The Budget of Saudi Arabia and the USA

The comparison of budgets of the two super states may be essential for further evaluation of financial potentials of both countries. The paper is claimed to evaluate and compare the budgets of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. In the year 2007, Saudi Arabia anticipated a budget shortage....

Racism Problem at Institutional and Interactional Levels

The question of racism has been opened in the United States of American during a long period of time. Despite numerous attempts that are taken to provide African-Americans with the same rights and possibilities as the Whites have, the problem cannot be solved because some new aspects and concerns take...

Learning Disabilities and Their Identification

Cory’s parents had divorced, and the boy lived with his mother in an inner city area. His mother did not allow the father to visit his son and prevented him from any visits. Nevertheless, when Cory was in the first grade, his father picked him up after school. Cory was...

Streetcar Boycotts in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson

Racial discrimination is a critical issue that has attracted the attention of the general public a long time ago and is still discussed by numerous professionals in such spheres as history and politics. Blair Kelley also revealed her interest in this topic. She wrote a book titled Right to Ride:...

Conduct Disorder in Adolescence

Explain conduct disorder in adolescence to include symptomology, duration, and social factors Conduct disorder refers to a collection of antisocial behaviors exhibited by adolescents that infringe on the rights of other people and that defy societal norms (Reavy, Stein, Quina, & Paiva, 2014). These behaviors are repetitive and persistent in...

Claude Monet Woman with a Parasol Analysis

Claude Monet Woman with a Parasol Analysis: Introduction The art of the second part of the XIX century is rich with groundbreaking developments and attempts to rethink the very nature of art as a means of self-expression and world depiction. Impressionism was one of such important milestones in the history...

Logical Fallacy in Braun’s “Tougher Sanctions Now”

Introduction When it comes to arguing in favor of a particular point of view, it is important to keep the would-be deployed line of argumentation free of logical fallacies. The reason for this is apparent – the fewer of these flaws can be found in the written/orally delivered rhetorical piece,...

Divorce as a Family Affair and Its Consequences

Defining the Issue Regardless of the premises and the gravity of consequences, divorce is always a devastating event. The ones who usually suffer are the kids of those two people who decided to split up. For the most part, we cannot blame just one person out of the couple for...

Health Assessment of a Nuclear Family

Introduction People should be aware of the health challenges facing them to seek adequate medical support or services. They should also assess their conditions periodically to identify risk factors for poor health outcomes. Practitioners should also assess the health needs of different families in an attempt to develop the best...

Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors

Part 1 Ms. Rollison has a comprehensive behavior management plan in place. Why isn’t it working for all of her students? Ms. Rollison fails to realize that today’s learning environment is extremely diverse and, therefore, the task of the teacher is to provide students with greater assistance. Because students have...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Global Warming and Its Threats: Debates

Defining the Topic The global warming phenomena has been traced to the continued release of greenhouse gases by factories, cars, and a variety of other industrial processes that have continued to grow unabated for the past century. As human civilization continues to expand it brings with it an ever-increasing demand...

Future of American Nursing and How to Implement It

In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) joined their efforts in order to create a plan for transforming the healthcare system in the U.S. by improving nursing care education. Operating under-consumption that high-quality care is impossible without qualified and educated nurses, the cooperation...

Workplace Interpersonal Conflicts Among the Healthcare Workers

The work in a healthcare setting is rather demanding and may sometimes require much more than a thorough preparation and the knowledge of one’s job. Since medical workers and patients communicate on a daily basis and since different people have various opinions and approaches to situations, conflicts are inevitable. Disagreements...

The British Empire’s Achievements and Legacies

Introduction The world leadership of Great Britain, high international authority, as well as a political, economic, and military power, were associated with the colonial empire. At the beginning of the 17th century, England was a moderately developed feudal state located on the outskirts of Europe. Nevertheless, an active expansionist policy...

Exploring Workplace Bullying in Nursing

Introduction Workplace bullying is a persistent behavioral pattern of mistreatment that an individual or a group of individuals direct at others with an intention to cause physical or psychological harm. Lately, this phenomenon has been drawing much attention from researchers, for more and more employers are starting to heed not...

Customizing Service in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction What really can be given to a well-off client to show that you recognize and appreciate their business? You might think of filling their hotel suite with caviar or the best champagne as a welcome gift but again if that is what they wanted, they would have ordered it...

Oprah Winfrey: The American Icon

Oprah Winfrey is a celebrated talk show celebrity from a humble background who has invested her time in changing the world through her show and charity works. Katherine Krohn talks about the early childhood of Oprah and what she went through living in a rural farm in Mississippi. Oprah was...

General Analysis of the Types of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is one of the most common cognitive behavioral disorders and it affects people of all ages. The disease has very many names that the psychologists and psychotherapists use to describe it. The disease is also called manic depressive disorder, affective disorder or manic depression. It is a...

Concept of Sociology and Its Theory

Introduction When the term Division of Labour strikes the mind the first notion that is carried in the mind is economics or commerce. But this aspect befits well in the discipline of sociology. Sociology encompasses a variety of social stratification theories that try to answer many questions concerning ethical and...

Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Student Athletes

Introduction Many physicians, parents and coaches worry about the effect of performance enhancing drugs in schools and colleges (Amy, n.d.). The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) reports that in every thirty student-athletes, one will use performance-enhancing drugs like steroids (“Coalition addresses abuse of performance-enhancing drugs,” 2004). Research should find...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Loyalty Programs by Mimouni-Chaaban and Volle

“Perceived Benefits of loyalty programs: Scale development and implications for relational strategies,” by Aîda Mimouni-Chaaban and Pierre Volle is an informative article which provides information concerning the perceived benefits regarding loyalty programs. The article offers discussions regarding managerial and theoretical implications of the perceived benefits in relation to marketing strategies....

Poverty: Causes and Reduction Measures

The eradication of extreme poverty by the year 2015 was one of the millennium development goals that the United Nations member states committed to, during the signing of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. While many countries have made significant progress toward the attainment of the goal, many are still struggling...

Universal Values: Consequences of Non-Observance

Postcolonial Theory and Its Benefits for Society The past and ongoing historic processes present invaluable information for future generations allowing them to navigate the world without repeating the mistakes of their ancestors. The combination of such processes is considered under a unified concept of postcolonial theory, which contributes to the...

The Blind Side: Cinematic Case Study

The movie narrates about Michael Oher, the big black teenager whose drug addict mother does not know precisely how many kids she has and the names of their fathers. By chance, he enters a decent school where he finds it challenging to study, given his illiteracy, isolation, and social status....

Should Abortion Be Banned?

Introduction The issue of abortion has led to divergent opinions in the US with the pro-life activists advocating its illegalization and their pro-choice counterparts arguing in its favor. Pro-choice crusaders assert that a pregnant woman ought to be accorded the right to either sire the child or carry out an...

Transgender Care: Challenges, Implications

Introduction Differences in appearance or behavior may set forth barriers to effective communication within many spheres. In healthcare setting not putting effort into ensuring diverse patient groups being treated with professional finesse with no regard for their differences is a timely issue. Transgender patients are among those vulnerable communities who...

Health Care: Tort Reform “Compare and Contrast“

Introduction A tort is defined as a civil wrong committed against an individual, his or her property, or violation of personal rights (Scarrow, 2008, pp. 121). There has been a raging debate in the United States over tort reforms. Individuals from the political divide, legal practitioners, and physicians have also...

Issues That Affect Health Care Delivery

Introduction The health care reform agenda has been a political issue in the United States for decades. Politicians and special interest groups alike have attempted to improve access to care through lowering costs. They have also called for improving the quality and safety of care delivery. After many years of...

Cedars-Sinai, Intermountain, Hartford and Hillsboro Organizations’ Mission, Vision and Values

Matrix Name of Healthcare Organization Mission Vision Values Cedars-Sinai “Providing excellent clinical and service quality, offering compassionate care, and supporting research and medical education” (CEDARS-SINAI, 2016, para. 1) Enhancing the hospital’s “position as the leading healthcare provider in the Los Angeles area and rank highly among the nation’s most respected,...

Association Between Leukoaraiosis and Saccadic Oscillation: Study Critique

Introduction “Association between Leukoaraiosis and Saccadic Oscillation” by Chun-Ching Wu, MD; Yi-Ho Young, MD (2007). Background Wu and Young (2007) use an audio-vestibular test battery to analyze patients diagnosed with leukoaraiosis to investigate what the relationship is between dizziness and vertigo and leukoaraiosis. The paper’s abstract is lengthy and raises...

Health Promotions in Preschools

Abstract The process of enabling increased control over one’s health and improving health is called health promotion. It is frequently carried out in schools to create awareness of certain health issues. Hand washing has a major impact on public health, and this seemingly trivial activity significantly reduces two leading causes...

Seventh Day Adventists Fight Crime in Jamaica

Introduction Violent crime is a serious challenge in Jamaica. Robberies, rapes, murders, and assaults do not just lead to economic costs but may result in the loss of lives and severe emotional distress among victims. Crime also exerts a high toll on communities as the value of property increases and...

Mass Imprisonment for Aboriginals’ Mental Health

The blindness of justice is a subject challenged by the investigation of biases and patterns found in criminal justice systems worldwide. Australia’s Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders constitute an example of how economic and social discrepancies that colonialism entails can manifest in incarceration rates. Indigenous Australians are disproportionately imprisoned...

Safety Professional Working In an Australian Context

The government exercises control over all areas of society, including this, which is relevant for workers’ occupational safety. An extensive reporting system of statistics on occupational injuries provided by organizations is used to supervise and enact the applicable regulations. Burke (2019) notes that focusing on occupational safety provides significant economic...

Homeless Veterans in Ohio State

The problem of people without a permanent place of residence is quite widespread in the United States, and unfortunately, this issue concerns all segments of the population. Homeless people in America are represented by people of a wide variety of typologies and characteristics, from the orphaned youth to the elderly,...

“Why Are We Dressing Our Daughters Like This?” by Lianne George

Introduction Objectivization of women as a means of depicting exaggerated sexuality in every single action has now become a severe social issue addressed by equality advocates. Indeed, today’s mass media and retail market are aimed at finding signs of implicit sexual behavior in practically every action performed by women. Such...

Recidivism in the Criminal Justice: Prison System of America

The position of people continuously returning to prisons in the United States is alarming due to their high rates and the absence of effective mechanisms for integration in society. According to recent statistics, two out of three individuals are incarcerated within three years after their failure to meet basic needs,...

Gender Equality: Do Women Have Equal Rights?

Introduction Since equal rights and access to opportunity represent important values in the U.S., the country has introduced multiple pieces of legislation to protect women from discrimination. Despite the presence of laws to promote equality in diverse areas, there are some unaddressed challenges pointing to women’s specific challenges and barriers...

Discussion of the Work of Arthur Lessac

Introduction History knows hundreds of gifted people who contributed to the development of theater. One of the famous ones is Arthur Lessac, a legend among those who do not see voice as a regular tool to deliver information. Arthur is a renowned voice teacher, movement instructor, speech therapist, creator of...

History: South Africa Economics Success

Introduction South Africa’s economic history in the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries illustrates the narratives of discrimination, national pride, and long-awaited economic growth. Following the end of the apartheid system, a system of legalized segregation by race, South Africa has embarked on a journey to economic stability. This essay will...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mental Healthcare Aspects of Latinos

Caplan, S. (2019). Intersection of cultural and religious beliefs about mental health: Latinos in the faith-based setting. Hispanic Health Care International, 17(1) 4-10.  In her article, Caplan (2019) addresses the impact of religion and culture on Hispanics/Latinos’ mental health care receiving and their attitude to mental health treatment. Regardless of...

City of Canaveral: Tactile Evaluation Feedback System

Inputs, also known as factors of production, are important elements used to produce such outputs as goods and services. For instance, the City of Canaveral, Florida, uses resources to generate profit through generating goods and services. Therefore, according to Mikesell (2018), a firm’s purchases that are required for service delivery...

The Potential for Lab-Grown Meat

Introduction Meat is the most important source of micro and macronutrients, healthy protein, and vitamins such as B12. Without it, the human body would not have the shape people are accustomed to. It is the protein responsible for building muscles and connecting them to each other. This nutrient is one...

The Bible: Coherent and Unified Nature

Introduction The continuity of a book’s plot, characters, and the environment from the beginning to the finish of the book is a good indicator of how well the work holds together. Considering that a religious text is a work used to form a religious belief, it is vital to apply...

Discussion: Homeostasis and Disruption of the Hormones

Maintenance of a Dynamic Range of Environmental Qualities rather than Holding the Internal Environment at a Set Point of Homeostasis Homeostasis refers to a steady state of functioning within the body as well as the body’s inclination to keep its conditions and environment generally stable. This procedure is very important;...

The Novel “Song of the Hummingbird” by Graciela Limon

Introduction This essay will discuss the novel Song of the Hummingbird by Graciela Limon, which tells the tale of the Aztecs’ downfall from the viewpoint of a Huitzitzilin, a hummingbird. The book’s main objective is to emphasize the parallels and discrepancies between Christian and pagan civilizations, recounting the story of...

Leadership Behavior and Healthy Work Environments

Leadership behaviors play a significant role in creating healthy work environments. According to Han et al. (2019), responsible behaviors among leaders are an instrumental factor that establishes and maintains healthy work environments. In their study that evaluated 384 participants in a different organization, Han et al. (2019) responsible leadership behavior...

The West Milford Township School District’s Environmental Problems

Introduction The environmental scan of the West Milford Township School District in New Jersey has identified several problems or factors that need to be addressed. Some main issues include poor air quality, water quality, and school waste management, which must be addressed using appropriate methods. There are concerns regarding using...

Annotated Bibliography: Impacts of Poor Communication at the Workplace

Burksiene, V., & Dvorak, J. (2022). E-Communication of ENGO’s for measurable improvements for sustainability. Administrative Sciences, 12(2), 70. Web. The article explores the importance of environmental non-governmental organizations in contemporary governance. According to the authors, communication is crucial for coordination and cooperation for joint actions with private and public organizations....

Affordable Care Act: Good or Bad?

The adoption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 has given rise to various debates among different policy-makers, medical workers, patients, as well as journalists.1It is important to discuss the positive and negative consequences of this healthcare reform. Much attention should be paid to the financial implications...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Concord Hospital Leadership Management

The Scenario Concord Hospital is a non-profit community hospital located in Concord, New Hampshire. This hospital has 295 beds and handles and treats approximately 250 patients annually in its cardiac surgery program. Despite the success that the facility has been enjoying, its main challenge has been issues related to medication...

Moral Beliefs vs. Sympathies

We are all people who live in a society that has its particular rules and norms. Generally, we follow them to act decently and be accepted. No one questions the principles he/she was taught starting with the early childhood. Our parents claimed that this is right, and that is bad,...

Acer Company Analysis: Marketing and Competition

Introduction Over the recent past, the global market has been characterized by a very high level of competition. This has been characterized by a very high level of competition. In particular, the market for computers and electronics, in general, has been increasing over time. This competition has increased as a...

Information Systems: Patient Care Technologies

Introduction The adoption of technology within the healthcare sector has played a significant role in improving the quality of services delivered to patients by nurses (Blumenthal, 2009). There is a common belief among individuals that the adoption and implementation of various technologies in healthcare has a potential to reduce the...

Nursing Professional Capstone and Practicum Course

After completing another course, students have gained specific nursing knowledge that they are intended to demonstrate in practice. This course was useful for understanding and grasping such material as health care delivery, health policy, economic models in nursing, and other useful information. The following paper will discuss and cover various...

Public Health Initiative for Childhood Obesity

Introduction Across America, childhood obesity has become a national crisis. It is estimated that among the children aged between 2 and 19, one in every three children faces the problem of overweight or obesity (Ogden, Connor, Rivera, Dommarco, 2010). Overweight and obesity are leading risk factors for hypertension and diabetes....

The Discrimination of Employees: Nurse’s Case

Introduction The enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was meant to streamline the relationship between employees and employers by minimizing instances of discrimination in relation to race and other categorizations. Title VII prohibits among other things, the discrimination of employees on the basis of their...

Are Businesses Good Corporate Citizens and Help the World?

Introduction In the age when corporate power reaches threatening proportions, it is extremely important to ensure that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is at the core of each business entity. Corporations should be regarded not only as a means for enrichment but as social responsibility enterprises (Lange & Washburn, 2012). Unfortunately,...

Nurses’ Work-Life Balance and Patient Safety

Background of Study The clinical problem of the study can be introduced with the help of the PICOT question. For the study by Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden, and the NEXT Study Group (2012), it will be as follows. In healthcare employees, do 12-hour shifts compared to 8-hour shifts have an...

Effective Patient Teaching to Reduce Readmission Rates

Introduction Chronic conditions such as diabetes and COPD account for the high 30-day readmission rates in US hospitals. The readmissions have implications for care quality and cost. However, evidence-based interventions have been shown to reduce up to 50% of potentially avoidable readmissions (Basu, Avila & Ricciardi, 2016). Patient education during...

Marijuana Legalization: Adverse Health Effects

Abstract Legalization of recreational marijuana consumption has garnered much support in recent years as the movement spread across several states in the US. Countering this movement is frequently perceived as conservative and old-fashioned; however, it is important not to lose sight of the medical evidence that suggests that further impact...

Sleep Apnea and Nursing Management

Introduction The article discusses obstructive sleep apnea, a chronic disorder characterized by the obstruction of the upper airways resulting in sleep disruption that could lead to fatigue during the day and the required management. This paper will seek to review the article and evaluate its application to professional nursing practice....

Bay View Corporation’s Top Manager’s Skills

Introduction Current market trends are becoming complex and chaotic. This presents uncertainties to stakeholders over their investment in companies. It, therefore, requires effective managerial abilities and skills to manage big multinational companies such as Bay View Corporation. Moreover, the need for managerial skills has never been on the rise as...

American Reconstruction and Civil Rights Movements

Impacts of Reconstruction After the end of the Civil War in 1865, American society embarked on a rigorous reconstruction program that aimed at bridging the gap between the blacks and the whites, who had engaged in several conflicts that were brought about by slavery and the slave trade. It was...

Sous Chef Vs Pastry Chef Comparison

Introduction It is obvious that people try to choose an occupation which is interesting for them and which can give moral satisfaction. That is why they created new kinds of jobs for them to be able to realize their potential. Besides, there is a great number of different occupations in...

Healing and Autonomy: The Conflict Between Conventional Medical Treatment and Spiritual Beliefs

The case study presents a frequent conflict between conventional medical treatment and spiritual beliefs that affect medical decision-making. In this case, Mike’s decision to opt for prayer healing instead of temporary dialysis has influenced his son’s condition and created a need for a kidney transplant. Mike is now contemplating whether...

Self-Care Patient Education Program Implementation

Implementation Steps The transfer from the existing model of care to the one that implies the active education of the target demographic is fraught with several difficulties. As recent studies show, the specified phenomenon occurs due to the lack of self-care skills among patients (Acher et al., 2017). Therefore, a...

Organized Crimes of the 1920s in the US

The 1920s was an era that was known for organized crime: bootlegging, the fixing of the World Series, and corruption within police forces. Now the question is, who were the major players in these organized crimes of the 1920s and what were they involved in? What impact did these people...

The World of Art: Categories and Types

The word art means imaginative work or opinions, which is a responsibility to make things that exhibit beauty, appearance and uncommon insight. It is the ability to create or make things, which brings a difference between human beings and the world of nature (Your, 2006, par.1). According to

Managerial Decision Making Process

Would firms increase their revenue if they were to lower hearing aid prices? Evaluate the situation by doing a critical analysis? When the price of a product increases tremendously the demand for that particular product tremendously decreases. The given situation is that the firm wants to maximize its profit by...

Lukumi Babalu Aye and City of Hialeah Comparison

Facts of the case The Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. a non-profit religious denomination practiced Santeria religion together with its congregants. Santeria is a form of religious practice that originated in the 19th century and it involves animal sacrifices as a principal element of their devotion to the religion....

Project Management Body of Knowledge

According to John (2004), project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) can be referred to as the combination of processes and knowledge areas which are widely recognized and generally accepted as the best practice to be applied during project management process. It has a set of guidelines and practices written by...

Workers’ Injury Compensation in Texas

Workers’ compensation in the case of injuries and diseases resulting from performing work tasks is the principal challenge of a state’s policies. In this regard, Texas is in the least privileged position since not all of the state’s employees are covered by compensation regulations (Szymendera, 2016). However, the situation is...

Lifespan Development and Personality Theories

Physical Development Adolescence is usually described as the age between 12 and 18 years old. It starts with puberty, which is characterized by a number of physical changes connected to a human body becoming capable of reproducing. At this stage, primary sexual characteristics and secondary sexual characteristics are developed (Spielman,...

Aromatherapy and Massage for Decreasing Anxiety in the Transition Phase of Labor

Introduction Aromatherapy refers to the practice of using oils and aromatic compounds to alter the physical, psychological, and cognitive wellbeing of individuals through procedures such as massage, topical application, immersion, and inhalation (Luo, Huang, Xia & Zeng, 2014). Essential oils can be used during the transition phase of labor in...

Chemical Dependence: Crisis of Addiction

Abstract Drug abuse and substance use has negative consequences on the society. Governments the world over invest heavily in enhancing rehabilitation services to eradicate drug abuse. However, the rate of drug abuse remains high. This paper evaluates social-cultural factors that influence drug abuse. It also provides an overview of the...

Criminal Behavior in Juveniles: Psychological Factors

Introduction The article by Harris-McKoy and Cui (2013) that is going to be summarized in the paper at hand investigates the connection of adolescent delinquency with the level of parental control. The authors assume that during transition periods, parents are often unable to exercise due control over their adolescent children–this...

Age and Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Introduction Discrimination in the offices and among colleagues is a serious issue in the modern world that is claimed to be tolerant and equal for everyone. This topic and its causes and consequences are widely discussed by specialists in diverse spheres such as sociology, psychology, human resources, and management. It...

Women’s Gender Role Unfairness: “The Yellow Paper” and “Trifles”

Introduction The question of gender roles has been recurrently addressed in numerous works of literature. The presence of different outlooks on the issue allowed numerous contemporary and past authors to approach gender roles from numerous perspectives. The current research paper takes Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Paper and Susan Glaspell’s...

The Ideal Society: Social Stratification and Poverty

Introduction Some people often consider and evaluate themselves to determine their social group in society. In sociology, there are three major categories of social class: the elite, the middle class, and the poor. It is typical of a human to have thoughts of advancing from one group to the next....

Discussion of “Bravo Two Zero” Patrol in Iraq

Introduction During the First Gulf War in January 1991, a troop of British Army Special Air Service (SAS) landed in Iraq having a particular task in intelligent service. Bravo Two Zero was the code-name of the SAS operation. According to one of the theories, the patrol targeted to destroy Scud...

Families’ Suffering When a Medical Error Occurs

Introduction The two movies, A Closer Look at A Medication Error and Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm, illustrate families’ suffering when a medical error occurs to a close family member. For several years, I have regarded hospitals as a safe places where people get their health restored....

The Limits of Language in Theology

The Christian apophatic mysticism, also known as “via negative,” teaches to approach the divine using a negation, indicating what God is believed not to be. This form of religious practice and thinking contrasts with the cataphatic approach that requires affirmations when referring to or describing God (Lane, 1998). There is...

Unhealthy Food Culture and Obesity

Introduction Unhealthy food culture plays a significant role in developing health-related diseases, including obesity. Nutritionists advise people to eat a balanced diet meal at least once a day for a healthy outcome. However, not all people can afford or even access healthy meals. Food insecure neighborhood reports a high population...

Improving Ecological Awareness Through Education

Introduction The toxicity of manufactured products is currently a prominent issue for numerous populations. Including various chemicals in the solutions created for home use has been a useful strategy for numerous production facilities, as this method often improves the manufacturing process and can be cheaper in the long term (The...

Cultural Artifact in the “Legally Blonde” Film

Introduction Cultural artifact analysis is essential for ethnographic research in which case an ethnographer gets to decide what an artifact suggests or does not suggest. As a result, readers can gain insight into aspects of an artifact that they could not have deciphered without the help of the ethnographer. Accordingly,...

Achieving Success in Construction Project Management

Introduction The construction industry has a great impact on the development of the economy. The effective implementation of construction programs depends on many factors, among which the management of construction organizations can be identified. Shortcomings in the economic and organizational management system lead to a low level of manageability by...

Bhopal Gas Tragedy in India: Reasons for Happening and Results

On December 3, 1984, in Bhopal, India, there happened to be a gas leakage of methyl isocyanate (MIC) from a pesticide manufacturing plant located in the city. The tragedy resulted in the loss of lives and other adverse negative effects on the community in Bhopal. At least 3,800 people died,...

Offender Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Introduction The current expansive imprisonment policies led to the mass incarceration of criminals in the United States. Due to the criminalization of illegal drug use and possession, followed by lengthy prison sanctions, the number of incarcerated people increased dramatically, which caused a significant impact on society. The US criminal justice...

The Inclusion of Cain in the “Beowulf”: Understanding Grendel’s Actions

Scholars have long debated whether or not Beowulf is a Christian allegory or a wholly pagan work with only a smattering of Old Testament allusions. This debate has lasted for the entire length of the epic. In biblical analysis, Cain’s image is often utilized as a metaphor to denote disorder...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A University’s Trainee Program Documents

Introduction The University’s board has decided to expand the trainee program, which means that students from other institutions will be accepted as a trainee and trained. To execute this, the counseling program management should have a detailed plan with the suggestions and changes to the existing policies that are needed...

Report on The Work of Caterpillar Inc.

Caterpillar is the world’s largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment. It serves a number of industries – infrastructure, construction, mining, oil and gas and transport, the company is considered one of the most demanded in the global economy. Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision Mission of Caterpillar Inc. The company’s mission is...

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport’s History

Introduction Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is the international hub that hosts thousands of passengers annually. It started functioning after the end of World War II as a commercial airport, and since then, it has undergone significant changes. The airport works according to national safety regulations, and the state supervises its work....

Correctional Theory in the Criminal Procedures

Introduction The seven basic philosophies of corrections are retribution or just deserts, deterrence, incapacitation, restorative justice, rehabilitation, reentry, and early intervention (Cullen & Johnson, 2017). The rehabilitation policy to help with crime prevention will be covered in this review. The one that assures reintroduction into society and lowers the recidivism...

Racial Discrimination and Economic Revival

Introduction Racism is one of the most contentious issues in America and most of the Western world and is the cause of distinct differences between people from various backgrounds. America has been dealing with the issue of racism for several years now, but the prevalence of the problem remains a...

Sunjata’s vs. Hamlet’s Literary Works Comparison

Introduction The works of Sunjata and Hamlet have been revered for centuries, each inspiring generations of readers and viewers with their captivating stories and characters. Sunjata is a 13th-century epic poem from Mali, written by an anonymous griot, and Hamlet is a famous tragedy from the late 16th century by...

Living in a Big City, Its Causes and Advantages

Wondering about the advantages of living in a big city as opposed to rural areas? Want to know about the disadvantages of a small town lifestyle? This essay sample is for you—check it out! Why Is It Better to Live in a Big City: Essay Introduction There was once a...

Technologies: the Role of Drones in the Modern World

Introduction The present era is characterized by rapid technological changes and advancements. Globalization has made it possible for many companies and individuals to engage in continuous research and development (R&D). One of the current technological trends that have redefined human activities is the drone. Grant indicates that a trend is...

Fair and Equitable Compensation

Compensation and benefits are the base parts of any employment relationship. Compensation and benefits are seen differently from the points of view of the employees and employers. Compensation is an important and multidimensional aspect that can be connected to such factors as motivation, job satisfaction, quality of professional performance, and...

Alaska Airlines’ Technology and Customer Loyalty

Background Alaska Airlines is an organization that operates since the 1930s. I was considered to be one of the top ten largest American airlines at the end of the 20th century. The company is rather expanded and operates in 36 cities with the main hub in Seattle. Operating together with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Florida Advance Health Care Directive

I obtained the advance directive (AD) for the state of Florida by printing it from the official website of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (2017) and its program for end of life care, CaringInfo. ADs give people an opportunity to have some level of autonomy over their health...

Non-traditional Healthcare Practices: Can It Replace the Actual Medicine?

Introduction: Describing Three Non-traditional Healthcare Practices The three cultures that will be examined in this study will consist of the Filipino, Chinese and Finnish cultures. These were chosen based on how their nontraditional health practices significantly diverged from one another and how their cultures also had considerable differences as well....

Structural Violence and Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

Paul Farmer’s chapter “Suffering and Structural Violence” explains the concept of structural violence and applies it to Haiti. According to Farmer, structural violence occurs when the political, economic, or social structure of the country facilitates the suffering of certain categories of people. Vulnerable communities are characterized by various axes of...

Social Work Values and Ethics

Different professions have ethical guidelines that facilitate effective decision-making, but there are times when the professionals face ethical dilemmas. During these situations, it is imperative to embrace the decision that causes the least amount of harm on clients and the professionals. Ethical dilemmas concerning confidentiality must be approached in the...

Innovative Nursing Chronic Care Model in Nepal

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the role of innovative nursing care models has been increasing over the last few years, and it would be particularly reasonable to apply them in low-income countries. Chronic care is an area that has been chosen because the quality of such services in...

Nursing Informatics Conceptions for Solving the Clinical Problem of Falls Among Geriatric Patients

Evidence-based practice plays a vital role in the provision of quality nursing care. Advances in technology have increased healthcare providers’ contact with vast information from up-to-date research studies. In addition, the research arena has made astonishing breakthroughs in the last few years, which have brought novel understandings of medical data....

Vaccines and Autism: Does the Controversy Persist?

Time of the Vaccination Introduction 1796 was the year of vaccination (Horne, Powell, Hummel, & Holyoak, 2015). A scientific approach was applied later. Vaccines from various diseases appeared gradually. Most of them were discovered in the 20th century. The connection between autism was invented recently. Vaccination first appeared in 1796;...

“Children of the Dust” by Ali Eteraz

Introduction In the book “Children of the Dust,” Ali Eteraz gives a detailed analysis of his childhood experiences in the United States and Pakistan. The author wrestled with numerous experiences and ideologies that eventually transformed his understanding of Islam. This book review begins by examining Eteraz’s journey from childhood to...

Negotiations Class Self-Assessment: Negotiation Skills

Introduction In this semester, negotiation skills were among the paramount topics covered. From the knowledge acquired during the semester, negotiation is a process aimed at settling differences by reaching an agreement. Negotiation skills are paramount especially in business transactions where bargaining is a common phenomenon. In addition, various professions such...

Teachers’ Collaboration with Libraries for Testing

Assignment One It should be noted that, at present, standardized testing has become one of the ways to control the knowledge and skills exhibited by students at various stages of the learning process. The results of education also depend on the way tests are organized and conducted. Current educational standards...

Youth Violence in the United States

Introduction Youth violence is one of the major topics that have dominated political and social debates in the United States for a long time. Over the years, issues relating to gun control have been a major deciding factor in presidential elections, as American citizens continue to deal with the challenges...

Transgender Bias in News Coverage

Introduction Bias is present in a significant amount of modern news coverage as society has become increasingly polarized on a variety of socio-political issues. In the context of increasing LGBTQ activism and recognition, transgenderism faces the greatest controversy and public backlash. Transgender individuals refer to people who either identify or...

Burnout in Professional Nurses: Research Critique

The problem of burnout in professional nurses attracts the attention of numerous researchers in the field due to its detrimental long-term consequences. The given paper discusses the article by Dev, Fernando III, Lim, and Consedine (2018) that was published in a well-known peer-reviewed nursing research journal. The study focuses on...

Abortion Policy in the United States

Throughout the years, abortion has been a controversial issue in the United States, where different policies concerning the termination of pregnancy exist. Abortion regulations have a direct influence on women and can influence numerous aspects of a female’s life. The policies related to the issue target the healthcare industry due...

Circumcision as a Human Rights Issue in the US

Introduction Contemporary society appreciates humanistic values that are cultivated with the primary aim to protect the rights of individuals and guarantee that there are no barriers to their development. Regarding this paradigm, many stereotypes of the past are being reconsidered today. This statement is topical for the healthcare sector. It...

Obesity as National Practice Problem

Introduction The selected national practice problem for this discussion is obesity. From a global perspective, this health challenge impacts nurses by increasing the number of patients in need of exemplary medical services. Obesity triggers a wide range of illnesses and makes it impossible for many patients to record positive health...

Religion: Definition, History, General Practices

Introduction Religion involves a combination of practices and beliefs that are held by certain people and is often codified as religious law, rituals, and prayers. It may involve cultural or ancestral traditions, mythology, writings, and history, as well as mystic experience and personal faith. Religion can be defined in a...

“Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara

Introduction It is these days that the United States of America is a solidary and democratic country, where everybody has the equal rights and freedoms. However, it was not always so and there were times when people had to struggle for their beliefs and for their ideas concerning the country...

Leadership and Democratic Action: Leadership Ability Analysis

After taking the different quizzes concerning leadership qualities and abilities, it is necessary to compare the findings in the two assessment tools provided with those quizzes. This enables one to identify the areas of his or her leadership strength. Therefore, one may propose how to develop or improve them. Also,...

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Business Ethics in Real Estate

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The Influence on the Culture of Teen Consumers

Introduction Many factors influence the so-called “ideal” body shape and image (Willet, 2009). According to various articles, the culture of teen consumers began to be influenced by the female body image of cosmetics, fashion, media and advertisements (Willet, 2009). These advertisement influence teen consumers on dieting and exercising to enhance...

Alternative Energy Industry’s Competition Dynamics

Introduction There are many competitors in the Alternative Energy Industry; some of them include BP Alternative energy, Exxon, Mobil and Conoco Phillips. These competitors derive their energy from sources such as biofuel, sunlight, heat, wind, rain, tides and hydrogen. However it should be noted that competition in the industry is...

Why the HIH Insurance Collapsed?

HIH was the price of the Australian insurance corporate world until it came down like a castle of cards. It surprised much of the corporate world and local communities and society in Australia. The strange thing about the collapse of the HIH was that it came down at a moment...

Homicide Investigations and Forensic Evidence

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Civil War in “For Cause and Comrades” by McPherson

Introduction The current essay is an evaluation of McPherson’s book “For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War”. A critique of the book will be produced based on the review of several crucial points. First of all, the main thesis of the author will be presented and...

Television, Attitudes, and Behavior

Television and social behavior Television affects our social behavior in a way that indicates that people can recognize logical inconsistencies among the beliefs they hold by watching various traits of their ideals on television. This is termed as ‘Socratic effect’ proposed by McGuire in 1960. One of the reasons for...

Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust

Introduction A REIT is a form of security that is traded in the same way as a direct investment and stocks in the stock market—undertaken through properties or mortgages. On the other hand, a trust is an organization that pools together a number of investments relating to REIT. Similar to...

Venous Thromboembolism: Action and Effect

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Fractures of the Metacarpals and Phalanges: Critical Appraisal of Articles

Introduction The article written by Benjamin Dean and Christopher Little is aimed at discussing the fractures of phalanges and metacarpals. In particular, they focus on the selection of the most appropriate management plan. The authors provide a sound and convincing rational for examining this question. They argue that these orthopedic...

Bike Safety Promotion: Grant Application

Date: Addresser name: From: Destination: Address: Dear Senator, Please find our enclosed proposal for a grant for the promotion of bicycle safety among children. Any parent, regardless of where they live – in a city or the suburbs, knows how much children love riding their bicycles. This kind of leisure...

Analysis of LGBT Integration in Military

This work is devoted to the United States of America’s policy to accept representatives of the LGBT community into the ranks of the US Armed Forces. The study examined integrating LGBT people into the army and identified the main points that influenced the formation of acceptance to gays, lesbians, and...

Climate Change and Mitigation Measures in China

Chen, Y., Zhang, Z., & Tao, F. (2018). Impacts of climate change and climate extremes on major crops productivity in China at global warming of 1.5 and 2.0 C. Earth System Dynamics, 9(2), 543-562. Web. Chen et al. (2018) evaluated the effects of climate change on the growth of productivity...

Career and Criminal Cases of Johnnie Cochran

Introduction Johnnie Cochran was born in 1937. Initially, he studied business administration. Thurgood’s inspirations and victory in Brown v. Board of Education marked the turning point in Cochran’s career. To him, practicing law became not only a career but also a call. He believed that there were many injustices happening...

Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers

Workplace Violence Workplace violence refers to physical threats, verbal abuse, and homicide against a health care employee. Many employers have no authority to implement workplace violence programs but have guidelines that help detect workplaces with serious hazards. Some states in the United States have developed programs and advanced laws for...

The Future of Jamaica’s Energy Development

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Island Banking Services: Cybersecurity Strategy and Implementation Plan

Island Banking Services is a non-US firm that works in the Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities industry, which has the NAICS 2017 code 522320. Financial transaction processing, financial instrument clearinghouse services, and reserve and liquidity services are all provided by companies in this industry. On the island, the...

Sexual Issues Confronting Healthcare Providers in the 21st Century

Sexuality involves the ability and needs to experience mutual emotional closeness to another human being. Sexuality matters because it goes beyond more than sex, influencing people in their lives. Healthcare providers in the 21st century have experienced sexual issues pertaining relationship between sexual wellbeing and health (Fortenberry, 2016). Sexual well-being...

“The Salt of the Earth”: Feminist Criticism and Gender Studies

Introduction Salt of the Earth is a 1954 film directed by Herbert Biberman. The movie was created by Hollywood’s blacklisted filmmakers, with the participation of a large number of non-professional artists. This acutely social film did not have the right opportunity to gain public recognition for a long time due...

Literature Review: COVID-19 and Eye Diseases

The spread of coronavirus disease that originated in Wuhan, China, led to a global pandemic affecting people in different ways. COVID-19 causes pulmonary problems and impacts other systems of the human body, including cardiovascular/circulatory, digestive, immune, and sensory nervous. Various forms of ophthalmic manifestations of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2...

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Best Practices in Project Management

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Tesla Inc.’s Strategic Management and Competitiveness

This work is devoted to the analysis of strategic management and strategic competitiveness of the Tesla Company. This paper presents an assessment of the impact of globalization and technological changes on the Tesla Company and its activities. In addition, an industrial organization model and a resource-based model were applied to...

Nurses Turnover and Nurses Retention

Introduction Nurse shortage refers to the situation in the healthcare field when there is an insufficient number of nurses. Several factors contribute to the nurse shortage situation, which changes from time to time, making nurse shortage a relative term. The first scenario contributing to the shortage of nurses in healthcare...

Agricultural Influences on the Developing Civil Society

Introduction Many historians take different viewpoints on whether the development of civil society led to the introduction of agriculture or the agricultural advancement made society and humanity advance. Most, however, agree that agriculture started a long time ago, and in its preliminary stages, it was combined with other methods of...

Hubble Company’s Data Driven Direct-to-Consumer Marketing

Hubble has evolved from a simple startup to a promising brand in the contact lenses industry. In its initial years of inception, the company generated more than $20 million in annual sales (Avery & Israeli, 2018). Hubble’s growth has been attributed to its social media strategy, enabling the company to...

The Canadian Prison System: Problems and Proposed Solutions

The state of Canadian prisons has been an issue of concern for more than a century now. Additionally, prisons are run in a manner that does not promote rehabilitation, which should be the goal of penitentiaries. Multiple reports over the years have shown that inmates are subjected to violence, torture,...

Critique of Amartya Sen’s Position on Business Ethics

Introduction In this essay, I argue that Amartya Sen’s consideration of the importance of trust in business politics is not entirely rational. I will initially explain Sen’s position in the paper by providing a general research summary. I will then focus on the specific examples Sen notes nonprofit values as...

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Data

Defining CMS-DRGs The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is the federal agency in charge of Medicare and Medicaid programs and is responsible for hospitals’ reimbursement for the services provided to patients. CMS makes decisions relating to medical facilities’ compensations based on Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) that categorize patients...

Utilitarianism as a Concept Embedded in Human Nature

Currently, the interaction of people with each other plays a significant role in all spheres of human activity. The importance of people’s relationships can be seen starting from simple human relations and their continuation to economic ties between countries. For a good connection between humans, people need to leave positive...

Overconsumption in the Context of Black Friday

Introduction This paper is about overconsumption and Black Friday influence in the market. The term overconsumption refers to the situation where utilization of natural resources is more than the current ability to generate more (Ardley & May, 2020). When overconsumption is experienced for a long time, it is difficult to...