Water and Soil Management

Introduction A growing population and climate change have put enormous pressure on the earth’s scarce natural resources. Agriculture relies heavily on water and soil, which are essential natural resources. Natural resources are deteriorating due to anthropogenic and detrimental biological activities. Soil degradation is among the most severe threats to water...

Communication and Navigation Systems

This part covers a section of avionics that deal with navigation and communication; it also covers the electronic devices that use avionics features. Constituents in the electrical navigation and communication systems are reflected as aircraft devices, and such can only be renovated FAA-standardized repair site or the original assemblers. Specialists...

Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” Should Be Taught in Schools

To Kill a Mockingbird has faced many restrictions and criticisms since Harper Lee wrote it in 1960. Atticus Finch’s protagonist passes valuable lessons on discrimination to his two children, Jem and Scout. Every parent ought to strive to instill the teaching in their children’s lives to grow up to be...

The Possible Future of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency

Introduction The enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto initially introduced Bitcoin nearly ten years ago, and since then, it has survived many attention and value bubbles. It was invented, revised, and reused after a contentious revision. Although Bitcoin has not proven to be a practical form of money in most situations, it has...

Incorporating Entrepreneurial Corporate Culture

Entrepreneurial Corporate Culture In the fierce business environment, the idea of incorporating entrepreneurial corporate culture (ECC) into a team continuously acquires relevance and significance among employers. ECC is regarded as a system of entrenched beliefs, values, mindsets, and attitudes shared by all members of a company, with a particular emphasis...

COVID-19 Immunization Promotion Plan

Health Concern The purpose of this paper is to create a health promotion plan for combating the spread of possible future variants of COVID-19. Given the tendency of the coronavirus to mutate into new iterations, it is reasonable to suggest that Omicron is not the last expression of this infection....

Islam and Christianity: Fundamental Components

The materialistic perspective of man and his actions on Earth, that is, the belief that man is the measure of all things, is not shared by Islam. A human was created after Allah consulted with his angels regarding his choice for the role of the caliph of Allah on earth,...

Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler

Mathematical Mindsets offers the right tactics and exercises to help parents and instructors reassure all children that math is fun and that they can excel at it. Jo Boaler is a mathematics lecturer, researcher, and authority in teaching mathematics (Boaler, 2022). She looked at the reasons why students have difficulty...

Lust in the Context of the “Divine Comedy” and the Modern World

Introduction The second circle of hell, described by Dante in the Divine Comedy, is lust and describes the sinners who fell from it. Traitor spouses and libertines personify what the Middle Ages literature represents as a bright germ. Still, in the New Age, it will become the key to European...

Kirkpatrick Model of Management

Introduction Many companies believe that training answers all issues and that its absence is the root of many problems. Most people are familiar with the Kirkpatrick Model, which may be used to analyze and assess the outcomes of coaching and educational initiatives. This essay will describe the Kirkpatrick instructional and...

Meaning of Symbolism in the Film “Parasite”

Introduction The film, Parasite, is directed by Bong Joon-ho and was released on May 21, 2019. The viewer follows the lives of individuals who choose to pursue employment opportunities from wealthy family. To achieve their goals, these family members design an ingenious plan of posing as qualified workers. The storyline...

Literary Analysis of Fences by August Wilson

The play Fences by August Wilson covers a variety of complex themes, such as race, family relationships, history, identity, change, morality, culture, dreams, duty, and others. Written in 1986, this literary work “clearly displayed the tensions among blacks who wanted to clutch their African legacy” (Ali 1). One of the...

Reality and Myth of American Frontier

The media is often called one of the four powers because it can set trends and opinions for entire generations. However, sometimes information translated through the media loses its historical basis and can become a myth. Such a phenomenon was observed when Frederic Turner published his thesis, where he discussed...

Importance of Technology in H.R. Management

Personnel management technologies in various organizations constantly improve, thereby laying down new work concepts. Modern technologies in personnel management allow solving several, not the simplest, tasks that every organization faces, including health care. It is necessary to pay attention to the business and personal qualities of applicants to know what...

How Happy Relationships Affect a Person: Cause and Effect

Introduction Relationships are among the social bonds that keep people together. Social and positive relationships are sources of belonging, strength, and physical and emotional support. Individuals tend to create social connections with peers, coworkers, relatives, and friends with the hope that they will find satisfaction in life. The connections can...

Optimal Addiction Counselling and Its Impact

The importance of addiction counseling professions grows every day as humanity grapples with the modern world’s challenges. Substance abuse is a serious problem affecting millions of people, with negative consequences for them and society. Therefore, the approaches employed in availing treatment have to be such that they ensure the best...

A Locally Implemented Best-Practice Advisory

Introduction The article by Chanas et al. examines the impact of a locally implemented best-practice advisory (BPA) on the speed of an antibiotic response in patients with the risk of septic shock. In general, this program evaluates four vital signs of patients in surgical intensive care units (ICU) – temperature,...

The San Diego Blood Bank’s Mission and Services

A donation has always been a manifestation of great charity and high humanism. The blood bank, in turn, is designed to ensure the desire of some people to help and others to receive help. Donating at the San Diego Blood Bank is an entirely safe, almost painless, and essential procedure....

Bioarchaeology: Analysis of Bone Structure and Caves

Introduction An activity pattern is defined as a sequence of events that make up the accomplished work of a group over time. A single activity pattern may involve several activities in which human beings are involved. To understand daily life activities, studying the different activity patterns humans were involved in...

Rationality in Anticipated Regret Approach

Making important life decisions is difficult because the consequences of the choice can dramatically influence a person’s life. Furthermore, there is no possibility of going back in time and making an alternative decision. Moreover, it is impossible to know what would have happened if a person had made a different...

Medical Staff Data Privacy

Introduction Medical professionals’ confidentiality and privacy are among the most important aspects of the medical service industry. Such comfortable conditions and the right working conditions must be ensured as they can directly affect the productivity of clinics. Thus, maintaining confidentiality under all conditions and scenarios, even in emergencies, like with...

The Novel “Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi

Introduction Persepolis is a novel by Marjane Satrapi, published in 2003. The novel explores many important themes such as family life in the context of the Iranian Revolution, political tension, expectations, cultural differences, and others. This book consists primarily of graphic representation, so the novel received the status of a...

“On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Wheatley

Introduction Phillis Wheatley was the first female African-American writer who was published. When transported from West Africa to America, she was sold into slavery. Later the family that purchased Wheatley assisted her; the woman learned to read and write and mastered several languages. Wheatley’s poems frequently investigate her Christian values,...

Effects of Child Abuse on Mental Health and Behavior

Introduction Kids who were fortunate to survive abuse may sometimes have problems with their mental and health status because of experiencing neglect and abuse for years. Kids feeling insecure or unable to get the assistance they require may go through life striving with abuse effects. Physical effects typically are the...

Caterpillar Inc.’s SWOT Analysis and Strategic Management

Introduction Any organization’s success depends heavily on strategic management. It entails assessing a company’s situation and determining solutions to advance the organization. One of the top producers of diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines, diesel-electric locomotives, and construction and mining equipment, Caterpillar, Inc., will be the subject of...

Benjamin Franklin: Political Satire and Literary Criticism

One of the people who cannot be easily forgotten as far as the history of America is concerned is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is regarded as one of the main founders of the United States because of his active participation in the development of different fields. This paper presents the biography...

Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention

The purpose of this proposal is to inform and educate parents, children, and adolescents of the importance of having a good balanced diet and exercise in their daily lives to avoid obesity. The latter is a serious problem in contemporary society. It is the main causative factor of a number...

The Movie “The Boy in The Striped Pajamas” by Mark Herman

People are often inclined to speak about selfhood and identity with references to adult persons who try to find themselves in this world. However, the role of one’s identity can be even more critical for children and adolescents who seem to confront the reality in order to learn who they...

BSC vs COBIT: IT Governance and Strategic Alignment Models

Information technology plays a strategic role in corporate decisions. IT governance aims to align the IT processes with a firm’s business strategies, leverage on technology infrastructure, and control IT-related risks and costs (Jairak & Praneetpolgrang, 2013). Different models exist for IT management, e.g., COBIT, which supports business-IT alignment. A generic...

Communication Methods: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Face-to-Face Communication Face to face communication has several advantages. Numerous observers say that face to face contact can never be replaced irrespective of the numerous advancements in technology (Oxford Economics, 2009). It should be noted that face-to-face contact enables the transmission of unspoken or implied knowledge. It also...

The Mount Rundle Hotel’s Customer Service Issues

Symptoms The confrontation between the customer and the hotel management, in the case of the Mount Rundle Hotel Banff, is a sign of service failure. Several symptoms show the existence of a customer service failure. The symptoms can broadly be classified into three. The first category is the lack of...

Friendship as a Two-Way Process

A good friend never goes away, when you need help No man is an island; therefore, interaction and friendship are the essential parts of human life. A person cannot live without interacting and live an exclusive life without other people. Being involved in many structures such as work, social life,...

Alan Wilson’s Career Choice to Change the World

Abstract The case study analysis is focused on selecting the best career option for Alan Wilson. The purpose is to choose the option that is most beneficial to make a difference. Although accepting the offer to work for Grepter in Zurich Alan acts rationally, this choice is most efficient to...

Domestic Violence Forms: Cases Analysis

Domestic abuse of family members, particularly children, adults, and the elderly, should be considered a form of deviant behavior to which researchers give different explanations: biological, psychological, and socio-cultural. The sociological reasoning for domestic violence implies taking into account socio-political, socio-economic, legal, psychological, and socio-cultural factors. In the cases described...

Sibling Rivalry: Causes, Manifestations and Effects

Have you ever wondered what the effects of sibling rivalry are? This essay sample explores the sibling rivalry causes, its advantages and disadvantages, and parenting practices that might be helpful. Introduction Sibling rivalry is a difficult topic that concerns all parents who have more than one child. According to Boyse,...

Relationship Between Parkinson’s Disease and Primary Headache Disorders: A Clinical Study

Parkinson’s disease: recent advances Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been one of the least researched and understood conditions for a long time. Since the 1980s, due to a significant body of new research and a breakthrough in neurology, the scientific understanding of its mechanisms and causes has improved (Ali, 2013). The...

Third-Party Mobile Apps: Enhancing Chick-fil-A’s Reach

Introduction According to the provided data and analysis, Chick-fil-A is in an excellent position to expand and to improve, becoming a major fast-food franchise. As such, it is in need to adapt a new marketing strategy. It should provide access to the broader audience, as it would improve upon the...

Sexual Tolerance in American Society

Over the last 40 years, attitudes regarding the LGTBQ+ community have shifted exponentially in the American public perspective. Opinions regarding the origin of non-traditional sexuality and the roles that such relationships play in society, such as support for same-sex marriage and professional inclusion, are becoming more accepting. The shift in...

White Supremacy and Historical Blindness

Introduction The prevalence of one ethnic and racial group over others has always been embedded in the global psyche of populations throughout the long history of its development. Thus, white supremacy represents a controversial topic referring to the sentiment that the white race is superior over others and, therefore, should...

Nursing Professional Practice in Florida

Role Description and the Organization Sarah Kessler is a Family Nurse Practitioner working in a community clinic in Miami, Florida. The job of an FNP involves providing care to patients of all ages, from infants to elderly persons. The responsibilities of an FNP are to perform patient exams, order tests,...

Shared Decision-Making in Healthcare: Project Translation and Planning

Introduction Promoting shared decision-making in patient-centered care is a chance for nurses and patients to establish trustful relationships and exchange necessary information. Planning and implementation of change cannot be ignored by project developers. This paper will focus on goals for improvement, measuring change, needed resources, the timeframe of implementation, mechanisms...

A Ranch in Hawaii: Four Functions of Management

Each organization is presupposed with a complex of values that should be supported for the genuine outline of it as well as for the organization’s prestige. In this respect, the world of management has many constituents which are significant for the right and effective functioning of an organization. With the...

World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893

The complicated title is a foreshadowing of what is to come. The event described as the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 is more than a commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ voyage to America; it was also an exposition of the American way of life from its cottage...

Plausible Causes for Male Eating Disorders

In 2007 Harvard study reported that out of 3,000 adults 40% of binge eaters and those with eating disorders were male. Only a couple of years ago eating disorders were characteristic for women only with cases involving men being so few that doctors rarely turned attention to them. These days,...

Problem of Price Discrimination

Introduction Price discrimination is the process by which a firm charges different prices to different groups of people for the same good. The firms that practice price discrimination have the market power. This means that they have the ability to raise the price of commodities without losing all demand. Such...

Australia’s Mobile Market: Marketing Strategies and Pricing Factors

Based on studies carried out on the Australian Mobile market; it has been conclusive that ‘mobile data services’ have had an effect and increasing significance, as the returns from ‘voice calling’ are declining and at the same time trends show that mobile communication use is likely to advance. About the...

Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Ethos, Logos and Pathos

A rhetoric situation is an act of speaking or writing effectively. Rhetoric is also a situation that lacks a meaningful understanding. An example of rhetoric is someone talking about a serious problem, but making it sound like it is not a problem. When someone asks a rhetorical question, he necessarily...

Cognitive Psychology: Emotions and Anxiety

When Emotions Get the Better of Us: The Effect of Contextual Top-down Processing on Matching Fingerprints Evidence to support the main argument Fingerprint identification involves a decision-making process. There are no 100% identical fingerprints as even if the person provides sets of prints one after the other, they will be...

“She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms” by Nguyen

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many issues to the world, while the theatre industry has demonstrated that it is possible to overcome every challenge with the help of creative decisions. Baylor University’s production of the play She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms that have been staged in 2020 is a suitable...

“The Globalization of Eating Disorders” by Susan Bordo

Introduction The success of any article and scientific work also depends on the written skills of the author. If the text is captivating from the first paragraph, the audience continues to read. The most challenging thing is to encourage the readers to finish the article to the end. The persuasiveness...

The Dark Side of the Cruise Industry

Introduction Cruise ships are often associated with wealth and vacations, taking their passengers to ports all over the world for land excursions and providing luxurious amenities onboard. However, this lucrative industry has always been subjected to criticism related to a variety of problems that are often the result of the...

Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”: Empathy as the Key

Introduction Change is one of the concepts that appear both thrilling and frightening to people at the same time. However, even during the most drastic change, those who can keep their humanity intact are capable of surviving the challenge of transformation and even turning it into something beautiful. Examining the...

Booker T. Washington and His Ideas

Introduction Booker T. Washington was one of the most influential leaders of ethnic minorities in the United States of the nineteenth century. He was also a researcher who proposed a row of practical actions to resolve the issues of these population groups, mostly of economic nature (Tozer et al., 2020)....

Common-Law Method and Ethics

Introduction Slavery and servitude are the offenses attracting the attention of both UK courts and the European Court of Human Rights. As can be seen from the case, the consideration of such crimes is complicated by the ambiguity of specific legal regulations and the presumptions stemming from them. Therefore, this...

The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on Nursing

Introduction The 2010 IOM report was an eye-opener for nurses regarding service delivery for patients. Several positive impacts have been realized so far. From the report, it is evident that transformational practice, education, and leadership are the key tenets of effective nursing roles both currently and in the future. Transforming...

VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles

Reading and writing is one of the various learning styles that are recognized by educators. Individuals who indicate a preference to reading and writing exhibit some distinct studying habits. In this scenario, a subject was put through the VARK questionnaire and the computed results were used to analyze his/her learning...

Death Penalty: To Be or Not To Be?

Introduction The death penalty and its appropriateness from the moral viewpoint present the topics associated with debate and the diversity of opinions for decades. Since the issue involves ethical considerations, there is no unity of views among specialists that deal with criminal cases regularly. This essay is aimed at discussing...

Rolf Stahel’s Leadership Style and Skills

Introduction Who holds good leadership style is a major subject of debate to many people. While many people tend to think that a person is born with leadership qualities, others believe that leadership skills are learned, acquired and nurtured during a person development. However, despite the form in which leadership...

Childhood Obesity: Causes and Solutions

Introduction The United States of America has had the largest number of reported childhood obesity and overweight cases for the last twenty years. However, it is important to note that this condition is common in most developed countries including the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Russia, Germany, France and Australia. Globally,...

How to Reduce the Incidence of Patient Falls

Patient fall prevention is an important topic when it comes to hospital care. In addition, there are a lot of factors in a hospital setting that contribute to patient falls, such as slippery floors, the amount of time spent lying down, and possible side-effects of medication. It is important to...

Ideal Moral Community Outline

While the projects of ideal moral communities usually turn out to be utopias more or less unachievable in practice, there are still reasons why people keep designing them. A project of an ideal moral community, even if never realized in practice, is a manifestation of a person’s ethical beliefs and...

Salmonellosis: Risk Factors, Transmission, and Prevention

Risk Factors Associated with Salmonella Salmonellosis is a condition related to the gastrointestinal illness that the genus Salmonella causes. Various risk factors are associated with the condition of Salmonella. Mainly, human beings can get infected with the condition by consuming foods contaminated with animals’ feces (Indar-Harrinauth et al., 2001). In...

Young Workers: Experience and Perspective

In December 2016, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System published an article on young workers’ experience and perspectives on the modern labor market. This article was primarily based on the 2015 Survey of young workers conducted by the Federal Reserve. It draws a general portrait of young...

Nursing Shortage: A Critical Discussion

Issue Definition Although there are persistent accounts of labor shortages in many other professional domains, nursing seems to enjoy the dubious distinction of perennially suffering from this condition. Nursing literature, however, demonstrates that there is no single definition or measure of nursing shortages (Buchan & Aiken, 2008), thus the need...

General Motors’ Evolving Competitive Advantages

The automobile industry is one of the most significant contributors to the economy of the United States. This industry provides more than seven million jobs, constituting approximately one-tenth of the country’s revenue (Chuang & Zhao, 2019). General Motors (GM) is the largest American automobile corporation with a more than a...

Strayed and Gilbert: The Journeys to Themselves

The stories by Strayed and Gilbert coincide in many ways as two writers tell their stories of traveling and their pursuit of what they could not find in their past lives. Wild portrays Strayed is long mile climb on the Pacific Crest Trail as an excursion of self-revelation after loosing...

Programming Student Management System

A student record system is a platform for managing student information. Regardless of being a paper-based or automated system, student record system yields a lot of benefits to the school. The system provides crucial information, which can be very helpful in making decisions concerning the management of the institution. The...

Healthcare Database for Reducing Patient Stay in the Emergency Department

Introduction The health care sector is in need of reducing patients’ prolonged stays in emergency departments. As a result, it is crucial to develop an efficient system for predicting the length of patients’ stay and, consequently, decreasing its duration. Overall, the productive solution should be an analysis of the conditions...

Case Study of Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Misconceptions and Diagnosis

Introduction Schizophrenia is a severe psychotic disorder with a large variety of subtypes and correlated complications. The current case study describes the appointment with Jasmine Mack, an African American 18-years old college student who has recently experienced several symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly examine the...

The Riley v. California Supreme Court Case Brief

Introduction The case Riley v. California investigated by the Supreme Court in 2014 is an excellent example of the unacceptable actions of police officers in investigating crimes. They were related to receiving access to private information, which is one of the most controversial provisions in terms of suitable measures. Therefore,...

The Problem of Evil and the Existence of God

Philosophical Similarities and Differences from the Readings The three readings address the question about the problem of evil and the existence of God by applying the logical or evidential problem of evil and the philosophy of divine hiddenness. Craig (2008) argues that life would become absurd without the existence of...

The Analysis of the Characters’ Worldviews in “Les Misérables”

Introduction Les Misérables is a French novel written in 1862 by Victor Hugo. There are many media adaptations of the literary work, including movies, TV shows, comics, radio plays, and others. One of the significant features of the novel and its media adaptations is the list of its characters, as...

Health Systems and Population Health: Memorandum

Summary This memo aims to explain how the market and public policy changes, including healthcare reimbursement mechanisms, are driving changes in how the hospital engages in population health. This memo also explains the social determinants of health as well as why the hospital needs to work in partnership with other...

Impact of Online and Traditional Shopping on Society

Shopping has become an integral aspect of modern life. According to the rise in popularity of the internet, the development of online shopping turned the process from a necessity into entertainment and stress relief. The shift in consumer culture brought new possibilities but also unknown risks. While traditional shopping offered...

English Language Education in Thailand

The Problem of the Teachers and Students In connection with the transition to communicative learning, the possibilities of a foreign language have increased in solving the urgent tasks of modern society in the field of educating the younger generation and increasing the educational, educational, and developing potential of the subject...

Communication Skills Teaching Methods

As a people-oriented profession, dentistry requires strong communication abilities. Communication skills are indispensable to patient care for various reasons. For instance, they may include management of patient’s primary complaints, triage emergencies, setting a shared objective during treatment planning, and insurance of informed consent is acquired. Strong interpersonal communication abilities can...

Social Communication: The Role of Culture

Communication and culture have a highly intricate and close interaction. First, cultures are produced through communication; that is, communication is the means of human connection through which cultural features are established and communicated, whether they be conventions, roles, norms, rituals, laws, or other patterns. Individuals do not seek out to...

Counterterrorism Approaches: Terrorism Prevention

There are five categories of counterterrorism approaches, including proactive, defensive, coercive, long-term, and persuasive. The primary strategy used by America for several decades is the coercive method. It employs a criminal justice and war model to deal with terror activities and terrorists (Tan, 2018). While wars occur within legal regulations,...

The ‘Hallelujah’ Song by Leonard Cohen

Music, like any other compulsive work, causes emotions and communicates powerful information to the audience. It is more than words and the instrumentals that accompany it and writers appreciate the texture and flow of phrases. On the other hand, the listeners decide on the music that goes with their personality...

Statistical Evidence: The Reliability Analysis

Introduction Research methods provide several solutions to obtain information, make inferences about factors underlying a particular phenomenon. However, compared to qualitative information that is based on individuals’ judgment and applied theories, quantitative information or statistical data draws information from factual figures that do not represent a researcher’s ideas. As a...

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: The Chivalric Novel

Introduction Medieval literature reflects the cultural, religious, and social background that was dominant in that period. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is an example of a 14th-century chivalric novel (Anonymous). Sir Gawain was one of the renowned knights of the Round Table who served the legendary King Arthur and...

The Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory

A conspiracy theory is the product of a few individuals who use various powerful means to give meaning to an occurrence. They usually oppose the official accounts provided to explain the events and choose to push their rendition of the truth. There are many conspiracy theorists across the United States...

Efficient Human Resource Management in Nursing

Introduction It is important to discuss how to best recruit, select, and retain high caliber candidates in an area where there is a shortage of healthcare workers. There is now a severe shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in the United States. In this paper, I will provide an overview of...

Unemployment Rate in Leisure and Hospitality Sector

The leisure and hospitality sector is among the crucial industries for the US economy that consists of arts, entertainment, and recreation industries; food services and drinking places industries; hotels and other accommodations industries. Throughout the beginning of time, humans have engaged in leisure activities. From antiquity, musical ensembles, theatre, and...

Fitzgerald’s ‘The Great Gatsby’: A Novel Overview

Introduction Many great authors have an admirable talent for using literary devices in ways that make their literary works get implicit meanings. Therefore, only with careful reading, the reader manages to recognize metaphors, allusions, comparisons, and symbolism. The latter, for example, is often especially difficult to identify. In The Great...

Immigrant Children and Poverty

For some considerable time now, the impact poverty has had on the children of immigrant workers, has gone unnoticed. It may look as if immigrant child-poverty does not merit a lot of concern, for the sole reason that they tend to look even better in their new country than in...

Analyzing Stories from the Syrian Revolution: Insights and Implications

The Fear of Breathing: Stories from the Syrian Revolution is a powerful, appealing and, at the same time, controversial play that provides insights into the real life of Syrian people who have suffered from the war. The play has been written by a theatre director, Zoe Lafferty, and two award-winning...

Exploring Multiculturalism in Counseling

Introduction In recent years, multiculturalism has become a recognized aspect of the counseling profession. Nevertheless, despite the increase in recognition, academic publications are yet to address the demand for reliable data on the matter. The following paper provides a report of a journal article that highlights the said issue and...

Nursing Goals: Insights from the Institute of Medicine Report

Introduction The field of nursing has been evolving over the last decade to meet the increasing and changing societal health needs. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a special report to address the role of nurses in the fast-changing health care industry. The concept of patient-based care requires...

Personal Health Records in Examples

Personal health records (PHRs) are specific programs or tools that help patients record, store, retrieve, and review the personal information about their health and health status. Using these programs, patients can also exchange data; their aim is not only to help patients maintain useful records but also to stimulate action...

Future Trends and Innovations in California’s Energy Sector

Introduction Human beings require energy for survival. This energy is obtained from different sources. However, some sources of energy pollute the natural environment. This situation explains why renewable energy has become common today (Trefil & Hazen, 2012). The American government should use modern technologies to produce alternative sources of energy...

Bachata in the Dominican Republic

Introduction There are a plethora of music genres based on Spanish guitar motives. Bachata is one of the most popular embranchments of traditional dancing and music styles that originated in the Dominican Republic. The following paper will cover and discuss the history of Bachata and its role in the culture...

Psychodynamic Approach to Psychology

Introduction Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham are known as famous philosophers who made significant contributions to the development of legal studies and criminology in the eighteenth century. Speaking about Beccaria, it needs to be said that he is regarded as one of the founding fathers of criminology in Europe. Being...

Christianity and Rastafarianism Comparison

Introduction Many religions are observed to manifest and follow eight unique elements. These elements include community, worldview, myths or general stories, ethics, rituals, emotional experiences, sacredness, and material expression (Guyette, 2014). These elements play a critical role towards bringing followers of the religion together. This discussion describes how Rastafarianism and...

The Impact and Value of Technological Advances in Various Sectors

To make progress in understanding scientific relations and technology, information and knowledge must be developed to constitute technological advancement. Different technologies have been developed, and three of them will be discussed in this essay with regard to how they benefit business, consumers, and the society at large; they are the...

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”: Movie of Contrasts

Introduction Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of the most famous and provocative movies in American cinematography during the 1960s. This work attracts much attention at different epochs due to its possibility to introduce several really iconic characters, prove the influence of fashion in society, and identify the inequalities that can...

Cannabis Legalization: Health Impacts and Policy Needs

Executive Summary In the US, cannabis was declared legal in 33 states within the last several years. This allows people to carry and use the substance without fear of criminal responsibility for such actions. However, research suggests that a more in-depth examination of this policy is required, that will help...

Curriculum Change Plan for Jacox Elementary in Virginia

Introduction The efficiency of educational programs may differ depending on the community. It is evident that schools with higher academic performance require a more advanced curriculum than schools with lower academic achievements. Therefore, sometimes, schools’ curriculum is to be reevaluated and changed to adhere to the needs and ability of...

Manager vs. Leader: Roles, Skills, and Impact on Staff

The words “manager” and “leader” are often used interchangeably, but they mean different things in a corporate environment. If a person is a manager, they occupy a particular position in an organization that places specific responsibilities on them as well as a duty to oversee subordinates (Algahtani, 2014). Leaders, in...

Factors Influencing Employee Attitudes, Behavior, and Job Satisfaction

Employees’ philosophies and ethical standards affect the decisions they make in the workplace, the pace at which they acquire new competencies, and the extent to which they enjoy their work. Therefore, it is critical to cultivating the atmosphere in which staff members feel fulfilled and are eager to build commitment...

SB 277 Bill Analysis

Introduction In many developed nations, the incidence of dangerous infectious diseases is minimal because of high vaccination rates. When the vast majority of the population are immunized, there is a low risk of epidemics, and the medical costs go down due to a reduction in infections. However, for the past...

Dr. DuBois and The Harlem Renaissance

Introduction Dr. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois lived an intense life; the ups and downs of that altruistic life and his all-prevailing personality were all conscientiously and passionately documented by him in autobiographies, essays, notes, journal articles, and lectures through several decades. The Harlem Renaissance a.k.a. The Black Renaissance or...

Accounting and Finance in Business

Introduction: Need for accounting All types of business concerns require to record financial data relating to various transactions to provide necessary information to the interested groups of persons in the firm. For taking adequate decisions relating to the business firms requires an overview of their past business transactions. For this,...

Homer’s “Iliad”, Its Effect and Relevance

Looking at the world we live in today, we can see that various forms of expression, through media and literary works, use different references to ancient times. It can be seen that ancient culture had influenced the development of many nations in the world. In that regard, the myths of...

Aspect of Sociocentric and Critical Thinking

The cultural aspect is very important in the life of modern society because globalization reached a level when no one can stay aside from the problems of the whole of humankind. Different cultures presuppose different distinctive features that form particular attitudes towards the representatives of different cultures. Thus, “Cultural diversity,...

Natural Gas in the Global Market Analysis

Introduction Renewable energy can be used to identify any forms of electrical energy power plant generation such as sunlight as well as geothermal heat. In addition some other renewable sources have been introduced, suchlike small hydro carbon. For instance, wind power is growing annually worldwide and is widely used in...

“Crude Oil” by Wang Bing

Summary of the movie Crude oil film Steered by Wang Bing, the movie Crude Oil is a documentary, which agitates for environmental conservations bringing to an end the pollution, caused by the companies. The documentary sends a stern warning or rather message to those large corporations that destroy important Ecuadonian...

The Role of Culture in the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Introduction Philosophers define justice as a central element of social institutions that upholds human rights. In the context of school, it means that all students should be treated equally and feel valued. However, it is not true for many American young people. The school-to-prison pipeline has made a significant influence...

“José Mourinho: Special Leadership” by Luis Lourenço

Introduction Portuguese journalist Luis Lourenço wrote this book based on his Masters Degree’s thesis, which was devoted to Mourinho’s leadership. Lourenço was a long-term family friend and a fan of Mourinho. He managed to observe his achievements not only in football but also in team-management, and presented his analysis of...

Orthorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorder

Medical sciences in the modern world are more universal and rigorous in their approach to studying factors that harm public health. One such problem is the culture of improper nutrition, in which the individual directs all efforts to receive only healthy foods (Oberle 495). Although this diet seems ideal, there...

Computerized Physician Order Entry Practice in Pediatric Care

The Methods Used in the Collection of the Results The evaluation of the errors in the drug prescription is showing that the most suitable intervention is the act of targeting the common flaws within the system as opposed to the individual fault. Literature studies acknowledge the positive effects of the...

The “Sula” Novel by Toni Morrison

Introduction In the middle of the 1900s, the United States of America survived hard times when racism, poverty, and inequality shaped human standards. There are many literary works where authors tried to share their opinions and describe specific situations, conflicts, and lessons. One of them is Sula, a novel written...

Why United States Has to Provide Frontline Workers With Hazard Pay Law

Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a dangerous disease, which affects one’s lungs and can cause death. The first cases of the new disease COVID-19 (Coronavirus) appeared in the United States on January 20, 2020 (Holshue et al., 2020). This pandemic dispersed quickly and soon became a significant strain on the healthcare...

Wood Kitchen Industry: Business Policy and Strategy

Wood kitchen industry had a strong revenue growth because of increasing growth in housing markets all over the world. Now imports have become the real threat for the wood kitchen industry. And the growth of this industry is purely dependent upon the housing market. (Wood kitchen cabinet and countertop manufacturing...

Implications of Personalized Medicine

According to Heger (2010, p.5), personalized medicine refers to a relatively new scientific method that favors to give the treatment the hat is depended on an individual’s genetic profile. In this method of treating individuals suffering from the same illness are given different medications depending on their genetic makeup. In...

Contrast of Health Care Systems: Italy v. the United States

Introduction Provision of health care services is one of the most important functions of any government. Every nation would wish to see a healthy population, as this would translate to the growth and development of the national economy. It is for this reason that governments strive to ensure that their...

Generational Gap: Multi-Generational Workplaces

Introduction The active promotion of diversity has become an integral part of practices in numerous organizations, hence the creation of multi-generational workplaces. The described approach allows for the active knowledge sharing and development of substantial experience. However, multi-generational workplaces also incorporate numerous challenges for employees to overcome in regard to...

Tradition in “Everyday Use” by Walker and “The Lottery” by Jackson

During the semester, several works were studied. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson were exciting pieces of literature. The “Everyday Use” is a short story that highlights the plight of African -Americas who were trying to redefine their social, cultural, and political identity. It mainly...

Should Net Neutrality Be Protected or Discontinued?

Introduction Net neutrality is the principle that providers of various telecommunications services should not give preference to one specific destination. In other words, providers should treat all Internet traffic, which includes messages, data, and various files, equally. In this context, in order for the Internet to function most effectively and...

The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Legal Duties

Introduction Healthcare professionals operate within the dictates of various laws that impose certain obligations arising from their work and interactions. Doherty and Purtilo (2016) explain that regulations delineate the conditions under which hospitals, doctors, nurses, and administrators acquire the privilege to practice. Consequently, they are vulnerable to both personal and...

New Nursing Documentation System Implementation

Introduction The Digital revolution has brought about exciting revolutions in healthcare which has led to the development of systems that can handle each person’s care, give solutions that are based on facts and evidence, and improve medical records storage. With digital evolution, care can be customized using the existing data...

“And of Clay, We Are Created” by Isabel Allende

“And of clay, we are created” by Isabel Allende is a short story that tells the events of a volcanic eruption that led to a mudslide that killed twenty thousand people in Colombia. Isabel Allende is the narrator of the story who watches the incidences unfold from afar. The story...

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Through the Historical Lens

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is deservedly regarded as one of the most essential tragedies in human history. The play is remarkable because it stays relevant and timeless, as evidenced by the fact that it has been staged in theaters all over the globe for more than 400 years. Shakespeare, however, was...

Schizophrenia. Abnormal Psychology

In the assigned video, Cecilia McGough, a mental health activist, shares her perspective on schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) and her own experiences with hallucinations. The presentation covers a number of critical topics, including stigmatization and learning to imitate normal behaviors. The paper’s purpose involves responding to the video by comparing...

Analysis of Ethics, Morals, and Worldview

Introduction The terms ethics and morals are frequently used interchangeably, primarily when used in contexts where an individual’s behavior or the goodness and badness of an action is in question; however, the two terms have different meanings. Ethics can be described as the values an individual uses to interpret whether...

Mental Disorder as a Health Concept

The concept of mental disorder is inextricably linked with the concept of mental health. This is a condition in which a person is a socially useful person, realizes themselves and is able to withstand stressful influences. This term defines not only the psychological state of an individual and their self-perception...

Analysis of Freeman’s Promotion of Junk Food

Introduction In his paper “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”, David H. Freeman puts doubt on foods marketed as ‘healthy and wholesome’. He argues that people who commonly eat junk food should not be enticed to leave them for the purportedly healthier, more readily available foods. Instead, he proposes that...

Media Misinformation About Drug Use

The United States is one of the countries with the strictest policies, rules, and regulations against the peddling and abuse of illicit drugs. Unfortunately, the classification of illicit drugs in the US is largely flawed and influenced by external factors that do not acknowledge individuals’ well-being or benefits. In the...

Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing

Introduction At first, the geographical information system (GIS) refers to a network that establishes, controls, assesses, and maps entire data classifications. On the other hand, remote sensing is the database gathering regarding a phenomenon or an object without making any actual contact with it, compared to on-site or in-situ monitoring...

Religious Foundations of Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny was a turning point in the development of American imperialism and distinguishing specific territory boundaries. Despite a variety of political, economic, and social implications behind it, religious origins were highly prominent in the process of expanding the territory of the United States. Additionally, even though the cruelty of...

Physiology of Stress and Its Effects on Aging Process

Introduction Human life expectancy has continuously increased in the past two centuries, closing in global aging. Multiple losses, such as financial, psychological, personal, health-related, and loss of autonomy, cognition, and functionality, have contributed to the anxiety that comes with advancing years. The cybernetic theory of stress, coping, and well-being holds...

The History of the Christianity Religion

Introduction Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world that is based on the life and the teachings of Jesus Christ, the son of God. It is the largest religion, with a population of over 2.8 billion believers, otherwise known as Christians, spread across the globe (Denova, 2022)....

A Dog Sitting Start-Up’s Budget Considerations

The agency’s mission and history My mission is to provide a service that will be useful to all members of the community. It will be beneficial for both pensioners and housewives or households where both family members work. My work and social activities will contribute to the satisfaction of social...

Hollywood and Bollywood in Today’s Globalized World

The modern globalized space is filled with diversity, contradictions that have developed historically through wars, seizures of power, colonization, and the discovery of new lands. Modern society thrives in industrial and material consumption and informational consumption, which is much more critical. The cultural characteristics of different peoples and territories constantly...

The Era of Reconstruction in the United States

The American Civil War is considered to have ended when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his last troops at Appomattox Court House in Virginia in 1865. This is deemed common knowledge; however, it seems that not enough attention is paid to the times that followed immediately after, the tumultuous...

The Vikings During the Medieval Period

The Vikings constitute a group of people that lived in the northern region of Europe during the Medieval Era (800 until 1066 CE). Initially, they settled in the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They practiced raiding, colonization, conquering and trading across Europe and North America. The Vikings often...

Social Media Addiction: Causes and Effects

Problematic or addictive social media (SM) use and its implications for health have become popular research topics in recent years. SM addiction refers to a type of behavioral addiction characterized by an individual’s excessive concern with SM communication that results in an obsessive desire to check SM feedback in a...

Emoji’s Conceptual and Linguistic Dimensions

Introduction Reconstructing an argument gives the reader the ability to obtain a representation of an argument that is both comprehensive and succinct, intending to facilitate critical analysis of the written material. It entails concentrating solely on the components that make it possible for the reader to achieve both efficacy and...

The “Policy Paradox” Book by Deborah Stone

Values and Conceptions of Problems: Symbols and Numbers In Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making by Deborah Stone, the author creates a model of political reasoning based on beliefs, issues, and pre-conceptions. On to how policy concerns are communicated, says Stone. She argues that various ways to produce...

A Case Study Assignment on Legal Contract

Introduction A binding agreement between parties can be legally enforced if one of the parties violates the terms of the agreement. As a consequence of this, a legally valid contract needs to have several essential components. An offer is present when one party suggests another for a transactional relationship. In...

Impacts of the Usage of Technology

Smartphones, mobile apps, automobiles, and digital media technology have risen rapidly in recent years. They now play a vital role in the daily lives of people of all ages. While modern technology has opened up a world of possibilities, it does not mean people should jump at every one of...

The “Fargo” Film by the Coen Brothers

Fargo is a 1996 film directed and produced by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan. Though it can be ascribed to a number of genres it is primarily a dark comedy. It also shares features of a crime drama and a neo-noir. Fargo excels in combining the morose and horrific...

Child Life Services: Supporting Max’s Needs

Introduction Child Life Services play a pivotal role in fostering a supportive environment for children undergoing medical treatment and their families. This paper will explore the Child Life service needs of a specific patient, a five-year-old boy named Max, diagnosed with leukemia, and his family, based on medical, family, and...

The English School of International Relations: Theory Review

The English school of international relations contributed enormously to the development of the existing theories. The theory observes that a society of states exist at the global arena, even though the system is anarchic. The school tends to suggest that the international system lacks an official government that can oversee...

Psychological Trauma Assessment: Jenny Curran’s Case

Jenny Curran has developed a complex traumatic stress disorder (CTSD) due to traumas obtained in her childhood. Jenny’s alcoholic father physically and sexually abused Jenny and her sisters and as a child, she tended to try to escape from him and used to pray, “Dear God, make me a bird,...

Irish Celebrations Features

Introduction Like every country, Ireland has a rich history of celebrations, holidays, and festivals. While some of them are shared by the whole world, like New Year or Christmas, others are solely Irish peculiarity, like St. Patrick’s Festival, Bloomsday, or the Irish wake. Each holiday has its traditions, which are...

Dyslexia: Overcoming Barriers in Learning

Summary of the Disorder Dyslexia is one of the widespread learning disorders that affect the population on a large scale. According to some estimates, as much as twenty percent of individuals have it in some form or another (Lapkin, 2014). Despite such an impressive presentation and a growing body of...

The American Frontier: Reality and Myth

Introduction The American Frontier is often recognized as the single most popular period in the history of America, especially when it comes to the portrayal in the popular media and, as a result, the recognition in the public consciousness. There are many reasons for that, and different scholars tend to...

Essential Elements of Doctor of Nursing Practice in Healthcare

Introduction Essential VIII proposed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) as a part of its Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials is concerned with advanced nursing practice. It incorporates seven sub-competencies, including those related to health assessment, intervention development, evidence-based practice, and various interpersonal skills (relationship development,...

The Global Financial Crisis Indicators and Risk of a New One

Introduction The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 was the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. The crisis was an extremely complex event the causes of which are still disputed among economic scholars. Academic accounts of the economic disaster are characterized by disparate interpretations and a high level of heterogeneity...