World War I (WWI) Effects On American Society

World War I (WWI) had a lot of effects on a number of countries since some of them had put in a lot of resources in the war which led to these countries experiencing a severe economic recession after the war. When the war began, both Germany and Britain interfered with trade between these countries and the US thereby affecting America’s affairs. According to Tucker and Roberts (2005, p. 1201), the war occurred as a result of factors like militarism, yellow journalism, systems of alliance, imperialism and nationalism; America was strengthened by the war to global power and industrial leader.

The war became a unifying factor in the community since people had united together during the war for a common goal of winning as a nation. This even helped do away with a lot of the social classes that had earlier on existed. It also gave women a chance to be recognized as an important part of society as well as transforming them from home workers to employees in industries and several sectors of the economy. It was also after this war that the women were able to fight for the right to vote which they won. The war also saw many workers being granted massive rights. The war also brought some changes to the American culture; this is because the military men from other countries took with them their culture into America, and so did the slaves who were being brought in from other regions to take part in the war (Jay, 2004).

The immigration of people into America, progressivism and WWI have all been major factors in shaping up American history and they have also succeeded in making America the superpower it is today. Immigration has highly increased the American workforce as well as diversified its culture and this has also been a great growth stimulant. Progressivism has mainly been brought in America by its presidents who have been able to expand the US’s influence internationally.

World war brought into America new cultural practices, it became a stimulant for trade since America was non-partisan but only got in to attack Germany that in retaliation, and it also brought into the country a unifying spirit which has greatly contributed to the country’s economic success. In addition, the war brought about many vacant positions that gave women an opportunity to fill. Indeed Tucker and Roberts (2005, p. 1208) claim that women entered the workforce in droves to fill positions in railway and truck areas.


Jay, J. (2004). Social, Political and Economic Effects of WW1. Web.

Tucker, S. and Roberts, M. (2005). Encyclopedia of World War I. Volume 2. Oxford, ABC-CLIO publishers.

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