Cultural Competency in Relation to Nurses’ Education

The socio-cultural diversity is one of the main features which can be used to describe the United States’ population. This diversity is associated with all the spheres of the social life that is why nursing and nursing education also depend on the necessity to respond to the socio-cultural diversity. As...

The Evolution and History of Numbers and Counting

This paper explores the evolution of number system from ancient to modern. Here, you’ll find information on the development of number system of the Egyptians/Babylonians, Romans, Hindu-Arabics, and Mayans. History of Numbers: Essay Introduction The evolution of numbers developed differently with disparate versions, which include the Egyptian, Babylonians, Hindu-Arabic, Mayans,...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Evidence-Based Practice

CBT and IPT EBP Interventions: Description To address the needs of crisis survivors, one will have to consider not only the events that led to the development of PTSD but also the factors that trigger the immediate recollection of the traumatizing situation and the following aggravation of the patient’s state....

Human Resource Optimization: the Department of Defense

Introduction The sphere of human resource management undergoes considerable changes all the time. Various changes usually take place because of constantly changing environment and the demands which are required from different people. Each sphere of life has its own organizations, and the HR management has to correspond to the requirements...

Clinical-Driven Innovation in Nursing Practice

Introduction The paper at hand is going to analyze a relevant Health IT topic in order to make it clear how the issue under discussion will affect nursing practice. The given introduction of the study is meant to provide a brief overview of the parts of the paper. The first...

Nursing Care Delivery Models Utilized by Caregivers

Introduction The modern healthcare sector could be considered an important sphere that is focused on the improvement of the quality of peoples lives and delivering care to all individuals in need. However, the increased complexity of the challenges a health worker faces results today in the appearance of new models...

Tympanic Membrane and Thyroid Gland

Introduction In this paper, two vital components of a human body will be discussed and assessed: the tympanic membrane and the thyroid gland. The tympanic membrane is an important segment of a human ear, also known as an eardrum (Hasso, 2012). This thin circular membrane exists between the middle ear...

Philosophy in “Le Morte Darthur” by Thomas Malory

Introduction The main reason why the book Le Morte Darthur by Thomas Malory is being often referred to as such that represents a high literary value, is that there are strongly defined philosophical overtones to the book’s themes and motifs. One of these overtones is being concerned with the fact...

Wine Studies in Pliny’s Natural History XIV

Description According to Pliny, Italy was famous for its wine. Wine can be used for various purposes, including medicinal ones, such as what he calls the heating effect of wine on the human body. Pliny also mentions that Alexander the Great called wine the earth’s blood, pointing to the fact...

John Wick: Defying Stereotypical Action Men

While there are dozens of new action films that reach movie theater screens each year, none of the recent pieces of cinematography has gotten as much praise as John Wick and John Wick: Chapter 2 starring Keanu Reeves as the protagonist. For the sake of a detailed analysis, this paper...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Pop Music of Japan, Korea and China

Pop or popular music is one of the most widely spread music genres these days. Even though it seems to be one general genre, it is very inhomogeneous. First of all, pop music varies in styles developed by various performers, it contains several sub-genres. Secondly, pop music differs a lot...

Creative at Work: Organizing Workplace at Home

Professions and occupations are very important to the way contemporary people define themselves. Work has been nearly synonymous with identity for many centuries in the West. At times, it has been more deterministic. In the Medieval period, it was very difficult to move out of one occupational class into another....

Third World Countries and Their Economies

Introduction The end of the 20th century could be characterized by radical alterations in the international discourse and economic relations. The aftermath of WWII and the shift of priorities towards humanistic values resulted in the creation of an environment beneficial for the development of the Third World States or Developing...

Ethnical Ambiguousness as a Band-Aid for Racism

Introduction The history of the USA is riddled with examples of institutionalized racism, the roots of which can be found in the very founding of the country. For centuries, it was the world’s largest cotton empire, as the labor of slaves brought in from Africa enabled the country to grow...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s Development in Florida

Introduction Nurse practitioners are independent medical workers who work as primary or specialty care providers in various care settings. They are expected to be highly competent, as they operate without supervision, and to lead the profession by conducting research, participating in evidence-based practice, and representing the profession to legislators and...

Recreational Marijuana Should Be Legal and Regulated

Marijuana is one of the illicit drugs in different parts of the world. In the United States, numerous debates have emerged regarding the use of this illegal substance for either recreational or medical purposes. Those who oppose or support either side offer convincing opinions and ideas that stakeholders should take...

Modern Electronic Sports Contradictions

The first thing a person thinks about when he or she hears the word sport is something connected with movements, strength, competitions, hard training, and special physical abilities. Football, tennis, hockey, volleyball, ski race, weightlifting, track and field, swimming, and other activities are familiar sports. Also, no one is surprised...

Civil War Literature Review

Literature always reflects every change in society and it stands to reason that American literature of the nineteenth century was strongly influenced by the tragic events of the Civil War of 1861-1865. Many authors were involved or to some extent interested in the war events, they used their war experience...

The Love Canal, State of New York Hazardous Waste Site

Introduction Love canal is in New York neighboring Niagara Fall. It was being constructed to connect Niagara River with Niagara Falls. Its vision was to provide electricity and the industries in the area. This initiative was started by William T. Love and was named after him. The initiative did not...

“Fast Food Nation” the Book by Eric Schlosser

In his book Fast Food Nation (2001), Eric Schlosser argues that fast food has greatly influenced American society and culture. As he discusses the development of the nation about the development of fast-food chains, Schlosser begins to paint a picture of how philosophies introduced within organizations such as McDonald’s have...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Anonymous Christian According to Karl Rahner

Introduction The position of people of other faiths in other religions can be seen as an issue of controversy. Taking the example of Islam, the relationship between the religion and the adherents of Abrahamic religions, as well as the relation with non believers is vulnerable to many interpretations varying from...

Vampires: From Ghoulish Demons to Stylish Icons

Vampires are probably the most popular mythical creatures, having some manner of cultural existence across the globe. In every culture and mythical folklore across the globe there has been some reference to a creature very similar to the vampire. The vampire myth has not been confined to Europe but has...

The Interstate Highway Act of 1956 and Its Impact on America

Overview of The Interstate Highway Act of 1956 The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 which is commonly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act was enacted on June 29, 1956, when the bill was signed into law by Dwight D. Eisenhower who was then the president1. This was...

Karl Marx’s Communism Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto is sometimes called the Manifesto of the Communist Party. Karl Marx who was a political theorist alongside another German called Friedrich Engels wrote it with the aim of improving the relationship among people. It was written in 1848, a time, industrial revolution and politics were changing. There...

“Those Winter Sundays” by Hayden

Love of the parents tends to be appreciated after a long period of time, sometimes when it is too late. Those Winter Sundays is a poem by Robert Hayden, in which he describes the relationship between a father and his son. The writing is made from the son’s perspective, where...

Healthcare Institutions. Assessment and Analysis

Introduction To evaluate the practical implications of quality outcomes and safety measures, it is essential to possess the experience of analyzing and benchmarking them. For this assignment, the author will create a health care entity and evaluate its quality and safety measures. The facility in question will be a nursing...

Judicial Error and the Death Penalty

The death penalty phenomenon remains a matter of public concern and has promoted many disputes and debates. At present, its relevance is related to the fact that many states are seeking to relax legislation by imposing moratoriums or even authorizing the abolition of the death penalty as an instrument of...

The Gold Coast: The Impact of British Imperialism

The era of colonialism and the related policy of imperialism were associated with the emergence, existence, and development of considerable empires, the main goal of which was foreign policy expansion. Among these empires, the most essential and exceptional place is occupied by the British colonial system. Thus, British imperialism manifested...

Britam Tower – the Skyscraper Center in Nairobi, Kenya

Introduction Architects and engineers across the globe strive to deliver projects that are sustainable, cheaper, and capable of meeting the demands of the clients. The professionals involved throughout the process should make timely decisions, engage all key partners, and use locally available materials. Every finished building or infrastructure offer powerful...

Newborn Screening Programs: The Importance to Public Health in the US

Introduction According to the CDC, almost 6,000 babies in the US are born with severe disorders every year, most of which can be treated, and can be identified through newborn screening programs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Local, state and federal healthcare facilities play critical roles in newborn...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economic Incentives and People’s Response

Introduction One of the most important issues studied by macroeconomics is the decision-making process and motivation, where economic incentives play an essential role. In business, policy-making, and different kinds of economic relations, incentives are believed to define people’s behavior and induce a particular reaction. Since incentives serve as the trigger...

Damaging Fountains: Summary Offences Act 1998

Introduction The Summary Offences Act 1998 (NSW), was ratified by the legislative assembly and reviewed to address various less serious crimes. According to Quilter and McNamara (2013), the law addresses the crimes meant for the local adult and children’s courts. However, despite the law focusing on the less-serious crimes, some...

Ethical Issues in Contemporary Nursing

Introduction Abortion is one of the most controversial medical processes in many nations today. Different laws have been passed in some countries to legalize the procedure. However, in most jurisdictions, the act is prohibited by law. The process of medically ending a pregnancy may either be unethical or ethical depending...

Probation Techniques in North Carolina Courts

Introduction Probation is an area that draws immense interests amongst researchers, thus necessitating heated discussions throughout the country. When courts are reached to reveal data on adult probation statistics and their research on the frequency of recidivism, the number of first-time lawbreakers, and repeat criminals on probation, only scanty information...

The Triumph of Death: A Prominent Theme in Gothic Literature

No species is more deserving of accolades than humans for consistently executing the dual role of creating problems and solving them. While some challenges predate humanity, many wrongs people seek correct are artificial. Mired in the endless maze of thanatophobia, the fear of death, people have grown overly preoccupied with...

Efficiency of Tik Tok Video About Sanitizers

The Tik Tok video concept enhances communication, marketing, and promotion of ideas that have created controversial responses confusing the community rather than educating. However, in the Tik Tok video of Jonathan, clarity, and understanding have been achieved, making the video go viral. Jonathan’s video is hilarious, intriguing, and lucrative to...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Vladek From “Maus” by Art Spiegelman

Introduction The topic of PTSD or any other mental disorder is common among modern authors. However, some opt for not clearly stating the issue in their texts but rather inviting the reader to be a witness of the characters’ symptoms. Art Spiegelman employed such a method to present how trauma...

Policy Accumulation and Its Impacts on Modern Society

The modern tendency of ongoing policy growth originally has a positive aim to provide society with decent laws protecting their rights and satisfying their needs. However, the rapid changes of policy accumulation can be more likely assessed as an attribution issue: the causative connection between policy interference and outcomes become...

Climate Change From the Anthropological Perspective

Introduction The topic of climate change has become a widespread global problem in recent decades since humanity has realized the destructive impact of anthropogenic activities on the environment. Attempts to mitigate these influences are discussed in international meetings and forums, and efforts made by green organizations aim to reduce human...

The Poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

The poem under analysis is “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and focuses on the necessity of humility and hope. The mariner is a messenger for the wedding guest concerning the message to deliver to the couple. Although the wedding guest shows patience with the mariner’s persistent essence in the...

Gender Bias During the Hiring Process

Introduction Gender bias is a problem that plagues the hiring process, especially during recruitment and selection. It refers to the discriminatory treatment of individuals during the hiring and selection processes because of their gender. Hiring decisions could be influenced by preconceived stereotypes about a certain gender group. Gender bias is...

History and Culture of the Motorcycle

Introduction Motorcycles have become one of the most common, accessible, and affordable transport means globally. With over three decades in existence, motorcycles have gone through several phases, each with increasing complexity and improved appearance. Although they were originally developed for transport purposes, they are used for recreation purposes and have...

Postwar Economic Miracle and Consumer Society

Introduction Movies are resourceful works of art that can help viewers analyze historical events and appreciate how they impacted on citizens’ lives. Following the end of the Second World War, various economic and social developments emerged that transformed people’s experiences and pursuits forever. This discussion uses the films, The Marriage...

Discipleship in a Healthy Church

A Healthy Church defines a church that resembles and functions simply as a healthy body, namely the Body of Christ. It is the same desire that Jesus has for his body. The Body of Christ is in it, which doesn’t need to be defined, but it’s important to include, The...

The Satyam Computer Services Firm’s Accounting Ethics

Issue Description As an analyzed case of violation of accounting ethics, the 2009 scandal will be considered in which the Indian outsourcing company Satyam Computer Services became involved. The key problem lies in the significant overestimation of revenue (approximately $1 billion), which corresponds to a legal violation regarding the falsification...

Culturally Sensitive Care Importance

Introduction An unfortunate implication of the current interconnectedness of the world is that health concerns have also become international. As much as people are able to quickly travel around the world, so can infections spread extremely quickly across borders. The current pandemic has showcased how devastating the spread of infectious...

Liability of Bullies’ Parents for Children’s Activities

Although bullying is increasingly becoming an issue of public concern, it remains to be the most underreported issue, especially in schools. It is important to note that, today, bullying occurs more in schools than “on the way to and from there” (van der Ploeg et al. 71). In fact, sometime...

Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Hoarding Disorder

The client seemed absent-minded, strongly attached to irrelevant things, unconcerned, had an extreme level of anxiety and nervousness, and had no shame. These physical presentations give an impression of a mental-related issue, particularly a hoarding disorder. The client had and valued a huge possession of irrelevant things and felt no...

Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood

Introduction It is widely believed that developing one’s physical talents can also assist in developing one’s personal and social skills. This includes self-confidence, interaction, taking turns, getting along with others, and other abilities of a similar nature. Their manner of life and precisely how kids view things have altered as...

Intergroup Dynamics in Conflict Resolution

Psychologist Henri Tajfel first introduced social identity theory in 1979. The theory posits that an individual’s self-identity is rooted in social interactions or relations with other members of society (Hogg, 2018). This theory suggests that to develop a sense of self-worth, we invest in building meaningful statuses in the social...

Rough Draft: Political Correctness and Organizational Self-Destruction

Political correctness has become a contentious issue in today’s society, with some arguing that it stifles free speech and limits open dialogue, while others say it is necessary to promote equality and inclusivity. The justification for overarching political correctness is rooted in power structures, such as gender norms or racial...

Border Control as a Homeland Security Issue in the US

Introduction The homeland in the United States has exponentially heightened the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) operations and its historic mission framework because of increased threats to border security. The nation’s strategies on border control have switched its focus from drug trafficking and immigration to include efforts on counter-terrorism following...

Technology as a Tool for Governments

Introduction Based on1984, it is apparent that the government is stimulated by allegiance (Orwell 3). In the book, the government mandates the public to support its ambition to oversee the greater Oceania. According to the book, being loyal to the party requires the citizens to accept the government’s directions without...

Great Wall of America and Mexican Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Widespread immigration is one of the defining characteristics of the modern world. While immigrants have a variety of destination countries, the US has been the choice destination for millions of people from all over the world. Due to the restrictions imposed by the Federal government to curb the number...

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders – Psychology

Historical perspective Since time immemorial, it has been relatively difficult to get the appropriate definition of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Various researchers involved with the subject under review have declared some of the definitions of this type of disability as critically flawed. The federal definition of EBD is part...

Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Culture

In the contemporary society, gender and sexuality forms the basis for recognition. In effect, social construction defines that males and females are different creatures. Human classification in both contemporary and traditional society was synonymous with biological and physical characteristics hence the identification as males and females. To begin with, sex...

Pediatric Nurses Creating Health Care Environment

International Council of Nursing indicates that the shortages of pediatric nurses are associated with issues related to work environment (Aiken et al., 2014). There will be increased number of nursing professionals if the environment under which nurses work is improved. The involvement of the current professionals in the development of...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Art and Feminist Impact

Artemisia Gentileschi is regarded as one of the most prolific artist of the seventeenth century at a time when women were stigmatized and considered incapable of practicing any form of art. During her time, painting was a prestigious career that was dominated by men. It was a mode of communication...

Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice

Corporate governance is the management of organizational and legal registration of the business, optimization of organizational structures, and the construction of intra- and interfirm relations of the company by the objectives (Larcker & Tayan, 2015). The main function of corporate governance is to ensure the work of the company for...

Mammography Screening and Breast Cancer Mortality

Abstract The study has been designed to measure the effectiveness of breast cancer decision aids (DAs) in improving mammography screening intentions in African-American women 65 years and older. The importance of the project is underscored by a large body of evidence pointing to the fact that older African-American women are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Female Medical History Case

In this paper, the case study of a 45-year-old female is presented. Important aspects of her physical examination include 225 lbs (Wt) and 5’55’’ (Ht). The patient has a long history of smoking and poor diet for about 22 years. Her past medical history includes Type II diabetes mellitus associated...

“Imperium in Imperio” a Book by Sutton Griggs

The main reason why the novel Imperium in Imperio (by Sutton Griggs) is now being commonly referred to as one of the most notable works of the 19th century’s Black-American literature, is that it does represent a great literary value. Among other things, this can be explained by the novel’s...

Opioid Crisis Policy by Democrats and Republicans

Introduction The upcoming 2018 elections that will take place in the United States on November 6, are likely to lead to an impressive change in a range of domains, including not only economy and politics but also the healthcare setting (Lurie). In light of the changes that the identified fields...

Futura Company’s Balanced Scorecard Approach

Introduction Futura is a company that deals with extrusion of aluminum and manufacture of different products for its market. It is a company whose main aim, just like any other business, is to increase its profits, improve its performance and also ensures customer satisfaction every day (Vonderembse & White, 1996)....

Keystone Company in Australian Automotive Industry

Introduction This paper assesses the suitability of Australia as a host country of the headquarters of an American transnational firm, Keystone, operating in the automobile industry. High labor costs and perceived political uncertainty in the US informed the decision to relocate overseas. In this assessment, the SWOT framework is used...

Plantations of South Carolina

Plantations were big farms and the owners of the plantations commonly used slaves as the labor force to cultivate crops. Nowadays, the majority of plantations do not function, however, remain an attractive landmark for tourists who want to experience the history of plantations and feel the spirit of the age....

Improving Math Fluency Skills to Enhance Math Score

Introduction The need for teaching math skills is an integral part of any training program, and if it is school education, the initial attention is paid to mathematical score. (Hodges, McIntosh, & Gentry, 2017). One of the possible and affordable ways to increase the ability of students to perform both...

Circumcision Benefits and Issues

Circumcision in males is a matter of considerable debate in the United States. The procedure has ostensible medical benefits and is commonly utilized by a variety of cultures, which leads to significant support for the continued existence for the treatment. However, an opposition also exists, claiming that the procedure is...

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois’ “Of the Coming of John”

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois uses color symbolism in “Of the Coming of John” to reveal the plight of the diverse American population. The author uses opposite colors to point out not only racial differences but also those associated with the opportunities to live a happy life. He refers to...

Discover Canada: Potential Citizens and Immigrants

Introduction I agree with the study guide on The ‘Discover Canada’ booklet. I feel is very important for those who wish to become Canadian citizens. This offers the basic concepts with which the citizens benefit by enjoying equality rights, religious rights, and so on. The employment of these rights is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Tulpan” and “A Town Called Panic” Movies Review

A report on Tulpan movie Written and directed by Sergey Drortsevoy, Tulpan is a successful chef-d’oeuvre Asian movie that got everyone talking about the director’s cinematography skills. Produced in 1998, the film started showing up in cinemas and theatres around April 1999. Although the movie was unrated, it received international...

Ancient Chinese Culture: Taoism During Han Dynasty

Introduction Ancient Chinese civilization is one of the richest in cultural heritage in the world that based its development on an extensive system of philosophical and religious ideas. Han dynasty that lasted from 206 BC to 220 AD is one of the eras in the history of ancient China characterized...

Human Organs’ Illegal Sale and Trafficking

The sale of human body parts and the trafficking of people for organ removal have become an increasing global problem in recent years. The offense is committed by transnational networks of criminals, including traffickers, international brokers, health professionals, suppliers, and buyers. Various international organizations have developed legal frameworks to combat...

Methamphetamine Addiction and Interventions

Introduction Methamphetamine was synthesized in 1919 by Ogata, a Japanese scientist. In the 1930s, Temmler Werke’s pharmacists in Berlin developed the stimulant called Pervitin. Since 1938, the substance has been used systematically and in large doses, both in the army and defense industry: tablets of Pervitin were officially included in...

Extra Support for English Language Learners

Introduction From looking and examining the results of the program’s participants it can be seen that there is obvious progress in the students’ performance. From a series of tests that assesses students on how well they listen, speak, comprehend and write in English it is seen that from a total...

Faulkner’s “Barn Burning” and O’Connor’s “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”

Introduction Life in South America had unique conditions. This was because of the unusual race relations, conflicts, problems and its history. Life was different for the descendants of the white aristocrats and of the poor whites. This paper will endeavour to discuss the South and Southerners as they appear in...

Planning Curriculum: Literature Lesson Discussion

The paper is dedicated to performing a discussion of a hypothetical lesson in literature from the side of a teacher. The main points provide a discussion of various ways as of techniques, structure, and approach appropriate for contemporary students. The idea of a general outlook on practical means to provide...

Marketing Strategy for a Greeting Card Company

Executive Summary Shomai Cards is a greetings card company that also deals in minor gift items and operates from Japan. It is currently planning to reach foreign markets including the UK, the US, and South Africa. However, the focus of this study would concentrate on the domestic markets only. This...

Evans-Pritchard and Clifford Geertz: Social Studies

The methods and principles of anthropological research have always been a subject of heated debate among many scholars. Overall, it is quite possible for us to say that even now there is virtually no consensus as to this particular question. Our task in this essay is to compare various ethnological...

Michael Collins “Adult Education as Vocation”: Theoretical Positions

Introduction Michael Collins, the author of the book ‘Adult Education as Vocation’, managed to investigate the learning process of the adult environment through the presentation of the education process as a distinguishable field of practice. The principal purpose of the book review is aimed at providing a critical evaluation of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Teenage Wasteland” by Anne Tyler

“Teenage Wasteland” by Anne Tyler tells the story of a disturbed teenager, Donny, from the perspective of his mother, Daisy Coble. After Donny’s parents, Matt and Daisy Coble, learn that he is struggling at school, they take various steps to help him improve, including appointing a tutor, Cal. However, all...

Anglo-American and Primark Companies Critical Analysis

Introduction The need to ensure businesses compete and get profits makes them to establish policies and adopt measures that place them in better positions than their rivals. In addition, nations regulate business activities to ensure there is an equal playing ground for all investors and promote healthy competition. Investors must...

Egyptian Architecture Overview: Egyptian Pyramids, Columns, and Capitals

Introduction There are many wonders of modern architecture that maze with the stylistic and structural decisions implemented in them. Nowadays, to help erect those buildings, people typically resort to using current technology. However, those innovations did not exist when Egyptians assembled their pyramids and other wonders of construction. Despite that,...

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, which offers numerous potential benefits for humankind. However, machine learning imposes additional risks of adverse consequences for society. According to Jobin et al. (2019), AI refers to “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence” (p....

Intracranial Hemorrhage Prevention in Neonates

Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) refers to the acute disease characterized by the bleeding inside the skull or brain and represents a life-threatening emergency. The overall incidence of spontaneous ICH globally is 24.6 per 100,000 person-years, with around 40,000 to 67,000 cases per year in the United States only (Caceres & Goldstein,...

Quality and Sustainability Measures in Nursing

Introduction To evaluate the practical implications of quality outcomes and safety measures, it is essential to possess the experience of analyzing and benchmarking them. For this assignment, the author will create a health care entity and evaluate its quality and safety measures. The facility in question will be a nursing...

The Scientific Research Methodology

Methodology The research will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to obtain a conclusion. The quantitative part consists of a survey that aims to incorporate the viewpoint of every resident of the country. The qualitative aspect will work with secondary sources, reviewing contemporary scholarly literature on the topic...

The Home Food Environment and Obesity-Promoting Eating Behaviours

Introduction Campbell, Crawford, Salmon, Carver, Garnett and Baur (2007) conducted a study to determine the associations between the home food environment and obesity. They wanted to examine the relationship between the various aspects of the environment at home that increased risks of obesity. The authors were aware of the alarming...

The Role of Violence in King Leopold’s Ghost

In 1865, king Leopold II ascended the throne of Belgium – a small country, surrounded by the influential European empires. Therefore, throughout his reign, the king was obsessed with gaining a colony. Indeed, the European countries entered the new era of intensified industrial expansion, with personal profit and immediate enrichment...

“Like a Winding Sheet” by Petry Ann

Petry Ann’s 1945 short story “Like a Winding Sheet” presents the psychological aspect and manifestations of different ordeals which one goes through in life. The challenges that a person faces in society can cause damage to themselves or even to other innocent individuals as evident in Petry’s work. Johnson, the...

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How Pollution Is Poisoning the Leisure and Recreation Industry

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment. Pollution can take the form of air, water, land and noise pollution (Spengler, John, and Sexton, 1983). Of importance is the fact that these contaminants enter the environment through human activity. Human activities like farming, mining, construction, and transportation have contributed...

Environmental Racism: Analyzing the Phenomenon

Today the humanity faces one of the most serious challenges it has ever experienced. The fast evolution of the industry, the rise of the consumer society, and the unwise use of natural resources placed people at the age of disaster because of the critical deterioration of the environment’s state. Global...

Principles of Language Assessment – Speaking Exam

Assessment Design In this assessment, students will choose a topic and have a conversation about the chosen topic for six minutes in pairs. Students will choose from the following topics: art, childhood, food, hobbies. It will be a summative assessment of the students’ knowledge of the four topics they learned...

The Characteristics and Importance of Chronic Pain

It is important to note that chronic pain is a major issue, which affects the general population in several layers. The implications can range from mild discomfort to a severe decrease in quality of life as well as impairment. Although the current measures rely on the use of pain killers,...

Aspects of Narcolepsy

Introduction Narcolepsy is a rare and unique condition that affects the sleep patterns of a person suffering from it, which disrupts their sleep-wake pattern. The prevalence of this condition in the western states is approximately 200-500 cases per million inhabitants. However, the highest prevalence is in Japan, where 1,600 individuals...

Are Social Media a Good Thing to Society?

Recently, computer systems have been adopted, and human beings have developed communication to make the world a global village. Scientists have succeeded in ensuring networking has become international. This mission revolves around the internet and the networks people use to access each other (Baccarella et al. 433, Social media...

Border and Migration Management

Introduction Borders play a significant role as they regulate and facilitate the trades and movement of people from one state to another. Additionally, effective border management can allow nations to achieve a more balanced approach to border management that enhances a country’s security. Migration management is another essential aspect that...

Alcoholism: Medical & Philosophical Dimensions

Introduction Unethical approach to alcoholism has deterred hundreds of people from admitting the problem and giving up drinking liquor. The news article considered in this paper is devoted to the changes on the way to which modern medicine is ethical in its aspirations. As stated in the article, scientists are...

Operation Geronimo Regarding Legal Authority

Osama bin Laden was undoubtedly one of the most significant threats to the security of the United States and the entire world. His atrocities were majorly demonstrated by the 9/11 attack, which remains one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in history. He orchestrated other onslaughts on American citizens and service...

The City of Atlanta, Georgia: Poverty and Homelessness

Introduction The essence of high-quality performance of goals in social work is to timely identify and adequately address the problems faced by the citizens in a particular area. The detection of gaps between the community’s urgent needs and the quality and quality of available services to address those needs informs...

Sustainable Homes: The Key Features

Introduction Human activity is accompanied by the emission of Carbon dioxide and an increase in the greenhouse effect, which worsens the situation with global warming. It ruins the balance of natural resources and threatens people and the environment. Sustainable homes are one of the possible solutions that can help solve...

The Hoarding Disorder: Fundamentals and Treatment

There are many different diagnoses that are difficult in terms of formulating and assessment. These include disorders of mental health, which are characterized by abnormal human behavior resulting in discomfort. Such behavior is considered a disease when it poses a threat to the patient’s life or surrounding people or when...

The Abortion Prohibition Issue Analysis

Introduction The problem of abortion has long been of interest to society. Many articles, scientific studies, and books have already been written, and many films and social videos have been shot regarding this issue. Such works usually provide evidence that abortion is undoubtedly the murder of an unborn person with...

Mercantile System of Britain in the World: North America

Introduction Mercantilism is a system that allows countries to control others. In this case, governments partner with the merchant from their country to suppress the foreign countries. This ensured that the countries maintained their military power. Also, it ensured that the country had a favorable balance of trade over the...

The HighLEARN Project Management Analysis

Introduction Managing a project is one of the most complicated tasks in terms of the number of tasks to handle, the range of responsibilities to manage and the amount of possible conflicts to address being truly huge. However, by splitting the process of project implementation into several phases, one will...

Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory Essay

Social Learning Theory Essay: Introduction Bandura’s social learning theory argues that gaining knowledge that results in behavior change is attained through observation, imitation, and modeling. Besides, the theory postulates that the learning process is achieved through role imitations, attitudes, and anticipated outcomes (Bandura, 1977). In other words, individual learning abilities...

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson

Introduction Who Moved My Cheese? was written by Spencer Johnson, an American author of bestsellers that are popular all over the world. It is a book about a group of former classmates that gathered for a reunion, and one of them wanted to tell a story about two mice named...

Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors Companies’ Analysis

Promotional strategies of Maruti Suzuki India Every organization needs promotional strategies and approaches as they have a huge impact on the reception of the product. In this case, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd has unique products that must be aggressively promoted in order to beat the tough competition in the automobile...

Use of PowerPoint Presentations in a Learning Process

More than forty years ago, presentations were conducted by organizing speech and drawing schemes and pictures on blackboards or on large sheets of paper. Further development of these approaches to delivering information refers to the emergence of overhead projections that premise on mechanically typeset slides and flipcharts that were effective...

Presidential Power and Executive Order

Abstract The President of the United States possesses executive powers that are bestowed by the constitution. Article II fulfills this role by defining the powers that the Executive branch of government possesses, including its duties and the scope of its powers. The clauses of Article II give the president the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modern Organization and the 21st Century Economy

The Modern Organization The modern corporations are viewed through theories developed after the Industrial Revolution. Max Weber and Karl Marx shared this view. Max Weber wrote an essay about bureaucracy. His work crystallized the understanding of the organizational structure of a firm, the understanding that would last for generations. His...

Historical Memory in the “Barefoot Gen” Manga

Artistic expressions are part of every society’s collective memories and subsequent history. The main role of historical memory is to make a society remember what it has forgotten. Furthermore, historical memory upholds the concept that forgetting is part of remembering. This is why memories might change over time in the...

“Media, Culture, and the Meanings of Hockey” by Lorenz

Critical Analysis It should be noted that many Canadians are fond of hockey, and they consider it a symbol of their country. It is not only a kind of sports but also a lifestyle for many fans. Hockey Night is one of the most crucial events in the sports life...

Interviewing Principles in Research

Introduction Research methods in social science studies are critical because they determine the legitimacy, success, and dependability of the findings. Social scientists use qualitative research methods to study human behavior. It helps to “describe the quality and nature of how people behave, experience, and comprehend things” (Alshenqeeti, 2014, p. 39)....

Slavery Impact on the United States’ Development

Slavery is an alien concept to the modern citizens of the United States of America. Since late 19th century, this undemocratic institution has been abolished in the US. However, during the time the colonization of America took place, slavery was the driving force behind Europeans’ conquest of Americas. Millions of...

Gerald Stano’s Psychological Analysis

Background Born Paul Zeininger on September 12 1951 in Schenectady, New York, Stano was neglected during infancy by his mother (Ecker, 2003). His situation was worse, with doctors stating that it had reached “animistic level”. For instance, he had adopted the survival mechanism of eating his own feces as early...

Ciputra Group and Leadership Theories

Problem Identification The problem facing Ciputra group seems to be in succession planning. Specifically, there is a risk that should the current CEO – Mr. Ciputra, retire, the group’s leadership will be in disarray especially since all the four children have an equal shareholding in the company. Additionally, they all...

Customer Perception of Advertisements in Organised Retail

Executive Summary This article is ideal in comprehending the impact of customer perception towards floor ads in retail stores in Oman. The conceptual framework and quantitative research design used in this article are appropriate and present relevant results. The findings are consistent with the literature review. In general, the article...

Atheism and Its Religious Analysis

Introduction Atheism entails the belief that there are no deities or supreme beings. It is the opposite of theism which is the belief in the existence of at least one Supreme Being or deity. In simple terms, it can be said to be the belief that there is no God...

Hobbes and Arnaud’s Replies to Descartes’ Meditations

Introduction Rene Descartes was a thinker who was best known for his contribution in the field of philosophy. In Meditations, Descartes focuses on epistemic and metaphysical matters (Moriarty 13). Through this, he shed more light on the existence, mind, and answers about God. In the article, Descartes asserts that as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fishing Gear and Equipment Shop in the UAE

Opportunity Sportswear is a business that is growing rapidly in the United Arab Emirates. However, the researcher noticed that most of these stores often focus on sportswear for men. It was also evident that fishing as a sporting activity is also becoming popular, but the local retailers are yet to...

American Civil War and Its Complexities

Introduction One of the most significant events that determined the course of further economic and social development of the United States was the Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865. The war was the natural result of a sharp aggravation of the economic and legal contradictions between the capitalist...

Violent Television and Children

Introduction Aggression among children is one of the central concerns of modern society. Despite numerous attempts to reduce its levels, there is credible evidence of the gradual deterioration of the situation (LoBue, 2018). That is why there are multiple research works focused on the investigation of this issue. For instance,...

Analysis of Early Writing

Art has been instrumental in human development since it contributed to the improvement of cognitive skills. Art has also provided a way for humans to express their thoughts, experiences, and feelings. Storytelling was one of the first forms of art evident in humans and formed a foundation for the development...

Anxiety Disorders and Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most effective in treating anxiety disorders because it uses performance-based and cognitive interventions to change the way a patient thinks, feels, and behaves. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is of particular value for patients of the elderly group and children. It is applied with the external environment as...

Ballroom Dance: History and Characteristics

Ballroom dances are performed in pairs in social gatherings as well as on competitive stages. Different types of dances are included in this ballroom dance and they are fox-trot, waltz, polka, tango, Charleston, jitterbug, and merengue (Ballroom dance, 2009) and their styles are also different. It was usually performed for...

International Marketing Management: Advertisement Strategies and Global Market

Introduction Advertisers in the world or global market encounter limitations which include media and products that are unique as well as the language, legal limitations that are also unique in every market. All these limitations are supposed to be considered at the time the advertisers are designing a promotional mix....

Juxtaposing Fences and Girl

In his famous play Fences, August Wilson reveals one of the central themes that were of great importance for African American citizens in the 1950s, and during the whole history of the country as well – the theme of racial discrimination. The short story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid also touches...

Afro-Latin Culture and Approach to Healthcare

Latin American culture is characterized mainly by the contrast of various cultural traditions and inter-civilizational interactions. Latin American ethnos began to form as a result of the collision of three genetically different cultures: Iberian, Indian, and African, which led to the questionable heterogenic characteristics, and symbiosis, inversion of various elements,...

Living in a Fish Tank and COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 outbreak is gradually shaping every aspect of people’s lives before they even know. Very fast and steadily, the conventional view on things proves to be inapplicable in the current situation, and people have to adjust their mindset and behavior to the new circumstances. There is no doubt that many...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Grand Theory v. Middle Range Theory

Background of the Theories Dorothea Orem’s grand theory and Nola Pender’s middle-range theory are some of the most popular theories in the field of nursing. These concepts are often used to define the approach that nurses should take when caring for their patients. Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory is one of...

The Link Between Corporate Culture and Ethical Leadership

The early 21st century is the time of deep-rooted concern about the unethical behavior of business leaders and business enterprises, in general. Admittedly, the lack of trust toward business in terms of ethical conduct was always an issue. Making money is the primary goal of any business enterprise stands in...

Verbal Orders in Medicine: Challenges, Problems and Solutions

Introduction Quality health care is the primary goal of any health institution, and it highlights patient safety as the chief principle. Quality patient care implies avoiding errors, learning from the mistakes made, and applying safety practices to deliver proper care. It is necessary to state that several factors condition the...

Conceptual Ideas of the Long Nineteenth Century Intellectuals

Introduction Philosophers and thinkers formulate not only urgent problems for society but also look for their causes and solutions. Intellectuals in the Long Nineteenth century criticized aspects of their time’s political and social order and discussed natural human needs. Figures such as Edmund Burke, William Blake, Leo Tolstoy, Sigmund Freud,...

Antonio Vargas’ “Documented”: The Challenges Immigrants Face

Introduction Immigration has been a hotly contested topic for many years. Many people, especially in developing nations, want to move to developed countries like the United States to seek better ways of livelihood and better-paying jobs. However, the traditional way of being registered as a migrant is long and tiresome...

The Rates of Crimes in America

It has become a rather normal phenomenon to hear cases of rape, robbery, arson, vehicle theft, etc in the neighborhood. American neighborhoods have become breeding grounds for professional robbers, serial rapists, burglars, etc. Despite large budgetary allocations by the government on the fight against crime, the rate of crime is...

Strategies and Styles of Raising a Child

Introduction Marriages and relationships are important in the society as they form the basis of bringing up children. According to Strong et al (2011), a “marriage is a legally recognized union between two people, mainly a man and a woman, in which they are united sexually, cooperate economically and may...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Abstract When developing personal nursing philosophy, one should consider the four meta-paradigms of nursing, viz. the nursing practice, health, human beings, and the environment. These elements define the nursing practice and philosophy and they are highly interconnected to the extent that altering one of them causes a ripple effect on...

The Roper-Logan-Tierney Theory and Its Application in Neonatal ICU

Introduction The Roper-Logan-Tierney Theory is one of the most common nursing theories in the world. This paper will explain the theory and show its strengths and weaknesses. The paper will also show how the theory can be applied in the neonatal ICU. The neonatal intensive care unit is an intensive...

Collective Grant Submission: Critical Evaluation

Introduction An opportunity to address the problems of people with disabilities is a significant practice that allows not only providing this vulnerable population with opportunities for socialization but also drawing public attention to its pressing problems. The collaborative grant aimed at organizing an exhibition of the creative works of people...

Article Summary: Sexual Dysfunctions

Humans are sexual beings in nature and depend on sex for pleasure and recreation. Unfortunately, some individuals might experience some forms of dysfunction that might affect their sexual responses or cycles. These problems have the potential to affect the level of satisfaction and make it impossible for the patients to...

“My Papa’s Waltz” and “Porphyria’s Lover”: Sounds Show

In prose and verse, sound extensively contributes to indirect characterization: authors use sound devices to shape readers’ perception of characters and nuance characters’ descriptions. In this respect, such unlike texts as “My Papa’s Waltz” and “Porphyria’s Lover” is exemplary for investigating the connection between form (in this case, sound) and...

Has Criminal Profiling “Begun to Shape Chance?”

Criminal profiling is a process in the field of criminology that takes a keen interest in the available data on crimes to devise a psychological portrait of the culprits (Ambrose, 2002). The beginning of the twenty-first century brought forth tremendous revolutions to not only criminal law, but also criminology in...

“Against All Odds”: Course Overview

The course is called Against All Odds and is located on URL. Curriculum was produced and written by Maggie Villiger and edited by Seth Bender, Brian Truglio, Jared Morris, David Berenson and Bret Upham with a list of other contributors. The topic of Against All Odds is related to statistics,...

The Main Themes in “Dead Men’s Path”

Introduction Various paths of presenting leading ideas can be implemented in literary writings. Understanding the themes discussed by the author and underlining the primary examples behind them is an exceptionally prominent topic of discussion. Chinua Achebe’s Dead Men’s Path offers a negative example of an authoritative figure’s disregard towards the...

Gender, Racial Discrimination, and Exclusion in Toni Morrison’s “Paradise”

Introduction Racism and other forms of discrimination are among the major social issues affecting millions of people in modern society. Toni Morrison addresses these issues by narrating a story about African Americans who move to the town of Ruby. Here, residents lack trust in outsiders, especially people of other races....

Manifestations of Faith in 16th-Century Writers’ Famous Works

Introduction Universal ideas about life, love, and religion are evident in the works of numerous writers. Many literary pieces represent the author’s thoughts on these subjects, which might correspond or contrast depending on the professionals’ views. The topic of religion was a prominent theme for various writers of the 16th...

Working with the Third Party Crematory

Many families worldwide are adopting cremation to dispose of their loved ones’ bodies as opposed to burying them. Although the past generations have used the method of cremation, it is currently gaining acceptance among the communities that were initially opposed to the technique. As a result, funeral homes across the...

The Role of Letters in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Written in 1813, Pride and Prejudice is an epistolary romantic novel by Jane Austen unraveling a love story between the protagonists, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. One of the main characteristics of this chef-d’oeuvre novel is the use of letters as a literary device. In the 19th century when...

Runaway Slaves: The Embodiment of the Principles of American Revolution

The runaway slaves were black slaves curried from every part of the world and subjected to inhuman treatment by the white colonialists. Among the slaves rose a leader identified as Black Caesar, who decided to wage a resistance against their enslavement (Pybus 203). However, it is not well evident it...