Working at State Office: Strategic Decision Making

I was attached to the Florida State government, treasury department procurement section. This section delivers services across all the state departments such as gender and culture, education and ICT, agriculture, and transport, among many more. Specifically, I was under the department of transport as an assistant procurement clerk. This section is tasked with the state’s infrastructure well-being, tender opening, and evaluation. Buhler (2001) puts a strategic decision as a significant path taken by the top management of an organization which profoundly impacts operations. Tasks such as contract opening and evaluation have been marred by challenges that call for strategic decision making.

During my attachment to the procurement department, I noted a wide array of tasks which needed strategic decision-making, including tender opening dates. These dates are sensitive as various factors need to be considered, including bidders’ availability, among others. Additionally, the setting of tender requirements such as the bill of quantities (BQs) and tax compliance minimums should consider the type of tender on evaluation. Overall, procurement clerks and technicians have sensitive tasks which call for effective decision-making to avoid allegations from bidders and effectively ease the procurement processes.

Another area that needed strategic decision was the monitoring of contractor performance and recommending modifications to the contract. This task calls for loyalty since the officers must give reports that are nothing but the truth on the contractor’s performance. In the same manner, managers do performance appraisals, procurement clerks are supposed to do performance appraisals on the contractor’s account, give recommendations on modifications, and sincerely produce a report to the organization on the progress. Ironside (2014) posits that loyalty generates profit, and hence a sincere report from the procurement clerks and technicians could mean a positive impact to the organization. Loyalty is, therefore, a critical ingredient for the procurement department for the excellent development of corporate projects.

Decisions made appear either as programmed or non-programmed, and the two forms differ significantly. Buhler (2001) notes that programmed decisions are made routinely, while non-programmed choices are unique. An example of a programmed decision within the procurement section was setting BQs determined by material costs and availability of materials. Therefore, the setting of BQs was a routine event that invited judgments from a wide array of procurement members. On the other hand, a non-programmed decision may occur during a tender evaluation when two bidders presented similar BQs on a competitive basis. The decisions taken are unique since the two bidders have identical materials and price quotations seemed inadequate in giving insights.

A rational approach serves right where unique challenges arise seeking innovative resolution. Kourdi (2011) notes that the rational decisions integrate systematic addressing of the issue and identifying all options which can be used to solve the challenge satisfactorily. My supervisor adequately employs a rational approach in various areas including monitoring and evaluation of field projects. For instance, at a time when he was supervising a given project, noted that the supplier had inadequate machinery but advised him to apply for a lease letter requesting machinery supply from a recognized firm. It can, therefore, be seen that rational methodology works well in solving challenges that need prompt solutions.

In conclusion, procurement clerks and technicians working at state offices are tasked with responsibilities which call for strategic decision making. Loyalty is paramount to procurement officers since they are supposed to monitor and recommend modifications of ongoing contracts. They should, therefore, give a sincere report as it will positively impact the organization. A rational approach to problems is significant within the procurement department since some challenges which appear to be unique require innovative solutions.


Buhler, P. M. (2001). Decision-making: A key to successful management. SuperVision, 62(2), 13-15.

Ironside, R. (2014). Qantas warned of ground plans to sell frequent flyer program. The Gold Coast Bulletin. 

Kourdi, J. (2011). BSS: effective decision making: 10 steps to better decision making and problem-solving (1st ed.). Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte Ltd.

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