author’s opinion, theme, and ideas are delivered through the characters of the story. It is significant to notice that characters are the main device in the author-reader communication, and an author usually tries...

Ethics In The Business Globalization

Nowadays business is one of the most important spheres of our life. Many people are involved in this field of our life, and they all belong to different nations. Each nation has its own traditions and culture. Therefore, there exist many differences among representatives of different countries. That is not...

Hazza Organization’s Ethical Climate

Hazza’s culture at work The major aspect of building an ethical organization is its ethical codes. It is expected from every members of the organization, Hazza, to show commitment towards these codes with the conduct of a professional. This is the fundamental issue for any machinery to perform properly with...

United States Homeland Security Strategies

Modern society currently faces many dangers such as crime and terrorism. Security of the citizens is of the utmost importance for the United States government. That is why there are numerous laws that help the government to reduce crime rates, and prevent activities associated with terrorism. The United States government...

Work Structure Trade Shadow

Introduction LRH Products is planning to attend a major trade show event in Sacramento, CA. For attending this project, plan should be prepared. The project includes activities like updating the trade show display; re-stock the collaterals, giving new orders for the collaterals, transportation of the trade show materials, setting up...

Teaching Philosophy and Its Impact on Learners

Introduction There is no clear-cut agreement regarding what constitutes best teaching philosophy. Nonetheless, it deserves merit to establish a tentative definition of what constitutes the effective teacher philosophy for the current paper. A teacher/instructor is deemed to have an effective teaching philosophy if he/she has a positive influence on student...

Leadership and Organizational Change: Diversity and Globalization

Introduction The process of globalization has transformed society, politics, and economics in a tremendous way (Taylor, 2005; Parker, 2005). The transformation has affected the demographics within the workplace in many ways. Diversity at the workplace entails a range of elements; these include differences in primary languages, social statuses, national origins...

Inclusive Educational Classrooms for Students With Learning Disabilities

Introduction Problem Statement Lots of special education elementary schools do not fulfill their educational requirements, as students of these schools do not meet the academic standards in reading in research. These schools are involved in teaching students with learning disabilities, and these students do not show progress while studying in...

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Same-Sex Marriage: Definitions and History

Introduction Historically, marriage represented a union of a man and a woman who decided to devote their love to each other, to stay together, and take care of one another. Nowadays, however, this perspective on marriage was subjected to alterations due to the gays and lesbians who are demanding the...

“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty: Point of View

A Worn Path is a short story laden with meaning and symbolism wrote by Eudora Welty. The narrative is about an old African American woman, Phoenix Johnson, walking a familiar path in the rural areas of Natchez, Mississippi, seeking to get medicine for her ailing grandson. The story is written...

The Role of Religion in One Amazing Thing

One Amazing Thing was written by an Indian-American poet and novelist Chitra Divakaruni, who used the ancient storytelling form of Panchatantra to write her own sapiential story in the post-9/11 United States setting. The novel emphasizes the notion of multiculturalism and tells the story of nine protagonists who are captured...

Patient Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis

The principle of autonomy respects the patient’s rights to make an informed medical decision. However, this case falls under the Confucian society, where the head of the family decides for people under his care (Tai & Tsai, 2003). The physician should inform the parents about all possible measures and leave...

Our Loss of Wisdom, Speech of Barry Schwartz

Reflections on the nature of society, some rules in it, and its influence on an individual are deep-rooted in the sociological science. However, regulation appears to an integral part of any community and organization, and each person has to cope with it. The methods are various, and the results depend...

Company Law, Liquidated Company – Case Study

Liability of an agent of undisclosed agent and recover Marchamages under restitution Akum will be personally liable if he had not disclosed the principal he was working for. When entering into an agreement with the banks where such terms as Bids ltd are used, it is assumed that they carried...

Community Analysis and Assessment

Introduction The community selected for the analysis is located in Miami, Florida, in the southern United States. It contains 440,000 individuals with an average age of 39.7 years (“Miami, Florida population 2018,”2018). At first glance, the area seems prosperous. The streets are clean, with positive people moving across them. The...

Homer’s Portrayal of the Gods in The Iliad

Introduction The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer. It seems to have originated based on legends about the Trojan War, and the main character of the poem is Achilles. Dramatic pictures of war, fights of heroes alternate with pictures of peaceful life and with scenes of...

Clayton County Library System’s Community Building Plan

Community Building Plan for the Clayton County Library System (CCLS) The Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, and library team of professions attribute the benefits reaped from CCLS by the Clayton County Community to the good working environment that it provides. This community plan has been drafted to help solicit...

Modern Physics III: Gravitational Waves

Introduction The concept of gravitational waves is a longstanding idea. Albert Einstein briefly covered it when he explained that ripples of space-time known as gravitational waves occur when large bodies orbit each other. He made these predictions in the development of the general theory of relativity in 1916. The calculations...