Public Service: Tackling Discrimination & Inefficiency

Problem Description


The selected organization for this case operates within the public service sector. The firm has been performing dismally within the past two years. The leaders at the firm have taken long to understand the reason why the quality of services has been declining. The leaders in the organization have not been using appropriate strategies to empower their followers. Some workers have been unable to deliver quality client support due to mistreatments and discrimination from their colleagues (Sharma, 2016). This problem has affected the level of productivity at the firm.

Problem Description

As indicated in the introductory part, the targeted firm is no longer making the required impact due the problem of discrimination. This problem arises from the manner in which the concept of diversity is implemented in the organization. Some departmental leaders have failed to offer adequate incentives to promote the concept of inclusivity (Stamarski & Hing, 2015). This is something that is against the model designed for the public service organization. One of the firm’s goals has been to become the best employer through the use of proper incentives and employee empowerment strategies. Unfortunately, some leaders have created an environment that promotes discrimination.

The latest study conducted by the top management has revealed that many workers from minority groups such as Latinos and African Americans have been receiving inadequate support and mentorship. Consequently, the workers have become less committed and unwilling to support the organization’s service delivery model. The workers have been unable to guide and provide adequate services to the firm’s clients. Different clients have presented their grievances to the customer service department (Sharma, 2016). The problem has worsened since some workers from minority racial groups have been opting to leave their positions. The good thing is that the managers at the firm are aware of the problem. The implementation of a powerful change model will transform the situation, empower more workers, and restore the firm’s image.

Collaboration and Communication Techniques

The current problem in the organization has been catalyzed by gaps in collaboration and communication. For instance, the leaders have not been empowering and guiding their followers effectively. Diversity is usually embraced by companies in order to create cohesive teams (Sharma, 2016). However, the leaders have ignored this concept in an attempt to take the firm to the next level. Some leaders have gone further to ignore the welfare of different workers simply because they are from specific cultural groups (Stamarski & Hing, 2015). The scenario has created an environment whereby both effective collaboration and communication are missing.

The occurrence of discrimination has disoriented various channels of communication in the organization. The affected workers have become less responsive to the needs of the targeted people. The workers have been finding it impossible to ask for guidance, resources, or support from their leaders. Consequently, the concepts of teamwork and collaboration have lost meaning in the firm. Without effective leadership, it becomes impossible for an organization to promote desirable practices such as communication and collaboration (Combs & Milosevic, 2016). Consequently, the institution’s reputation has been affected significantly.

A functional organization is usually characterized by positive leader-follower partnerships or relationships. Similar relationships are usually established between workers and clients. With the increasing level of discrimination, the issue of diversity has lost meaning at the organization. This weakness has led to strained partnerships, alliances, and partnerships (Sharma, 2016). The current situation has forced the top management to come up with evidence-based strategies to alter the situation.

Analysis of the Problem

Background of the Problem

Discrimination occurs in an organization when the concept of diversity is applied or interpreted negatively. The situation encountered in the targeted organization has been caused by the absence of appropriate measures to promote diversity and teamwork. Foma (2014) believes strongly that diversity is a powerful strategy that can be embraced in a firm to bring people together and streamline the decision-making process. The inclusion of different people in different terms will result in cultural competence (Sharma, 2016). A study conducted by Combs and Milosevic (2016) showed conclusively that cultural competencies were essential because they guided people to work together and meet the needs of more clients from diverse backgrounds. From an ethical perspective, employees should be willing to support one another and avoid specific malpractices that can have a negative effect on performance. Leaders should combine their cultural competencies and ethical skills to enhance diversity (Sharma, 2016). When such measures are taken into consideration, it becomes easier to deliver high-quality services.

The absence of cultural competencies and ethics disorients organizational efficiency. The targeted followers find it hard to collaborate and deliver exemplary services to their clients (Brezigar, 2015). With ineffective leadership, the targeted workers find it hard to implement evidence-based practices such as teamwork, collaboration, and cohesion. The affected workers become disoriented and incapable of providing exemplary services. This situation can make it impossible for more people to offer quality support to the targeted beneficiaries. The situation is usually worse in the public sector. The workers begin to disrespect (or ignore) clients from different cultural backgrounds. These aspects explain why the targeted organization has found it hard to offer desirable services.

Implications of the Problem

The diversity challenge explains why the firm is unable to deliver desirable services. The problem has affected different stakeholders negatively. For instance, the leaders have failed to guide and mentor their followers to promote the concept of diversity. This scenario has catalyzed unethical practices such as conflict, disrespect, prejudice, and ineffective communication. The occurrence of such malpractices has also affected the targeted clients (Brezigar, 2015). A worker who is unhappy with the working environment will find it hard to support the organization’s service delivery model. Consequently, most of the beneficiaries have received undesirable services. The community that should be served by the public service organization has been affected significantly.

The existence of this problem explains why most of the workers are unable to establish desirable partnerships. The workers are unable to communicate effectively with one another and make appropriate decisions that can be used to improve the quality of services available to the population. The top leadership has been forced to consider new initiatives that can be used to improve the situation. Past studies have indicated clearly that the absence of teamwork and collaboration in a workforce affects service delivery (Brezigar, 2015). The same issue is applicable in a wide range of business firms. Foma (2014) argues that Kurt Lewin’s model can be adopted to promote diversity and address certain problems such as discrimination in a given institution. This concept should therefore be implemented in the public service organization to ensure quality services are available to more persons.


Brezigar, S. (2015). Critical reflections on managing cultural diversity in workplace in Slovenia. Andragoaka Apoznanja, 21(4), 69-82. Web.

Combs, G., & Milosevic, I. (2016). Workplace discrimination and the wellbeing of minority women: Overview, prospects, and implications. Handbook on Well-Being of Working Women, 1(1), 17-31. Web.

Foma, E. (2014). Impact of workplace diversity. Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research, 3(1), 382-390. Web.

Sharma, A. (2016). Managing diversity and equality in the workplace. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1-14. Web.

Stamarski, C., & Hing, L. (2015). Gender inequalities in the workplace: The effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision makers’ sexism. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(1), 1-19. Web.

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