The Role of Letters in Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

Introduction Written in 1813, Pride and Prejudice is an epistolary romantic novel by Jane Austen unraveling a love story between the protagonists, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. One of the main characteristics of this chef-d’oeuvre novel is the use of letters as a literary device. In the 19th century when...

Runaway Slaves: The Embodiment of the Principles of American Revolution

The runaway slaves were black slaves curried from every part of the world and subjected to inhuman treatment by the white colonialists. Among the slaves rose a leader identified as Black Caesar, who decided to wage a resistance against their enslavement (Pybus 203). However, it is not well evident it...

Time and Space in “Memento” by Christopher Nolan

Memento is a captivating film noir directed by Christopher Nolan that has received worldwide acclaim. Complex and confusing in both structure and subject matter, the film still attracts considerable attention and many interpretations twenty years after its release. The film explores various topics such as personality, moral responsibility, time and...

How to Create a Fair Artificial Intelligence

Introduction The growth of technologies has significantly influenced the whole world’s development. Technologies touch upon most of the spheres of human life and are used as helpful instruments to alleviate daily activities. Many of them are constructed and based on the artificial intelligence (AI) platform. Even though such technologies empower...

Mother Instinct: Health Line Parenthood

Most people in society believe that a mother must behave in a specific way around their newborns. However, some current research discredits such a belief, citing that it is biologically unsupported and only socially and historically grown. Historically, society believes that women have instinctive longing to have children and can...

Entrepreneurship: Elon Musk as a Role Model

Introduction Gaining entrepreneurial skills is an important component of a successful self-development practice aimed at training individual attainments in assessing current market conditions and introducing adequate methods of competition. During my study of current theoretical concepts in this industry, I have identified a number of meaningful frameworks that have shaped...

Ascertaining Scientific Truth on Climate Change

Human activities impact the environment and change the outlook of the planet. The consequences of anthropological actions reverberate across all aspects of the Earth’s habitat. However, few have amassed as much attention and debate as global climate change has inspired in recent decades. Ranging from extremely negative perception of future...

The Inevitability of the Great War

Introduction The Great war, which is commonly referred to as WWI, is among the conflicts that characterize Europe’s long and varied history. The war caused enormous havoc in Europe as a result of new technology and the absolute continental forces’ mobilization and imperial stances. Accordingly, this naive dedication and buildup...

Relationships in “The Merchant of Venice” by Shakespeare

Introduction The Merchant of Venice is a play written by William Shakespeare during the 16th century. The characters in the play demonstrate virtues of friendship, love, and hate. Shakespeare highlights typical examples of true friendship and romantic love in the play. The theme of love mainly revolves between Bassanio and...

Perspectives on Muslim Women’s Rights and Feminism

In order to determine the validity of specific issues, it is essential to review and analyze existing sources. At the same time, Muslim society, women’s rights, and religion can be interpreted by different authors through the prism of their own considerations, not supported by evidence. Therefore, it is crucial to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organigram Holdings: Company Analysis

Introduction Organigram Holdings is a Canadian manufacturer of cannabis and cannabis products. The company began its activities as a supplier of high-quality medical cannabis. The organization was founded in 2013 and became one of the first legal cannabis producers in Canada (Ben-Ishai, 2020). They were among the first to be...

George Hadley in “The Veldt” Story by Ray Bradbury

Introduction The Veldt is a short story by American writer Ray Bradbury, which takes a reader to the distant future, where people model reality at their discretion. The African Veldt in this work is an innovative room bought by the Hadley couple for their children. At some point, the adults...

Nature vs. Nurture in the Human Intelligence Context

Intelligence, nature vs. nurture, and genetics play a significant role in human intelligence and the overall thinking process. This argument is explicitly informed by several studies involving these central concepts of the general being. Although some of the concepts are controversial, for instance, that ‘human language is learned through reinforcement’,...

Factors of Influence on the Target Project

The activity of public organizations is a complex process with its characteristics and factors of influence. This process involves many organizations, stakeholders, competitors, and collaborators. All this works as one integral mechanism to influence the political actions of any politician or party. Such influence can be exercised in many ways,...

Leadership Approaches: Similarities and Differences

Introduction Leadership is the ability to lead other people from a position where one is endowed with power. Leadership is critical in all spheres of life, from family, society, business, and government. In most cases, in business organizations, the top-most leadership positions consist of the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). In...

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Causes and Risk Factors

Introduction Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is malignant that arises from the nasopharynx epithelium. The nasopharynx is situated near the eustachian tubes at the back of the nose (see figure 1). The symptoms of NPC include an enlarged lymph node in the neck, bleeding from the mouth or nose, hearing loss, and...

Dorothea Orem’s Groundbreaking Theory on Nursing Practice and Self-Care

Abstract This paper discusses the self-care deficit theory by Dorothea Orem. According to this concept, people are individuals who are capable and willing to provide care for themselves and who also need to be treated. Thus, people want to preserve their life, health, and well-being. This theory requires a functional...

Labor Issues: Are Americans Overworked?

Introduction Human beings around the world have to work in a bid to earn a living. It is an important aspect of human survival, and even the Holy Bible advises people to work, and anyone who does not work is advised not to eat probably because the earth is no...

Slow Food Movement in USA

Introduction The Slow Food movement started in the middle of 1980s by Carlo Petrini as a protest against the fast food industry and the call for returning to the traditional healthy eating habits. Founded in Italy, the Slow Food Movement spread rather quickly to Greece and then all over the...

Nursing Conflict and Cooperation

The efficient cooperation between all members of a team is a key to the improved final outcomes and significant increase of the overall efficiency of any collective. Especially important enhanced cooperation becomes in spheres where peoples lives depend on the ability to collaborate and provide in time assistance. These could...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Practice and Patient Care Delivery Models

How Nursing Practice Will Change and Grow Nurses and caregivers form the greatest percentage of healthcare workers in the United States. As the United States continues to identify new strategies to restructure its healthcare delivery system, the field of nursing will have a critical role in this new transformation. The...

Miami County Public Health

Introduction My city is Miami, Florida, and its zip code is 33193. The information about the health condition of its population, provided services, and other related things can be found on several authoritative websites. For example, according to Florida Health (2016) and CDC (2015), the city faces several issues with...

Medicare: Decisions Plans and Choosing the Most Appropriate One

Medicare is one of the insurance options, which is aimed at providing the long-term care for the elderly to ensure the availability of the medical support for the people in need (Leawitt, 2009). Meanwhile, the variability of the healthcare plans creates difficulties in decision-making, and it is critical to assess...

Homeland Security and Terrorist Attack Prevention

Introduction Despite a significant increase in peace efforts since the last world war, physical aggression and intimidation still exist in modern human society. Terrorism still presents one of the most important threats to public safety in many countries around the world including the United States. Few people have not heard...

Mental Disorders and Used Treatment Paradigms

Introduction The diagnosis of mental disorders has evolved significantly in the last few decades as researchers continue to come up with different ways to address the issue. Disparate procedures may be involved in the diagnosis process to determine the type of mental disorder that one is suffering from and identify...

Nursing Philosophy, Its Elements and Meta-Paradigms

The professional organizations in nursing have developed numerous policies guided by various nursing models to ensure that the quality of nursing services is continuously enhanced. The contemporary health care system has dictated that nurses should use an evidence-based approach toward service delivery. Nurses are also compelled to assume a holistic...

Elders Falls Prevention: Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Scott (2011) identifies various characteristics such as credibility, reliability, the deployment of rigorous methods and verification, clarity, and coherence, which any research needs to uphold. Research can be designed as either qualitative or quantitative. It can also deploy mixed methods (pragmatic research design) or take the form of participatory...

Bandai Pippin Project: Failure of Apple Company

Introduction Bandai Pippin’s project was a major failure that forced the management of Apple Inc to terminate it to avoid further financial loss. The failure is largely attributed to poor initial market research, especially in terms of pricing. However, it is important to appreciate that several stakeholders were interested in...

Contemporary Issues in Curriculum Plan

What do students actually gain from teachers who are involved in professional development? Murnane and Levy (2004) explain that professional development – when done well- allows teachers to improve their teaching methods while at the same time facilitate children to learn in a better way. Such abilities are quite necessary...

Emirates Telecommunications Corporation: Problem Solving

Introduction All organizations aim to improve their operations and increase their productivity. However, problems can be experienced in the operation of an organization and they may lead to a decrease in productivity. Being able to identify these problems and come up with good solutions is important to the organization’s success....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Glo-Bus Simulation Strategy: Business Approaches

Globus Simulation: Introduction Company managers must make meaningful decisions relating to pricing, workforce compensation, finance, sales, outsourcing, and marketing. They should come up with a competitive strategy in an attempt to create and support their brands in the targeted markets. The Glo-Bus simulation was a rare opportunity for my team...

Challenges in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Introduction Teaching English as a foreign language remains one of the most rewarding careers in the education sector. Tutors must identify the emerging needs of every learner in order to deliver appropriate instructions. It is also agreeable that the teaching process can be demanding since there are certain problems that...

Anthropology: Infectious Disease Education for Indian People

Introduction In the modern world, much attention is paid to health literacy and the exchange of necessary information. Community involvement cannot be ignored because this practice makes multiple sources available for creating new strategies and understanding human behaviors (Scrimshaw 7653). Along with social scientists, health professionals, and researchers, anthropologists play...

Impact of Relationships and Social Connection

Introduction As social creatures, human beings depend on each other for support, care, and empowerment. They tend to establish unique relationships that eventually dictate their interactions, goals, and expectations in life. However, challenges that have the potential to disorient people’s unions and engagements will always emerge. In the selected book,...

Why Teachers Like Apples: Tradition and Its Roots

Introduction A teacher with an apple is a widespread combination in popular culture. It has been a custom to give teachers apples as gifts for decades. That tradition became a trope in visual art and was even commemorated in songs. However, not many people know how that tradition got started...

Nursing Manager Interview: C. W. Case

Introduction C. W. is the nursing manager of the chronic spinal cord specialty care department in the Boston healthcare system. I have chosen her for this interview due to the experience of collaboration from the time when I used to work in the acute medical oncology inpatient care unit, where...

Nursing Profession: Health and Economic Issues

The nursing personnel is usually responsible for managing the health problems of the rest of society. However, there is a significant background that defines the actual tendencies for the profession. Firstly, while nurses are prime executors of the medical system’s objections, they are not entirely protected from the health issues...

Declining Labor Force of Men and the Rising Labor Force Participation in Women

Introduction Increased participation of women in the labor force is caused by different factors and social changes that occurred during the 20th century. New economic, social and political ideologies allow women to become equal to men and understand their role in society. Following Claudia Goldin, this process can be explained...

Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator Challenges

Mediation and advocacy are interconnected fields because they both can participate in the negotiation or dispute between the two parties concerned. Regarding that, they may often encounter the case that concern human conflicts thus taking responsibility for the dispute resolution. Advocating as well as mediating are effective systems to improve...

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: An Etiquette Without Gender Discrimination Terms

Introduction Modern political communications in democratic countries are substantially built on general principles. Such principles are not limited exclusively by the requirements of tolerance but also are dictated by the considerations of political correctness. Nevertheless, when looking at the latter terms, i.e. political correctness, it can be seen that the...

Stages of the Product Life Cycle

Introduction Background to the study Marketing involves all activities carried out in the creation and satisfaction of customer needs profitably (Kotler & Keller, 2008, p. 43). The marketer is the liaison function between activities that constitute marketing and the clientele. Marketing activities involve the integration of the four Ps referred...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Impact

Abstract Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory (MMPI) has been in use for quite some time mainly in the treatment of mental illnesses. Earlier criticisms led to the development of MMPI-2 which remains to be in use up-to-date and is usually administered through 10 different scales, with each scale providing information about...

Comprehensive Strategic Plan for GM Company

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to prepare a comprehensive strategic plan for ‘new’ GM Company. However, this report will discuss the vision, mission, objectives of GM, Porter’s 5 Forces, the position of GM in the BCG matrix, the grand strategy matrix, generic strategies, and so on. Background of...

The Main Ideas Behind Kant’s Formula of Humanity

Kant has described various aspects of humanity that define their moral standing and capability. There are various forms of moral standing which mainly depend on what the person feels is right to do and that he has the ability. There are many right things that can be done, yet people...

“Behold the Dreamers” by Imbolo Mbue

Behold the Dreamers is the novel by novice author Imbolo Mbue. The story revolves around Jonga and Edwards families that are both affected by the 2008 economic crisis. Jende and Neni Jonga are immigrants from Cameroon who desperately try to get American citizenship and stay in the country. Employed by...

Patients’ Needs and Their Right to Autonomy

Introduction Nursing is an integral part of healthcare today as it improves treatment outcomes via effective cooperation with patients, consideration of their needs, and the creation of a beneficial environment. Working directly with patients, nurses can be viewed as the care providers responsible for the high satisfaction levels and observation...

The Concept of Corporate Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility true acts as an umbrella that incorporates the internal activities of a business, and its linkage with the external environment. To the external environment, social corporate responsibility fulfills the expectations of the society with regard to an organization in matters relating to ethics, legal concepts, and economically....

Gerontology Nursing: Schizophrenia

What is Schizophrenia? People with schizophrenia tend to hear funny voices that do not even exist. Schizophrenia is, therefore “a chronic and disabling brain condition that affects many people” (Birchwood, Spencer, & McGovern, 2000, p. 93). The affected patients believe strongly that other people are manipulating or controlling their minds....

Comparing Islamic REITs: Insights from Global Financial Crises

Introduction Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) refers to financial security that can be traded and principally invested in the real estate ventures. The investment can be direct or indirect in regard to properties and mortgages. REITs differ, for example, there are equity REITs and Mortgage REITs. Additionally, there are conventional...

Thematic Analysis of Interview Data

The interview under analysis was conducted and three participants have been involved into the study. Six questions focused on defining participants’ goals, beliefs, and ability to logical thinking. While conducting the interview, similar thematic patterns were defined among the participants. Specifically, while thinking over the most favorite historical or famous...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Insider Trading – The Legal and Illegal

Introduction Employees and shareholders of companies can sometimes use the insider information available for trading. However, insider trading is illegal activity when non-public information is used to gain an advantage over other traders. Modern legislation regulates all transactions related to inside trading to create fair conditions in the market. However,...

Strategic Leadership Failure Scenario

Introduction Strategic leadership can be considered a type of skill set that allows managers of any level to guide their organization while acknowledging both long- and short-term goals. It is also a practice in which people in executive positions continuously develop a vision that ensures the firm’s superiority over competitors....

The Local Church of Christians

The local church refers to a group of Christians who often oversee and affirm each other’s membership in Christ and God’s kingdom. The definition of Christianity incorporates five parts: often gathering, the exercise of oversight and affirmation, the reason for representing Christ officially, and use of ordinances and preaching (Puffer,...

Scientific Evidence: Reporting in News Article and Journals

Report of a Scientific Study Factual communication is vital for ensuring accurate interpretation of information sent to an audience. It is objective that all forms of sending and receiving information ensure clarity and evidence-based on their findings. Journalists and researchers constitute a vital category of sharing knowledge through their communication...

Scenery in Pratchett’s Troll Bridge and Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher

Summary In order to convey particular feelings and emotions, reveal thoughts and qualities of a character, and highlight implications, the writers adhere to a variety of methods. One of them implies the description of the landscape, which contributes to creating a comprehensive picture of a story. It should be mentioned...

The Media Ethics Workshop: Principle of Privacy

Introduction Media ethics refer to a collection of ethical principles and standards that govern the collection, processing, and publishing of content on various media platforms, namely broadcast media, the internet, arts, and the print media. Media ethics comprise several moral principles, namely privacy, transparency, conflict of interest, deception, and social...

Analysis of Human Development Theories

Introduction Developmental psychology focuses on how our thoughts and behaviors change from birth to old age. The biological, environmental, cultural factors of human growth, among others, are investigated in developmental psychology. Numerous theories and models in varied psychology branches have influenced developmental psychology. Each theory and model has contributed significantly...

Frontier Significance in the American History: Analysis

Introduction Despite being published in 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner’s paper The Significance of the Frontier in the American History remains topical in academic conversations about the historical role of the West. Furthermore, the Frontier Thesis can be seen as a starting point for various discussions about the spirit and the...

The Dark Side of Canada’s History

The world community most often perceives Canada as one of the most peaceful and peacemaking countries in the world, which has no violence, terrible mistakes, and hatred in its history. However, digging into the facts reveals that Canada has its dark marks in history. One of these marks, or rather...

Background and Details of the Site

The website is a property of the Community Resource Center (CRC) located in Colorado. It aims to provide opportunities, develop tools and strategies to strengthen the non-profit and community organizations of the state. CRC was initially founded in 1981 to assist non-profits who promoted changes in Denver and its communities...

Disability: Social Origin and the Role of Aging, Gender, and Race

Disability Justice Modern American society is moving towards a tolerant attitude to vulnerable categories of the population, including people with disabilities. However, an intersectional perspective in this context remains insufficient. In other words, there is a scarcity of data on how the concept of disability intercrosses with various identities, such...

Indigenous Population of Brazil and the Struggle for Brazilian Rainforest

Brazil is home to hundreds of thousands of indigenous people. Most of these live in the Amazon rainforest – one of the most biologically diverse and ecologically important regions of the world that produces a considerable proportion of the planet’s oxygen. Over the dozens of generations they lived on this...

Servant Leadership and Communication: Islam Religion and Indian Culture

Communication is crucial in routine human interactions since it builds trust and contributes to a community’s success. Various communities have a defined set of values that dictate their interactions. Effective communication helps establish a friendly environment that accommodates all individuals in a society. Servant leadership is significant when exercising communication...

Genetics in Diagnosis of Diseases

Summary Medical genetics aims to study the role of genetic factors in the etiology and pathogenesis of various human diseases. These diseases can be divided into hereditary diseases, including chromosomal conditions and genetic disorders, and diseases caused by a congenital predisposition – multifactorial diseases. Studying a person’s lineage can help...

The Qatar Airways Company’s Organisational Change

Overview of the Company – “Qatar Airways” Qatar Airways is one of the youngest but dynamically developing companies serving six continents (Al Baker, no date, para. 1). Today, the firm is a leader in its industry, having many well-deserved awards, outstanding achievements, and, indeed, global brand recognition not only within...

The Division of Classes in Elizabeth Gaskell’s “Old Nurse’s Story”

Introduction The horror literature of the Victorian era contains references to class relations, women’s roles in society, and the family and often deals with the psychological aspects of fear. An example of such work is Elizabeth Gaskell’s Old Nurse’s Story, which raises questions about family relations, class relations, hypocrisy and...

Public Administration: The Trump Public Charge Rule

Introduction Public administration is primarily defined as the execution of government policies. As such, public administration is linked to certain critical aspects of government operations like coordination, organization, and planning. The Trump public charge rule is one of the most recent public administration actions in the nation. According to Bleich...

Abortion in Christian and Non-Christian Ethics

Introduction Humans, on a daily basis, are faced with a never-ending battle with themselves – the voice that tells them what to do and not do. Therefore, when faced with the same ethical dilemma, the decision arrived at vary from one person to another depending on the type of ethical...

The Consequences of Drug Abuse

Introduction In some cases, the use of narcotic drugs has medical indications and takes place under the supervision of a doctor. Nevertheless, issues in which people use drugs illegally and become addicted are more common. Drug abuse has negative social, medical, and mental consequences for the individual. In this case,...

Infant-Parent Attachment Relationship

Introduction The topic of infant and parent attachment has long been focused on developmental psychology. Research into the various aspects of infant-parent attachments, including emotional, physical, and cognitive development, is essential to understanding how children develop a secure attachment bond with their parents. This research will provide insight into how...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Battle of Yorktown

Introduction The war of Yorktown is an important event in history of the United State since it marks a significant turnaround of events that led to independence of the nation from the British Colonialists. The war was orchestrated by the declaration of independence by the thirteen British Colonies in the...

Comparing Accounting Standards Among Accounting Regulatory Agencies in America

Abstract This paper compares and contrasts the process of accounting standard-setting and financial statement presentation among different accounting regulatory agencies in America. The key focus is on the SEC, FASB, IASB, and GASB because they are the main regulatory bodies in America. Comprehensively, this paper shows that these regulatory bodies...

The Use of Animals in Laboratory Research

Introduction Due to several factors, scientists have been able to make a considerable breakthrough in many spheres of human life. However, the methods employed in reaching this progress do not always involve only humans’ endeavors and participation. Along with technological advancements, laboratories widely use animal research to achieve the results...

Christianity Beliefs and Practices

Christian beliefs and practices are connected with the history and origin of Christianity. Beliefs and practices of worship are studied in this essay. Introduction Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world. Beliefs and practices of Christianity are generally the same across the world. Christianity beliefs include...

The Concept of Choice Blindness Among People

Introduction The article “Memory Blindness: Altered Memory Reports Lead to Distortion in Eyewitness Memory” by Cochran et al. investigates the concept of choice blindness among people. The concept refers to the likelihood that people will be misinformed, especially concerning their self -reported alternatives. Cochran et al.’s study take an experimental...

American Dream vs. Reality Throughout History

Narrowed Focus: The concept of the American dream held by many citizens in the United States has become a dream. Thesis Statement: Although many American citizens continue to hold on the American dream and its role in promoting upward economic and social mobility, the existing facts reveal that the conception...

Women in Traditional and Totalitarian Societies

Looking into the history of the cultures at large, it becomes evident that all human societies, from the most primitive to the most modern, have been divided into different groups, communities and strata. This stratification is on the basis of caste, class, clan, community, race, region, religion, ethnicity, gender, age...

Lewis’ Professionalism and Influencing Behavior

Overview The Path-Goal theory of leadership illustrates the techniques used by leaders to encourage and give support to their subjects or followers in order to achieve laid out goals and objectives; this theory offers the path that should be followed to achieve the goals. Specifically, according to this theory, leaders...

“Barn Burning” by William Faulkner

Introduction Barn Burning is a masterpiece short story by William Faulkner set in the late 19th century in the white plantations in the south. The narrative revolves around highlighting social classes characterized by a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Class conflicts in the south were relevant discussion...

The Station Nightclub Fire: Review

Abstract A fire that occurred on the night of February 20, 2003, has been deemed the worst fire tragedy of the 2000s. The Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island, hosted a band, which used unapproved pyrotechnics during the performance. As a result, the pyrotechnics ignited the sound-proofing polyurethane lining...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Book “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe

Introduction Chinua Achebe is a renowned author not just in Africa but also in international literature. With the help of his writings, Chinua Achebe thrills readers across the globe with the creative application of language, structure, form, and precise insider accounts of modern African history and way of life. With...

Areas That Would Influence Nursing Care

Introduction Technological advancements have enabled individuals from different cultures and environments to relocate, work, and communicate together. The experience has been both exciting and frustrating. Some individuals find it hard to adjust to cultural differences leading to a drop in their performances (Eshleman, 2013). Concerning nursing practice, an understanding of...

Developing an Implementation Plan

Method of obtaining necessary approval and securing support At first, it is necessary to submit a written report to the administrators of the hospital since they should decide whether an intervention can be launched. This report will include several elements. In particular, one should explain the nature of the problem...

Health Profile Assessment: Coronary Heart Disease

Introduction Health Profile Assessment is a way of understanding health conditions of individuals and families. It aids individuals to make decisions relating to their health. There are certain issues that can be used to assess the health standards of individuals and families. In assessing the wellbeing of families, the assessor...

Effect of Cost Control and Cost Reduction Techniques

The Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell is the largest oil and gas company. The organization, with the headquarter in the Netherlands, is registered as a corporation in the United Kingdom. Analyzing the work of such companies and considering the problems that firms in the oil and energy industry have recently faced...

Outdoor Air Pollution and Uncontrolled Asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California

The article, “Outdoor Air Pollution and Uncontrolled Asthma in the San Joaquin Valley, California” by Meng et al. (2010) is on the epidemiology of asthma in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) with a focus on the effects of outdoor air pollution. The study’s purpose was to examine the relationship between...

Justice in Dante’s Poem “Inferno”

Even though justice is a very straightforward idea, its execution in many cultures remains a challenge. Dante Alighieri depicts a man’s journey through Hell in his famous epic poem, Inferno, a microcosm of society. A book depicts Hell as a place where many humans- historical, mythological, or contemporary-are incarcerated for...

Must-Read Poems by Pastan and Bradstreet

Poetry can be described as one of the oldest forms of literature because many poems can be dated several centuries ago. Additionally, poetry most likely predates writing, which makes the genre even more interesting. Everyone who loves poetry has a selected list of poems that mean the most to them....

Healthcare Social Issue for Indigenous People in Canada

Nowadays, there are many different social issues throughout the world, some of which are difficult to solve. It is formulated by the fact that the solution of these issues often is not beneficial for a certain group of people, usually for authority bodies. The reason for this is the necessity...

Banning Violent Video Games Is a Crime Against Artistic Expression

Introduction As one of the most popular types of modern entertainment, video games have been subjected to some controversy since some of them depict extreme violence, raising alarm bells as to whether they entice cruelty in younger generations. However, the views on the issue have split, with the opponents of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Rawls’s and Nozick’s Theories as Applied to Criminal Justice

The issue of justice is obviously of paramount importance for the criminal justice system. According to common sense, as well as most philosophical perspectives on the matter, it should be concerned with providing individuals with their just deserts based on whether they support or violate the social contract. However, Rawls...

Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Introduction While world economies are affected by a range of problems, some have remained entrenched in countries, impending national and regional growth. Some of the challenges are political instability, poverty, disease, and corruption. These problems are inter-connected in that one leads to another, and if unchecked, may cause the collapse...

World Religions: Researching of Buddhism

Introduction Oftentimes, the religion or philosophy that a person follows for spiritual purposes defines the individual’s social and cultural life. As a result, one’s religion defines values, morals, and lifestyle on multiple levels. Buddhism is one of the world’s most extensive philosophical branches originating in India and having distinct teachings,...

Mental Imagery and Impact on Emotions

Introduction Numerous complex connections between the emotional and intellectual levels of consciousness exist. Frequently, people are sure that emotions arise from external circumstances and affect mental imagery. However, recent studies have confirmed that mental imagery and beliefs strongly influence emotions and motivation for behavior (Kawahara, 2021). According to Kosslyn et...

Strategic Analysis: A Case Study of Tesla Motors Inc.

Introduction Porter’s Five Forces is a methodology that identifies and analyzes five competitive elements that influence every sector and helps assess the flaws and capabilities of a business. Assessment of the Five Forces is widely used to define company strategy by identifying the competitive landscape of an industry (Wang). When...

Right to Abortion and Related Ethical Issues

Introduction Should abortions be allowed in certain cases, such as when the mother’s life is at risk or when a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, but not in other cases? The question of whether abortion is ethical in certain circumstances remains contentious in public, political, and religious...

Black Lives Matter Versus All Lives Matter: The Importance of Each Party

Introduction Racial discrimination is a problem that exists in considerable parts of the world. Consequently, various campaigns and organizations have emerged to address racism, one of them being the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement. BLM has obtained substantial attention after the death of George Floyd due to police brutality in...

Response to Globalization Pressure

Globalization was the term introduced in the epoch after capitalism, when the world economy started unification and when the majority of the states began cooperating and supporting each other in various situations. Now trade is an ongoing process, occurring all over the world because miscellaneous countries conclude cooperation agreements and...

Child Sex Trafficking and Pornography

Introduction Sexual abuse among children is a growing social justice and public health concern given its impact on the victim’s psychological and emotional development. This form of abuse which occurs every day in all countries including the US deprives children of their childhood. Currently, sex trafficking and pornography among children...

How to Play Defense in Football

Introduction The play of the defense unit in football is considered to be essential since the defenders have an objective of not letting the attackers move forward or complete touchdowns. In football, a strong defense gives the offense a solid field position to begin their drive toward the target, making...

Environmental Studies: The Global Warming Holocaust

The Problem: Social Need Global climate change is a social issue that has captured the imagination of the world’s population. This issue is discussed in mass media and social media platforms. According to analysts, change is good. However, it is not a welcome development when it comes to the realm...

The Nightingale Pledge Reflection and Meaning

Nightingale Pledge Meaning: Explanation and Discussion Nightingale Pledge is a popular declaration of values for the nursing career (McDonald, 2004). The statement was written and adopted in the year1893. The pledge states, “I solemnly commit myself in front of God and in the attendance of this gathering, to permit my...

US – Iran Relations: Tactics and Effects

Introduction The relation between Iran and the US dates back to many years ago. There are reports which indicate that this relation can be traced back to the last years of the nineteenth century. Both countries have used various international relations as tactics to lure the other party for its...

New Journalism and Its Peculiarities

New Journalism appeared and became very popular in the 1960-1970s. It was seen as something revolutionary as journalists had not employed techniques that came into existence at that period. This approach is characterized by the presence of a significant portion of fiction, an abundance of facts and details, and a...

Canada’s Oil Sands as Ethical Oil Sources

Introduction Oil is the most important energy source in the world and it sustains modern life as we know it. Maugeri (2006) declares that it is the most vital resource of our time and it provides the energy needed to run industries and power homes. For this reason, nations that...

Abortion: Judith Thomson’s Ethical Perspective

Introduction Abortion is an act that entails the termination of a pregnancy through the removal of a fetus from the uterus. It is a controversial aspect and, at times, requires a personal decision of the woman. Abortion could be induced where the person carrying the pregnancy decides deliberately to terminate...

Delta Airlines’ Change Management and Resistance

Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization Delta Airlines is one of the oldest operating airlines in America. The company plans to introduce new changes in its organizations to remain competitive in the industry (Dess & Lumpkin, 2014). Notably, it is very hard for the airlines to evade...

Nursing Care Models: Patients Health Improvement

Introduction Every day nurses face diverse tasks that should be accomplished to guarantee effective care delivery and improved patients states. The given variety results in the existence of numerous approaches used by specialists to meet different patients requirements and choose the most appropriate way to solve particular health problems. Moreover,...

Puritan Values in Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”

Introduction There is no doubt that law, order, and moral norms remain the components that allow to shape the society and to control people to prevent a wide range of unwanted situations. When it comes to the life of modern society and its members, it is necessary to say that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Drinking Formula Impact in Infancy

Data Collection Methodology This quasi-experimental quantitative research will use convenience sampling to involve participants. A quasi-experimental design is common for nursing research and enables the observational study of some phenomena (Henly, 2016). The expected sample size is estimated at 200 people. Thus, the data collection method should be both times-...

Gun Ownership as the Right to Self-Defense

Institution affiliation In fact, the deprivation of the right carry guns legally is the deprivation of the person of the right to self-defense. An ordinary person is unlikely to be able to confront a group of criminals or at least one, but well-armed criminal. For physically weak people, the elderly,...

Florence Nightingale’s Theory

Introduction Florence Nightingale, the great humanist and the sister of charity, is one of the most prominent figures of nursing theory and practice. After attending the Deaconess Institute at Kaiserswerth, Germany, Nightingale decided to become a sister of mercy while the Crimean War made her a national heroine. The soldiers...

National Nursing Strategies in Seven Countries

Introduction: Article Critique The current shortage of nurses and healthcare practitioners is a major health concern affecting the whole world. The problem is making it hard for medical institutions to provide evidence-based and timely care to their clients. The health issue is strongly associated with poor patient outcomes, medication errors,...

National Australia Bank: Corporate Social Responsibility

Abstract This paper is based on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It explores the topic through an analysis of a company selected from the database of the world’s most ethical companies. One of the issues which are discussed is how the company behaves in a socially responsible manner...

Human Warfare Throughout World History

Introduction The concept of warfare has been familiar to human beings throughout their existence. During the ancient times already, people used to gather in groups to fight for their territory and resources. Primitive societies that used wooden sticks, Romans with highly developed warfare, and modern nations that create powerful weapons...

Transitional Nursing in Oncology: Phase IV

The research provides valuable results, and these results are discussed in the sections below. The main three questions of the research were the following: what transitional nursing strategies need to be developed to address patients with cancer, how can transitional nursing improve the life of patients with cancer and cancer...

Evidentialism vs Non-Evidentialism Debate Exploration

At the root of evidentialism is the principle that one should only ground beliefs on the relevant evidence that one possesses. Clifford, one of the famous proponents of the view, argued that the level of knowledge (the amount of evidence) one has is proportioned to the belief. The philosopher’s view...

Leininger’s Theory in Undergraduate Nursing Studies

Introduction The nursing theory provides nurses with the necessary frameworks that allow them to provide high-quality healthcare services. These theories address various aspects of contemporary nursing (Alligood, 2014). For instance, they equip nursing professionals with approaches to the provision of health services associated with particular clinical procedures, psychological support, social...

“How Hollywood Vilifies a People” Documentary

Introduction One of the main aspects of today’s living is that people in Western countries most commonly form their opinions of those who profess different cultural/religious values, based on how these ‘others’ are being represented by the mainstream media. This situation, however, cannot be referred to as being fully normal,...

Father Absence Impact on Daughter Sexual Behaviors

Research Topic The research topic of the proposed study is the exploration of the influence of father absenteeism on attachment development in adult women with the focus on the mother-child and female – intimate partner dyads. This study aims at identifying the difference (if any) between the way females (who...

The Globalization of Walmart

Why has Walmart viewed international expansion as a critical part of its strategy? After its incorporation in 1962, Walmart was growing and expanding at a rapid pace. The company was able to gain a significant competitive advantage and outdo its contenders due to its high levels of service, well-established and...

Social Media as a Cause of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction Anxiety and depression are considerable problems for US society and the international community. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA, n.d.), anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses affecting almost 40 million adults in the US. These conditions also affect 25% of children from 12...

Nurses’ Interventions in Postnatal Depression Treatment

Abstract Postnatal depression is a significant health problem. Up to 15% of women after child delivery is suffering from this depression. To ameliorate its negative effects, nurses’ interventions in the process of mother-infant interaction might be helpful. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of nurses’ interventions...

Obscenity and Computer Ethics

Introduction The following thesis has been written considering obscenity and ethics in the computer world. With the unprecedented growth in the use of the internet there has been a problem in its usage which has sometimes led to obscenity and need for computer ethics. Computer ethics became a necessity since...

10-Hour Training Course for Teachers on Conflict Management

Abstract The study of conflict management is very crucial in the career of teaching since it helps to identify the psychological aspects and the nature of the conflict. Therefore, the study will help to avoid the conflict situation in class and to teach how to create a positive approach to...

Australian Aborigines and Racial Discrimination

Aborigines is the term used to describe the class of people defined by the law as being members of the race that originally settled the Australian continent before the arrival of Europeans. In legal terms, an Australian Aborigine has been defined as “a group of people who share, in common,...

Technologies to Fuel Ethiopia’s Development

Introduction Ethiopia, or officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is one of the poorest countries in the world. The country’s national poverty level is around 44% with most of the Ethiopians surviving on U.S. $1 a day (Gupta, Clemens, and Inchauste 353). The economy of the country is considered...

Creating Stereotypes: Rhetoric and Stereotypes

The word “stereotype” means a person or thing that conforms to an unjustifiably fixed or standardized picture. A very common example can be taken from the movies. Adam Sandler is a very popular American actor, but due to a large number of comedy movies in his career, he is primarily...

Contemporary Leadership: Transactional and Transformational

Having good leaders is an essential component of any company’s success. The leaders are those who set goals and empower the employees to perform well. Furthermore, the leader’s role goes beyond carrying out the managerial tasks. Rosenbach (10) argues that there is a significant difference between a good manager and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory and How It Has Shaped My Life

Introduction Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory rests on the foundation that the environment in which a child grows has a profound effect on the development of the child. This therefore means that the end product of a child from the time of birth to the time the child becomes an adult is...

Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults

Introduction The definition of gender and sex is controversial and has resulted in the adoption of various terms with different meanings between distinct disciplines. Confusion chiefly stems from the fact that the English language defines sex as the state of being female or male and also sexuality. Sexuality and sex...

One Hundred Years from Now

Introduction Our planet, its population, environment, and societies change and develop rapidly nowadays. People were always interested in the topic of future events and generations because even the most stable countries, companies, and other structures might go bankrupt, whereas other considerably poor and unpopular places are likely to prosper and...

Importance of Compliance Procedures in Pharmacy

Many of the health care compliance policies about health care are developed by the United States Food and drug administration agency together with various professional boards.they are meant to protect and promote the health and well-being of all people through the implementation of various initiatives meant to promote public health....

The Reasons Why Torture is Unacceptable

Torture has always been a tool employed by people to extract vital information from individuals that possess important knowledge or simply humiliate them into submission and despair. Historically, torture was used as a means to receive confessions from criminals and witnesses (Hoadley et al. 248). Only recently did it disappear...

Approach to Care. Human Cancer

Overall, cancer can be defined as a group of diseases which are caused by the uncontrolled division of cells (Brown, Issacs & Krinke, 2007, p 438). There is great variety of cancers, and they are classified according to the type of sell, which the tumor imitates. There is no universal...

Purdue Pharmaceutical Company’s OxyContin Opioid

General Information The case revolves around the success of Purdue Pharmaceutical company owned by the Sackler family. OxyContin is the opioid painkiller that was promoted as one of the best ways to alleviate and manage pain in patients with chronic and complicated conditions. Due to the extremely aggressive promotional campaign,...

The Cloud Computing Technology

Introduction Majority of the computer systems utilises a local computer for application and data software. Cloud computing is a relatively new term in the field of computer systems and as such, it still lacks a clear and strict definition while in use in various contexts. Technological changes have been noted...

Genetic Screening and Testing

Introduction Every expectant mother wants to be sure that her baby is healthy, well-developed, and complications do not threaten the pregnancy. Modern technologies allow detecting pathologies at an early stage of pregnancy, which makes it possible to make the necessary decisions promptly. Genetic screening (prenatal screening) is a maternally and...

Law of Tort. Breach of Duty Care

Introduction A tort is referred to as a civil wrong committed against any individual rather than the society or the tort (Bermingham and Brennan, 2008)1. The tortuous liability usually arises when a breach of duty is primarily fixed by the law takes occurs. The main aim of tort law is...

The Changing Role of Nurses in the Modern Society

Research problem The article by Mills and Fitzgerald (2011) focuses on the changing role of nurses in the modern society. The authors’ focus was to determine the new position that nurses in the modern society are taking within their areas of practice as the demand for their services continues to...

Internet Blogging Problems: Warman Versus Lemire Case

Introduction In this case, an application is brought forward by the Canadian Human Rights Commission to the Federal Court’s Act 2 to request the judiciary to review the Canadian Human Rights as rendered by Athanoisios D. Hadjis. The respondents are Richard Warman, the Canadian Attorney General and Marc Lemire. Richard...

Clinical Teaching: Concept-Based Curriculum and Exemplars

Program Description Nursing students will complete a clinical rotation that will last for two weeks (two clinical days per week) during their campus residency. A registered and qualified nurse preceptor will supervise and assess the performance of the students based on pre-defined learning outcomes (LO) This program has been designed...

Ironridge Community: Application of Clinical Practice Guidelines

Introduction Healthcare professionals embrace the use of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in order to address the needs of their clients. CPGs “provide quality evidence from past research to inform clinical actions and decisions” (Sayler & Sanseverino, 2014, p. 12). Ironridge Community can embrace the use of CPGs to address the...

Barnana: Adventures in Upcycling

Introduction One of the principal conditions of the present-day companies’ sustainable development is the correspondence of their regular operations and essential decisions to international environmental regulations. The company under consideration, Barnana, is no exception to the rule since it cooperates with the United Nations and follows the organization’s goals (Dann...

Watson’s Theory of Caring and Practice

Theories are essential for introducing and advancing various professional practices, hence the need for their evaluation to determine their relevance, as well as potential applications. In clinical practice, multiple models, theories, and frameworks associated with the evidence-based practice are advocated (Lynch et al., 2018). These ideas and concepts form the...

Misconceptions About Income Inequality

Introduction In today’s world, inequalities are the most glaring issue in human society. With the lack of proper income, an individual loses his or her ability to access essential services, such as healthcare, housing, and education, and has fewer opportunities in life in general. This topic has received much-needed attention...

“A Worn Path” Short Story by Eudora Welty Reviewed

Introduction “A Worn Path” is a short story written by Eudora Welty in 1941 which describes the journey of an old African American woman. The Hunger Games is a novel by Suzanne Collins first published in 2008 that depicts a dystopian world. At first, these two books can be considered...

Children in Treadwell’s Buchner’s, Strindberg’s Plays

Introduction The image of children in literature may have a range of meanings. On the one hand, they may be symbols of purity, innocence, happiness, and joy, and on the other hand, they reveal the strength, morality, and courage of the characters. As for the plays Machinal, Woyzeck, and Miss...

The Motif of Baggage in “The Things They Carried”

Introduction Most literary works are created by their authors not only to entertain the readers but also to serve high purposes and provide people with unique ideas. Certainly, this objective may be achieved by certain plot and plot twists that directly convey the writer’s thoughts. However, sometimes the author does...