Jacob Lawrence and Principals of Design

Jacob Lawrence (1917-2000) is considered to be the most acclaimed African-American artist of the last century (“Jacob Lawrence Biography”). He grew up in Harlem, New York. Lawrence’s most popular collections are the Migration Series and War Series. With these works, he “brought …to life” the African-American experience by using “blacks...

Digital Communication Systems and Its Impact on Democracy

Nowadays acceleration of the technological progress, resulting in the impetuous dissemination of innovations in the world introduces cardinal changes to the social aspects life, among which media takes not the last place. The aim of this essay is to analyze the role a digital communication systems play in the provision...

Ku Klux Klan: Research Paper

One of the most infamous terrorist organizations in the world, Ku Klux Klan took its origin in the American South, gradually expanding its activity to other states. With violent and often dehumanizing methods, it attempted to oppose segregation and equal-right movement for black people. Close examination of Ku Klux Klan’s...

Nursing Turnover: Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Introduction The success of organizations usually depends on a variety of factors. According to Kurnat-Thoma et al. (2017), the necessity to evaluate the facility’s operational effectiveness by means of employee turnover enhances the creation of a supportive work environment and quality improvement. Managers and leaders have to recognize the needs...

Schizophrenia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Myths

One of the severe mental disorders included in the DSM is schizophrenia. This disorder requires a serious treatment as the illness influences a person’s perception of reality, affecting one’s feelings, emotions, and thoughts and disabling one’s functioning. People with this disorder may have unusual behavior, hallucinations, and delusions. This paper...

Immigration History: “Betwixt and Between” Identity

Introduction Accurate measurements require tools of precision. The more precise the tool, the more distinctions we could make in our attempts to produce knowledge. The study of American history is no exception. For many decades, a blunt toolset had informed our analysis of migration and identity whereupon historians adopted a...

Theme in Glaspell’s “Trifles” and Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”

Introduction Words, especially sincere and true ones, are people’s most powerful and influential weapons. They can go deep into humans’ hearts and souls and touch the innermost and most essential parts. Some crucial concepts, including dreams, freedom, equality, fairness, and family, are sometimes so difficult to discuss that persons decide...

Healthcare Among the Elderly Prison Population

Increase in the elderly inmate population The number of prisoners in the United States has kept surging over the years. It is estimated that the percentage of prisoners aged 55 years and above has increased by a margin of 33 % from 2000 to 2005. Within this period the prison...

Origin and Course of the Cold War

Introduction The Cold War came as a consequence of conflict between capitalist and communist communities. Severe strife between non-communist and communist countries caused the Cold War. People named the war “Cold War” simply because the battle never caused hot or armed violence. During the end of the Second World War,...

Fate of Sex Offenders After “Payment of Debt”

Introduction The Department of Public Safety in Texas is in charge of collecting information on sex offenders and keeping it safe in the state sex offender registry. The law enforcement officers from the local arena furnish the registry with relevant information concerning the sex offenders. Texas offender law was enacted...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Balb-C Versus c57 Black Mice in Toxoplasma Gondii: Behavioural Tests

Introduction The persistence and control of rodent host by Toxoplasma gondii is attributed to brain encystment by trachyzoites derived from the definitive host. Its proliferation into latent brain cysts (bradyzoites) in rodents limits the host’s physiological functioning and induces behavioural changes that favour felid-vectored transmission (Gatkowska et al. 2012; Webster...

Genetic Alterations and Cancer

Cancer is not a name of one disease, but it is a cluster of numerous diseases in which unwanted cells begin to grow in the human body. When the DNA of a cell is damaged it becomes a cancer cell. In this paper, we shall discuss its symptoms, causes, diagnosis,...

Communicating in Teams and Organizations

Abstract Communication is an integral part of human life, including the field of business. Communication in an organization is an essential type of business relationship with other people, which performs several functions. In business communication, people use verbal and non-verbal means, which is also of great importance. Today, in the...

Rice Scientists Create a Super Antioxidant

Introduction and Choice of article The article that has been selected for this essay is, ‘Rice scientists create a super antioxidant – Common catalyst cerium oxide opens door to nanochemistry for medicine’. The article was published in Rice University News and Media on October 14th 2013 where it was posted...

Legal Decision-Making and Role of Emotions in It

Emotions turn out to be a vital part of human life, and people cannot ignore this impact on their decisions, actions, and relationships. In law, emotions may complete different functions and provoke various outcomes reconciled with liberal concepts. The field of modern criminal justice has been considerably improved and analyzed...

Police Use-of-Force in Graham v. Connor & Tennessee v. Garner Cases

A state police officer shot Garner to death as he fled the crime scene. Even though Garner was unarmed, the police officer felt he had the right to shoot him to prevent his escape. Garner’s father, the plaintiff, brought a constitutional challenge to the Tennessee statute that authorized deadly force...

Peace in Islam and International Relations

Introduction It is important to note that Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions, which builds its system of beliefs on the faith of monotheism. The Holy Quran is the sacred text from which the majority of teachings and core concepts are derived. The key figure is the Prophet...

Graphing Data: Reasons and Methods

Introduction The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the awareness of the chapter about data collection methods. Data collection is an important step any researcher should take, and several approaches exist to store information. Graphing data is one of the possible methods to communicate information visually. Graphs may be...

Acute Respiratory Failure: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management

Introduction The human body is a system that depends on the coordination of all organs regarding the distribution of necessary elements throughout the structure. Oxygen is an essential element within a person’s anatomy due to its functional effect on the tissues. In this case, the insufficiency of the supply risks...

Idir (A Vava Inouva) Music Video: Background, Lyrics, and Visual Effects

Introduction Berber music is a term that refers to the harmonious traditions of the Berber individuals, a group of people from Algeria who speak a language called Berber. It is not uncommon for Kabyle to be home to some of the most well-known Berber musical styles. The long-running struggle of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nokia-Technology Industry Analysis

Introduction Companies and other organizations put into strategic action initiatives that direct organizational change and contribute to accomplishing strategic goals. The ability of a workforce to be competent, knowledgeable, and equipped with the resources necessary to implement an effective strategy is essential for successful strategic execution. It is crucial to...

Awakenings: Analysis of Medical Drama

The medical drama Awakenings (1990) is based on a real-life event. The movie focuses on Dr. Oliver Sacks’ work treating people with catatonia, a disorder marked by excessive stiffness and a lack of responsiveness to stimuli. Dr. Sacks began administering L-dopa, a medication generally used to treat Parkinson’s disease, to...

Banner Health: The US Non-Profit Organization

Introduction Banner Health is a non-profit organization that was started on September 1, 1999, by merging Lutheran and Samaritans Health Systems. They offer nursing care, hospital care, laboratory, surgical and rehabilitation services. Besides, the organization provides health-related educational and community-based social services programs. It owns and leases nursing homes, clinics,...

The Impact of Globalization

As the borders between countries erode and different economies and cultures start to interweave, the world begins to be more and more defined by globalization. The new technologies and methods of communication and transportation make distances less and less of an obstacle, and it becomes easier to establish commercial and...

French Revolution as a Turning Point to Democracy

The events that took place in the late eighteenth century in France are known collectively as the French Revolution. These events are often cited as crucial for modern history and society. Despite being radical and revolutionary, both in scope and measures selected, they had the set of important political, social,...

Single Parenting Benefits and Disadvantages

Introduction The topic of single parenting is often controversial in the modern world, which is caused by disagreements between the supporters and opponents of such a family union. However, earlier this issue was raised to attract public attention to this topic, but today this type of family is quite a...

Diabetes Interventions for Aging African Americans

Diabetes in Older African Americans Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a disease that affects the quality of life of millions of people worldwide. This condition is characterized by the inability of the body to metabolize glucose that leads to such health problems as frequent urination, fatigue, increased hunger, and...

Drug Therapy: Nicotine Interference with Contraceptives

Etiology of the Diagnosis Margaret was diagnosed with nicotine addiction and contraception needs. Identifying the causes is the primary consideration in examining the diagnoses. Nicotine can be classified as a recreational drug; when consumed regularly, it can affect metabolism, interfere with other drugs and substances, cause CNS effects, and alter...

Employee’s Healthcare Compensation Program

Introduction Study Background The U.S. healthcare system is going through a larger-than-life change that has the prospect of transforming healthcare organizations and delivery systems. As of not long ago, repayment models had presented the insignificant motivation for healthcare specialists to enhance quality and lessen the cost, which had brought about...

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

Introduction This autobiographical account, written by Olaudah Equiano, is not only a story about the horrors and hardships of slavery, but also documented evidence of a slave’s experience. It reflects the relativity of ethical standards and explores the issue of civil equality. It is crucial to note that this autobiography...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Good vs. the Individual’s Right to Privacy

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine one’s life without the Internet. It has become a powerful tool that helps to work, study, communicate, purchase goods, spend leisure time, and perform many other activities. Moreover, as the globalization trend grows more powerful, millions of people connect via social networks, making their...

World War One: Fundamental Reasons

Introduction World War One differs from the other wars that happened before and after it. The researchers conclude that the leaders of Europe aimed to be dominant and receive power across the globe. The primary objective of the paper is to examine the fundamental reasons that have led to World...

The Articles of Confederation and the New Constitution

The constitution is one of the symbols of national unity. However, the development process was not that peaceful. It involved a lot of bargaining and compromise. First, the Articles of Confederation became the source of the American law. It resulted in the development of the new constitution. The paper will...

Training, Stress and Performance: Study Findings

People often need to work and interact in stressful environments, and it is necessary to investigate whether techniques for decreasing stress levels can help people resolve complex tasks under pressure. The research involving participants with different life stress levels is designed to determine whether specific training can affect people’s performance...

Quality Improvement Paper on Hand Hygiene

Issue of Hand Hygiene Washing hands properly is a health requirement so basic that it barely warrants discussion, yet the recent increase in the demand for high-quality care has defined stricter guidelines and standards for care. Thus, the problem of hand hygiene has risen as one of the issues that...

The Issue of Gender Pay Discrimination in Canada

The phenomenon of the gender pay gap is a well-fixed one in modern society: women working at the same time earn only part of men’s salary. Historical flow influenced the aspect of economic equality for females throughout the whole world. It should be noted that the problem of gender pay...

Market-Oriented and Product-Driven Companies

A company that arranges its products, services and activities such that they are pertaining to the demand and needs of the consumers is called a market-oriented company. On the other hand, a product driven company is one that makes interesting and intriguing products. It is believed that for a company...

Poetry of Seamus Heaney and Sinéad Morrissey

Introduction Seamus Heaney and Sinéad Morrissey are prominent modern Irish authors who address the past and the present in their poetry; they combine personal experiences, historical events, and stylistic devices to bring the reader closer to the themes they explore. Both of them focus on emotional experience as the mirror...

Marketing Concepts – Definition and Explanation of Tools/Concepts

The Strategic Planning Process The approaches utilized by organizations in developing strategies to achieve long-term goals comprise the strategic planning process. It is vital since it facilitates creating a master plan instrumental for attaining the company’s tactical aims. It has several steps, including determining tactical position, objectives’ prioritization, developing a...

The Impact of the Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic on Essential Social Values

A human needs to be a part of society both biologically and physiologically to survive and have a fulfilling life. Social values such as respect, community, and responsibility for others drive progress and affect the decision-making of individuals and institutions. In 2020, social life was globally affected by the spread...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Analytical method SWOT: Analysis

Abstract Currently, every manager has many analytical methods at hand to identify the advantages and drawbacks of an organization and explore opportunities for further development. However, due to relative simplicity and sufficient effectiveness, lately, a SWOT analysis has become one of the most frequently used approaches. The primary aim of...

Design of Act IV Scene I of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Play

Introduction Macbeth is an interesting play to read as well as watch it being performed. Delving into Act IV Scene 1, which shows Macbeth not wanting to believe the reality of what the future holds for him. Even though the witches had revealed to him that he would be faced...

Nursing Ratios and Legislative Regulation in Healthcare

Introduction Continuing changes witnessed in healthcare has occasioned an increased awareness particularly on the quality of care in the hospitals offering acute care services. The rising demand for quality care from the patients has ushered in a paradigm shift in the management of nursing staff in the hospitals. While it...

Delegation: An Art of Professional Practice

Introduction Today, more than ever before, it is evident that the capability to delegate tasks to others is increasingly becoming a fundamental competency for nursing professionals in various practice settings. Owing to the convergence of factors such as the proliferation of sicker and older patients, shortage of registered nurses (RNs)...

Knowledge Regarding COVID-19 Infection Among Public

After several months of the course of the epidemic process, specialists naturally forecast and build models for the development of a pandemic in various regions of the world. There are demographic, social, medical, and other differences that significantly affect the incidence of COVID-19. Severe infections and deaths are observed mainly...

Economics: The Impact of Globalization

As the borders between countries erode and different economies and cultures start to interweave, the world begins to be more and more defined by globalization. The new technologies and methods of communication and transportation make distances less and less of an obstacle, and it becomes easier to establish commercial and...

Mass Communication and Media Risk and Uncertainty

Risk Society and its Relationship to Modernity Ulrich Beck, a German sociologist, is the contemporary theorist of modernity. He proposed his modernity theory in his book, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (1992). He suggests that modern society’s inherent risk would result in the foundation and development of a universal...

Kamala Harris Leadership in Politics

Introduction: Background Information about the Leader Kamala Harris conquers many peaks in the rank of the first woman, the first woman of color, and the first woman of Indian descent. One such achievement is the post of vice president, which she took in January 2021. This representative of the Democratic...

The Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and the 401k Model

Today, there are several ways to save money for retirement in order to provide funded income in the future. The two most famous methods are the 401k US private pension plan and the Individual Retirement Account (IRA). These two models imply some privileges in taxation as well as profitable accumulated...

Not Really Safe: Liberal Democracies and Digital Surveillance

Information technologies are all around today and provide people with possibilities that were unthinkable mere decades ago, such as near-instant communication, remote education, or online shopping. Yet this progress comes at a price because these technologies are also extremely pervasive and penetrate nearly every aspect of modern life. An important...

Poverty in Ghana: Reasons and Solution Strategy

Introduction Ghana is rich in natural resources such as oil, gold, and bauxite, to name a few important industries. Partly due to this strategic advantage, the country experienced continuous economic growth at an average rate of 7 percent yearly since 2005 (Cooke, 2016). Moreover, Ghana achieved a significant reduction in...

What Happens if the Bats Extinct: The Role of Bats in the Ecosystem

Introduction There are a lot of myths and stereotypes about the minor role of bats on our planet. It is commonly argued by many people that bats are pests, the existence of which does not make any sense. However, such kind of assumptions are inherently wrong and downplay the importance...

Psychological Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction PTSD is a mental illness that can occur as a result of extreme trauma, such as physical, psychological, or sexual experiences. Traumatized people are more likely to acquire (PTSD), a condition in which the victim’s consciousness is dominated by the recollection of the traumatic incident, affecting their lives, mental...

Kowloon Dairy’s Strategic Marketing Planning and Auditing

Introduction Before making a decision about the introduction of a certain new product to the market, it is vital to conduct preliminary analyses to assess the existing situation and likely prospects. A comprehensive approach to the market and its trends implies studying the external and internal situation for a given...

YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE Company: Business Plan

Executive Summary The proposed business is named YA.SI.GA.MO.MA.GE, a name that shows the strong bonds between family members. Following the passion for decoration, the company will be established to offer interior decoration services. Although the sole proprietor has the knowledge and motivation required to start off, they need capital, which...

The Caucasus Territorial Division, Government and Administration

Introduction In the geopolitical context of the Soviet Union’s involvement in the Caucasus, the engagement in conflicts on the territories of both the Northern Caucasus and the Southern Caucasus was marked by USSR’s interests. It had its impact on the post-Soviet situation in the territories of the Caucasus. While Russia...

“Coco” the Movie: Exploring the Latin American Experience

Introduction The panethnic diversity of the American community is an essential feature of historical development, which, as one assumes, is reflected in media culture. One of the peoples of this continent is Latin American, a large ethnic group of Spanish and Spanish origin, widely represented in the territories of South...

The Walmart Company’s Marketing Campaign

Introduction Walmart headquartered in Bentonville is the largest retailer globally with over 70% of its sales coming from the domestic USA market. It had fewer online operations accounting for fewer sales globally but later made technological strategies a priority which led to its expansion to outside countries. It sells merchandise...

The Rockeach Values Survey Tool for Leaders

Introduction Having a strong set of values for decision-making and relationship building is an undeniable advantage that guides one through life and allows resolving complex dilemmas. However, determining one’s values and understanding which concepts and ideas one prioritizes is a complex journey of self-assessment and self-exploration. The Rockeach Values Survey...

Iraqi Freedom Operation

In March 2003, the Bush Administration declared the commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom, which was an intensive US-led military operation whose main goal was to topple the Saddam Regime and subsequently bring positive economic and political change in Iraq. The invasion was the culmination of decades of bad relations between...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Life is Beautiful”

The absurdities and atrocities of the Nazi and Fascist regimes that dominated Europe in the late 30s and 40s, and the world-engulfing conflict they spawned provide rich fodder for movie makers and other artists. Following a tradition of laughing because it is less painful than weeping, Life is Beautiful (1998)...

Learning Features and Connecticut Teaching Standards

Impact of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Cultural Differences on Student Learning To a large extent individuals’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds, as well as inherent cognitive abilities, define their personalities, behaviors, and decision making. These factors also affect the process of learning across the lifespan. Therefore, every teacher must consider all possible...

Issues of Illegal Immigrants in the US

Introduction The issue of immigration evokes a lot of emotions in the U.S. Currently, it is estimated that there are over 11 million illegal immigrants. In the U.S., there are industries that have benefited from the presence of illegal immigrants. This has led to the argument that immigrants benefit the...

Improving Patient Outcomes and Quality of Life

Introduction Improved patients’ outcomes, the quality of life, and reduced readmissions is a goal that any health care system would strive to achieve. Stavrianopoulos (2016) emphasizes the need for a proper disease management program to patients with heart failure (HF) using nurse-led telephone intervention programs. Through an empirical study, the...

Life & Health Alternatives Inc.’s Internship Practice

Introduction The main purpose of the internship practice was the obtaining of professional experience and learning from communication with competent specialists. Throughout the course of the internship, the students develop professional skills by dealing with multiple challenges and fulfilling daily tasks. The internship facilitates the learning process because it allows...

PayPal Company’s Early Success and Current Threats

What explains PayPal’s early success? PayPal has been able to realize high profits and returns due to the excellent services that it has provided over the years. The over 28 million accounts active by 2006, and 100 million registered users have enabled the company to realize high returns in the...

“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell

Introduction In the essay, Politics and the English Language, Orwell portrays that politics and economics create certain writing standards while making expression vague with no intended meaning in words and repetition (362). In this case, paying substantial attention to the selection of suitable language forms can help avoid using extra...

Asir National Park and Its Ecosystem

Asir National Park on 2 August 2011 I decide to take a drive through Asir national park making various stopovers to enable me to cover as much distance as possible to experience the diverse ecosystem. I notice that one of the most outstanding features in Asir is its diverse vegetation....

LEGO Social Media Strategy: Great Essay Sample

Many case study analyses take marketing strategies of LEGO as an example of a successful framework which does almost everything correctly. LEGO is a business that engages its customers, uses various types of social media to reach out to various audiences, and focuses on creativity above all else. According to...

Digital Marketing and Social Media

Introduction Digital marketing has become a mainstay of the modern business environment. The capabilities offered by the rapidly developing information technology segment have contributed to the speed, effectiveness, and affordability of digital marketing strategies. As a result, it has become strongly associated with more efficient strategies, optimised resource allocation, increased...

Economics and Technology in Public Administration

How economic concepts are used by planners for policy analysis Policy analysis is a crucial aspect of public administration, and each person should understand a variety of economic, technological, strategic planning, and other issues, use them to analyze such problems as mass shootings and return on investment in human capital...

Slavery in “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” the Novel by Mark Twain

Introduction Anti-slavery is one of the central aspects of Mark Twain’s iconic novel, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Given the years when the novel was written, Twain’s thoughts and beliefs regarding slavery channeled through the book’s main characters were quite revolutionary and ahead of their time. First things first, the writer...

Preventing Diabetes and Heart Failure Hospitalizations

Introduction The goal of this research is to acquire data regarding the opinion given by patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF). These two instances have had a huge financial impact on the American government. It is crucial to note that cases of diabetes and heart failure...

Healthcare Professional Training and Development

Introduction The articles that will be discovered in this paper mainly cover the topic of training and development of staff in healthcare establishments. Each material has its methods of research, objectives, focus, and peculiarities. Nevertheless, given the fact that the scholar works deal with a similar topic and provide interdependent...

Avon: Quality Assurance, Motivation and Attitudes Change

Avon Products is a leading cosmetics company based in the USA. The company operates in a highly competitive industry and requires high standards of products and environmentally friendly policies. Quality assurance programs will help Avon Products to improve its production and satisfy customers’ needs and expectations. The two major issues,...

Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein: Comparing and Contrasting Artworks

Introduction This article will compare and contrast two pop arts by different artists. The first art is by Andy Warhol with his art soup cans which was produced in 1962. This artist was from New York and was also a filmmaker and print maker. The other is by Roy Lichtenstein...

Profession of US Drug Enforcement Agent

Introduction A drug enforcement agent is a person who works for the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in controlling and enforcing laws in relation to drugs, inside and outside the U.S borders. DEA is a federal agency established in 1973 by President Richard Nixon to implement laws and regulations on...

Causes of World War I Overview

Although the immediate cause of World War I was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Bosnian man of Serbian nationality Gavrilo Princip, there were, in fact, many incidents that led to the Great War. Imperialism, militarism, and nationalism, Pan-Slavism, along with other factors having their roots...

Hispanics as Vulnerable Population

The vast majority of civilized countries provide citizens with a high quality basic medical care. However, there are some patients included in a specific group of people called vulnerable population. These are individuals with a great risk of health problems caused by one of the numerous reasons such as social...

The Testing of Animals for Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic studies on animals refer to a specific type of product examination meant to ascertain the hypoallergenic nature and safety of animal products intended for use by human beings. Due to the pain and harm the animals are subjected to, there is a concerted effort by the animal activists and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurses About the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers

This quantitative research report will critique research done by Smith and Waugh (2009) on the assessment of registered nurses’ knowledge on treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers. The critique will major on the study’s problem statement, the purpose of the study as in whether the study is significant to nursing,...

The Presidency of Harry Truman

Harry Truman assumed office as the 33rd president of America after the death of Franklin Roosevelt. His swearing-in as the president was in line with the country’s Constitution, which allows the vice president to be sworn in as the president following the latter’s demise. As it is recorded in historical...

Classical Philosophical Puzzle by George Berkeley

Introduction “If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?” is a classical philosophical puzzle. It is sometimes attributed to George Berkeley; however, the philosopher did not discuss the question directly (Campbell, 2014). The puzzle concerns the nature...

The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner

Healthcare practitioners have been experiencing immense pressure in the course of their work. In order to alleviate such pressures that are linked to increased patient perspicacity as well as medical endeavors, there has been operationalization of advanced nursing practice (APN) in various hospitals. The purpose and intend of the advanced...

J. C. Penney and Ron Johnson: A Case of Failed Leadership

Leadership plays a crucial role in business management, and the wrong decisions of a person in charge can significantly harm the whole company’s wellbeing. The case of Ron Johnson’s executing role in J.C.Penney shows how an outside-taken leader who administrates without considering corporate culture and values can destroy a reliable,...

Concept of Digital Piracy Overview

The rapid increase in the popularity of technology and the Internet over the past few decades has translated into a surge in the number of people consuming online content. Whether it is from a computer, tablet, smart TV, or mobile phone, the consumption of digital material is on the rise....

Factors and the Risk of Asthma Morbidity

Introduction Asthma is a highly prevalent disease among the U.S. population, especially in the case of school-age children. According to Magzamen and Tager, it is the main reason for non-injury hospitalization and missing school (583). Asthma is considered to be a spectrum disease due to the multiplicity of its manifestations....

Technological Determinism

Technological determinism indicates that the society is shaped by the type and the level of technology available (Surhone, Timpledon, and Marseken, 2010). Today, the society has altered to accommodate the current technology, and numerous changes have occurred in social structure too. As a result, social norms and values in the...

Instagram vs. Facebook as Social Media Platforms

A few decades ago, the world population relied on the telephone for connection and communication. Nowadays, technological advancements have reduced the world to a globalized village with a third of the entire human population actively interacting online through Facebook and Instagram (Bumsoo and Yonghwan 158). The two online platforms are...

Gender Quotas in Saudi Arabia: Unpacking the Political Conditions

Talking about gender quota and its sociology, it is interesting to take a look at the example of Saudi Arabia. It is the seemingly most unexpected place to introduce a policy aimed at the representation of women in politics and increase their role in internal and external affairs in general....

Flannery O’Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge”

The history of racial relationships has always been complex in the U.S., which has been represented and reflected upon in multiple works of literature. Flannery O’Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge” represents another stellar attempt at examining and exposing racial biases for their absurdity and offensiveness. Offering a slice-of-life narration,...

“Deliberation and Inclusivity” by Abdel-Monem

Background Information Abdel-Monem, Bingham, Marincic, and Tomkins’s (2010) paper is an article on diversity and inclusion by Tarik Abdel-Monem, Shereen Bingham, Jamie Marincic, and Allan Tomkins. The purpose of this research was to determine the perceptions of individuals from different cultural backgrounds who attended a policy deliberation held in Omaha,...

Intelligence Agencies’ Role in Society

The first step toward the correct utilization of intelligence consists of understanding it to the full extent. In the current complex landscape, terrorism poses one of the primary threats to the well-being of communities across the globe. Evidently, intelligence agencies conduct rigorous analysis of both domestic and external threats attempting...

China: Becoming an Economic Superpower

The new PBS documentary “China: Power and Prosperity” looks at the country’s ascent to becoming an economic superpower. The film digs into the country’s proposed Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to build infrastructure and strengthen trade relationships across Eurasia. It explores China’s impact on Africa, where it is investing...

Statue of Liberty and Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Statue of Liberty and, to a lesser degree, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial count among the most famous American monuments. From a purely visual standpoint, the majestic, towering statue of bronze and the modest and reserved memorial with names carved into slabs of black stones may look like a study...

“Lessons in Disaster” by Gordon Goldstein

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the history of America is filled with controversial events. Every time a president and their team have to decide regarding the country’s domestic or foreign policy, it is possible that they will draw wrongful conclusions or make a mistake. There is a vast...

Risky Behaviors Often Faced by Emerging Adults

Introduction Stage, when individuals shift from childhood dependency to adult independence, is known as emerging adulthood (Wood et al., 2018). The stage begins with finishing mandatory schooling and presents an individual with new freedoms and opportunities, notably postsecondary education, employment, and romantic relationships. Emerging adulthood is manifested in “the onset...

Death Penalty in Case of Mental Illnesses

Introduction The death penalty is the harshest punishment that can be delivered in most judicial systems, including the American justice system. Considering the irrevocable nature of the punishment, it only makes sense that legislators and legal professionals alike pay close attention to when and how such verdicts can be issued....

Organizational Management and Structure

Quadrant D Design Characteristics Efficient and effective organizations should develop effective sharing goals at each corporate level. Management successfully communicates with employees about its goals and connects their vision with the organization’s objectives (Burton et al., 2020). Great teamwork is necessary for healthy companies as it enables people to achieve...

Walmart Company Mission Statement and Ad Analysis

Introduction Walmart is a supermarket chain in the United States and one of the world’s largest retailers. The company operates under several banners, including Walmart, Sam’s Club, and Asda. Walmart sells a variety of products, from groceries to home items. At Walmart, the philosophy is simple: to save people’s money...

The Victory Motorcycles Firm’s Growth Opportunities

Introduction Even though Victory Motorcycles has effectively introduced its motorcycle models to the market, the company is yet to achieve its desired goals. The company needs to identify whether its marketing and distribution of the motorcycles were happening correctly. Victory decided to distribute its motorcycles through Polaris dealers with the...

Immoral Capital Punishment in the United States

Introduction The US employs various ways of punishing criminals, and the death penalty is arguably one of the harshest methods. As of last year, capital punishment was legalized in 27 states across the nation, but the majority of regions argue whether such sentencing is fair, reasonable, or humane (National Conference...

Policy Analysis in Healthcare Industry

Introduction Health determines the person’s quality of life, but at the same time, the possibilities of maintaining it and receiving treatment in case of risks are not equal among the population. An important goal of global sustainable development is ensuring health care equity. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine...

Employee Trainings Improving Productivity

Team Training Team training is a type of training conducted to increase a business’s performance and productivity. It is mainly used for employees who work as a group at an organization. According to Ji-Young and Huang (2021), a professional who helps the team members to improve their communication and working...

The Authorization for the Use of Military Force

Introduction Terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 marked a watershed moment in American and global history. President George W. Bush responded to the devastating attacks with a series of actions and initiatives aimed at combating terrorism and enhancing national security. Implementing these strategies had far-reaching consequences for the country’s response...

Historical Freedom in America

America is renowned as a country that espouses freedom in every respect. An important point to note, however, is that this freedom was not easy to come by. It resulted from a continuum of bloody struggles that characterized the nation between the 1950s and 1970s. This essay explores three liberation...

Colonial History of the U.S.

History is as old as man is. It tells the story of humankind since the beginning of this planet. The subject can be compared to an old man who is thousands of years old, and who has witnessed the happenings in this world. Therefore, the old man, with a memory...

Anemia, Cardiomyopathy, and Congestive Heart Failure

Everyone looks forward to good health in life. However, it is important to note that one must also be able to manage his or her health status. There are very many serious health conditions. Anemia is one of the most serious diseases. The paper would cover the condition on Ms....

Obama’s and Romney’s Medicare Plan

Abstract Medicare was a major issue during the 2012 American presidential campaigns. Mitt Romney and President Barrack Obama agreed that some crucial changes needed to be done on the program. Notable elements of the president’s Medicare plan included the proposals to increase premiums for seniors, the need to cut the...

Healthcare Regulatory Agencies in the US

Introduction In the USA, there are plenty of healthcare regulatory agencies to go around – they monitor and regulate every sphere of public and private healthcare, on various levels ranging from state to federal. These organizations work with nurses, hospital personnel, and legislative bodies, in order to make sure that...

Children With Asthma: Risks Created by Smoking Parents

Introduction The available literature indicates that secondhand smoking (SHSE) from parents hurts children with asthma and other respiratory diseases causing various complications. The current practice of nursing has not been effective in enabling the parents to address the issue of SHSE. It is paramount to develop an effective approach that...

Nursing: Qualitative Research and Ethical Considerations

Available nursing scholarship demonstrates that a research critique is often undertaken to not only provide feedback for improvement, but also to contribute to the body of nursing knowledge (Bosewell & Cannon, 2012). In this regard, it is important to undertake an in-depth review of how each step of the research...

Windshield Survey: Miami, Florida

Miami, Florida, is one of the most populated cities in the state and one of the major tourist destinations in the USA. The city is constantly growing and evolving, although there are still numerous issues yet to be solved. On the one hand, the city has various parks and recreation...

Psychoeducational Group Therapy for Children

Group psychotherapy as one of the most useful tools in psychological counseling obtains a variety of theoretical bases, approaches, and groups types. The choice of a kind of group patients are referred to depends on a variety of factors ranging from the mental health issue characteristics, age group, and the...

Ancient Philosophy: The Power of Ideas on Reality

Heraclitus Heraclitus’s view concerning the nature of reality is that it keeps on changing. He argues that reality does not exist while permanence is an illusion. The most remarkable thought concerning Heraclitus’s view is that a person cannot step into the river twice because it constantly changes. Argumentatively, the water...

Cultural Competence Assessment Using the Purnell Model

Overview The interviewee’s name is CS and she is of Hispanic origin. CS’s paternal family emigrated from Mexico to find a better life in the United States two generations ago and first settled in Texas. CS was born in California, United States. Her father had come to America at the...

Psychology: Prejudice as Disease Protection

Abstract This is a psychology paper which discusses the relationship between prejudice and protection from diseases. This is an investigative paper that seeks to justify the argument made by Huang, Sedlovskaya, Ackerman and Bargh in the year 2011 that ‘prejudice evolved to protect us from disease and be reduced with...

World War I and the US’ Role During and After It

Introduction While it is a well-known fact that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia, in 1914, is considered to be a direct cause of World War I, its roots are deeper and go back to the 19th century. Many scholars agree that such issues developing on the...

The History of Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War led to a vacuum of power in the former British colonies. The people and prominent revolutionary leaders were tasked with creating a new government and country that would become known as the United States of America. However, there were many prevalent opinions on the governance process, which...

Homelessness in Rochester, NY Analysis

Homelessness is a prevalent issue in some areas in the United States, particularly in the state of New York. For various reasons, such as poverty, people lose their places of residence and are forced to live on the streets. The government provides shelters where these people can pass nights safely,...

Phenomenological Qualitative Research: First-Generation Student Academic Persistence and Retention

Research Design The design that was used in this study was a phenomenological approach to find the underlying meaning of the experience of being a first-generation student. The design focused on establishing the factors that influenced first-generation students’ academic persistence and retention. This approach assisted the researcher to understand the...

Child Psychology: Attachment Theory

The Attachment Theory was first formulated by the British psychiatrist John Bowlby when he was studying the behavior of young children who were separated from their parents. Bowlby often collaborated with an American-Canadian developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth who helped him in developing the theory. Attachment Theory is a concept that...

Genital Herpes Case Study Analysis

Jill, a 29-year-old female patient went to her doctor complaining of painful blisters on her labia. Jill was in a monogamous relationship of 8 years with her husband. However, she admitted that they had recently been separated for a few months, but they were currently back together. Jill was unsure...

Compstat: Predictive Policing

Introduction In most aspects of technical communication, the concept of predictive policing has become an unavoidable issue of concern. Predictive policing refers to police tactics that use the information and advanced psychoanalysis to formulate predefined preventions (Willis, Mastrofski & Weisburd, 2003). Advantages of IT applications and random street patrols by...

The Biopsychosocial Model in the Context of Dentistry

There is no community that has not been affected by oral diseases. It is the responsibility of dental health specialists to evaluate the oral health status of the communities they serve, and based on the feedback, design and develop effective strategies and models to ensure that the oral health needs...

Property Casualty Insurance

Introduction The development of stable operations in production has a coherent relation to the formulation of policies that protect against losses. Essentially, there are various paramount strategies to prevent the loss of money owned by a company. However, this discussion assesses the property-casualty insurance where such vices as accidents to...

“Neuromancer” and “Snow Crash” Comparison

Introduction It is hard to disagree that most people like specific genres of books and usually read only them. One of the reasons for that is that texts share certain elements, which make them rather similar but still different. Precisely repetitive narrative elements, including plot, theme, characters, and setting, allow...

The Role of Electronic Payment in Accounting and Auditing

Introduction Digitalization and other technological advances have made people’s lives easier and more comfortable. The business world also benefits from the use of technology as diverse operations can be carried out in a shorter period of time and more effectively. Electronic payment is one of the instruments people are utilizing...

Healthy Eating Behavior: Psychological Factors and Motivation

Introduction The problem of motivation and motives of behavior and activity aimed at a positive result is one of the central problems in psychology. Moreover, these issues are also important in the processes that are directly related to the individual’s health. The problem of overweight and obesity has its own...

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The Strategic Procedure in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that effective organizational training strategies are critical in resolving emerging problems in a dynamic and sensitive healthcare environment. The given assessment will mainly focus on the competence of the facility’s billing and coding staff from the perspective of a director of health information at...

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Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Failure, Culture

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American Revolutionary War and Its Challenges

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The Têt New Year in Vietnam

Introduction When learning about the culture of Vietnam, it is of great importance to pay attention to the so-called Têt Nguyen Dan, also referred to as Têt or the Lunar New Year. The full name of the celebration refers to the very first day of a new part of the...